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Is there a scientific explanation for these two Near Death Experiences?

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posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by MentorsRiddle

'___' is a chemical that allows the brain to hallucinate, sometimes causing a person to see things that would be deemed supernatural – but it is still a hallucination and should not, in my opinion, be considered viable proof or evidence for an afterlife….

However, when the brain is dead and has nothing to process – '___' is not, like another user stated, a good explanation for supernatural experience. Even the neurosurgeons do not have a rational explanation for the first woman’s experiences. So does that stand to reason that another explanation may be in order?


The only rational explanation is that she was indeed out of her body, and experiencing a realm that we do not experience while in this form.

Which is, precisely, what '___' does.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by john_bmth
reply to post by Brad-H

Quantum physics says nothing of the sort. Please stop misrepresenting science to support new age bunkum.

It does. But scientists don't come out with what their findings imply or mean. That is the part they avoid. For example there is evidence of the holographic universe, and the stars have all the elements for all the planets in their systems. Studies of comets up close disproved conventional thought on them but every prediction was accurately made ahead of time concerning what they would encounter, by the Electric Universe theorists. Comets arent dirty snowballs, are not only dry rock but cleaner, due to electronic cleansing, than meteors. Oceans come from stars. And holograms ARE ALL CONSTRUCTS, CREATIONS, and they take light sources to erect. Ours are stars, the ones that give all the photons and elements to their systems. Go figure!

Science has a lot of answers, but they don't draw conclusions. But if you think about anything they've discovered its hard to maintain materialism, especially since it doesnt really exist, there is only waves of condensed energy and alot of space, infinite energy and infinite space. You have to collapse the wave to get particles.

Quantum physics and science, for the deep thinker, DOES imply metaphysics.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by posthuman
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

Umm who are you to say what effects '___' will and will not produce? I've heard various anecdotes where a person's sight (mind's eye only) was restored/created for the duration of the '___' experience.
'___''s interaction with our nervous system and consciousness in general is not understood and for that reason I fail to see how a lack of brainwaves could disprove my theory.

It's implicit in the subjective effects of '___' that a physical vessel with an electric current is not an inherent necessity for the experience.
I'm aware that '___' is a physical compound and it seems illogical that its effects would be apparent in a metaphysical environment, however the experience itself would suggest that it is the '___' that FACILITATES this metaphysical state, and given how little science has to say about the effects of '___' in general...

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

The testimony of the patients. In the '___' studies the patients reported feeling distortions, they felt stoned, they saw their limbs elongated, they were not all out of body either. I read these results years ago.

NDE's have unexplainable things, blind seeing, shoes on roofs discovered, feel super aware, super consciousness, more aware and conscious than at any other time of their lives, no sense of distortion, more real than here, not wishing to come back often. Clarity.

So while they're alike in some ways, they're not identical.
edit on 25-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by posthuman
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

Umm who are you to say what effects '___' will and will not produce? I've heard various anecdotes where a person's sight (mind's eye only) was restored/created for the duration of the '___' experience.
'___''s interaction with our nervous system and consciousness in general is not understood and for that reason I fail to see how a lack of brainwaves could disprove my theory.

It's implicit in the subjective effects of '___' that a physical vessel with an electric current is not an inherent necessity for the experience.
I'm aware that '___' is a physical compound and it seems illogical that its effects would be apparent in a metaphysical environment, however the experience itself would suggest that it is the '___' that FACILITATES this metaphysical state, and given how little science has to say about the effects of '___' in general...

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

The testimony of the patients. In the '___' studies the patients reported feeling distortions, they felt stoned, they saw their limbs elongated, they were not all out of body either. I read these results years ago.

NDE's have unexplainable things, blind seeing, shoes on roofs discovered, feel super aware, super consciousness, more aware and conscious than at any other time of their lives, no sense of distortion, more real than here, not wishing to come back often. Clarity.

So while they're alike in some ways, they're not identical.
edit on 25-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Actually, a breakthrough dose of N,N '___' (far less than what is theorised to be released by the body during stressful, or ND experiences (as well as it's stronger counterpart, 5-MEO-'___')) causes a complete release from the body (this is its main effect, no less) as well as "feel super aware, super consciousness, more aware and conscious than at any other time of their lives, no sense of distortion, more real than here, not wishing to come back often. Clarity."

I _know_ this, but if you would like to do more research, a book called '___': the spirit molecule (Authored by Rick Strassman (phd)) is availible for a free read via google on the shroomery. The book outlines trials performed in the 1990s from start to finish with very in depth testimony from the patients.

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

Edit - can you please link to these studies? They don't sound very scientific if the people conducting them did not even ascertain what a breakthrough dose was before they began the trials.
edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:55 PM
first off i'm still athiest but I do wonder as what had happened to me defied what I understood to be true
as someone who has died in hospital, I believe her. the part where she sees and hears the doctors is what gets me.
The same thing happened to me and I could hear the heart monitor's last beep as I 'floated" into the ceiling.
It was intensely cold, like nothing I could have ever imagined. I woke up the next day in a different hospital what felt like moments later.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by posthuman

Its still distortions. I've watched alot on it, and Terrence McKenna too. The thing about people seeking the unnatural methods, just always remember its about a frequency match, like unto like. The every best thing is to seek/pray/sungaze when its safe, dawn or sunset, or get some in the side of your eyes, tilting your head up, the rest of the time, meditate, seeking always self improvement, more helping others, more compassion, trying to work out all faults, or blocks to finding ways to help people more. When you reach to purify your love, its a good frequency match. I dont recommend taking anything, except stuff for medicines/illness, immune. We don't need it. Sungazing increases your pineal.

Clarity is still altered in NDE's because you're not tied to your body in the same way, though its still not as a real death.

My son had an nde, he stood outside his body very ill, knowing he had heart failure, and was given a choice. When he returned to his body, he was 100% healed, no more illness. He'd spent days very ill. Though it was night time, he said it was like noon day, sunlight/daylight, and his senses were enhanced.
Christ and the Crystaline Structure of the Pineal?

I havn't finished with this one yet, but I'm waiting for inspiration. The pinecone is a symbol, all around the world, even in the vatican, though the one they show is green, undeveloped.

Its more than the '___', its the Frequency. We're to perfect ourselves, our love and use the gifts we have to help and serve others, and care about those in need. Nothing in this world even matters, nothing in it, but for the Love between people,that is it, the Light/Love frequency.

I've been watching a few other nde videos, and all I can say, is I can feel the Light Turned On In Them, and when they spoke of their experiences, felt like I was experiencing it too and broke into tears with such a strong longing. Its all about Love and progressing in our abilities to overcome difficulities, find peace and nonjudgment in them, and try to turn them around by helping others.

Yeshua said, that we could do greater things than he even, so we're to walk in his footsteps. The pineal is a part of Christed ones, but it takes more than '___' experiences, we only get a frequency match, so its really about Love, and perfecting it, inner pushes, inner nudges.
edit on 26-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:38 AM

Near Death Experience, Lifted Up Into Perfect Body

She has a wonderful spirit and light that shines out of her, and it seemed she was in a different healing place, near the end of her experience, that is what I sensed, for there are many houses, in paradise, or rather many experiences of paradises, infinite layers.

Near-Death Experience - Aftereffects Changed My Life

edit on 26-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Is there a scientific explanation for these two Near Death Experiences?,

Yes, it's call psychology. Human life experiences and preprogrammed belief system running unchecked.

Navy SEAL study reveals an average human speaks between 300 and 1,000 words to themselves per minute, and they are trying to find a way to minimize that for the men to apply greater focus to the mission at hand.

You can probably recall quick REM dreams you've had nodding out on the couch that played a myriad of scenarios until you suddenly awoke next to your wife and she said you just nodded out for a couple of seconds. I know I can.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by posthuman

Its still distortions. I've watched alot on it, and Terrence McKenna too. The thing about people seeking the unnatural methods, just always remember its about a frequency match, like unto like. The every best thing is to seek/pray/sungaze when its safe, dawn or sunset, or get some in the side of your eyes, tilting your head up, the rest of the time, meditate, seeking always self improvement, more helping others, more compassion, trying to work out all faults, or blocks to finding ways to help people more. When you reach to purify your love, its a good frequency match. I dont recommend taking anything, except stuff for medicines/illness, immune. We don't need it. Sungazing increases your pineal.

Yes sun gazing increased the amount of MELATONIN produced by your pineal, melatonin is a close analogue of '___' by the way. It is not "still distortions", that's so broad it's not even an argument. You have not provided links to the studies you referred to nor have you even commented on the book I suggested which deals with, and presents some very convincing evidence for '___' being the direct cause of near death experiences (the kind in the videos).
Until you can actually refute my claims which, if true (they are), my explanation is both the most rational and anecdotally/scientifically supported hypothesis here.
edit on 27-7-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

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