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Cops and your CCW

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+12 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:03 AM
I'm sure most are aware of the Philadelphia PD's official position to harass anyone they see lawfully carrying until people stop carrying. If not: Link

Here's another nice one from Ohio earlier this month:

William exited the vehicle with his driver's license in the same hand as his concealed handgun license. He held it up for the officer to see, and the officer said, "Why are you having that?" This gave William the opportunity to say, "I have a CCW, and..." The officer then said, "Do you have a gun?" William answered yes, causing the officer to grab it from William's waist.

At this point, William was handcuffed and put into the police cruiser. The officer then started to berate William, stating: "I should blast you in the mouth right now ... I'm close to caving in your head." and "you're just a stupid human being!"

Not only brave but professional as well. Throw that officer a parade.

I live in a state that has always had very liberal gun laws and occasionally somebody carrying openly will be stopped or someone carrying concealed will be unjustly detained but every time the end result has been police training, higher ups calling out the harassing officers and the carrying citizen just sent on their way.

I guess in these states where carry is relatively new or cops just arent getting memos for whatever reason we can expect to see more of this BS until departments get with the program. Not every human being you see is a criminal.

This cops conduct is allegedly under review but the ridiculous charge is still stuck on the poor guy.
Cops, stop with this "charge'm with anything" bull. It doesnt make your bad behavior look any less bad. Quite the opposite actually. Like you knew you did wrong and now you're pathetically trying to justify it.

I wonder why people get the "us vs. them" notion in their heads? He's only saying what he feels about "us":

...people like you don't deserve to @#$%#$ move throughout public. Period!...

Blatant and proud admission of being a psychopath:

I tell you what I should done. As soon as I saw your gun I shoulda taken two steps back, pulled my glock 40, and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop.

And I wouldnt have lost any sleep. Do you understand me?

Now who feel safe with him protecting us? Can I see some hands?
edit on 21-7-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:17 AM
Here in Virginia you are not required to notify the police that you have a CCW or that you are armed.

I learned the hard way that I'll never voluntarily notify again. If directly asked you most notify.

Some of the Cowboy LEO's behave just like the ones mentioned in the OP. Usually the young ones are the worst. And most don't know the law's.

I would suggest that you know if you must notify in your state. If you don't have to don't. Volunteering can cause a problem where none should exist.

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:19 AM
Perfect example of a cop whose way too comfortable with his job to do it properly. If he didn't feel like such an untouchable tough guy he would have done his job properly, safely and would've known what was going on.

Funny how he acts like a tough guy with someone who was absolutely no threat to him. The guys without the license are the one you need to worry about because they''re the ones that kill you, not the responsable people whose legal gun can tie you to the actual crime via ballistic fingerprint.

This cop is a perfect example of why people hate and murder cops. It's the attitude if a typical dick cop.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by VAPatriot

Overall the less information you offer them the better off you are. Doesnt matter what it is.

That's one thing I've learned from the ACLU. Simple 'yes', 'no', 'am I free to go' and 'I do not consent to a search.'

Trying to be helpful, polite, or otherwise behaving like a reasonable human being will just get you tortured.

Where information is required by law is another story though.

Know what info is required in your state and never give any more than that.

It's not up to you to answer "do you know why I pulled you over?" It's up to him to have a justifiable reason for pulling you over. Don't incriminate yourself with an answer. Any answer.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by VAPatriot
Here in Virginia you are not required to notify the police that you have a CCW or that you are armed.

==EDIT OUT== I've been pulled over more times than I care to admit and have never had any trouble with the law after telling them I am carrying.

As far as story, cop is tool that clearly has some serious issues. He should seek treatment and lose his right to carry until cleared by an appropirate psychiatric authority.
edit on 21/7/2011 by SportyMB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by VAPatriot

Overall the less information you offer them the better off you are. Doesnt matter what it is.

That's one thing I've learned from the ACLU. Simple 'yes', 'no', 'am I free to go' and 'I do not consent to a search.'

Trying to be helpful, polite, or otherwise behaving like a reasonable human being will just get you tortured.

Where information is required by law is another story though.

Know what info is required in your state and never give any more than that.

It's not up to you to answer "do you know why I pulled you over?" It's up to him to have a justifiable reason for pulling you over. Don't incriminate yourself with an answer. Any answer.

"Anything you say can and WILL be used against you." Shut the Hell up.

Also, It is not illegal for cop's to lie to you but it is illegal for you to lie to the cops. They can and will lie. Shut up, don't give them anyhing to work with. You can talk in court if needed. On the side of the road the cop is never wrong.
edit on 21-7-2011 by VAPatriot because: to add

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by SportyMB

I see you read the law again.

VA State Police

Carry and Notification Requirements

The person to whom the permit is issued shall have such permit on his person at all times when he or she is carrying a concealed handgun in the Commonwealth and shall display the permit on demand by a law-enforcement officer. The person shall also present, upon request, a valid photo-identification issued by a government agency or by the United States Department of Defense or United States State Department.

edit on 21-7-2011 by VAPatriot because: added link

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by VAPatriot

Yes, I edited my post because you were correct in that you don't have to proactively inform an officer that you're carrying, but if they ask you have to show.

In Virginia, I've always found it better to be upfront while carrying. But, who knows, maybe I give off good vibes or something.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:06 AM
From the source linked in the OP..

After Fiorino released the audiotape, he was charged with disorderly conduct and reckless endangerment. He now faces up to two years in prison.

Wouldn't this be malicious prosecution? It seems like its just punishment for releasing the tape and making the police look bad.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by SportyMB

You have been lucky.

I have had mostly good encounters also but, one bad one has changed the way I do things.

Actually, the one bad encounter resulted in re-training for the entire Sheriff's office. So, It was worth it I guess.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Frogs

Sure it is. Doesnt stop them from trying. They need to charge (threaten) you with anything they can in a pathetic effort to save face with their own actions.

There's a clear pattern.

Cop goes nuts.
Somebody releases tape of it.
Cop get's defensive and protective and tacks on charges.
Makes cop look even more ridiculous.
Charges get dropped.
City has to pay stupidity fine in the tens of thousands.
Cop goes through cartoon disciplinary actions amounting to nothing of consequence.


What gets me is how often this is done. Like none of them are aware that it hasnt worked out so well for the other depts? Heads firmly lodged in the sand I guess. None of them are up on current events?

I hope municipalities have some sort of liability insurance that helps with paying out these settlements. Otherwise taxpayers should be pretty ticked off everytime some nut blows a gasket and they lose $30,000-$300,000 dollars.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

If the DA wanted to really press the issue could the CCW holder be charged with a felony because he was carrying a gun while commiting a crime? Assuming that was a pimp 'n hoe he was picking up.

He should get the police dept. to drop the current charges, get back his CCW and leave it at that. I wouldn't push it if I were him -- the whole pimps 'n hoes thing might come back to get 'em.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by VAPatriot

Actually, the one bad encounter resulted in re-training for the entire Sheriff's office. So, It was worth it I guess.

We've had a few of those in this state. Usually in the more urban departments. Some transplant cop just assumed a gun on a hip was cause enough to harass, detain, lock up and the entire department had to go through "rights" training.

Somebody is taking things for granted. Either the higher ups are assuming the lowers know the difference between a crime and a non-crime or the lowers are just assuming anything they dont personally approve of must be a crime.

Probably both.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:27 AM
That cop has no business wearing a uniform. He's a disgrace to the uniform. There are plenty of good cops doing their jobs and this cop is one of the bad apples that give all cops a bad rep.

Here in Indiana, our license allows us to open-carry and conceal-carry. We can carry however we see fit. I always conceal-carry though, so as not to be harassed for open-carrying. We are also not required to inform officers that we are carrying (unless asked), but it is "recommended".

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
That cop has no business wearing a uniform. He's a disgrace to the uniform. There are plenty of good cops doing their jobs and this cop is one of the bad apples that give all cops a bad rep.

Dont forget his partner who not only stood by while he ranted like a homicidal lunatic but periodically joined in for a jab here and there.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:38 AM
My home state is AZ. They have always had legal open carry but required a CCW to carry concealed until recently. Now you may carry your weapon any way you choose without licensing. I think it's great. I really never had any trouble with carrying a weapon there. It is actually pretty common to see folks carrying a firearm so cops are used to it.

Where I am now, SC, they have no open carry and require a CCW to carry a weapon at all. I think this is pretty much circumventing our 2nd ammendment. It is total BS.

As far as a CCW, I refused to get one when they were still in use in AZ, and I refuse to get one in SC. This is my form of protest. I don't feel the need to inform the government that I intend to carry a firearm. I don't need a freaking license to exercise my rights. I understand the risks if I choose to carry but the right thing to do isn't always easy I guess.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Dont forget his partner who not only stood by while he ranted like a homicidal lunatic but periodically joined in for a jab here and there.

I didn't hear the partner threaten to execute someone for legally and lawfully carrying a gun.

Where I work, management is trained to distinguish anger from rage. Rage can get someone injured or killed on the job. This officer wasn't just angry, he was enraged. He let his rage get the best of him and blinded him to procedure. His rage made him threaten to execute a law-abiding and legally carrying citizen for no reason what-so-ever. That officer has no business being in the possession of a weapon, and no business wearing a uniform. At minimum, he needs to attend anger-management classes.

If that officer had threatened to execute me and talked to me like that, he wouldn't have a job anymore. As far as I'm concerned, no police officer should be allowed to threaten to execute someone out of blind rage and remain on the job.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:52 AM
Why is it that people who should NEVER be allowed the authority of Police officers seem to make up the majority of the Police Force.

There is no way in hell this abusive, aggressive, idiot should ever have been able to become a Police Officer.

It's disgusting.

You worry about martial law? How would it be any different to that?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Cops should be tested for roid use and prosecuted aggressively for it (including immediately losing their jobs).

There has been a huge uptick in cops "juicing" (using steroids) lately, and this is a very clear example of a "roid-rage".

It is either going to take internal enforcement of these lunatic cops, or external executions of the lunatic cops to change things around. I am hoping the departments handle it internally before us citizens have to take up arms and eliminate the problem ourselves.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Malcram

They do put candidates through rigorous psychological screening. Something that's always brought up by cop defenders.

I suppose we have to assume that either this one slipped through the cracks or that this officers traits are not viewed as problems. Either way we have a flawed screening process or a flawed institution recruiting lunatics.

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