posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:05 AM
After reading this entire thread...
here are some things that I've found that may (or may not) be relevant/important, that I have yet to see mentioned.
I think there is definitely something to the theory that 3-8-11 has to do with the passages in 1 Samuel 3:8.
That being said, I don't think the intent is specifically religious- but philosophical/socio-political.
One of the first things I did when I heard about this was a google search for "belle m"
And one of the more prevalent results that came up had to do with "Belle M Wagner" and the book she scribed called "Within the Temple of Isis"
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find out much more about this woman other than her connection with the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (a
masonic/illuminati occult):
WIKI for Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor
Within the Temple of Isis
More Info About the Brotherhood
While searching for information regarding the Egyptian goddess Isis, I came across this interesting thread on Godlikeproductions:
Like I noted before, these are just ideas I'm throwing out there that may have everything, or absolutely nothing to do with this- just a different
perspective on all this...
I haven't seen anyone refer to this blog either,
Terribly Good Stuff
He's got some interesting info.
Including this (supposedly someone went to the Houston address associated with the 8-3-11 site...):
Happy hunting kiddos