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What are the chances of so many coincidences in Deep Impact?

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:19 AM
Unfortunately I believe I would be the first to label border line insane any who honestly believe the creators of an american movie were trying to do anything other than make money using a burnt out idea.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:33 AM
Video no longer available. Please edit OP.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Now thats something I know that you dont know....hehehe. Cold War is/was a veil for the spending of building underground/moon/mars DUMBS / respective space programs, by BOTH countries....and those little green men.

and with that idiotic matter of fat statment I rest my case. Enjoy your ignorant snipe hunting expedition.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Finally, at the end of the movie, Morgan Freeman states that the waters reached as far inland as the Ohio and Tennessee valleys



And MainLineThis...Thanks, I did

Peace and Namaste, how does my bait taste? Obviously pretty good, I caught a fatty.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I read the thing about the Cold War...oops

edit on 21-7-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:34 AM
Another "coincidental" parallel from real life to the movie.

In the movie a reporter had the story and was told to sit on it for a few days so the President could control the spin.

If anyone would have this story it would have been News of the World. I can't beleive Rupert Murdoch shut down this cash cow of a company without even trying to fight for it. You don't cut off your arm if you have a hangnail - unless you know your going to lose the arm soon anyway? Maybe someone at News of the World hacked into a phone that had some real bad stuff on it and Murdock is cooperating with the rest of his TPTB buddies in supressing the story until the time is right. I wonder if News of the World ever ran any Elenin stories and who was working on them?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Signals

people need to stop thinking hollywood and film directors have some sort of inside knowledge of whats to come and make films about it leaving us hints and clues.

"hey mr jackson, mr lucas and mr spielburg...we the US government will let you in on some top secret information about earths future that NOBODY is allowed to know about...but only if you put it into your films and drop hints about it for the people who we dont want knowing to try and figure out."

what a load of crock man grow sure something bigs on the horizon right now but im not looking at hollywood for the answers...paranoya at its best

edit on 21-7-2011 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Signals

watched it last night, been a long time, another "message" can be found on the bus LEO is riding on, many times in the bus riding sequence, a shot of the back of the bus is seen sporting a "Unit: E" label on the back. Well, that's obvious, the message: "unitE"

ELE, extinction level event, NIN (nine inch nails used on the "Messiah")


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Escrotumus

new upload yesterday at:

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:14 AM
There is a lot in comon, the last time I saw this movie was in the theatre when I was 11. I can't remember what happens so I'm going to re-watch it soon. THanks for posting this

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by LightAssassin


I've always had a problem with this map. In order to submerge that much land, you would have to add water to the planet (such as the complete melting of all ice caps) to raise the water level high enough to cover the land. And removing the land (like a canyon suddenly opening up) would cause the global water levels to actually drop as it evens out around the world. However, adding land mass could cause the seas to rise, but theoretically, the remains of a comet after impact would compensate for the ejected/dissolved planetary matter.

See the classic “ice cubes in water” example for explanation. Remove an ice cube (land) – water goes down. Add an ice cube – water goes up

So, unless the impacting object is comprised mostly of ice, the actual likelihood of this scenario playing out is rather far-fetched.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by etombo

There is no such thing as a coincidence
edit on 21-7-2011 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:10 AM
In the Wormhole series with Morgan Freeman does he not use Quantum Mechanics to describe how consciousness works and how our emotions collectively know BEFORE an emotional event happens, like with 9/11?

We are wonderful creatures of spirit too..... this should not be forgotten.

We are all connected on levels we do not understand with our limited senses. To say the movies are not connected is not a statement that can be defined either way (true or false). I lean towards the fact that we have a Government who does not tell us everything and maybe half of what they do know.....we know. We are not one person.....we are a MASS of people who will allow fear to take over and the killing of the mass's would take over. People cannot handle the truth.

The ones of us on sites like this one...most of us I think CAN handle the truth. Its threads such as this one that do make me wonder though. If we were informed of a tragedy that will turn this world as we know it upside down and millions would perish...what would our society do? This thought should be pondered on.

With that said, for the ones who believe Jesus will come do you think our world would be if and when this man comes back? Who would believe? What if Revelations does indeed portray in exact detail this second coming? If it describes accurately things to come...if this were to happen in our lifetime with this current would we as a whole react?

So....I can't really blame the leaders as I do not understand where they are with their knowledge at hand. I have a feeling they know much do I judge something I have no knowledge of? I can't.

I also have no idea what is in our Solar System if anything that is causing Earth climate changes. There may be multiple issues going on.....if at all.

For the ones who don't think this can be more than a coincidence...I tell you this....

If our brains can conceive an can happen.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by amaster

The object could be ice. That is conceivable.

From the end of the Oligocene, and notably during the Early Miocene, the Earth entered a new phase of dynamo-tectonic unrest, and sea-level once more began to rise. An overall longer-term transgression was interrupted by a couple of sharp regressive events before a more substantial sea retreat occurred around 7-8 million years ago

According to Wrench Tectonics, sea-level variation is a direct consequence of ongoing Earth degassing with the attendant build-up of hydrostatic pressure in the upper mantle – causing oceanic crustal elevation and related transgression over lower-standing continental regions – intermittently punctuated by outbursts of pressurized asthenospheric gasses and gas-driven magma. On the North Atlantic continents, the mid-Miocene regressive events correlate with the origin of the Columbia River Basalt and with the Ries and Steinheim craters of S Germany – all having ages around 15 million years old. In the North Atlantic, the mid-Miocene tectono-magmatic event(s) affected broader regions of the ocean, including the Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands, Madeira, the Azores and Iceland – involving the onset of Neogene volcanism in these regions.For the Macaronesian insular region (Canary Islands, Azores, etc) pre-volcanic tectonic uplifts, to heights of 400-500 m above sea level, are well established
(Mitchell-Thomé, 1976), and Neogene volcanic/intrusive activity is widespread elsewhere in the
Central Atlantic (cf Storetvedt, 1997).
In the Wrench Tectonics explanation, the principal mechanism behind the pulsating Earth history is
vertical mass transport and mantle/crust exchange processes – causing alterations in the planet’s
moment of inertia. Hence, the mid-Miocene Earth underwent a period of inertial instability after
which the relative equator was located across central Sahara and southern Arabian Peninsula
(Storetvedt, 1997 & 2003). The geological effects of such a dynamical shift can be recognized as
tectonic discordances and/or magmatic horizons – notably in palaeo-equatorial regions, features that
for example are readily spotted in the Neogene sedimentary succession of the Sinai Peninsula. In the
mid-Miocene latitudinal frame, the sub-tropical setting of the Mediterranean region is supported by
surprisingly shallow palaeomagnetic inclinations (e.g. Atzemoglou et al., 1994), and the attendant
heating trend proceeding northward in Europe is demonstrated by the mid-Miocene temperature peak
in North Sea sediments

The above quotes were taken off of a 170 page of papers from this site.... pg. 41 and 42

In regards to "New Concepts in Global Tectonics" Newsletter issued in June. These are new theories being presented as the old theories do not correlate with the knowledge at hand.

So you see......Sea's can rise without something (object) "impacting".

Also, this looks like the Navy map for the future of North America and also the map Edgar Cayce it is again conceivable that our evolving Planet will indeed make changes as it has since the beginning of time as we know it....just a matter of when.

That "when" could be upon us today. Look around at what is going on with other Countries, our Solar System, Land mass changes, Atmospheric changes, Oceanic changes (temp included), Volcanic activity, and is worth pondering and researching imho.
edit on 21-7-2011 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by sundaysnack

Those words you have written sound scientific, but in reality mean nothing. Nothing happens when planets/moons/comets etc align; gravity does not magically multiply to cause untold devastation

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:49 PM
The ones that are awake...see what going on...
most of the movies in the past 20 years ...about doom have many were we are at today.
my theory is someone/tptb...know and have known for a long if they went forward in time as we know it
to a point ...the end to a new beginning ...cycle that we have done for ages...pass the info down and keep it for them self' we progress in time they let info out slowly teaching a baby to walk...if we try to teach it to fly a plane at one just wont forward to today 2000+....are we ready for the next step...who knows
will something happen on a E.L.E.event...yes 100%...when ...?...only our teachers know for sure...It has happened in the past ....the evidence is here on earth.....the great pyramids were built to last...they wanted to send a message to the future its been a time capsule for thousands of years....but we the slaves don't get to know what....
with that said .....I`ve been on the planet for 50 years...i see most of the smart people (TPTB) do nothing but trash this planet for there greed and for a brick wall....

we are traveling on this rock earth at around 100,000 mph im sure we will run into something or it will hit us...
Bring it on....time for a change

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by coyotepoet

You are right on timing, but this was a different time. the 90s up to 9/11 were focused on the economy. WTC was Americas representation of economic monoliths. That's why the towers look like that. They are unmovable rocks marking economic superiority. That's why they were targets. Bringing them down marked the end of that monolithic presence. That's why the show would target them in an economic conscious society.

Hey, btw, now that we live in a far more political society, DC getting blown up is very popular. Video games like Fallout and tv shows like Jericho all dealing with DC and political capitals getting blown up.

It's coincidence because it's what the society focuses on.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Griffo

This is simply an old be exact there are quite many who differ and theories of old are being replaced with newer theories. The fact that all of us are connected on a conscious level and the fact the Planets (Solar System) are connected to Earth are more plausible than ever before and are being taken much more seriously than you may think....especially after the Japan Earthquake.

Please research this for yourself and in doing so you will find what I am telling you is true. Otherwise I will pull links for you to investigate.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Escrotumus
Video no longer available. Please edit OP.

Couple pages back someone posted another good link, you can't edit an OP after a certain amt. Of time...

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Indecent
Just prepare, otherwise your days visiting this website are going from less to never....

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Signals

There are a lot of people saying nothing is at hand, we are all crazy.

This is a FACT:

NASA can not calculate the mass of ELEnin, because this comet have not affected other planets orbits. (that's the only way to claculate the mass, like sudoku on planet's orbits to determine each others mass.)

Knowing the mass, they can calculate the orbit. For they know the mass of the sun.
But, because they don't know the mass....they can't calculate the orbit of Elenin. They can only estimate based on the previous observations. But they can not exactly calculate how ELEnin wil turn arround the sun.....and head back.

And that part of ELEnin's orbit, is where ELEnin meets Earth.


NASA does not know if ELEnin is going to hit our planet or not. They will start observing with the radio telescope of 300 meters! wide (largest in the world) from 27th september (alignment Earth-Elenin-Sun) until 10th november 2011.

But how does Hollywood know?.....My guess is: Hollywood does anything for maney and fame. Even sell their soul to the devil (or alien, if you want to call them that).

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