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Originally posted by SaturnFX
Biologically speaking, what would be the advantage of having 3 eyes
you need just 2 for depth perception, 3 is a odd number...would take more energy to accomplish nothing...evolution likes symmetry.
I am skeptical of the story, not because its aliens or whatnot, but because biologically it doesn't make sense...odd numbered things don't do too well in nature.
Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by TinkererJim
If they looked human its probably fake. Or they were simply adding memories to his mind. Because aliens won't be human nor human looking. In addition, scientists are pretty smart with what plants would look like under different stars. Unless the star was a different color than our own, the reddish hue makes absolutely no sense.
嘉靖七年夏五月初三 (公元1528年),有客星出,由东南飞向西北,明亮如巨 轮,时高时低,时行时停,见者上千人。次夜三更又出,由西北返,至点苍山绿桃村,降于村后。村后有一石匠和 庚打石于山脚,见亮光,出棚观之。有一物似碾而 大如屋,为五色光罩。中有二物,似人非人。捉庚入内,光明耀眼。取庚心出而观之,无痛而不流血。有言,声如 人而不通。至此不醒 ,幻化中似入仙境,非人间境。有日月星辰,仙境地色红而冷若冰冻,无房屋庄稼。人间似人非人,圆脸三眼,男 女老幼难分,穿非人衣,言非人言。才观,眼前迷糊,不知所以。醒时仍在打 石场,回家始知时隔一年余,家人以为被野物食。余知,亲往观之。观知庚胸腹均有一红色线痕,问之无疼。和庚 后五十三岁见余,貌如当年而不老。客星幻化,世多有说,大理国记事簿有载。不知客星何物?人乎仙乎?与其交 者难言祸福。
Aurelia is a hypothetical planet that orbits a red dwarf star. Its orbit is gravitationally locked to the star, like the moon's is to Earth. The result is a day side of endless sunlight and verdant forests, and a night side of darkness and packed ice. On the day side, a constant stream of light feeds hearty palm-like flora, while solar flares of intense ultraviolet radiation send fauna scrambling for cover.
Distinguishing Features: When inserted into the ground, this biped's blunt tusks pick up the minute vibrations of burrowing prey. A UV-detecting third "eye" on top of the gulphog's head serves as an early warning system, alerting it to seek shelter from solar flares.
Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Charizard
I loved that show man. My only complaint was that the Creation-Biologist Simon Conway Morris was a heavy part of the design team and under his influence, most of the species looked Earthly. So it's a great look at alien worlds that would be like our own but different, however not a great example of the grand diversity of life out there.
Simon Conway Morris is one side of the coin, Darren Naish is another side. His work is quite experimental as well as traditional in terms of speculation. Darren is also more credible, just saying.
I mean I am religious and I certainly would like aliens to all look humanoid and give undeniable proof of a grand creator. It's just that the science don't back it up.edit on 20-7-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)
Another translation error is that he was not taken for 1 year, he was taken for longer than that. Basically, he got abducted and taken back when he was 53 years old. The funny thing is, his face did not age one day.
Originally posted by Blinded
at the speed of light, there is no time. If you travel in space at the speed of light, you will not age on board.
reply to post by Kemal