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Pentagon Warning Order: Prepare For WAR!

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

all this china iran stuff is just a cover for the real war. this is gonna be the annunaki grays draconian reptilian factions vs our galactic family coming to help us out. dont get caught up in all this garbage!! they want a bunch of confused people. the factions here are fourth dimensional. our family is fifth dimensional. the illuminati rulers dont really stand a chance but they are great at being negative. send your love as they exit stage left..... peace and love to all!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

Yahu says and does a lot of things.
He's just rattling his sabre to see if anyones listening, and by listening I mean the White House.He has absolutely no Intention of going to war with Iran, he's trying to Bluff the USA into doing it for him. Will he suceed, absolutely. If there is no Justification then they will just manufacture the evidence to support their argument.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:11 AM
This is text of my post from another thread but this one looks more proper to post this.

Problem with Israel especially in this forum is because no one could look on their situation from their perspective. Most of us look at this problem "what this Israeli people wants this time, why they are heating up this conflict, what is the reason in attacking Iran, they are mad"

I understand such point of view but people, especially authorities in Israel think in different way. They are including some factors we would never take serious. We just watch and see there Is Israel and other rather enemy countries round their borders. Somewhere else is Iran but between Iran and Israeli is American state of Iraq so there is no risk.

Israeli authorities look further ahead. What would happen when American and allays would live Iraq. Political power of Iran is constantly rising. They are building strong relationship with other countries in middle east and they have silent support of China future number one super power. Existence of whole Israel country in future isn't safe. In fact they are convicted to be erased in next 20, maybe 30 years if they don't do something. Looking at this case from this perspective they reach the wall and have no other option. They have to break Iran now before Iran with the rest of Muslim world do the same is in future. Israel would do everything to engage all western world in this conflict. This is their desperate choice and this is very serious.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by odyseusz

Israel will not be erased as long as there is oil in the middle east. That will be for quite some time into the future.

When the oil is gone, it is possible that the state of Israel will be erased because the United States of America, the chief guarantor of the existance of the state of Israel will undoubtedly reassess its priorities from a pragmatic point of view.

I think that would be very unfortunate because I really do think that some Jews need a country of their own. However, I think they made a very serious error in trying to set up that country in the land that Moses led them to so many centuries ago.

The request for a "homeland" as a fundamental refuge against wholesale slaughter, having been granted, the stage was set for a more grandiose ambition, the establishment of an independant Jewish state, in fact the re-establishment of a country that hadn't existed for centuries and the reaffirmation of a very dubious mythology that most people would regard as having been thoroughly discredited, i.e. that of the Jews as "the chosen people".

This was achieved in the usual manner, by force. And there was precedent for this. The original "promised land" was aquired in the same way.

Remember, at that time, the people who had followed Moses out of Egypt, according to the story, fell upon the owners of the land, slaughtered them and drove them out. They believed that this was authorized by God because they had been told they were favored by God over and above his other creatures, including other people.

Law is very important to Jewish people. Law derives from God and God can do whatever the hell he wants, just or unjust.

Since that time Jews have been dispersed, annihilated in large numbers, and battered pillar to post.

They have also had great success in countries outside the middle east, particularly the United States, but really everywhere in Europe and every other highly industrialized country in the West. Casual anti-semitism still exists in small enclaves among the snobs of this world and among the gutter level hooligans with whom snobs have the most in common.

The vast majority of people however, don't even think about the Jews and are not interested in them as a community any more than they are interested in any other ethnic community.

If you really want to know the harsh horrible truth about the Jews, it is that they self segregate. The only thing that makes Jews different from others, particularly in the West, is the strenuous effort of Jews. Without that effort, Jews wouild have been assimilated centuries ago. Happily. Love would have conquered all.

The darkest truth of all about the Jews, the truth that is kept hidden by all effort, no matter what the cost in suffering, is not that the Jews are hated, but that the Jews are loved and longed for, but forbidden by an antiquated religious ideology from responding to that love.

Some people get nutty ideas into their heads and stick to them no matter what, no matter how absurd they are, no matter how much suffering and hardship is attached, no matter what calamities might ensue.

When this happens in a family, the perpetrator of the problem generally winds up under the care of psychologists or psychiatrists.

When it happens with a country, order is often restored in unpleasant ways.

Will Jews suffer if Israel disappears?

I'm sure there will be a lot of wailing worldwide, but in the long run, things will be fine and Jews will continue to prosper, to win and lose, to rise and fall, like every other ethnic group in the world.

Most Jews know, in their hearts, that Jerusalem is a state of mind, that the world is the "promised land" and that we are all "God's chosen people" . . . chosen for the fate that each of us works out for himself.

edit on 21-7-2011 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:03 PM
"Is the Western world at war with the Islamic Republic of Iran?"

"The Iranian regime ships deadly weapons to its militia allies in Iraq, funding the escalation in violence against U.S. troops.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has ordered the Iranian Quds forces to offer military support to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s army in its war against "the axis of evil": the U.S., France and the UK.

Khamenei recently sent a letter to America officials, threatening Iranian retaliation against U.S. troops in Iraq should Washington continue pressuring the Syrian leadership.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is utilizing the unrest in the Arab world to weaken the West's position in the Middle East, and divert attention away from its nuclear program.

The head of the Iranian regime is not the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but rather the Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The Iranian regime, according to its 1989 constitution, is dedicated to jihad to spread the Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolution, to re-establish the Caliphate, and impose Islamic law (sharia) globally. These are precisely the same objectives pursued by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, HAMAS, and Hezbollah—which may explain why they have all been linked together with Iran in operational relationships for so many decades.

The primary mission of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) is to keep the regime in power. In an especially visible way since the popular uprising after the fraudulent 2009 presidential elections, the IRGC and its subordinate Bassij units have used sheer brutality and terror to suppress the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people......"

"This is a region of the world dominated by a warrior cult called Islam. As such it will remain an enemy of the West and of each other. It is a huge horror show"

The Syrian Horror Show

- Alan Caruba Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Name me a country where funeral processions get fired upon and more people die on the way to burying the latest martyrs for peace and freedom? It’s just about any country in the Middle East and on July 19 it was Syria where ten people died in Homs, a place where some fifty have died in the past week protesting the second generation of the Assad dictatorship.

It was not the first time the Damascus embassy had been attacked. In December 2006, al Qaeda was credited with blowing up a car bomb outside as a gang of armed men tried to break in. The attack, though, has all the earmarks of an Iranian operation...Let’s see, when was the last time a U.S. embassy was attacked? It was 1979 in Tehran when the Iranians took its staff hostage and held them for 444 days. The Iranians were behind the 1983 suicide attack on the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut that killed 241. These days they all but own Syria as they patiently work their way toward possessing nuclear-tipped missiles with which to threaten the Middle East and everywhere else.

After World War I, Syria was carved out of the former Ottoman Empire and ceded to French colonial control. In 1946, the French granted it independence. It then passed through a series of military coups until Basher’s father, Hafez Assad, took control of Syria....Upon his death, it passed to his son, Bashar in 2000. In May 2007, Bashar was “elected” to his second term.This is not exactly a definition of a democracy, but neither is any nation in the Middle East and never was.

In the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Hafez joined with Egypt and, in the process, lost the Golan Heights, a strategic victory for the Israelis who have shown no intention of returning it or the ancient Israeli provinces of Samaria and Judea, won from Jordan, and now commonly but mistakenly called the West Bank. The Israelis do not “occupy” it. They lived there three thousand years ago.

The Egyptians lost the Gaza at that time, but the Israelis have since ceded it to the Palestinians in the hope they might establish a state, but they have never shown the slightest inclination of establishing one except as a base from which to attack the Israelis.

Syria has been a classic police state. Reportedly, Iran has deployed 10,000 troops to Syria to protect the Assad regime and are in effective control of the nation....the site of the latest killings.

In February 2009, it was reported that President Obama had decided to send a new U.S. ambassador to Syria and lift sanctions against a nation believed to have aided al Qaeda in Iraq and of secretly building a nuclear reactor. The Israelis, as they had done earlier with a reactor Saddam Hussein was building, bombed it to rubble in 2009.

So far, President Obama’s philosophy of talking nicely to our enemies in the Middle East has not worked and anyone with the slightest knowledge of the history of the region could have told him that. The current U.S. policy is to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Expecting the Middle East to act in any civilized fashion or thinking it can be taken over and reformed by sheer military force is clearly a fool’s dream.

Afghanistan has resisted control since the days of Alexander the Great. The Ottoman Empire, run by the Turks from the 1300s until the early 1920s did a fairly good job of maintaining the peace until it collapsed of its own dead weight

Just because those in the Middle East have the outward appearance of modernity, it is an illusion. This is a region of the world dominated by a warrior cult called Islam. As such it will remain an enemy of the West and of each other. It is a huge horror show....."

© Alan Caruba, 2011

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by yon34

Sure... but what have they asked from the west???? LEAVE!!!!

Let Israel deal with securing its own desires. Stop suppressing alternate forms of energy and let people evolve on their own in their own terms.

We keep calling them animals because they will not live the way we tell them. Those that think it is right to do so must think of themselves as God-like (no not you Israel
) and should be hunted and caged for suppressing the human spirit.

edit on 21-7-2011 by tom goose because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:49 PM
The US would have to stay out of it, I don't think people realize what economic problems the US is currently facing. It's not just the housing crisis, bubbles on Wall Street, rampant unemployment, and the huuuuuuuuuuuge amount of credit card debt...

The last crisis made it abundantly clear that having the world's reserve currency consist only of one country's currency is an AWFUL idea, mostly because if that economy suffers, it drags everyone else down. So in the medium term, the US$ will be replaced by something like a basket of currencies. Europe's been talking about it for a while, China and the rest of Asia for even longer, and Russia's in the same boat. If you look at history, you realize that the previous reserve currency (the British Pound) lost 90% (!!!!!!) of its value when it lost the status as the world's reserve currency. THAT'S what should concern people.

The move to a new world reserve currency is inevitable, and people involved with major transactions (bonds, real estate, etc.) know that. The US needs to fix its economy in order to prepare for that step. If their economy is still bad when it happens, you're facing years of horrible conditions.

So how can it fix it? By realizing that giving tax breaks to the richest 1%, while cutting benefits for the rest, or even worse, increasing their taxes, they are essentially preventing the large majority from consuming goods. That means companies can't actually sell the products they produce, which harms not only the economy, but also increases unemployment. It's a vicious cycle. The only way they'll get back to the glory days is if they stop that income distribution from the poor and middle class to the richest 1%. Sadly, in the US, the richest 1% are the very same people funding the politicians who could change things. And now that the new law allows companies to donate as much money as they want, the very people who could change things are no longer working for the people, they are working for their corporate and rich donors.

Imagine this trend continues, and the US$ eventually won't be the world's reserve currency anymore (which will happen 100%), what then? If like last time, that currency loses 90% of its value, you'll be the new China.

So before the US gets into new expensive wars without fixing the economy first, they should ask themselves the following question:

DO WE WANT TO BE THE NEW CHINA?? Crazy low salaries (and I'm not talking about $5.5/hr, I'm talking about $2/hr), high unemployment, bad living conditions, little public services, and so on. Do you?

The number one reason the US can't afford another war is this:

edit on 21-7-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:00 PM
First Israeli's have just recently revealed to their own people the quantity of Nukes they have just recently.

Second they have plans right now as I stated earlier. (google all of ATS) Samson Option.

They will not ever surrender PERIOD!

Israeli's are willing to be constantly fired upon and blown up, but only to the extent that the US would stop the flow of weapons and dollars if the really fired back. They have to be invaded or Missiles from Iran. Missiles from the other Arab Terrorist groups are not their concern, but 156 per day for a month or more would prompt action but limited action. Only invasion or threat of Iran actually have a Nuke installed on a ICB would do the trick.

America actually is Broke you all. Plus, we really won't stand with them unless Oil is involved.
We will stand with them if, as they claim, but yet to prove the Leviathan Field shows huge amounts of Oil, Natural Gas yes is there, but Oil is the trick for the US.

The only reason I feel that we go to War now for purposes of controlling Oil is do to our benefactors who we have borrowed heavily on.

It is estimated that most if not all of our Oil is coming from Canada and only 10% from other sources.

Our Blood is spilt for China and Europe.

But as I see it we are in WWIII as most all Nations are at War. I feel again, that since we all feel there will be a WWIII we have blinded ourselves to the fact that presently the World is at War. Maybe not what you expected WWIII to be.

The real WWIII if to come will devastate the Entire Globe causing at least 1/3 the Worlds Population being destroyed in some fashion.

Don't be afraid my children, if you belong to Him who came to Save you just before all man is wiped clean from the Earth.

Acts 2:17

In the last days Yahuah say's

I will pour out my Spirit on all people ( everyone Globally 1971)
Your sons and daughters will prophesy ( me and many others 1971)
Your young men will see visions (me and many more ever since1971)
Your Old men will dream dreams (me and many more now)
Even on my servants (me and many more) both men and women (he favors neither sex more then the other)
I will pour out my spirit in those days (Yahusha Movement 40 yrs ago),
I will show wonders in the Heavens above (possibly ELENIN or the Sun or?)
and signs on the Earth below ( just look around and truly see the total of events building ever more increasingly)
Blood (wars) and Fires and Billows of Smoke (that is very much what is being seen with all these extinct Volcanoes and Ring of Fire events and Forests fire that are traverse the lands Globally and can be seen from space)
The Sun will be turned to darkness and the Moon to blood (now take a guess at that one you all)
Before the coming of the Great and Glorious Day of ha Adon.
And everyone who calls on the name of ha Adon (Yahusha) will be Saved.

That's just one of many End of Day scenario's written about the things to watch for. You can't put time on Yahuah, he lives in no time, only we have time and time to watch as Worlds event unfold at a quickening pace.

Hold on for the ride of your life has started.

Rev Ray G&*^%$

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by odyseusz
This is text of my post from another thread but this one looks more proper to post this.

Problem with Israel especially in this forum is because no one could look on their situation from their perspective. Most of us look at this problem "what this Israeli people wants this time, why they are heating up this conflict, what is the reason in attacking Iran, they are mad"

I understand such point of view but people, especially authorities in Israel think in different way. They are including some factors we would never take serious............

Good post
It's true that most people don't see the situation from the Israeli point of view. Now, before anybody gets started on me, I'm not saying "poor Israel - they're the victims" or anything of the sort. I'm just saying you have to understand their unique mindset to appreciate why they act as they do. They see themselves as a cornered animal that has to rely on pure survival instinct to exist.

I've studied Krav Maga - the Israeli defense technique - a little (just a few classes for self defense) and that really sums-up how Israel thinks as a whole - the VERY FIRST thing I was taught was what to do when you're surrounded by a group of enemies. I found the whole experience of Krav very interesting because of the parallels to Israel's political mindset. Now remember that Israelis have to serve, so most of the population has studied Krav Maga at some point. The whole brutal, whatever it takes to survive, thinking is just baked right in.

They absolutely, 100%, will try to cripple Iran at some point in the near future. Whatever it takes. If it means dragging the whole world into conflict they won't even blink. If it means using bunker-busting nukes they won't flinch. Trust me.
edit on 21-7-2011 by Curio because: Spelling

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:38 PM
Americans are forced to wait for someone else to do their bidding against our real enemies. Unfortunatly, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are bull# of the rich as our young again die and are maimed, both physically and mentaly for the greed of others.

If Israel wants to do our bidding and start WWIII then I support them. Lets get this going now and get it done. It has been long overdo. The human race needs an enema to purge itself.

Lets not wait for the mulatto and DC garbage political trash to do nothing, as usual. When the war starts, we should start in DC, judges chambers, state political parties and all lawyers... take them all out first.

Mike Warren
edit on 21-7-2011 by mdwarren because: Signature: Mike Warren

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by mdwarren
Americans are forced to wait for someone else to do their bidding against our real enemies. Unfortunatly, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are bull# of the rich as our young again die and are maimed, both physically and mentaly for the greed of others.

If Israel wants to do our bidding and start WWIII then I support them. Lets get this going now and get it done. It has been long overdo. The human race needs an enema to purge itself.

Lets not wait for the mulatto and DC garbage political trash to do nothing, as usual. When the war starts, we should start in DC, judges chambers, state political parties and all lawyers... take them all out first.

Mike Warren
edit on 21-7-2011 by mdwarren because: Signature: Mike Warren

Hey Mike you believe in God dude?
If you do, which one.
check one below;

God of War and Murder______

Old Covenant God ______

New Covenant God ______ This is mine. My Constitution is the Beattitudes and 10 command He came to fullfill.

Molech ______

BAAL ______

Budda ______

Mohammed ______

You really want to see all people die in War or haven't you seen enough blood?

I think any who would wish for War which is Murder has no place where it doesn't exist my Brother.
Think twice for what you wish for and go to a War Zone or just stop playing a Video game which is bad for your feeble brain, really Dude it's real flesh and blood we are talking about not a game.

What would you do by the way if you back was against a Sea and all around you vowed to not have you have one inch of soil?

That is the only time to start to protect yourself. Murder should not be an option but it's people with your logic who have created it in the first place.
No one should claim my God if you answered New Covenant (Yahusha).
As a Rev I would ask you not to sit at any service in my presence, for your a Demon inside a body of rotting bones.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by RevRay
The Sun will be turned to darkness and the Moon to blood (now take a guess at that one you all)
Before the coming of the Great and Glorious Day of ha Adon.
And everyone who calls on the name of ha Adon (Yahusha) will be Saved.

“Oh, give thanks to Yahweh! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!”(Psalm 105:1)

“And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of Yahweh shall be saved.”(Joel 2:32a)

“And in that day you will say: "Praise Yahweh, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, Make mention that His name is exalted.”(Isaiah 12:4)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:03 AM
so many things are going to be happening this september.. makes me wonder

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
Our country has been prepared for, and actively engaged in war for 50 years. As much as I disagree with this ongoing policy of agression the fact remains, this is our number one export and we are very skilled at it.
I don't think any conflict in that ridiculous sand pit will cause anyone stateside any discomfort.

Are you insane? If America does go to war with Iran then America will go to war with China and Russia, these "sand pits" have alies that can destroy America. America is strong no doubt, but not strong enough to take on the world.

The US isn't going to war with anyone else at this point in time because in or around the 05/06 timeframe a plot was uncovered that called for Israel launching a pre emptive against Iran and leaving us to clean up the mess and when Israel was told that if it did without our explicit and direct consent ahead of time that they would be on their own.

On topic is that during WWII there was no nation standing between Germany and the full conquering of Europe hence why Germany ran roughshot over like 15 countries in under a decade and nowadays Russia and China is preventing The US from repeating the same in The Middle East and we were told that if we tried to make a play for Iran that Moscow and Beijing would have something to say about that and was done primarily to keep us in cheque.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Originally posted by colloredbrothers

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
Our country has been prepared for, and actively engaged in war for 50 years. As much as I disagree with this ongoing policy of agression the fact remains, this is our number one export and we are very skilled at it.
I don't think any conflict in that ridiculous sand pit will cause anyone stateside any discomfort.

Are you insane? If America does go to war with Iran then America will go to war with China and Russia, these "sand pits" have alies that can destroy America. America is strong no doubt, but not strong enough to take on the world.

The US isn't going to war with anyone else at this point in time because in or around the 05/06 timeframe a plot was uncovered that called for Israel launching a pre emptive against Iran and leaving us to clean up the mess and when Israel was told that if it did without our explicit and direct consent ahead of time that they would be on their own.

When is war war? The US(4th Reich - NWO with it's Blue Shirts at US airports molesting children) has been bombing a half dozen or so countries but not declaring it war. I'm not sure that the 3rd Reich ever declared war on anybody but the US. Regardless, whether the West is at war with Iran, et al. it is quite apparent that Islam has been at war with the West for 1300 years. They just didn't bother to mention it.

"The Fall of Islam – by Ellis Skolfield

"This letter is only a short explanation of the verses in the Bible that predict the fall of Islam during this generation. It is only intended as an overview. For a complete analysis of the subject, please read our e-book, "The False Prophet," the Q&As and the letters and essays on this site. All are free downloads."

".....Not many can hear, but it is now apparent that 1.3 billion people are being terribly deceived by Satan. The God of the Bible and the god of Islam are not the same being because the God of the Bible said, "they worship the dragon" (Satan).What’s more, the God of the Bible and the god of Islam are totally different in nature; they have different values and teach people to behave differently ...

The Quran states: "O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers ... " (Sura 9:123).

The God of the Bible says: "Love your enemies."

The Quran states: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait (ambush) for them in every stratagem (of war)" (Sura 9:5).

The God of the Bible says: "Bless them that curse you."

The Quran states: "Fight those who believe not in God [Allah] and his apostle [Muhammad], nor acknowledge the religion of truth [even if they are] of the people of the book [i.e. Jews and Christians], until they pay jizya [humiliating tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued [enslaved]" (Sura 9:29).

The God of the Bible says: "Do good to them that hate you."

The Quran states: "Therefore when ye meet the unbelievers [in fight] smite at their necks; at length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly [on them]" (Sura 47:4).

The God of the Bible says: "Pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

"So you see, the Bible and the Quran teach different thoughts and a different morality.

In 1984, Ayatollah Khomeini declared to the entire world: "In order to achieve the victory of Islam in the world, we need to provoke repeated crises and restore value to the idea of death and martyrdom. The important thing is to engulf the world in crises......."
edit on 22-7-2011 by yon34 because: dupl

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Everyone knows that the way for any government to take its people minds off their troubles,be it famine,worthless money,idiot leaders or pseudo-presidents is to start a war with someone else......we have several of those troubles so look for it to happen pretty darn quick....who with is anybodys guess but Id look at whomever the media is demonizing the most

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 10:34 AM
The US has been raping up for decades, despite unpopular support of Israel, building up military assets in the region.
All it will take is one nuclear blast to mobilize the people in the US for war. Economy, dept and politics will be swept under the rug as WWIII begins.
This has been in the works decades, it is the only way to justify total war and end up with control of the worlds oil reserves.
Look it's a bird!
Now go back to Wall-Mart and forget about all this.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by RevRay

The Sampson option is a myth.

It has only been mentioned by an Israeli professor at a seminar once as a hypothetical way that the Jews could hold Europe and the US to protecting them in case of an existential threat to the Jewish state. This man has no reason to know anything about Israeli war doctrine.

Samson option is a lie. If you refute this, please post a link or quote from an Israeli military planner or politician with a military portfolio would would actually know of such things. Oh, that's right, you can't.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:55 PM
I don't know if there is any validity to this or not but I am personally sick and tired of war. People walk around living their daily lives in America, completely unaware or uncaring that across the globe people are running from bombs or holding their dead children.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Americans as always, crying WW3 like they want it.


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