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A bad omen of things to come...

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:16 PM
Are the Foxfire books still in print? Would love to have the series.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:29 PM

edit on 19-7-2011 by Bablock because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:30 PM
I started a garden this year (a thread I desperately need to update - but that's a whole other story!). I did it for two reasons,
1. to become more self-sufficient in the event of food shortages, and
2. To learn now to prepare for the future when I feel growing my own may be one of our major sources of food in the soon-to-come future.

I have gotten some great returns on my investments here to date, and considered even drilling a well. However, we have new state laws that prohibit the local government from instilling watering bans on us when we are watering food gardens. Lawns, I couldn't give a care about. If and when the future dictates we can no longer water food gardens, I will spend the money for the well.

I also heard this on national news at some point in the last day or two, and they even asked, "Has this become the new norm"?

I urge people to do what I did, and perform some research on your particular state/area. You may find you have typical drought cycles, like I did, that repeat every 4, 6, 7, 11, 35, 45, and 100 years. I was rather surprised when I did this research.

Where I live, we have gotten some good rains, but it is unpredictable. Our drought cycle seems to have ended, but I do not know which drought cycle is coming. I can say the 100 year drought has been the worst for us, lasting 10 years.

I have learned that watering at night is best for my gardens, I water less and the plants are healthier for it. Day watering causes more water loss from evaporation. With the humidity, the plants retain more water overnight, and suffer less damage during the high heat temps. Day watering left them wilted and sickly, and barely surviving. No mold/powdery mildew issues from night watering, either.

I have learned that compact gardening also helps, because plants are keeping each other somewhat shaded, hence protecting the soil from direct water loss.

All hierloom plantings have proven one thing to me, GMO's are horrible! I cannot tell you how nice a real tomato tastes. None of that mealy, flavorless crap you buy at enormous prices at the stores. Real cucumbers, squash, peppers, and more. Oh, my goodness! Food never tasted so wonderful. No pesticides needed, either! Manure compost tea had worked wonders on keeping away the insects.

The learning processes I have gone through in the past few months have taught me a lot about my area, including what mistakes I made in my garden, some of them pretty bad, some not so much, I just learned I can do better. I expect to have a much better garden next year, and will continue putting the food dehydrator to work.

I do think that certain farming standards have been in place for a good many years, and if farmers paid more attention to their particular areas, they could invoke some changes that may be more beneficial than just towing the line and doing what they have always done. Changes can be practiced in small areas, then converted to entire farms if they work. Thinking outside the box could definitely be of some benefit.
Precision Planting Research Grant Program

Plant-by-plant measurements have shown very high yield if plants as close as 3 inches apart can each have a productive ear.

This research explores methods to assure cooperation rather than competition between these closely spaced plants. I believe that nearly simultaneous germination and emergence will be one of the fundamental requirements in order to accomplish this.

The proposed test program will identify the potential for small amounts of water applied directly to the seed and its immediate area at the time of planting to improve plant germination and emergence.
The Difference Between Dwarf & Regular Citrus Trees

High Density

Because dwarf citrus tree varieties have smaller, more compact root systems than their full-grown relatives, gardeners can typically plant more trees per acre. Farmers use this high-density method to gain higher fruit yields per acre. According to the book "Fruits of Warmer Climates" by Julia F. Morton, a full-size Washington navel orange tree bears about 100 oranges per season. Depending on the size of her land, a farmer can plant enough dwarf orange trees to produce an equal or slightly higher orange yield per acre.

I will basically be doing this in my garden next year, as I intend to expand, but I will be planting fruting trees in 4footx4foot areas, 4 trees to the block. I will keep them at max 8 feet, and allow no long branches to grow, pruning what is necessary to retain fruting, everything else must go! I currently have 34 cocoa trees and 18 pomegranite trees. I intend to espalier the poms into a fence.
There are solutions!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Hr2burn
So strange! I have a friend that live in Kansas (5 hours from me in Denver) we are getting HEAVY rain every night for weeks, meanwhile he's sitting in 3 digit temps and no rain to speak of. I don't know how much I buy into the global warming deal. They say a sign of G.W. Is more extremes...Houston we have extremes!

Don't confuse Global Warming with the NWO "Cap n Trade" scam.

The scam does NOTHING to save the environment or reverse environmental damage. What it does is make certain powerful banking cartels even richer -- along with their buddies, crooked politicians who have made deals with manufacturers of carbon-measuring devices, etc.

It also sets up an agency of "Global Governance" which bites away national sovereignty -- each nation is put under the power of a global agency run by UNelected officials. It's all about the Elites, for the Elites

Climate Change is real, whether man-made or natural. But Cap n Trade is a scam.

The "Green" movement was hijacked more than 20 years ago by Elites for their benefit.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by missvicky
Are the Foxfire books still in print? Would love to have the series.

If you google "Foxfire books" all kinds of sites come up. Some of the books can be downloaded for free.

New ones are being sold on Used copies can be found on

And then there's eBay.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Libertygal

Great info, Libertygal. Thanks for sharing that with us. Best of luck with your "Victory" gardening.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Thanks for the book advice.

I just talked to a friend in California who will be coming in Sept. If all works out and I'll know if we can get along by the end of that month he and I will go back to San Diego and bring his 4x4 back across country together with his tools and other equipment for His stay here. He agrees also that the best place is the Mountains for any form of Survival Living. We will be bringing special survival equipment with us.

Ok, call me crazy but I have been seeking The Great Creator to give me vision's to help me see what may come about. What I have seen has been a great experience as far as warnings.

1. First real real dream was me being taken by two men to a place south of here and told what I am about to see is not for me to go through. First thing is that it was a horrible place with sounds of great suffering of masses of people. Horrible things being done to them and I won't go any further for I wish not to feel the sorrow coming from this huge fenced in area ever again.

2. Recently as a month ago I was taken above America and shown the future of what the terrain looked like. It was as if the Great Lakes had emptied into the Miss and Missouri Rivers and the Gulf Waters flowed up to join the Great Lakes. The country was as if it was split right into by a huge waterway. The land had shaked and sank letting the waters flow. All the coasts and Florida where gone.
Could be the New Madrid Fault giving way. Only explanation I could come up with.

3. Next vision is what John the Apostle thought was a Horesman of Death covering the World, but the Horesman of Death was actually the Horseman of Financial death and all the World would start dying from lack of ability to purchase Food and Medicine and Clean Water. Not even a ton of Gold could be traded for goods.

4. Then just recently another friend was told to give me this book, he never buys books about Prophesy especially from Native American Prophets, but he knew he had to give me a Cherokee this book written by Sun Bear in 1990 "Black Dawn, Bright Day" it was what He saw in a vision quest back in 1973 when I to felt that the Earth was stating to go through a purging and cleansing. Man he had the same Vision as I. He has since passed on but I have seen the similar visions. though He was off on the timing but basically correct in the Vision.

You should try and find the book, all of you.

Here is my warning and it goes along with a Native Prophet who spoke these words in 1853 to the white man to hear. That if you pollute your bed you will sufficate in it. What we do to the Earth it shall come back on us.

And thus you have seen what we have wrought upon the Earth and bled it dry of it's blood (Oil) and when the joints are drained of the lubrication what then becomes of the joints? Logic come into play at that point in our time for we have drained that fluid.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by havok
The water is scarce it seems everywhere but instead of building pipelines and desalination plants...
Our friendly gov't builds wars for oil and money.
Using taxmoney to further its conquest for "Democracy".
Instead of investing billions into what has been developed already.
They use trillions to pay banks and lobbyists' to fund wars.
Instead of taking care of it's people, *ahem...or revenue source.
It would be a huge benefit to have spent decades funding water desalination plants.
Turning sea-water into potable water.
Instead they spent decades arguing about what to spend.
...and where else to spend it. (not in the USA)

I can't wrap my head around why there is more money spent on other things.
Water is a necessity!
It isn't something we can live without.

Something is wrong with this picture.

Something is wrong with this picture, ONLY if you assume that the Elites who run this planet actually CARE about the common man.

If you understand that the Elites do NOT care about people, then it makes perfect sense that they will rape the planet (and its people) for every penny of profit they can.

You can trust that the Elites will always have enough water, food, energy for THEIR needs. Maybe because they are the ones who own & control the water, food, energy.

For the rest of us -- it's going to be grim.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by RevRay
reply to post by AuranVector

Thanks for the book advice.

I just talked to a friend in California who will be coming in Sept. If all works out and I'll know if we can get along by the end of that month he and I will go back to San Diego and bring his 4x4 back across country together with his tools and other equipment for His stay here. He agrees also that the best place is the Mountains for any form of Survival Living. We will be bringing special survival equipment with us.

Ok, call me crazy but I have been seeking The Great Creator to give me vision's to help me see what may come about. What I have seen has been a great experience as far as warnings.

1. First real real dream was me being taken by two men to a place south of here and told what I am about to see is not for me to go through. First thing is that it was a horrible place with sounds of great suffering of masses of people. Horrible things being done to them and I won't go any further for I wish not to feel the sorrow coming from this huge fenced in area ever again.

2. Recently as a month ago I was taken above America and shown the future of what the terrain looked like. It was as if the Great Lakes had emptied into the Miss and Missouri Rivers and the Gulf Waters flowed up to join the Great Lakes. The country was as if it was split right into by a huge waterway. The land had shaked and sank letting the waters flow. All the coasts and Florida where gone.
Could be the New Madrid Fault giving way. Only explanation I could come up with.

3. Next vision is what John the Apostle thought was a Horesman of Death covering the World, but the Horesman of Death was actually the Horseman of Financial death and all the World would start dying from lack of ability to purchase Food and Medicine and Clean Water. Not even a ton of Gold could be traded for goods.

4. Then just recently another friend was told to give me this book, he never buys books about Prophesy especially from Native American Prophets, but he knew he had to give me a Cherokee this book written by Sun Bear in 1990 "Black Dawn, Bright Day" it was what He saw in a vision quest back in 1973 when I to felt that the Earth was stating to go through a purging and cleansing. Man he had the same Vision as I. He has since passed on but I have seen the similar visions. though He was off on the timing but basically correct in the Vision.

You should try and find the book, all of you.

Here is my warning and it goes along with a Native Prophet who spoke these words in 1853 to the white man to hear. That if you pollute your bed you will sufficate in it. What we do to the Earth it shall come back on us.

And thus you have seen what we have wrought upon the Earth and bled it dry of it's blood (Oil) and when the joints are drained of the lubrication what then becomes of the joints? Logic come into play at that point in our time for we have drained that fluid.

Hope it all works out for you and yours.

I read that book by Sun Bear a long time ago. I think the Native Americans had it right about taking care of the Earth.

I'm still sickened whenever I think of the BP Gulf spill. It would not surprise me if changes in the Gulf Stream haven't been caused by the gross, catastrophic pollution of the GoM.

Your vision is a description of what Edgar Cayce foresaw. Very scary.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by annecares1

Yes I know I've been watching this for a long time now. Our media in America is not covering everything. I guess they figure we are sheeple and it's okay for us not to know what is going on. I think by early next year they won't be able to hide a food shortage even from the sheeple in this country.

I know I sure as heck wouldn't depend on my government to feed me nor would I want to. Everything has a price and I'm sure the governments price is not something I would want to pay.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:57 PM
Went to the grocery store today and one of the things on my list was a wedge of parmesan cheese. I always buy the same brand (Stella) and it has been $4.99 for as long as I can remember. All of a sudden in the space of one week, it has gone up 50 cents to $5.49. This is the first time I have noticed a drastic price increase like this. Now I am really beginning to understand what this projected food shortage is going to look like.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Thank you so much for the post - I had no idea it was that bad. I truly hope that conditions improve. Also - I'm glad you helped the raccoon. Who could resist that face??
I have been collecting food and water, slowly but surely, for about 6 months now. My husband relented when I told him I wouldn't spend more than $5 a week. I just couldn't take it anymore - the "impending" feeling - so I started getting a few extra things every week when I went grocery shopping. A gallon of water, and something non-perishable that I knew I and my family would actually like to eat - I picked a corner in the basement and started a box. After 6 months, I'd filled up quite a few boxes, and thought I had a nice supply of bottled water - so this past weekend I decided to add up all of the calories from the food I had, and then divide it up into 2,000 cal./day per person. I then counted the gallons of water I have, after learning that you need 1 gal. per person per day just to drink. I thought I'd have a few months worth of food and water, at the very least.
I was wrong.
I have 36 days worth of food, and only enough water for 8 days for all of us. I got a chill down my spine when I realized how little I actually had, when it looked like so much.
So - to everyone out there - whatever you are doing, do more. I know for sure that I will. I was feeling all proud of myself, like I would be prepared for anything. Thank God I counted so at least I know where I stand.
Thanks again for the post, and the timely heads up. I refuse to fall into the sweet lull of the normalcy bias.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:03 AM
the US has and is still screwing so many
things come back just look at history

reply to post by DaddyBare

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
reply to post by DaddyBare

It gets even worse when you consider that some of these areas/regions have had consecutive years and seasons of the same. The impact and damage, both to the economy and farmer's fields and livelihoods, becomes exponential in scale and scope. Reminiscent of the days of the dust bowl era, if you will.

In today's day and age, where families no longer form, bond and make or meld in a more communal approach to 'weathering the storm', the potential impact could prove quite devastating in the long haul.

And this is when GMO and food come into play which are 'drought resistant'. Ever wonder why organic seeds are stored in the Doomsday Vault? It's for this same reason when GMO's are no longer effective and the once filled land crops fail to produce come 'doomsday'. Scary thought, thanks for the post!


posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Props to you for taking care of that little fellow. Most folks would have shot and killed the little thing. You made a good post. Bravo.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:08 AM
We're having a bad drought here in France. All the rivers dried up in March, and the crops were severly effected.
The scramble for hay and straw was bad, many people couldn't get any, and this winter is going to be a huge problem. Many farmers are giving away cows right now, because they know they will not have enough to feed them all through winter. I'm a little worried about all the backyard horse owners, that often don't know chit about keeping a horse, and saw they had lawn for it to eat right now, and didn't get some hay when they could. I'm afraid I'm going to see a lot of scrawny and starving equine lawn ornaments.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
Look at the light bulb fiasco. If the gov suggests anything these days, people flip, and I understand to some degree, but good ideas are still good ideas when it comes to conservation.

edit on 19-7-2011 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

You just lost whatever credibility you remotely had. In the summer time classic Light Bulbs are inefficient. In the Winter time though they are very efficient.

The classic light bulb also has very little toxins(mercury) in it, while it's replacement is has a large amount of highly toxic substance in it. The replacement is made in China, while the Classic is made in America.

Obama just wanted to help increase employment, oversea's.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:22 AM
More of a reason for the Corps to plant GMO Crops...

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by SelfSustainedLoner

My thought EXACTLY!

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by havok
The water is scarce it seems everywhere but instead of building pipelines and desalination plants...
Our friendly gov't builds wars for oil and money.

Using taxmoney to further its conquest for "Democracy".
Instead of investing billions into what has been developed already.
They use trillions to pay banks and lobbyists' to fund wars.
Instead of taking care of it's people, *ahem...or revenue source.
It would be a huge benefit to have spent decades funding water desalination plants.
Turning sea-water into potable water.
Instead they spent decades arguing about what to spend.
...and where else to spend it. (not in the USA)

I can't wrap my head around why there is more money spent on other things.
Water is a necessity!
It isn't something we can live without.

Something is wrong with this picture.

We need to keep alert and aware.
Good job DaddyBare and keep us posted.


Natural Gas would put an end to the oil wars.

Natural Gas would clear the deficit.

A huge pipeline project would employee thousands.

The need for people / industry to upgrade would employee thousands.

Manufacturing for this type of change would employee thousands.

America would save billions just on oil and the money would remain in her to reinvest in her infrastructure.

Natural Gas is the cleanest fossil fuel which would be way kinder to the environment.

Clearly there is a need for "Good God Fearing, People with Good Common Sense" in Washington".

I suppose most would marvel,if they actually had to use a screw driver - I am not knocking education but it seems there are to many over educated representation, who are clearly clueless.

I agree Water Infrastructure would of been a wise project as well.

Maybe even a new self contained hydroponic industry grown safely inside.

But all the above is Vain if "This Is God's Word Being Fulfilled"


God Bless America

edit on 20-7-2011 by thomas007 because: (no reason given)

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