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Why do we strive for sameness? Why do we not celebrate the differences between the Races?

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:21 AM

What astonishes me about people on forums is yes they know the elite are evil and yes they know they want to bring in one religion and the NWO to totally control our lives but somehow you don't realise that multiculturalism is the vehicle being used to utterly destroy us.

Canada has been multicultural for as long as I remember. Other cultures come in and have to abide by Canadian law. No matter what colour their skin. As the years go by, it works better and better.

Multiculturalism does not just depend on skin colour. There are many other cultures here that are also Caucasian. Or so light skinned that we cannot tell the difference until they speak and have a strong accent.

Sometimes there are criminal gangs from other cultures, teens usually, but there are also just as many criminal white gangs.

This country started out as Native land. They are mostly darker skin, but there are also Native Indians that are very light skinned and even have blue eyes. Maybe they mixed with other "races" years ago, but does that really matter?

Children have constantly been brainwashed into believing this is a good thing...

So that there won't be so much prejudice. Many children from multicultural countries are mixed race themselves.

The white people are not being "exterminated". People will mix. People will fall in love with whoever they fall in love with. If we all become darker, so what.

Maybe the darker skin is the right direction in order to deal with our sun, or pollution.
Evolution. My son is part Native Indian, and I am white ( UK ancestry). He has a nice skin tone that has never had a sunburn. That said, his aunt on his Dad's side - a Native Indian, is way whiter than me, with blue eyes. She burns in the sun. She is West Coast Salish Indian.
We actually look a little healthier with some colour in us.

There was a time when people thought that the blond hair and blue eyes would be gone by now, because the gene for dark hair and brown eyes was supposed to be "stronger".
With your logic, blue eyed blonds should have never "mated" with anyone else except for other blue eyed blonds. To preserve blue eyes and blonds

If we all become darker, eventually, maybe that's what's just supposed to happen. It won't be in our lifetime, we still have blue eyed blondes, there is even blond or blue eyed recessive genes that come out where you wouldn't expect it.

edit on 16-7-2011 by snowspirit because: added

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by DrDanielT

I do not see a trend towards sameness, I see the exact opposite, with exceptions on the fridges of each ethnicity. The Caucasians have it the worst, in my opinion these days. Each major town has a Chinatown, or little italy in it. If the Caucasians tried to establish an 'our kind only' area it would not be allowed or harassed violently. But you have so many ethic specific establishments that are allowed: black entertainment Network, separate school systems for religions etc. I think that they have it right. They congregate with themselves, they do business with their own kind etc. And they have since the dawn of days.

Since when were Italians not Caucasoid? Wow, it's bad enough when moron rednecks from the United Stupids of America on this website have no idea that Spain and Mexico are two distinct countries, but you really take the cake with that one.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit

Canada has been multicultural for as long as I remember. Other cultures come in and have to abide by Canadian law. No matter what colour their skin. As the years go by, it works better and better.

Well I know for a fact that many Canadians are becoming quite upset with the enormous amount of immigrants that are flooding into that land at present.

But it works for you, there will always be people who will simply go along with the plan, I see it everyday a white man with a woman of a different ethnicity, everyone seems happy ... the elite most of all.

In the movies we see it constantly, watch "2012", not a single couple was of the same race, all were cross cultural marriages.
edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: changed wording

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:27 PM
This is the sort of stuff that is happening which shows you just how out of control immigration is and what a huge effect it is having on peoples lifes.

The impact of uncontrolled mass immigration on the fabric of British life was driven home to the party leaders yesterday.

A letter to Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg reveals in graphic detail the struggle of one community to cope.

It says public services - from schooling to housing, healthcare to police protection - are overstretched because councils have not been given the support they need.

The councillors say: 'At our local primary school, Fulbridge, which has a roll of 675 pupils, 27 different languages are spoken with only 200 of the pupils having English as a first language.

'The first-year reception class has 90 pupils, of which only 17 are white British. Every day new arrivals are turned away. (how is anybody supposed to actually get an education in this situation?) xzz0krZdo97U

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 04:41 PM
When people start to feel hopeless and the world is against them they become suicidal.

In our lands we are taught White people are the evil scum and everyone else is wonderful

I wonder if this accounts for this ...

In the U.S., non-Hispanic Caucasians are nearly 2.5 times more likely to kill themselves than African Americans or Hispanics.

As Germany faced inevitable defeat in mid–1945, there were unprecedented waves of suicides amongst Germans in the final weeks of the war

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:06 PM
I guess the most sickening thing of all of this is while everyone is being all aren't the other people wonderful

and welcoming them with open arms.

Social issues are getting out of control and for fear of being called a racist, no one is doing anything about it.

No one is protecting our woman and children.

Here is a couple of video clips which highlight this problem ...

UK police refuse to help white woman -

They will not stop blacks and Muslims taking them as sex slaves and abusing them, they will not even investigate this crime ...

and now a major motion picture

So there is very real evidence that, out of control immigration is harming us

It is doing us a lot of harm and it is set to get much worse.

Are we in fact abusing our own by not protecting them,

not even warning them of the dangers which now lurk in our society?

edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: added words

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:25 PM
This video goes right to the heart of the problem.


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Here is something else which is happening.

When Muslims take over a whole neighborhood, often even a city in the UK, they convert our churches.

When they convert our churches they rip up our graves and smash the head stones with a bulldozer -

Our governments are letting this happen ...

Your granny's grave is getting ripped up

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

Why do we strive for sameness? Why do we not celebrate the differences between the Races?

Ok... thats a nice thought... Celebrate our differences, cool.

There is different races because we are actually different species

Oh, er, not sure we are that different, but go on...

Also people go on about White man coming and taking over the land in America and how BAD that was etc etc...

You do realise that this has happened everywhere and usually one species makes the other go extinct by a process usually involving the following ... they kill and eat the other tribe but also mate with the few surviving females, therefore there is actually a merging of the two tribes or races, the stronger one carrying on and containing a few genes of the weaker tribe.

This has happened all over the world, the Indians, the natives of America, actually killed and interbreed with a white tribe many thousands of years ago. The Maoris of New Zealand did exactly the same thing 700 years ago approximately ... so what is the big deal .... this is who we are and you will have to face this truth sooner or later...

Oh ok... so the white man taking over a country is just a natural process? “No big deal” Fine, I guess you will not be moaning about brown skinned people taking over any White country’s will you...

I put it to you that the WHITE race is being deliberately exterminated, being forced to be absorbed by the other races.

In one hundred years, you will be lucky if you see any blue eyes or blond hair anywhere.

So you don’t like this natural process then? Hmm.., people reading this please pay particular attention to the last part of that quote... Blonde her blue eyes... i'll be touching on that again soon.

In one hundred years time, our lands will have long been Islamic, our woman taken as their brides and our race and culture, a thing of the past ... all at the will of the UN but really "WHO CARES" right?

Right so now we move on to the Muslims and their “evil plot to take over the world"

Hate laws have been put in place in OUR LANDS for the benefit of ethnic minorities but they do not apply equally to us.

Right so ethnic minorities should not have law put in place for their protection right? Because after all they are a minority and therefore it wouldn’t be very democratic to give them laws that benefit them? OK... i get you... But didn’t you also say...

A whole race of people will no longer exist ... already Whites are at less than 10% of the worlds population and most are old.

Right so the whites are the ethnic minorities... Oh ok... that leaves me a little worried because i am white, and according to your logic we shouldnt have right or laws to support us on the world stage... after all, we are an ethnic minority.

Unless, of course, you are simply a hypocrite!

In every white land the birth rate of white babies is under 50% soon it will be under 40% that means in less than twenty years there WILL be a huge shift.

It means more than JUST the WHITE LANDS turning beige.

So now you dont like Beige people either? I thought this was a thread about celebrating our differences?? Not much celebrating in your posts.

Churchill was one of the biggest traitors of all time.

He actually had no reason to fight the Germans and even when he won, he fire bombed Dresden a hospital town which made china, in the most appalling fashion, Churchill was a true monster.

I will find the stuff I have on the disgusting piece of human filth.

Oh ok... so you don’t like Churchill, fair enough, strong words though... almost as passionate as this guy...

Mark Collett, BNP Director of publicity (And a complete mug)

"Winston Churchill was a f****** c*** who led us into a pointless war with other whites standing up for their race"

And then on to the Pièce de résistance...

The holocaust for example, NEVER happened.

It is a complete fiction made up by the elite, to keep us feeling bad about ourselves and to manipulate us...

So, to summarise...

• You want to celebrate our racial differences
• You think we are different species
• You think its no big deal that white people stole land
• You are angry because you think that non-white people are stealing the land of the white people
• You don’t lik Muslims
• You don’t want there to be anymore mixed race children
• Your very worried about the plight of people with blonde hair and blue eyes
• You agree with Mark Collett, BNP Director of publicity (And a complete mug) regarding your thoughts on Churchill
• You don’t believe that the holocaust happened

And there we have it... time to call you out... I believe that you are a (yes i am going to say it) racist. However, i fear that it does not stop there; i believe you also to be a white supremacist and are probably a Nazi sympathiser.

Do me this one favour... please muster any honour you have, in that superior white heart, and answer the next question honestly (I dare you, although i doubt you have the minerals)

Are you a member of the BNP or have allegiances with any white supremacist groups?

Go on, answer honestly, the truth will set you free

As for your initial opening post...

From talk of celebration you gradually moved on to the extreme of your beliefs with the same cunning style of a cult leader... Only problem with being a cult leader is you only recruit week minded lost souls.

Maybe we are not celebrating our difference because there are too many people like you who think that there particular race is superior to all others.

Peace (i wish)

edit on 16-7-2011 by Muckster because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2011 by Muckster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:06 PM
I totally agree and love your OP. As humans we all do share the majority of things. We all have the same needs as people and we all bleed and need to eat. We all love our family and want what is best for ourselves and family.

We are in fact different too though. There's nothing wrong with having different aspects of our heritage and genetic differences. Like you said, these differences shouldn't be tabboo, but embraced.

Seems the US has been trying to become so politically correct that even the slightest mention of these things is considered racist. I say horse#. Stereotyping isn't blind hatred. What they are are observations. Of course they don;t hold true for all, but they're there for a reason. They're all based on true observations. Instead of trying to push this idea that we are all the same, I think it's healthier to recognize the differences and embrace what we all are. We need thicker skin, and more education. We do not need false ideas and political correctness.

Recognixing differences does not equate to supriority or hatred of others. We have to be responsible in doing so by accepting differences. Not pretend they aren't there.
edit on 16-7-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:12 PM
I don't agree with your belief that the holocaust never happened. I do not believe there is a racial conspiracy of any kind. There is no extermination of the white race

Where do you get those ideas? You kind of took off into a white supremacist vent session rather than where I thought you would go. It's actually people like you who promote political correctness by spewing ludicrous theories.
edit on 16-7-2011 by spinalremain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by AprilSky


Do me this one favour... please muster any honour you have, in that superior white heart, and answer the next question honestly (I dare you, although i doubt you have the minerals)

Are you a member of the BNP or have allegiances with any white supremacist groups?

Go on, answer honestly, the truth will set you free


Wow that was easy, the answer is no to both questions.

I do however have genuine concern for my people and the likely extinction of them.

That does not make me some kind of racist bigot.

I think all races should have their own land and most do.

It seems only whites are not allowed?

Why are we not entitled to the same privileges and respect as all the other races?
edit on 16-7-2011 by AprilSky because: grammar

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Muckster

Good post , I agree , though i would say the OP may be trying to be subversive for the fun of it...I may be wrong its just I can't believe anyone would be so ignorant of historical fact as to cuss Churchill, and deny the holocaust(I have been to Poland , and no one in Poland denys it happenned.

But the OP is entitled to their beliefs, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone.
Just hope there are no holocaust survivors or Blitz survivors reading this thread.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
I don't agree with your belief that the holocaust never happened. I do not believe there is a racial conspiracy of any kind. There is no extermination of the white race

Where do you get those ideas? You kind of took off into a white supremacist vent session rather than where I thought you would go. It's actually people like you who promote political correctness by spewing ludicrous theories.

I have provided plenty of evidence.

Just because your mind has not realised this yet, does not make it ludicrous.

It's quite obvious in fact what is about to happen.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:26 PM
While everyone is being politically correct and so so careful not to offend anybody,

this is what is going on ...

Child Rape - The Spoils of War

Our children that they raped were as young as 11 years old. The Rotherham Advertiser reported it but left out the ethnic identities to fool locals into thinking anyone might be doing it when it is Muslim communities. The Advertiser also minimised the seriousness of the attacks by describing them as “exploitation and rape” when it is child molesting and child rape - our children, who are being raped by invaders plundering booty; during invasions, the conquerors rape the women of the conquered, but these are with the complicity of the political police and government.

That people can turn a blind eye to this stuff actually disgusts me ...

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

I think all races should have their own land and most do.

It seems only whites are not allowed?

Why are we not entitled to the same privileges and respect as all the other races?

But hold on... You said in one post that White people taking over lands was no big deal. But apparently it is a big deal when it’s the other way round?

You also mention you fear of "white lands turning beige" and "coffee coloured"

Well my two son's are these strange beige people who you are talking about!!!

Let me assure you they are just as intelligent, handsome and honourable as any white child. I do not have a racist bone in my body and i will say with complete honesty that i really don’t care what colour this country, or any other country, is in 100 years time. As long as there are people who live, love and enjoy life.

Most racism comes from fear and your posts are littered with fear.

You may deny that you belong to any far right groups, and i don’t think i have ever called anyone a liar on ATS without solid proof, but i find that really hard to believe. The rhetoric you are spouting is straight out of a BNP handbook.

I now bid you farewell as i move on to more pleasant pastures.


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:37 PM
The fact is some cultures do not mix and when you try to make them mix, this is what happens...

Muslims cause EU to legalize pedophilia and child rape.

Shocking but true.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by AprilSky
While everyone is being politically correct and so so careful not to offend anybody,

this is what is going on ...

Child Rape - The Spoils of War

Our children that they raped were as young as 11 years old. The Rotherham Advertiser reported it but left out the ethnic identities to fool locals into thinking anyone might be doing it when it is Muslim communities. The Advertiser also minimised the seriousness of the attacks by describing them as “exploitation and rape” when it is child molesting and child rape - our children, who are being raped by invaders plundering booty; during invasions, the conquerors rape the women of the conquered, but these are with the complicity of the political police and government.

That people can turn a blind eye to this stuff actually disgusts me ...

Wow... there we have it. You deny being a member of the BNP or have allegiances with any white supremacist groups and in the very next post you quote a blog site that is dedicated to supporting the BNP.

That my fill of this nonsense and my advice to anyone who reads this is don’t post any more so that this thread can die the death it deserves.

As always, Peace

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Muckster

Originally posted by AprilSky
While everyone is being politically correct and so so careful not to offend anybody,

this is what is going on ...

Child Rape - The Spoils of War

Our children that they raped were as young as 11 years old. The Rotherham Advertiser reported it but left out the ethnic identities to fool locals into thinking anyone might be doing it when it is Muslim communities. The Advertiser also minimised the seriousness of the attacks by describing them as “exploitation and rape” when it is child molesting and child rape - our children, who are being raped by invaders plundering booty; during invasions, the conquerors rape the women of the conquered, but these are with the complicity of the political police and government.

That people can turn a blind eye to this stuff actually disgusts me ...

Wow... there we have it. You deny being a member of the BNP or have allegiances with any white supremacist groups and in the very next post you quote a blog site that is dedicated to supporting the BNP.

That my fill of this nonsense and my advice to anyone who reads this is don’t post any more so that this thread can die the death it deserves.

As always, Peace

And you managed to totally over look a heinous crime ... WHY?

Because of who is associated on the site to the news?

Disgusting ...truly disgusting.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:52 PM
I am not even in the UK, how about this then this is from Wikipedia ...

Sydney gang rapes
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sydney gang rapes were a series of gang rape attacks committed by a group of up to fourteen Lebanese Australian men led by Bilal SkafAnglo-Celtic Australian teenage girls, as young as 14, in Sydney Australia in 2000. The crimes — described as ethnically motivated hate crimes by officials and commentators — saw blanket media coverage, the passing of new laws, and the sentencing of "more than 240 years" of jail time to the nine men convicted of the gang rapes. In court transcripts, Judge Michael Finnane described the rapes as events "you hear about or read about only in the context of wartime atrocities".


10 August 2000, Thursday

Attackers offered a ride and a portion of marijuana to two teenage girls aged 17 and 18. The women were taken by the attackers to Northcote Park, Greenacre where more collaborators were waiting. The women were then forced to fellate eight males.

12 August 2000, Saturday

A 16-year-old girl was brought to Gosling Park, Greenacre by who she believed was her friend, 17-year-old Mohammed Skaf. At the park she was raped by Mohammed's brother Bilal Skaf, and one other man, with twelve other men present who she said were "standing around, laughing and talking in their own language".The second man held a gun to her head and kicked her in the stomach, before she was able to escape.

30 August 2000, Wednesday

Another woman was approached by attackers at the Bankstown train station, who proposed she join them in smoking some marijuana at another location. She agreed and went with them, however she was taken to three separate locations by the men, raped 25 times by a total of fourteen men, in an ordeal that lasted six hours. After the attacks the woman was hosed down with a fire hose. The woman, who was known during the trial as 'C' to protect her identity, later told her story to 60 Minutes. She told of how the attackers called her an "Aussie Pig", asked her if "Leb cock tasted better than Aussie cock" and explained to her that she would now be raped "Leb-style".

4 September 2000, Monday

Two women, both 16, were taken by the attackers from Beverly Hills train station to a house in another suburb, where three men repeatedly raped them over a period of five hours. One of the victims was told that "You deserve it because you're an Australian".

Further attempted attacks

A further series of gang rapes were said to have been attempted, but thwarted. Four of the attackers were also convicted for an attack on Friday August 2000 when they approached a fourteen-year-old girl on a train where she was threatened with violence, punched twice and slapped, told that she would be forced to perform fellatio on several men and that she was going to be raped.

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