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Obama ‘Abruptly’ Walks From Meeting: Cantor

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by disasternaut
reply to post by grahag
Actually the tax-cuts would also affect the people who work on the plane because if the tax is increased on the rich then they won't buy the plane and if they don't by the plane guess who's out of a job? The people who clean and maintain the proper function of the plane!

Same old repub song and dance. The wealthy have been getting tax breaks for the trickle down crap for decades and it did create jobs. In some third world nation. It's high time the welfare for the elite and corporations to stop.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I'm going with this all being a big "dog and pony show", simply because these men and women understand the consequences of the resulting chaos after people don't get their free government money. At least some of them earned it (the vets and retires who deserve what they put into the system. The freeloaders and the tittie sucking leaches can all go home. I'm blunt but I ain't sorry. There's legal ways to come here and there's illegal and disgustingly ignorant government loopholes to use to get here. In the end they will come to an agreement. Again, the consequences aren't worth the so called bickering.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by buster2010

I'm sure that the workers here in America that would be affected by this would take issue with your stance. And why penalize someone for success? The wealthy already pay massive amounts of taxes. Ronald Reagan didn't increase taxes and he got us out of economic turmoil of his day; I just don't see any need to take measures that would negatively affect so many people.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:32 PM
We get a glimps of what is going on at the top.
I bet obama says or does some thing funny soon.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:18 PM
Psh, our depression is a golden age compared to the rest of the world, cept maybe for Dubai, they have enough cash it wont affect them anyway. Wanna cut big governemt spending? it starts with unmanning any unecessary bases over seas we dont need. You can save 3 trillion dollars decommisioning unneeded bases from abroad. The only bases we need are in South Korea, and afghanistan where were still needed, and ofcourse our base in Brittain to keep ties to our cousins in europe just in case the # ever hits the fan and they need an immediate US response. We have no need for the 100+ bases we have spread to the 4 corners of the earth. We still have enough nuclear aresenal left to pose a large enough threat to enforce order. That threat being "behave, or we'll give you a black eye that will take 20,000 years to recover from".

Sometimes the big changes that are needed will not wait for the deliberating by congress that will ensue and last for the next quuarter century. It takes a visionary with an iron will, and a resolve to get done what needs to be done. Our nation is slowly stagnating, and God is being taken away from us, it will not be much longer, before they are banging on your doors giving you the option to renounce Christ or die. The whole world is going to hell, not just the U.S., the very fate of mankind will soon be realized.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by LOCKHEEDMARTIN
Obama has the right idea! And I think Obama has the right idea because if the united states has to sell some of its patents we could pay off the debt. Didn't Ben Rich state that the united states already has the technology to journey to the stars but that it would take an act of God for it to ever benefit humanity. Well Obama is the act of God we are all looking for. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray for Obama!!!!!!
edit on 14-7-2011 by LOCKHEEDMARTIN because: (no reason given)

what patents does the government own ?

i thought patents were owned by people and companies ?

and i would bet that many patents are owned by non-U.S. citizens already .....

by the way, what's in YOUR wallet these days ?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by SpaDe_

About your assessment of the Presidents behavior. What would you do if you were trying to negotiate with such dishonest people? Try inventorying the bank accounts of these politicians and you will see what this is all about. They are lying phonies doing the bidding of their puppet handlers, ie., Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve Bank, the rest of Wall Street, the Lobbyists, the Oil Cartel, etc.. All this money grab while telling their lies about not wanting to have their Grand-Children, who aren't even born yet, to have to carry the burdens of our mistakes. How long are we going to continue falling for these lines, which are really Diversionary Tactics to keep us distracted from what they are really up to. They are taking pay-offs from the same scoundrels who are responsible for all this debt in the first place. Have you forgotten that this whole mess was perpetrated by the BANKS in the first place? Yet we have allowed these lying free-loaders, who get the best Health Care free, Haircuts free, Meals free, Strutting around Congress in their $5000 suits, glad-handing their fraternal partners. Ever notice how they always have their hands in their pockets to make sure the $$$$$ doesn't slip away, besides the fact that they are totally obcessed with Money? But we keep reelecting these Jokers. We are being sucker-punched and we aren't even putting up a fight. We smile and say "Thank You Boss", whenever they throw us a bone of a $300 Rebate or something like that. We are shouldering the Tax Burden like slaves for the people who control all the money. If they pass a Tax Bill that says that those making a 1/4 $Mil and up have to pay a slightly higher rate of Tax, I will not be a genuine American if I balked.

I urge all Americans to WAKE-UP from the Coma you have been lulled into and realize your lives are in danger big-time. You're being deceived by the "Right In Your Face" audacity of the Richest and Most Powerful Robber Barons that date all the way back hundreds of years. How is it that one family, the Rothchilds, control over 70% of the World Wealth? They could easily support every household in America! So are you serious in wasting your time knocking on the President while all these Rabbit Tricks are being played on Americans? I used to enjoy Rothchild Wines, but now I can't stand the site of it. But my boycotting their wine, or if everyone else did too, it would have little consequence for them. They make their money in a whole different way. Remember what Old Man Rothchild is famous for saying, "I do not want my servants to have a break on anything!". The Rich are following his example of how to control the 'little guy'.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:25 PM

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by TYANDRES

Finally !

somebody gets it !

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by AdonisDNA

What did he say

to get ya

this mad ?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

This is so frustrating


I imagine the incident was something similar to this:


edit on 15-7-2011 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by jude11

I think he's a zombie!

(Postscript: you are a #ing mad man)

edit on 15-7-2011 by Harro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:41 AM
The entire GOP are throwing a tempur tantrum like the little kids that they are who need to grow the heil up.

Time to sit the kids at the kids table and let the educated adults handle this grown up discussion.

If the little kids can't act correctly it may be time to put them into timeout.
edit on 15-7-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:02 AM
no video. no pictures. go away.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by SpaDe_

but as the leader of this country he should be held to a higher standard.

edit on 7/13/2011 by SpaDe_ because: ...

If this were the case, he wouldnt be despised as much as he is.

I'd rather have a pres that is in there kicking ass and defending the Constitution rather than one that is petulant, narcissistic, and deluded. I'm just glad all the "you just hate him cuz he's black" crap is over.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

One democrat Narcissist in a room full of Republican Narcissists....yep......we get the picture!

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Chance321

Originally posted by ShogunAssassins
reply to post by hab22

"The filthy rich don't need all that money. Heck, 5% of the people control 80% of the assets in this country."

That is exactly why things are broke now.. The distance between the normal working person who keeps this country going and some prick CEO is just a joke.. What i really dont get is why and how they get poor people to buy into the propaganda. Yeah, let me pay that for you sir. You need a shoe shine while we are at it? Some people..

I've got to disagree. It's the "prick" CEO's that own the companies that employ the normal working person that keep this country going. It's the rich that buy the fancy houses/boats,ect that are built buy contractors and their empolyees. You raise the taxes on the rich and one of two things are going to happen, 1) the CEO cuts his losses and lays people off or 2) he raises prices to make up for the tax loss and the normal working person gets hit again in higher prices.
What you need to ask is, how many jobs has someone say on welfair created?

Its the prick ceo that owns the company that employ the normal working person(in other countrys because the out sorced almost all us jobs)Thanks bill! keep this country going (down the drain). if you raise taxes on the rich they might have enough to pay them lol. and if they lay people off who cares if they have jobs in china i dont and if they raise the prices they will just lose business. I will answer your rediculas question people on welfair have created probably just as many jobs as the rich In this country. You see what i did there i took away your arguement with the truth nice. because if that ceo gets a huge tax cut he isnt going to make more jobs here or they would have done it the last time the got the cuts instead they out sorce or make sectors of the company somewhere else thats just how it is now. untill we fix the mess caused so many years ago that took away the playing field leveler we had in place the rich will not do anything for us because its not in their best interest and they did not get rich by not looking out for their interests.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by DCPatriot

Originally posted by grahag
I am amazed at how knee-jerk some people are.

He left because the GOP said they weren't going to compromise.

The GOP isn't giving ANY concessions in this. The tax breaks for the wealthy are the sacred cow and they aren't going to budge. Whereas Obama has agreed to cuts in spending. Cuts in spending at a time when the economy is in danger of slipping back into the recession. It's a terrible compromise on Obama's part, but even so, the GOP isn't going to give on theirs.

I'm amazed at the number of millionaires and private jet owners and fund managers that post here. Because those would be the only people affected by the Bush tax cuts ending.

OR, it could just be that people just want to hate Obama and they use this argument as a "me too" to include them in the argument. Lazy AND lame...

The 'cuts' that Obama is proposing are spread over TWELVE YEARS!

They screwed Reagan with shenanigans....fool me once!

All cuts must be immediate.

Yes. All cuts must be up front. That is why Obama will NEVER agree to it.
It's quicker and easier to issue the executive presidential order to simply raise the debt
limit by $2.4 Trillion.
To hell with the U.S. Congress. They take too long and never agree on anything.
It's better for Obama to just run the whole country from the White House.
Maybe he could change his title to Emperor of the United States?
How's that for - transformation - ?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
For those of you pointing out Cantor and Boehner's antics....I agree. Screw them all. This is cheap negotiation tactic. This is posturing and peacocking, and it has no place in a civil discussion with the huge ramifications and responsibilities that these elected officials are tasked with!

We would not allow this childish behavior in a debate on ATS, so it certainly should not be allowed at their level of debate.

All is well that ends well though, so let them bicker and fight. Let the cards fall where they may. In my opinion, inaction is better than anything they have done in the past. How about they all just go home and shut up. That would be a huge improvement over the failed policies that they have been responsible for the last 10 years!

Everyone is correct though. This isn't a partisan issue. Both parties are ridiculously inept.

However, we do have Republican Mitch McConnell Plan B on the table.
Hmmmmm........Reid and Pelosi like what they see.
Will Obama ignore it?

My guess is Obama will declare the McConnell Plan B to be too complicated with too
many strings attached. Lets just go with the - executive presidential order- to raise the
debt limit $2.4 Trillion.
Label the Republicans a bunch of hostage takers and the Democrats a bunch of
sanctimonious fools. Run everything from the White House.
To hell with the U.S. Congress. It's more fun to be King of the United States.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

Originally posted by DCPatriot

Originally posted by grahag
I am amazed at how knee-jerk some people are.

He left because the GOP said they weren't going to compromise.

The GOP isn't giving ANY concessions in this. The tax breaks for the wealthy are the sacred cow and they aren't going to budge. Whereas Obama has agreed to cuts in spending. Cuts in spending at a time when the economy is in danger of slipping back into the recession. It's a terrible compromise on Obama's part, but even so, the GOP isn't going to give on theirs.

I'm amazed at the number of millionaires and private jet owners and fund managers that post here. Because those would be the only people affected by the Bush tax cuts ending.

OR, it could just be that people just want to hate Obama and they use this argument as a "me too" to include them in the argument. Lazy AND lame...

The 'cuts' that Obama is proposing are spread over TWELVE YEARS!

They screwed Reagan with shenanigans....fool me once!

All cuts must be immediate.

Yes. All cuts must be up front. That is why Obama will NEVER agree to it.
It's quicker and easier to issue the executive presidential order to simply raise the debt
limit by $2.4 Trillion.
To hell with the U.S. Congress. They take too long and never agree on anything.
It's better for Obama to just run the whole country from the White House.
Maybe he could change his title to Emperor of the United States?
How's that for - transformation - ?

You want to give him the authourity to circumvent the Congress but on the same side of the coin are daring to call him an Emperor? Can you say, double standard?

We are not raising the debt limit and that is that and will not do it just because The Federal Reserve and some ragtag investment house tells us to.

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