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The Dinosaurs: Bothering scientists since the 1800s

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:30 PM
dinosaurs is a name that was invented only a couple hundred years ago. they used to be called DRAGONS, or at least that is my opinion. something i have thought about since i was a kid. first time went to a museum on a school trip, i saw a huge skeleton sitting there and made a comment about what a cool dragon it was, to be immediately corrected by the teacher that no dragons are imaginary and this was a dinosaur.well i never relay bought it, after all every picture of western dragons i had seen in pictures bore a striking resemblance to this "t-rex".

i have never understood this prejudice from science about dragons and dinosaurs not being one and the same.
just another case of the bad science of today. where you either agree completely with the currant theories or are obviously a crackpot. just because currant science states that dinosaurs and humans lived at different times, does not make it fact. there have been documented cases of both "dinosaur" and human tracks in same rock one possibly following the other. but of course it must be fake, as those in control of what gets taught don't believe it, in fact they have been known to go out of their way to destroy the evidence or discredit it just because it doesn't match their theories.

unfortunately this prejudiced thinking is extremely wide spread among archeologists, due in part because anyone who dares dispute the "currant theories' looses all creditability and so are not "real" scientists. this would be like the old toothpaste commercials that stated that 7 out of 10 dentists recommend this brand, being changed to 100% of all dentists recommend this brand, (as any who disagree are obviously not "real dentists").

now where would we be if Galileo, and numerous others did not go against the catholic church about stuff such as the earth not being the center of the universe or that the earth was round and not flat? in this way main stream science, is exactly like the catholic church of that time.
anyone who doesn't believe as they do is a heretic, even a danger to society.

now the most obvious difference between "so called" dinosaurs and "so called" dragons, is wings and possibility of fiery breath. there are several possibilities for this discrepancy. first it could be that over time many different creatures ended up getting molded into one creature, say like pterodactyls (flight) and t-rex (general appearance of western dragons). i can easily see that with oral pass down over time. another possibilities is adding characteristics for scaring children, in order to make behave, go to bed whatever. another interesting "theory" is that wings, fiery breath, even possibly horns, in order to make creature "appear more evil", after all demons come from hell, live in fire, have horns and wings in most depictions.
this was also done with the Norse raiders (commonly know by the name of their occupation vikings). there is a famous picture out there painted by a priest of a viking raid where the vikings wore horned helms, strangely enough when looked at closely it doesn't look like horns ON the helm, but holes in the helm for the viking's horns to fit through. a similar attempt to make them appear more evil, and equate with demons? in fact there are no authentic "Viking" helms with horns to be found.

in fact by limiting their views with such narrow mindedness, is typical of the main stream scientists, thus actually hurting science. thousands of objects have been, buried away, destroyed, or just plain skipped over, in the field of archeology that could possibly point to another possibility of the past. dinosaurs are just another example of this.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by generik

I think your post about why my post is ok, was longer than my original post/idea/thought. W/e you want to make of it. lolz. Thanks for your input and not calling me wrong or crazy!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

They were our predecessors on this planet more than 65 millions years ago.

Considerably more. The earliest dinosaurs lived about 250 million years ago.

Best described as large lizards with tiny brains.

They were not lizards at all.

The Dinosaurs had a thriving civilization...

It’s news to me that dinosaurs were civilized. Have archaeologists found remnants of dinosaur cities? Or unearthed a fossilized dinosaur etiquette book?

Remnants of these massive creatures can only be found in tiny lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and more recently whales.

None of the animal groups mentioned are descended from dinosaurs. Birds are, though.

According Darwin's theory of evolution, the dinosaurs died out due to survival of the fittest.

They died of a Spencerian quotation?

A massive climatic change occurred some 65 million years ago.

Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not.

If Dinosaurs were indeed massive [cold-blooded] reptiles (as conventional thinking would have you believe) then the cooler climate would have been disastrous.

If. Currently, most scientists think dinosaurs were warm-blooded, though the debate continues.

Seem familiar, the long-lasting debate about Global warming is evident here. Textbooks listed this as a climatic change long before the public started debating about the reality of Global Warming.

The K-T boundary event is unrelated to present-day climate change. See the Science Daily article linked above.

They stayed above ground and transformed into the mammals that we see here on Earth today. This leaves scientists puzzled, however. How did other species form from these burrowers?

They haven’t been puzzled about this since 24 November 1859.

Wouldn't moles mating with moles just create more moles?


Certainly the early mammals needed help re-sequencing their DNA in the very technical process called cloning.


Now, what was that you were trying to sell me again?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

How do you think the dinosaurs evolved in the first place?

It was only after the much bigger PT Extinction event (around 251ma) that surviving archosaurs came to dominate over synapsids - a process then reversed some 185 million years later.

Of course, there's no mention of any of this in the Bible either. But then, it's not in Grimms Fairy Stories either. Or even the Arabian Nights

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:56 AM
btw most dinosaurs were no bigger than a turkey. And tasted just as good

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible as dragons. It wasn't until the 19th century that the word dinosaur was invented. If u knew a bit about the bible you'd know of dragons. Nebuchadneza had one in a cage as a pet in ancient babylon. I know a whole lot about evolution and the lies it tries to push but u probably guessed that already. The 1st dinosaur remains were discovered in the 19th century, how do u explain the ancient drawings in pots and cave walls dated centuries prior to the discovery of the 1st dinosaur. Its because people did see dinosaurs and lived wit them in ancient times. This is all fact which is more than i can say about evolution. Its 09h22 johannesburg time so GOOD MORNING.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible as dragons. It wasn't until the 19th century that the word dinosaur was invented. If u knew a bit about the bible you'd know of dragons. Nebuchadneza had one in a cage as a pet in ancient babylon. I know a whole lot about evolution and the lies it tries to push but u probably guessed that already. The 1st dinosaur remains were discovered in the 19th century, how do u explain the ancient drawings in pots and cave walls dated centuries prior to the discovery of the 1st dinosaur. Its because people did see dinosaurs and lived wit them in ancient times. This is all fact which is more than i can say about evolution. Its 09h22 johannesburg time so GOOD MORNING.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by taly09
Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible as dragons.

That's doubtful -- because the Bible didn't just "appear" like magic, whole and complete. It was put together out of a lot of other documents when (for the Old Testament) the rabbis decided to make a formal "book" that held the "right" documents" and later (the Bible) the Catholic Church decided to end all the alternate teachings by putting out an Official Book.

In any case, the Hebrews lived with and interacted with other people. They don't have any images of dragons or bones (not fossils) of dinosaurs.

If u knew a bit about the bible you'd know of dragons. Nebuchadneza had one in a cage as a pet in ancient babylon.

Do we have the same Bible? In Jeremiah 51, it says "For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon [is] like a threshing floor, [it is] time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come. Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me, he hath made me an empty vessel, he hath swallowed me up like a dragon, he hath filled his belly with my delicates, he hath cast me out" -- the God of the Bible says that Nebuchadrezzar devoured him and now he's out to take revenge. Strong's concordance says the term appears 19 times in the Bible.

how do u explain the ancient drawings in pots and cave walls dated centuries prior to the discovery of the 1st dinosaur.

Well...there aren't any. There's a number of fakes (Ica Stones), a paraidolia (stain that if you look at it JUST right looks like a cartoon dinosaur -- but doesn't resemble a real one) and guardian "dragons" of Babylon which don't resemble any dinosaurs (and that area was under water during the age of the dinosaurs.)

Its because people did see dinosaurs and lived wit them in ancient times.

Then we'd have a lot of names for these species from all over the world (because pachyrhinosaurus is as different from stygiomoloch as a tiger is from a panda) and we'd have very fresh bones of them, complete with DNA. And we'd have some very detailed drawings and medallions and palace wall paintings (we can tell the species of ducks and other animals from paintings in Egypt and Crete) of many different types of dinosaurs.

This is all fact which is more than i can say about evolution.

You haven't seen different breeds of dogs? Improved plant crops? The difference between juniper trees (Ashe juniper and Virginia juniper are two native trees from North America that evolved into different species? Or eagles and falcons?

Evolution in action.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:01 PM
dinos walked with man lol

dragons existed omg

are you guys for real?

the dragons in the bible are just as real as the virgin birth and god.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Kicks himself for replying....

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
The Dinosaurs had a thriving civilization left untouched by human hands for more than three eras.

Dinos didnt have a "Civilization"

Remnants of these massive creatures can only be found in tiny lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and more recently whales. .


Birds. they're everywhere.

According Darwin's theory of evolution, the dinosaurs died out due to survival of the fittest. A massive climatic change occurred some 65 million years ago.

Some believe there was a massive meteorite or Comet that whacked the Earth. Maybe Earth was hit by a few of them, also did Darwin actually ever address the issue of Mass Dino extinction? I smell Bovine excretion...

If Dinosaurs were indeed massive reptiles

And medium sized ones and small ones and ones that swam in the oceans others flew in the sky and still others were small feathered ones etc etc etc

Seem familiar, the long-lasting debate about Global warming is evident here. Textbooks listed this as a climatic change long before the public started debating about the reality of Global Warming.

Yes, Like the Ice Age it most likely happens in cycles.

Religion never mentions the subject of the dinosaurs and has no explanation on the inconsistencies with the Bible's version of creationism.

Far be it for me to defend the bible but I've read in it they were called either Dragons or Behemoths. Take your pick

If God created all creatures within his image

Sigh, according to the bible he made "Man" in his own image not a tadpole or the platypus.

Wouldn't there have been some mention of the prehistoric beasts in the story? The dinosaurs go beyond all Christian thinking and thus are thrown out of it all together.

No they don't stop lying...

But religion certainly never helped the dinosaurs.

Did they have a flat tire or lose their keys?

Helped how?

Whether by God or some unknown force another theory states that a meteor three miles in length impacted the Earth, somewhere near what is now Mexico. This impact caused sudden climate change, a great flood, and darkness in the skies. It is in this destroyed world that the mammals of the time began to thrive.

No actually very few mammals survived and it took them a hell of a long time to recover.

Burrowing creatures like moles and muskrats started to eat the eggs of the large lizards and found plentiful food sources.

Was this before or after the global mass extinction?

Since they were burrowers they were used to the harsh climate and the darkened skies.

Why, did it thunder and lightening and or have snow showers in their mole holes often?

They stayed above ground and transformed into the mammals that we see here on Earth today.

Didn't happen over night, it took millions of years of genetic trial and error and some didn't make it.

This leaves scientists puzzled,

I'd avoid confused puzzled scientist. Bad Joo Joo

Religions say God did it. Scientists say it just happened. The answer is neither.

You got this straight from God and or Darwin themselves? I smell Bovine excretion again or is it Sitchin?

The ancient Sumerians and certain 'occult' authors may be more right than wrong. Scientists claim the authors crazy and the Sumerian explanation a myth. But more and more evidence is building up for the case of a preexisting technologically advanced society of either man or alien beings?? What do you think?

I was right, it was a Bovine excretion aroma spelled "Sitchin"


If you are going to try debunk the Bible and Darwin at least get one or both of them right before you twist their stance.

Mark Twain had a good saying...

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.

edit on 11-7-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

AND THAT,.... is why you are a gold content contributor.....

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:32 PM


posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

i believe dinosaurs and man existed together at the same time. i think dinosaurs were on the way out, but men were alive with them.

i'm friends with a family of archaeologists/paleontologists, and they told me about many interesting recent finds. at a burial site on the gravestones were carved dinosaurs. they were instantly recognizable and exactly like what we think they looked like. this find was hushed up. how did man know what they looked like if we never lived with them?

edit on 7-8-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
reply to post by jjf3rd77

i believe dinosaurs and man existed together at the same time. i think dinosaurs were on the way out, but men were alive with them.

i'm friends with a family of archaeologists/paleontologists, and they told me about many interesting recent finds. at a burial site on the gravestones were carved dinosaurs. they were instantly recognizable and exactly like what we think they looked like. this find was hushed up. how did man know what they looked like if we never lived with them?

edit on 7-8-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

That's easy,....Those are all fakes!!!

So that's what I have been told.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by snowen20

yes sadly many call fake, but hundreds if not thousands of these depictions have been found all over the world. the second one down in the pictures i linked is a carving in a temple. pretty hard to fake that. maybe the temple is fake, eh? elaborate ruse by creationists

lets see...ahh here's one from peru showing a man WITH a dinosaur. poor wanker.

there are accounts from historians describing dinosaurs. its stupid to take everything else they say as true, then reject something you don't like because it doesn't fit with what you think is true.

dinosaur depictions have been found in the tombs of pharaohs, marco polo said the chinese emperor kept "dragons" to pull his chariots in parades.

but its all just a hoax, right?

some of the inca stones aren't real, but many of them are. there have been thousands upon thousands found by alot of different people. the farmer who admitted to making them did so to avoid a huge jail sentence. see, its very, VERY illegal to sell real artifacts down there, and each sale carries a lengthy jail sentence. so he said he carved them and was passing them off as real.

many of the inca stones have something called "desert varnish" in the carved grooves, which takes hundreds of years to form. no way to fake that.
edit on 7-8-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by mileysubet

(Genesis 1:26) Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,

Who is "our?"

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

No matter how you look at it, The Bible fails to account for dinosaurs in a way that is logical. It never mentions giant animals walking the earth. We know dinosaurs existed because we have proof that they did. There has been no evidence that humans existed at the same time as dinosaurs. So what do we make of this?

It has also been said that there may have been some sort of man-made catastrophe, such as a nuclear war, in ancient times that wiped out a our civilizations during a period when we were more advanced in our technology. If that's true, maybe the creators of Godzilla were on to I mean, the concept of Godzilla revolves around the fact that he exists as a result of a mutation caused by us dropping the atomic bombs in Japan. Maybe the effects of the nuclear war in in ancient times mutated the genes of the animals and caused the animals that remained to evolve into giants, only to become extinct later because of an earthly natural disaster.

Don't's no less plausible than some of the claims suggested in the Bible.....LOL

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

yes sadly many call fake, but hundreds if not thousands of these depictions have been found all over the world. the second one down in the pictures i linked is a carving in a temple. pretty hard to fake that. maybe the temple is fake, eh? elaborate ruse by creationists lets see...ahh here's one from peru showing a man WITH a dinosaur. poor wanker.

Whoa, Bob! I was not aware there were ANY depictions of dinosaurs and man together! That is wild! If they are authentic, what the hell are we supposed to make of that?

This is cracking me up! Good Lord, is ANYTHING we've ever been taught about ANYTHING true?

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Elentarri


Now THAT is funny....

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Byrd

all the examples given to support evolution are all species within the same kind, a dog and a wolf are both canines & an eagle and a falcon are predatory birds. Why dont u tell me of birds turning to lizards or somethin which aint a bird. A dog will never produce a non-dog, there's no proof whatsoever of one kind of animal producin a different kind.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

the bible actually does mention several and gives discriptions.

tanniyn: translates as dragon/serpent/sea monster. its used 28 times and may mean something like "dinosaur" to us.

behemoth: is thought to be a brachiosaurus. eats grass/leaves, has a tail like a cedar (long straight and narrows to a point) and bones like beams of bronze.

leviathan: probably a kronosaurus.

the greek historian herodotus, and the jewish historian josephus both told of flying reptiles in egypt. josephus also told of other large scaly creatures.

on top of all the depictions found, i don't see how anyone could deny that humans and dinosaurs lived together.

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