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The Physics of God as Seen in Reflection - Proof of God as Verified by Physics

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 08:37 AM
This is the second thread on the Trinity and Physics. The first thread is HERE. It may be helpful to read the OP from the first thread to fully understand this topic.

The video below was recently sent to me in regard to my last thread on the Physics of the Trinity. What follows are my comments regarding the video and my perspective on the physics of God. It was too long to fit in the comment box. Enjoy.

The Human Jesus Documentary LINK

In Answer to Modalism and the Trinity - The Physics of God as Seen in Reflection

Until recently, I knew my own understanding of the trinity and assumed that everyone believed what I believed. I actually didn't realize that my understanding of the trinity was contrary to my own Churches theology. I recently had a discussion with my pastor on this issue. He is the one who clued me in on the error of Modalism. This makes a cognitive dissonance for me for sure, especially given my view of the Trinity. I'll get to that in a second.

The Baptist view is one of God appearing in the form of three persons. This gets into an issue of scripture, as the video seems to be pointing out. We read scripture with the understanding that there cannot be two contradictory truths. If the Word is inspired, then two contradictory truths are merely two truths that lack an excluded middle that has not been considered.

As an example: A train engineer passes a friend's house each day and blows his whistle. They get together and discuss the fact that the whistle changes pitch. The engineer claims that it does not, while the friend claims that it does. They are both happy to eventually find out that they are both correct. The Doppler Effect is to blame. In the end, it comes down to frame of reference and perspective.

Here is where my view of the Trinity comes into play. We cannot limit God to one perspective. God is an onion. We peel Him and His word makes us cry at first. Then, we find the truth to be sweet when finally understood. God and His word are in layers. There are multiple perspectives and meanings to it all. It all fits together with no error. This includes the Trinity.

What I describe in the physics of God thread 1 is one aspect of the entire three persons of the Trinity. We can say that Jesus came to save man from the error in the Garden. True. We can also say that He creates. True again. We can also say that He suffers for our good. True. Keep going and going to infinity. Christ did it all for us. He is only limited by infinity, which is limited by God's separation of chaos (evil and good / Darkness and light). He also says that the Father is greater than Him (John 14:28). How can He be God if He is less than the Father? There are many other verses that create the same cognitive dissonance in our minds. It is only a paradox until we see clearly.

We can see the excluded middle when we consider where God is. God is outside the created material world. Where are we and where is the Trinity? We are, all three, 'in' the image of God. IN. Reading from Genesis, it states that we are 'IN' the image of God and also in God's image. BOTH. Paradox. No. See it for what it is by examining the Trinity. God is one and three in one. We are one in our body, but we have all three persons of God in us. We have living matter (Particle and wave) and we have consciousness (The Holy Spirit).

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;

This reality is not God's. It is an image. A reflection of Him only. The three persons are Him in the mirror. They are Him in reflection. We are Him in reflection. That is profound if you just sit back for a moment and consider that you are looking, right now, at an image that I created on a screen. Is this image a reflection of me, the person who writes Blogs? Do I also do other things that tell you who I am? Now we understand. God is God where He is. He is three persons in our reality. We are three persons in His reality. It is a mirror.


God refuses to be worshiped as an image. We can only worship Him in Spirit and truth, never as an image. Does this count for Jesus? No. Jesus is God in the material world. The Son is an indispensable part of the creation (John 1:1). He is the Word that created this universe. LOGOS. This is also true for the Holy Spirit, which is consciousness in the Material world (God looking through our eyes). This is God's Holy consciousness observing the universe. God is the first of many observers. We are His observer as we observe this world. He is our observer as we view His world. Sit and chew on this paragraph for at least 20 minutes.

Finally, we have the Father. The Father is the light itself. Light is the fundamental particle in the universe that is used as the prima materia, or the First matter. It is what reflects off of material form so we can see the light of God in nature's story. We do not see light. We see a narrow band of light that reflects at a frequency we can register. This is the resource that is used by the Logos to create the reality we observe. This is the duality of light, both particle and wave. You cannot have any of this apart from consciousness. There must be an observer to make choice. This happens when an observer takes possibility from the infinity at rest (God), collapses its wave function, and moves infinity to a determined outcome in time. This is where it starts. The image moves by choice. We are God's creative projection and much, much more. This is a film we live in; a movie that allows us to observe God as He observes us. See the movie Illusion with Kurt Douglass. You will understand.

If you look out at the ocean, what do you see? You see the surface and waves. What does God see? He sees the entire ocean, top to bottom, right to left and all that is contained in that ocean to the smallest atom. He sees the physics of that ocean through the eyes of Christ. He sees His perfect law of love at work. We cannot see past the surface and waves unless we dare to see what is hidden in the depths.

When you see that ONE God, outside the material realm, creates by His three persons, you get the picture. Both Modalism and the Trinitarian views are the same. The paradox is resolved by seeing the mirror has a reflection to our perspective and frame of reference in time. Now, right now, go look in a mirror. You see what God sees. God is outside the universe. God is in the universe in three persons, all acting in one accord to create all that we see around us.

Our consciousness is on loan from God, as we also have these three aspects in one person. We are both particle and wave (living matter). We also have the Holy Spirit from Christ if we find love. The Bible says that God jealously longs for our spirit to return (James 4:5). He desires us to come into union with him through love for Him and others. Ultimately, this is accomplished by the work of Christ from the beginning of time. He is the word, the wave that we ride as we learn about God. When we are one with God, the fruit on our tree in heaven ripens, drops and grows on the other side of the image. We are saved by love. If our spirit does not gain union with God, the fruit perishes on the tree of life. The key is faith, then hope, then love. 1 Corinthians 13

One more fitting piece to the puzzle. If you consider the flaming sword in Genesis, what is it? It protects the tree of life. If love unlocks the tree of life, then hatred and bias protect it. This sword blinds men from understanding the message of God in the three persons of the Trinity. It is simple when you know the excluded middle.

God loves you and He expects you to love others. God is, after all, one of the others. This is His law of truth as I sit here and reflect what I see in His image. God bless!

Please comment. Let me know if there is anything to add or take away. We're all in this together through the love of God in the three persons of one God.

One last point that I can't resist. If I had to guess what God was on the other side, what would it be?


Light is all that can be know (infinity at rest). Force is all that can be accomplished (creative intelligence). Consciousness is the awareness that I AM and WE ARE.

Other related Threads: God's Goodness | The Problem of Evil | The Believers Declaration of Independence

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 08:45 AM
If you missed it the first time, here is part one of this thread.

I think I have a valid explanation for the trinity that makes more sense than anything I have read. Keep in mind, the trinity is responsible for creating the universe. The creative nature of one God is manifest in three areas of this creative force. As you read my simple explanation, realize that it is way more complicated than what I present.

In the beginning (TIME), God created the heavens (SPACE) and the earth (Matter). Let there be light (ENERGY).

These are the four basic building blocks of all currently known physics. Here is where the trinity of one God comes in.

The father is light (wisdom and the infinity of knowledge). The Son is the Word (LOGOS). We see the word from John 1. The Holy Spirit is the indwelling information that brings the other two together into life (consciousness).

Here is where it gets good. Light is both a particle and a wave. This is the duality of light according to physics. Light behaves according to the observer. This is the double slit experiment of physics if you want to verify this. Since the observer collapses the indeterminate wave of probability, the observer creates what is observed. God is the first observer. The trinity is His process, by His three natures, to create the universe. Why is the Son the Word? A word is a wave. All particles have an associated wave in physics. Christ carries the light of God by His wisdom and knowledge.

One God. Three natures of creation. Keep in mind one thing about the Christian religion. The Bible has the fingerprint of God in both the old testament and the new. Genesis 1:1-3 and John 1. This is our verification that His Word is both written and living. Christ is the Living Word, manifest in our world to save mankind by example. The first observer comes to reality to change reality in person. Christ has collapsed the indeterminate wave of probability and changed it to determinate. A new Heaven and a new earth is promised if you catch the wave.

Am I correct? Let me know what you think.

Colossians 1:16

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 08:48 AM
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

I have good news for you. YES HE DOES! What a brilliant question to start this out.

If I created a Sims character in my image, where is He? He is 'in' my image. He is 'in' the computer. The universe is God's image; a reflection of Him and His goodness to you. If you are wondering about His attributes, go ahead and start with the nipple idea. Keep going until you humble your heart and see yourself by the light of God's image. He loves you as you the babe suckling milk from His word and He loves you just as much after you are weened.

1 Peter 2
1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

Does an image have to also be an exact duplicate or can it be a reasonable facsimile? I don't recall reading anywhere that God created man as his equal in any aspect (looks, power, knowledge, etc)

I vote for no God nipples, unless he wants them

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

if God created man in his own image..

...why aren't we invisible?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:16 AM
A mirror cannot see itself, except in reflection. You are only visible to God as He sees Himself in you. God is only visible to us if you see Him in reflection. Here is an article I wrote about it. The details can be seen clearly if you look closer at what the Bible is saying at a deeper level. LINK

He sees you through the eyes of Christ. Christ was perfection in an imperfect reality. By Christ's reflection, you are made clear to God by love. All you need to do is focus that image back to Christ and allow Him to send it to God for your salvation. I speak metaphorically, of course.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

if God created man in his own image..

...why aren't we invisible?

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

I have good news for you. YES HE DOES! What a brilliant question to start this out.

If God created man in his own image, wouldn't man be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:00 AM
Yes. Here is a quote in the OP in case you missed it. God's consciousness is within all living things. He sees what you see and more. His understanding is infinite. He is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost at one time. These are His three persons in us. We are made up of these three. We are His particle and wave (Matter) and we are also His Spirit, making us living matter. He is one God in three persons. We are one person in the three persons of God. It is a mirror. We both meet in the middle. The Trinity is the bridge between each reflection. They are the mirror.

If you look out at the ocean, what do you see? You see the surface and waves. What does God see? He sees the entire ocean, top to bottom, right to left and all that is contained in that ocean to the smallest atom. He sees the physics of that ocean through the eyes of Christ. He sees His perfect law of love at work. We cannot see past the surface and waves unless we dare to see what is hidden in the depths.

Originally posted by OccamAssassin

Originally posted by SuperiorEd

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I've always wondered, if God created man in his own image then does God have nipples? Why would God have nipples?

I have good news for you. YES HE DOES! What a brilliant question to start this out.

If God created man in his own image, wouldn't man be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient?

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:01 AM
If God created man in his own image he spent very little time on our backs. As well it takes prodigious feats of innovative engineering methodology to assign the reproductive organ to be the same as the waste organ.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:14 AM
Imagine yourself on one side of a mirror. God is on the other. The trinity is the mirror. God sees you through His light, force and consciousness. You see God through the same process from the other side. God projected this reality to the face of the mirror. From this projection, we are an image of His design and creation. In other words, we are in an image that is not the real image on the other side.

If you consider what your body is, it is essentially a bio-mechanical robot for your consciousness to sense this reflection. You are actually on the other side of this mirror with God, right now. You are sensing this reality from that spot with God. You are not your body. No matter what you think of God's design of that body, it is not you. It is a vehicle that you will cast off when decay and entropy has taken its course.

Do you make your hair grow, activate the cones and rods in your eyes, make the sun shine, and so on. NO. You do none of it. It is done for you. All you do is move the vehicle by your consciousness. All of the rest is choice, providence (God's choice) and the actions of others. These choices are answered by the laws of nature, rendering your choices null. You choose and the universe is set to answer back with an appropriate response.

Within this frame of creation, you can create unique creations yourself. Computers, symphonies, movies...The list goes on. God gives you the chance to act out His creation yourself, frame by frame. What you do here represents your unique creation. Is it done for the love of others and for their benefit, or is it done for selfish pride? This represents your reflection back to God.

Your sphincter location is of no significance to this. Just be happy you have one or you would suffocate by your own filth. God provides a way for you to release what does not belong in life.

Originally posted by uva3021
If God created man in his own image he spent very little time on our backs. As well it takes prodigious feats of innovative engineering methodology to assign the reproductive organ to be the same as the waste organ.

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Yes. Here is a quote in the OP in case you missed it. God's consciousness is within all living things. He sees what you see and more. His understanding is infinite. He is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost at one time. These are His three persons in us. We are made up of these three. We are His particle and wave (Matter) and we are also His Spirit, making us living matter. He is one God in three persons. We are one person in the three persons of God. It is a mirror. We both meet in the middle. The Trinity is the bridge between each reflection. They are the mirror.

I think you should go back and check the definitions of omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Because by definition, if a being is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient then the being is everything, all knowing and every whence.

There is no separation.

By definition, A being that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, is the mirror and not separate from it, nor separated from God.

edit on 9/7/2011 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:31 AM
This is the point. Salvation for us represents God being willing to separate Himself to create others. To develop an artificial life, that life needs to meet there requirements.

1. It must be different. An exact copy is only a perfect copy. God is one. He cannot be two or He creates Himself.

2. It must have free will. If we cannot make choice, we are automatons. God allows the possibility for evil by giving us free will. If we have the choice, we also have the ability to choose incorrectly.

3. It must be able to think and reason with enough power to see God but lacking the power to destroy itself. It cannot have unlimited free will.

Your questions is this? How can God be limited in His power? By making the image less than Him. It is the only way for us to learn how to return without destroying the entire process. We are teenagers learning to drive for the first time.

Salvation is free to us if we ask. We must demonstrate God's law of love first to show mastery. Salvation is free to us, but costly to God. He gave up part of His perfection to allow us to share in that perfection.

quote]Originally posted by OccamAssassin

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Yes. Here is a quote in the OP in case you missed it. God's consciousness is within all living things. He sees what you see and more. His understanding is infinite. He is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost at one time. These are His three persons in us. We are made up of these three. We are His particle and wave (Matter) and we are also His Spirit, making us living matter. He is one God in three persons. We are one person in the three persons of God. It is a mirror. We both meet in the middle. The Trinity is the bridge between each reflection. They are the mirror.

I think you should go back and check the definitions of omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Because by definition, if a being is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient then the being is everything, all knowing and every whence.

There is no separation.

By definition, A being that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, is the mirror and not separate from it, nor separated from God.

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:44 AM
I think something was created in the image of God, but it was not this human primate body we all call our psychical bodies. Think about it, if our material bodies were created in the image of God, it would have not experience death, It would have not suffer from diseases and confusion. That is just not the image of God isn't it? I think God and that what was created in its own imagine, looks very much different than a simple human primate, It must look way more different than what we can imagine...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:53 AM
It appears you did not read the original post. I would encourage you to notice what is there. We are 'in' God's image and the image of God both. If you could somehow manage to merge yourself into my computer, then you would be 'in' Bill Gates image. If you could then give yourself Bill gates looks, knowledge and wealth, then you would be in the image of Bill Gates. This does not make you Bill Gates, just the image of.

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;

Originally posted by angelmass
I think something was created in the image of God, but it was not this human primate body we all call our psychical bodies. Think about it, if our material bodies were created in the image of God, it would have not experience death, It would have not suffer from diseases and confusion. That is just not the image of God isn't it? I think God and that what was created in its own imagine, looks very much different than a simple human primate, It must look way more different than what we can imagine...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

1. It must be different. An exact copy is only a perfect copy. God is one. He cannot be two or He creates Himself.


2. It must have free will. If we cannot make choice, we are automatons. God allows the possibility for evil by giving us free will. If we have the choice, we also have the ability to choose incorrectly.

So it can't be "in his image", it must be "separate"....see definitions of omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

3. It must be able to think and reason with enough power to see God but lacking the power to destroy itself. It cannot have unlimited free will.

So here we agree that God did not make man in his own image.

Your questions is this? How can God be limited in His power?

I'm pretty darn sure that this is an assumption made by you. I was only questioning as to how an omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient entity (AKA God) could make something in his own image that wasn't in his own image?

Salvation is free to us if we ask. We must demonstrate God's law of love first to show mastery. Salvation is free to us, but costly to God. He gave up part of His perfection to allow us to share in that perfection.

That's another pretty large assumption on your part.

How can something cost an entity that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. As (once again) by definition as soon as God gives something up, God ceases to be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Instead of trying to fight the "losing battle" by proving unequivocally that God exists, maybe you should consider preaching the use of faith.

I guarantee that if you try to define God logically will beat you down every time.

But if you hold onto your faith for those times when science can't explain miraculous type phenomena. God(AKA The Creator) will stand by you side every time and give you strength when your knees won't.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM
You are using an argument of misplaced concreteness by saying that I am doing the same. The evidence of science only points one way. The evidence of God only points one way. They meet in the middle at truth.

When we see science describe reality, this investigation will eventually understand theory as missing consciousness as the key factor in the overall equation. Choice cannot be made apart form conscious effort. Evolution falls on its face apart form consciousness.

Equally, religion cannot describe God apart from science. God is the apex of design and engineering. We are designed to the nano-level of complexity. The key is consciousness. Science deals with matter, both particle and wave. It refuses, as do you, to recognize what animates matter to life. God calls it what it is, a Holy Spirit. This is a consciousness that makes matter living. This is the breath of God in Genesis.

The overwhelming evidence is that God matches our description of what He created to such a degree, that our attempts to keep this information from the minds of men is no-longer going to be taken seriously. God is living and so are we. He is as good as He claims and we are in need of His guidance to get past the difficulties we have created in our pride and unbelief.

The story of the Garden of Eden is our best description of this reality, both scientifically and spiritually. Fight it if you want. You are only deceiving yourself.

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by SuperiorEd

1. It must be different. An exact copy is only a perfect copy. God is one. He cannot be two or He creates Himself.


2. It must have free will. If we cannot make choice, we are automatons. God allows the possibility for evil by giving us free will. If we have the choice, we also have the ability to choose incorrectly.

So it can't be "in his image", it must be "separate"....see definitions of omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

3. It must be able to think and reason with enough power to see God but lacking the power to destroy itself. It cannot have unlimited free will.

So here we agree that God did not make man in his own image.

Your questions is this? How can God be limited in His power?

I'm pretty darn sure that this is an assumption made by you. I was only questioning as to how an omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient entity (AKA God) could make something in his own image that wasn't in his own image?

Salvation is free to us if we ask. We must demonstrate God's law of love first to show mastery. Salvation is free to us, but costly to God. He gave up part of His perfection to allow us to share in that perfection.

That's another pretty large assumption on your part.

How can something cost an entity that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. As (once again) by definition as soon as God gives something up, God ceases to be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Instead of trying to fight the "losing battle" by proving unequivocally that God exists, maybe you should consider preaching the use of faith.

I guarantee that if you try to define God logically will beat you down every time.

But if you hold onto your faith for those times when science can't explain miraculous type phenomena. God(AKA The Creator) will stand by you side every time and give you strength when your knees won't.

edit on 9-7-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

I had a Priest who taught what is known as "modalism" although he did not know that is what he was teaching. I wanted to thrash him with a dead cat -- along with whatever seminary professor gave him a passing grade.

Modalism is an (heretical) alternative the the orthodox (meaning "correct," not meaning the Eastern church) doctrine of the Trinity.

Modalism claims the One True God appears in different "modes"-- sometimes as the Father, sometimes, as the Son in the Person of Christ, and sometimes as the Holy Spirit. It sounds good, but fails on many levels.

The account of the baptism of Jesus being sufficient for our purposes here to refute modalism : The Person of God the Son in the water, being baptized; the Person of God the Father speaking from the rent-apart Heavens, "This is my well-beloved Son..."; and the Person of the Holy Spirit, descending upon the Christ (as a dove).

To refute that the Three Persons of the Trinity represents Tri-Theism:

We have the One True God, declaring Himself by Name as "I AM" and also that same One True God stating, "Let Us make man in Our own image." The doctrine of the Logos (the Word) as the Person of God the Son found in John's Gospel gives us a Trinitarian understanding of the Genesis account of Creation: The Father implied as God; the Son speaking the creation into existence; and mention of the God the Holy Spirit hovering over the surface of the waters.

A professor of mine began a semester stating that the work of a theologian is often to hold two apparent contradictions together, and sometimes to hold two apparent equivocal thoughts apart. This is so, he said (and I am paraphrasing), because Theology deals with mystery, and the human mind is trained to reason apart from the spiritual reality-- but it can easily and even naturally grow into reasoning the mystical.

I offer that to the OP, but will admit that I, personally, find it very analogous to how Newtonian Physics are so often intuitively accepted, whereas Quantum Mechanics seems a mixture of apparent contradiction which, none-the-less, can be mathematically proved; and of theories, which, if true, must be held apart from other theories which are also true.

And yet, so many who fear the complexities of the best of reasoned thought will apply, as salve, the false (because it is mis-quoted) notion "The simplest answer is usually the correct one."

The truth, as the OP is suggesting, is highly complex-- and it is excitingly so.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

You are only deceiving yourself.

You should have read my post a little more carefully.

Notably, the last sentence!

FYI Science is based on defining limitations. How can one define the creator? An entity of infinity!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Thank you so much for that. You are one of the few in this world. Very well said. It is my thought that modalism and the view of the Trinity perspective are one view. God cannot be limited to one aspect of our ability to reason, as you say. I think it is valuable to consider the fourth principle of Hermetic Philosophy here:

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." All opposites are only a degree of the same, like temperature is to degrees on the thermometer. This explains the paradoxical nature of truth. Yours may be higher than mine, but neither as high as God's ultimate understanding. Contradiction in the Bible can be explained within this understanding. Differences in religion can be seen as differing degrees of the same." Quote form my blog.

Originally posted by Frira
reply to post by SuperiorEd

I had a Priest who taught what is known as "modalism" although he did not know that is what he was teaching. I wanted to thrash him with a dead cat -- along with whatever seminary professor gave him a passing grade.

Modalism is an (heretical) alternative the the orthodox (meaning "correct," not meaning the Eastern church) doctrine of the Trinity.

Modalism claims the One True God appears in different "modes"-- sometimes as the Father, sometimes, as the Son in the Person of Christ, and sometimes as the Holy Spirit. It sounds good, but fails on many levels.

The account of the baptism of Jesus being sufficient for our purposes here to refute modalism : The Person of God the Son in the water, being baptized; the Person of God the Father speaking from the rent-apart Heavens, "This is my well-beloved Son..."; and the Person of the Holy Spirit, descending upon the Christ (as a dove).

To refute that the Three Persons of the Trinity represents Tri-Theism:

We have the One True God, declaring Himself by Name as "I AM" and also that same One True God stating, "Let Us make man in Our own image." The doctrine of the Logos (the Word) as the Person of God the Son found in John's Gospel gives us a Trinitarian understanding of the Genesis account of Creation: The Father implied as God; the Son speaking the creation into existence; and mention of the God the Holy Spirit hovering over the surface of the waters.

A professor of mine began a semester stating that the work of a theologian is often to hold two apparent contradictions together, and sometimes to hold two apparent equivocal thoughts apart. This is so, he said (and I am paraphrasing), because Theology deals with mystery, and the human mind is trained to reason apart from the spiritual reality-- but it can easily and even naturally grow into reasoning the mystical.

I offer that to the OP, but will admit that I, personally, find it very analogous to how Newtonian Physics are so often intuitively accepted, whereas Quantum Mechanics seems a mixture of apparent contradiction which, none-the-less, can be mathematically proved; and of theories, which, if true, must be held apart from other theories which are also true.

And yet, so many who fear the complexities of the best of reasoned thought will apply, as salve, the false (because it is mis-quoted) notion "The simplest answer is usually the correct one."

The truth, as the OP is suggesting, is highly complex-- and it is excitingly so.

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