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Sasquatch, Man, Ape or Something Else?

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posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 08:32 AM

Sasquatch, Man, Ape or Something Else?

For the first time, scientists from many disciplines put the most compelling Sasquatch evidence under the microscope and apply forensic science to the on-going mystery.

Physical Evidence

The assertion that there is absolutely no physical evidence is absolutely false. There is more physical evidence than most people realize. Physical evidence is found every month in various areas across the country. Distinct tracks that do not match other animal tracks, hairs that match each other but no known wild animals, and large scats that could not be made by any known species, are all "physical evidence."

The Roadkill Potential

Only a very small fraction of the thousands of credible sighting reports describe near-misses with vehicles. No substantiated reports describe a collision with a bigfoot.
Those who have gotten closest to bigfoots say an analogy of "intelligent ape" is not as accurate as "hair-covered aboriginal man." Around humans their typical behavior is to flee or hide. They try to stay out of view or at least in the shadows when near people or moving vehicles.

Many roadside sightings describe them hanging back in the shadows of a tree line and waiting for a vehicle to pass before crossing the road. In almost all of those sightings a passenger spotted the figure first. Because of that, it's reasonable to extrapolate that a whole lot more lone drivers never notice when this behavior occurs, because a driver's attention is usually on the road ahead.

Waiting for a vehicle to pass before stepping out of the shadows to cross, merely demonstrates the same pattern of cautious behavior they exhibit in other encounters with humans.

Legend meets Science

"Jeff Meldrum is a scientist, an expert in human locomotor adaptations. In Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science he examines all evidence critically, not to force a conclusion, but to establish a baseline of facts upon which further research can depend. His science is not submerged by opinion and dogmatic assumption. With objectivity and insight he analyzes evidence from tracks, skin ridges on the soles of feet, film footage, and DNA, and he compares it to that on primates and various other species. He disentangles fact from anecdote, supposition, and wishful thinking, and concludes that the search for yeti and sasquatch is a valid scientific endeavor. By offering a critical scrutiny, Sasquatch does more for this field of investigation than all the past arguments and polemics of contesting experts."

scientists from various disciplines put the most compelling sasquatch evidence to the test. Collectively their conclusions are ground-breaking. There is now scientific proof for the existence of a giant primate species in North America -- a species fitting the descriptions of sasquatches.

Recently added Media Articles below;
Source article located here;

Video Clips, Photos and Sound;

The Patterson footage and still images have never been debunked as a hoax. No one has ever demonstrated how it was done. Neither the original "costume," nor a matching costume, has ever been presented by honest skeptics, nor by various imposters who claim to have worn the costume.
If you hear about some debunking claims in the future, be ready to ask the obvious questions:
Where is the costume?
If the original costume is gone, why can't they make an identical costume and do it again? Why is that so hard?

Why does the news media always trumpet every half-baked "man in the costume" story that comes along without asking for the obvious proof, which should be so simple to provide?

Other relevant links;

One reason I did this thread was due to a friend. We will call him “W.A” who has done many years of research on this subject and rekindled my interests. I now wonder if Sasquatch is neither man or ape but something more paranormal or from elsewhere beyond. It’s an interesting theory and one of many.

What are your thoughts?

edit on 6-7-2011 by wonderworld because: Edit image

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 08:43 AM
That giganto jaw bone looks like a large cat jaw with those front incisors.
Plus the video thats not shown looks like a man in a costume.

ETA video

edit on 6-7-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 08:48 AM
this clip is interesting
I had never heard the Hernia theory b4

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:01 AM
Some interesting stuff here. Have always been a bit intrigued by stories of Bigfoot...I think I may do a little studying up on the subject. Seems there is more evidence than most know about as I think many, like myself usually dismiss stories as they come up.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:04 AM
Reply to post by wonderworld

Bigfoot is "something else". As in, it doesn't exist. If there was really a bigfoot, it would be easier to prove than ufos or aliens. All the evidence is total bs, and there is nothing current that would persuade anyone with half a brain to devote anymore time to this obviously bunk subject.

Sure, those that want to believe will always find that shred of evidence that will feed their ignorant, religious like desires, but anyone with a head on their shoulders just laughs out loud.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by mb2591

They have been trying to debunk that footage for years, not even expert costume artists can recreate it. That should say something. I dont know the origin of the jaw bones.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender
this clip is interesting
I had never heard the Hernia theory b4

just if ya don't know, it's/she's called "patty" partly for patterson i suppose.

see the boobs?

i can believe a genius making the suit and throwing in all that extra stuff like the hernia and boobs but really.

ya think? back then? this is way above state of the art at the time and even now, for what? a 1 min hoax?

and all claimers to wearing the suit are few and not credible.

giganto is not a suspect for me. sas as we understand it/them, yes.

it could be something else, why not? we don't know what it is anyway!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:24 AM
I spent many years researching eye-witness reports and reading a lot about Bigfoot. What I have learned is that this animal definitely exists, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind. 99% of the reports, and by the way there are thousands out there by credible witnesses, show definite behavioural patterns, which in itself would hardly be possible if the creature was the product of an overly active imagination.
In fact, there is so much information out there that by now that one can make quite accurate assumptions on the diet of the animal, how it migrates throughout the year, and other habits which are all key parts in understanding this elusive animal.
edit on 6-7-2011 by Clairaudience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by pandora0629

I agree, many, many simply dismiss the stories or assume they are 100% a hoax, when in reality there are many studies going on with credible testimony and sightings are becoming more frequent. I think part of the mystery revolves around their higher sense of intelligence.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by MainLineThis
Reply to post by wonderworld

Bigfoot is "something else". As in, it doesn't exist. If there was really a bigfoot, it would be easier to prove than ufos or aliens. All the evidence is total bs, and there is nothing current that would persuade anyone with half a brain to devote anymore time to this obviously bunk subject.

Sure, those that want to believe will always find that shred of evidence that will feed their ignorant, religious like desires, but anyone with a head on their shoulders just laughs out loud.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I dont expect you to believe it but you did make a valid point. Some think they are Aliens, not to get off topic too much. It would account for some of the mysteries surrounding the subject.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by fooks

Wow I didnt notice the female parts until you pointed them out. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Clairaudience

What I have learned is that this animal definitely exists

And that is exactly an example of the ignorance that I was talking about. I realize we all have different standards that we need in order to believe, but when it come to believing in the absurd, I think that the evidence for Bigfoot is very lacking. Sure, you can take everything that is out there right now and decide to believe, because it makes you feel all warm and tingle inside to "know" something "that the average sheeple doesn't"

For some odd reason, all the "eyewitness"reports, blurry photos and completely ridiculous physical evidence isn't enough to convince me. but then agasin, I'm smarter than your average bear, and not easily fooled like the bigfoot believers are.

If there was ANY POSSIBILITY that bigfoot was real, it would have been found by now. folks would be climbing over eachother to prove it, and there would be hundreds of natgeo documentaries concerning the subject. but none of this is happening, Because none of this is true.

I welcome you guys to argue with me 5-12-20-30 years from now. I GUARANTEE my opinion will still be 100% correct. It was correct 20 years ago, when the ignorant were whining and crying that by now we would have 100% proof, I was shat upon for bursting their balloon then, and I will be now. But I was right then and I will be right now.

Give it up guys, your making anyone who is really interested in legitimate cryptozoology out to be complete fools.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by mb2591

They have been trying to debunk that footage for years, not even expert costume artists can recreate it. That should say something. I dont know the origin of the jaw bones.

Maybe they can't recreate because they are being to expert about it. to me it looks like a #ty costume made of 2 pieces a top and pants. look how wide it gets where those pieces meet. Idk as much as I want big foot to be real this footage isn't selling it to me.
Plus the fact that the bigfoot makes no reaction to patterson's movement but then once he stop the bigfoot looks at him is further evidence that this is a hoax
edit on 6-7-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by MainLineThis
reply to post by Clairaudience

What I have learned is that this animal definitely exists

And that is exactly an example of the ignorance that I was talking about. I realize we all have different standards that we need in order to believe, but when it come to believing in the absurd, I think that the evidence for Bigfoot is very lacking. Sure, you can take everything that is out there right now and decide to believe, because it makes you feel all warm and tingle inside to "know" something "that the average sheeple doesn't"

For some odd reason, all the "eyewitness"reports, blurry photos and completely ridiculous physical evidence isn't enough to convince me. but then agasin, I'm smarter than your average bear, and not easily fooled like the bigfoot believers are.

If there was ANY POSSIBILITY that bigfoot was real, it would have been found by now. folks would be climbing over eachother to prove it, and there would be hundreds of natgeo documentaries concerning the subject. but none of this is happening, Because none of this is true.

I welcome you guys to argue with me 5-12-20-30 years from now. I GUARANTEE my opinion will still be 100% correct. It was correct 20 years ago, when the ignorant were whining and crying that by now we would have 100% proof, I was shat upon for bursting their balloon then, and I will be now. But I was right then and I will be right now.

Give it up guys, your making anyone who is really interested in legitimate cryptozoology out to be complete fools.

Aw, now, I can assure you, I'm not that ignorant as you would like me to be. Plus I didn't force my personal opinion on anyone here, just stated what *I* believe to be true, after years of following up on reports. I doubt you have spent as much time and resources as I did. I cannot blame you for not believing in Bigfoot, this whole topic can be very frustrating indeed. I won't discuss this further with you, it most probably won't lead to any productive outcome. So, don't mind me if you will.
edit on 6-7-2011 by Clairaudience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 11:50 AM
I refer to my Cree ancestry when i think about Sasquatch or the Witigo as we call it, and see it as a spiritual creature.

I do like to toy with the idea of these wild men, if they really exist, as shadow creatures. Evolved, or manipulated early humans who can cross into another dimension as a means of protection and camoflage for hunting.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Most people are not out in the remote areas in which these creatures inhabit and are unlikely to have an encounter with one as a result.

But there are countless witnesses of such encounters amongst those that do venture in the remote areas of the US and even in Asia as well.

Yes there are fakers out there that don these costumes. But costume or not, the length of one's stride cannot be faked and many of these Bigfoot imprints and strides measure out to the height of a 8'-9' foot creature.

There is a new program on Animal Planet called Finding Bigfoot where the team uses a common sense but scientific approach to researching this species.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

A lot of people are going to feel pretty goofy when the day comes they announce Bigfoot has been found/captured. If you don't know something absolutely then don't speak in absolutes.

I haven't seen one myself but I have several family members that have, most of which I trust completely. Even family I wouldn't trust 100% can verify the same stories.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

The SJP Illuminati Card Game gave away what Sasquatch is really about. Whenever they need the mainstream media channels to blind the public so that they can pass another heinous Bill, they pull these psyops so that the public can be totally blind-sighted about these things getting approved from being lost in the bogus media story.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by JayTaylor

A lot of people are going to feel pretty goofy when the day comes they announce Bigfoot has been found/captured.

That day will never happen, because there is no such thing a bigfoot. But, sadly, the simple reality that this imaginary creature will never be caught is only fuel for the flames of the ignorant.

I wont live long enough for you or any of the believers to admit I'm right. Because there is no such thing, that means they will never find one. And for some odd reason folks that believe in this nonsense will only use that complete lack of evidence as the opposite.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by mb2591

Gigantopithicus is/was a real creature. This is scientifically verified already. That is the jawbone of one. Did you not read the OP? Scientists who have studied the Patterson footage have verified it is NOT a costume...

Why do people make statements without reading the original posts I wonder??

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