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ATS Reality: CoIntelPro, Shills, Freemasons, and Socks: The Definitive Guide

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf

Originally posted by GaVinCe

I didn't read the links or the OP, tbh I don't really care whether its a government run site or not.
I stated before, government officials could easily become members so what does it matter whether they run the site or they simply read through it.

Why ask if you don't care? Perhaps you should read before you asked the question and you would have known the answer?

There is actually a very good thread investigating the possibility that government officials are active members here... I'll see if I can find it.

People kept asking about the video, I was more thinking along the lines of proving the IP address in the video is nonsence or something.. Thats what I meant by proof.

And tbh I'm still kinda new here, even my old account was relatively new, hence the not investigating properly before asking.. Any luck with that thread?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:36 AM
I looked at many of the threads (yes, it was spammy when the OP started posting them over and over after the first was deleted) and I did see the mod(s) explain on a couple of the threads why they were deleted and not only did spam play into it, it was also mentioned that it was an old hoax. That was based on the IP traces that were provided. The Youtube video that the OP linked to is still there. And, when I saw that the uploader comments on the youtube video included imageshot links to screenshots of the IP traces, I followed those links." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

If I managed to post the links properly, you will see something interesting. The images are old enough to not have Win 7 listed as an OS for some offered software downloads. XP, 2000, 2002 and Vista are all that are offered. That should be proof enough that a 3-4 day old youtube video is using information that is way older than 3-4 days old.

There are people that get their giggles and grins by posting items that cause an uproar. I am rather convinced that this was the case. The links provided in the in youtube video were put there by the youtube video uploader, not ATS.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:40 AM
I just watched the video.

Several mods here are cops, military, and various other government employees, they talk about it and have been open about this fact and it is not a secret. I have seen one of the top contributors that will remain unnamed, so as to not break any rules, make a comment that suggests the individual may be a recruiter. None of what I have said is off limits, because they have all talked about it openly.

Does this mean that they work for the CIA?
I do not believe so.

Do they have agendas like most people do?
Most likely.

Were the mods chosen because it was known that they would defend the government side of an argument based on human nature?
Now that is the real question.

And what about the non-moderator member?
Most likely someone interested in this site for his own personal reasons like everyone else, IMO.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by OleMB
reply to post by sonnny1

I am just frustrated that the rules of ATS has kept back some very serious discussions here, and I am not talking about just the CIA issue.

Actually, they have let threads go,and they tend to get out of hand quickly. From "Hate Fest" threads,to "drug related" threads,and Sexually charged topic threads. People going off topic,Insulting each other. Ive seen it for my own eyes. They cant let this site become like 4chan......
There are MANY good threads here,and great topics to discus.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:44 AM
You know, if what people are saying is true, then I question why I need to be on this site in the first place.

The way I see it, they're going to watch you one way or another.

It's just sad that you can't find a place to discuss these topics that isn't bugged to high hell by government employees.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:45 AM
But my point is, even if there are CIA agents on here. Who care's? What are they gonna do? Track me down and assasinate me, I highly doubt it. Its not like theres super top secret, classified files on here... Or am I missing something?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:45 AM
I'm cutting back on posting for a while, I don't trust this place at all right now.

And someone in the US Government needs to have the balls to do something about the CIA.
edit on 19-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:46 AM
I dont know what scares me the most... ATS being CIA or Anonymous using windows...

*brrrr... just got cold in here... ****

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by NiteNGale2

The IP address issue is a hoax from YEARS ago. See here.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
reply to post by NiteNGale2

The IP address issue is a hoax from YEARS ago. See here.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:52 AM
Maybe this whole site is a Hoax? Gemwolf you are debunking all these threads. I ask you this question, please dont refer me to site regulations and rules. ATS should allow these threads to remain open, otherwise there is going to be alot of credibility lost in my own confidence. They looped it 9 times and it all came back to the CIA.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Gemwolf

I feel for you, I see how this is getting a little nuts, and I hate to add to it.

But bare with me as I am coming on on your side for this.

The cia, has ridiculous resources.

I who have no resources, can spoof an IP easy, not hard at all.

So if there was a spoof of CIA ip using readily accessible technology that could be a false flag (Ha i got to use that term for once) Using the CIA IP as the flag to fly to get a point across.

SO even if there where CIA IP's on ATS it means nothing, just as if there where not would proves nothing as again the CIA could easy contract out for this type of thing to places that would never lead back to them...

So you see this is the perfect type of conspiracy for this site, especially when the comprehension fail of not understanding why that video gets you banned kicked in.

Mods feed into it, Members get concerned, and no one can prove anything either way.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Gemwolf

I know. That is why I mentioned that a mod had said it was an old hoax. Reading that and looking at the old screen captures led to my personal "ding, ding, ding! The mod gets the cigar!" moment. I did sort of like Vista though. hehe

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:56 AM
Right, so, after being redirected here, I've just watched the supposed Anon video.

The video is a joke. I'ts some self entitled disenfranchised user that claims to have set up traps to bait ATS users and personnel to prove their point.

In reality, back in the real world, the video makes claims that are false and or not even backed up.

I've done a trace route too, just as the video posts.
I've done a Whois as well.

Location pops up as Scottsdale Arizona instead of Langley Virginia as the video proposes.

Whoever made that video is a joke.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by omega man

The video contains nonsensical screenshots including ancient screen shots (from the supposed IP trace) from a hoax. It's explained why the video is being removed. I also suggested that we wait for a site owner to give the thumbs up to allow at least one instance of the video for transparency.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

ZOMG! The CIA **has** moved to Arizona!! I read about that somewhere. Maybe I can find the link...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by omega man
ATS should allow these threads to remain open, otherwise there is going to be alot of credibility lost in my own confidence. They looped it 9 times and it all came back to the CIA.



WHY should ATS BECOME like 4chan? GLP ? ANYONE can produce an Anonymous "like" Video. ANYONE can fake it.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

I haven't seen the video in question, I have been to youtube to have a look and actually came across a bunch of disgruntled ex user video's moaning or claiming ATS is some CIA front. I actually recognized some former member names.

All they prove is that there are a lot of nutters who visit this site who have some very crazy paranoid delusions and a warped view of the world and how it works. We see it everyday here on ATS, crazy theories from the paranoid, it's no wonder when a member like this gets banned they take their paranoid delusions onto Youtube to attack ATS.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:10 AM
When we're not allowed to discuss certain topics people get suspicious. Isn't that the reason why a lot of us came to ATS in the first place? ATS = CIA's Secret Lovers as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:11 AM
Ok so I wake up to this drama being played out and people are really acting like a bunch of lost sheeple.

First off it wasn't that hard to find the silly little video on YouTube, which I would bet oranges against apples that it was created by a recently banned member (that probably posted a No-No thread) and so they are trying to 'get even'.

Second off, there is no way that this video was created by Anonymous. There is too much "I did this" and then "I did a traceroute" type quotes. Anonymous is all about "US" and "WE".. not so much with the "I" agenda.

Third off, none of this should even be an issue if you've read the Policies of this website. They specifically spell out what the rules are. You come in and pee on their carpet, well your going to get your hand slapped. You come back and do it again, well your going to get banned.

All this crap about "Oh my a place that says Deny Ignorance sure isn't holding up to it's name". Geez, what a bunch of silly whiners you are (and you know who "you" are). You go into a Restaurant with No Shoes, No Shirt and expect to get food served even though the sign on the front door says "NO SHOES, NO SHIRT, NO SERVICE"? The folks that are whining the most are the ones that are not denying ignorance because the rules and policies of the Terms and Commitments are all laid out in black and white. Complete Transparency.

Geeez Louise, if you can't handle the rules.. then get the "Hell Out Of The House"! There's plenty of places for the challenged when it comes to reading and abiding by the house rules. And he who owns the house, gets to make the rules!

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