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Qaddafi threatens the West with attacks +++

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posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by confreak

Thats assuming you understand Arabic while you listened to his speech.......

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by confreak

Thats assuming you understand Arabic while you listened to his speech.......

His son said it in English, and the translation of the speech I used came from a Libyan who is blogging the information from Libya.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by confreak

I'm throwing out possibilites due to all the other lies we've been told in regards to Libya by our media.....especially the viagra part that was so bloody stupid, none of us believe.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by confreak

Confreak I want to talk to you about Libya and direct democracy. I in no way support NATO intervention in Libya, however I am interested in presenting the facts in regards to Libya. Direct democracy in a state with a central government is very difficult to achieve. Direct democracy originated from Greece where all men excluding slaves would directly vote for referendums. This was possible due to the fact that the population wasn't large and populace centres were generally small and non-central. However representitive democracy was later formed in order to save time. money and effort.

In Libya today (according to the official Libyan website) Libyans enjoy full political freedoms with the ability to directly vote on referendums. However this is simply a propagandised government line. I sincerely suggest you read this whole article from the New Yorker: It was posted in 2006 and highlights the positives and negatives of the Qaddafi regime, however it more so focuses on the political situation, system and freedoms within Libya.

Here is an interesting joke about Qaddafi:

Here’s a story they tell in Libya. Three contestants are in a race to run five hundred metres carrying a bag of rats. The first sets off at a good pace, but after a hundred metres the rats have chewed through the bag and spill onto the course. The second contestant gets to a hundred and fifty metres, and the same thing happens. The third contestant shakes the bag so vigorously as he runs that the rats are constantly tumbling and cannot chew on anything, and he takes the prize. That third contestant is Libya’s leader, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the permanent revolutionary. Read more

Confreak I like your threads: I believe you are impartial and rather radical, however you always post the interesting a provocative information that creates a breeding ground for debate. Much of what you post is factual and correct, however unfortunately (and this isn't your fault) your sources often provide all out lies or you unintentionally spin the factoids in the sources to suit your perspetive of the world. In this case you have done so.

Here is a discussion with a Libyan who joined the Qaddafi regime and the New Yorker reporter:

Now he was beaming. “Hey, I’ve been given a job with the Ministry,” he said. He raised a hand up over his head in a gesture of pride and triumph. I said I was surprised that he was so eager to join a regime that he loathed. “Well,” he replied, “it also happens to be the only game in town.” ♦ Read more

Qaddafi has repressed opostion parties and protest: This is a fact, however the NATO bombing of Libya is unwaranted as his repression has been blown completely out of dispraportion. NATO bombed Libya believing 1500-2000 civillians had already been killed by the regime, when in reality, it was only 220 many of them being law enforcment. The number 2000 was later revised down to 220. Human Rights Watch stated that there was no evidence of foreign mercanaries being hired and the Russian Military stated that the State did no bomb civillians but rather arms depots in the desert. All the video of airstrikes conducted by the Libyan regime seems to confrim this. Could there have been a mass murder of opposition if Qaddafi was able to advance on Benghazi? I don't know, but I doubt it. It didn't happen to a large extent in Misrata.

rather Libyan proxy forces in Europe and US. Libya has a lot of connections

What? The small terrorist organizations that Libya had links with in the 90's. They have almost completely faded into irrelevance and Qaddafi has cut ties with many more in order to see US sanctions on Libya removed in the early 2000's.

Once again I suggest you read the New Yorker article. The East holds most the oil and many of their oil profits have been unequally diverted to the West. Simply have a look at Eastern and Western infastructure.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 11:22 PM
All I have to say is, Bring It. Not with your terrorist nonsense, attacking innocent civilians/ blowing yourself up in a crowd full of people. Bring your army to our land and we'll wipe you out like the cockroaches you are.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Irish614
All I have to say is, Bring It. Not with your terrorist nonsense, attacking innocent civilians/ blowing yourself up in a crowd full of people. Bring your army to our land and we'll wipe you out like the cockroaches you are.

What if it was Americans who brings it to the American government? Would you wipe them out too, like cockroaches? A legitimate question, Qaddafi won't send his army, Qaddafi will send his proxy force, just like US sent its proxy force in Libya (AKA rebels).

That proxy force won't be Libyans, they will be Americans, or Europeans. There is a lot of Americans who are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the US regime. They want to control their own nation again, this will be very interesting.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

What the part that I say they dont have the capabilities to attack Europe or the part where I say the UK should leave the EU and stop policing the world. Either way cheers for the flame and I assure you I do not suck up the MSN stories I call it as I see it. In fact I think the only country that deserves this type of attack at the moment is Syria. Thanks for the attitude anyway

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
reply to post by dario86

Thanks for your input .. I will add some small info to your post ..about how Gaddafi helped Libya people in last 40 years

* GDP per capita - $ 14,192.
* Unemployment benefit - $ 730.
* Each family member subsidized by the state gets annually $ 1.000
* Salary for nurses - $ 1.000.
* For every newborn is paid $ 7.000.
* The bride and groom receive a $ 64 thousand to purchase flats.
* Major taxes and levies prohibited.
* To open a personal business a one-time financial assistance of $ 20.000
* Education and medicine are free.
* Educ.Internships abroad - at government expense.
* Stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs.
* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing.
* Loans for buying a car and an apartment - no interest.
* Real estate services are prohibited.,
* Buying a car up to 50% paid by the State.
* No Payment for electricity for the population.
* Sales and use of alcohol is prohibited.
* Petrol is cheaper than water. 1 liter of gasoline - $ 0.14.

sounds pretty sweet to me.
but im sure its not as black and white as that.
p.s why is it that gas goes up in the west due to "conflicts in the middle east" but in the country where the conflicts are happening its as cheap as dirt.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by On the level
reply to post by PuterMan

What the part that I say they dont have the capabilities to attack Europe or the part where I say the UK should leave the EU and stop policing the world. Either way cheers for the flame and I assure you I do not suck up the MSN stories I call it as I see it. In fact I think the only country that deserves this type of attack at the moment is Syria. Thanks for the attitude anyway

Obviously you don't understand either the term 'flame' (Flaming) or 'attitude' as my comment was neither. It was merely an observation that you were taking a very MSN oriented stance. Just to remind you you said:

I live in Scotland and am not really worried about them swarming over Europe like bees

Of course they won't as the population is too small, but the attitude sucks.

He is an empty shirt with a loud mouth.

Empty shirts with loud mouths do not create massive water projects designated the 8th wonder of the world, do not house all their people, do not provide for their health care, do not provide free education, etc, etc.

Be careful about using such epithets in case they bounce back and stick to you.

And for the above poster to say they like him have a quick google on the state sponsored rape that has been going on, his human rights record and the way his regime has treated its people and come back to me

Aside from the fact that Google is well known to be biased and often suppresses the search for truth, all I can find is one woman who is claiming this and a whole bunch of governments and organisations for whom this suits their purpose in discrediting Libya.

I have no doubt at all that rape took place. That is what men do in war situations. (A bit of a generalisation but it is one of the most prevalent actions against the civilians of a defeated foe, and has been since the days of the Vikings and before.)

From the equally biased Wikipedia in connection with Human Rights

Ethnic, Islamic fundamentalist and tribal minorities suffer discrimination, and the state continues to restrict the labour rights of foreign workers

This frankly is no different from many Nations around the world including many Western Nations, maybe not directly by Government, but by the populace.

As regards the latter statement how many would disagree with this say in the States?

I am sorry but you appear to have done little or no research for yourself and have, as I originally stated, supped at the Kool Aid fountain instead of reaching an opinion of your own.

Edit to add: Read the post above this one.

edit on 8/7/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

So you really think that Gaddafi is a cracking guy, leader and general all round humanitarian and that life in Libya was a right barrel of laughs before the evil powers of America and the UK brought a false revolution and war to them. Looks like you are the one that belongs in a cult pal, and as for small population and a bad attitude, Scotland has more history in one small part of it than your country has as a whole. We are renowned for our sense of humour and positive attitude, I think you should stick to your monopoly on Volcano threads as you seem out of your depth here

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by On the level

Post removed:

Never mind. It is not worth the effort explaining.
edit on 11/7/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

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