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Evolution can speculate to prove a CREATOR/ARCHITECT/GOD!

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by snowen20

What part of my post to ShadowZion was inaccurate?

Pointless second line to demonstrate how pointless it is by mentioning it's pointlessness.

The part that was your opinion painted with a very wide brush. I'm sure you can go back over your post and have an "AH HA!" moment. Then you will know what I am referring to. However, if you still have a problem identifying the offender then I suppose I could place it within quotation marks.

But....Why do that? Neither you or me really care what you said nor do either one of us care that it was offensive. So whats the point?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by rhinoceros

Thanks, rhino. That's what I suspected, but I wasn't sure where to find the info myself and wanted to do the right thing and ask.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Just a few thoughts......

This is a very contested subject with a very broad base of deliverable evidence from both sides. I mean humans have evolved as far as intelligence goes but that is always based on a number and letter system designed by man himself. We have a seven day week which is based from religous teachings but it has been evolved by man to better suit (in regard to months and names of days and months) his own ways of understanding. Scientifically a Female has a cycle of 28 days (generally the norm) but we have months with upto 31 days in them?? Numbers are especially significant as they are designed to loop to make it easier to understand and work with but how do we know if we are not using the correct measuring sytem and that is why we get stuck on scientific problems. An example -: The world is made up of 2's that are usually in most cases opposites that complement each other-: magnetic fields, positive and negative, on and off (Computers are a perfect example), light(day) and dark(night), male and female, yes and no, left/right, up/down, forwards/backwards, in/out, black and white. I'm sure your getting the drift so I won't go on.
Then we also have the looping cycle numbers and/or shapes (cicles being the most prominent)-: the wheel, planet orbits (yes some are oval but that is still a circular state), planets and other universal bodies are mainly a circular shape, our lives and how we live them are repeating cycles of various types on a daily, weekly and yearly nature. We live a life on repeat with work and our social lives. Take a closer look ar what you do from day to day and week to week and you will see patterns. I feel our existence is God exercising into infinity because he can. Maybe God is alone and all there is and he became lonely and maybe even crazy and thought he would create an image of himself to keep him preoccupied. I mean studies show that a human in confinement and solitude can become quite unstable. Just a thought.
These are just a couple of items from the long list of things that form the great debate.
One that I have thought about is why do we have gardens? moreso why do we make great efforts to create beautiful gardens and maintain them? Does this have anything to do with the garden of Eden and a longing to be back in that place? Just a thought. Most would say that it adds value to the property but I feel this has been something that was taken up long ago and that has evolved over time to be what it is today.
My next thought is that if we evolved then wouldn't that decrease our intelligence the further we go back in history, what I mean is if we go back to the Bible times is it possible that we as a species had an intellect of a 9 or 10 year old by todays standard? I mean evolution is about growing up as a species right? Again it's just a thought.

Personally I believe in God and that we are not evolved enough to know whether that's all there is beyond him and until we grow some more spiritually and intelligently we may never know. God (or the Big Bang) is our full stop and we can't see past it until we've learn't some new words and numbers possibly.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Rellix
Just a few thoughts......

My next thought is that if we evolved then wouldn't that decrease our intelligence the further we go back in history, what I mean is if we go back to the Bible times is it possible that we as a species had an intellect of a 9 or 10 year old by todays standard? I mean evolution is about growing up as a species right? Again it's just a thought.

NO, It wouldn't. People have existed with pretty much the same intellect the whole time, the only thing that has changed is how we have adapted to the world and from that our methods of applying that intellect as increased. Our ability to learn has remained pretty much a constant since the beginning, which is what separates us from the other animals, which is why we are the dominant creatures here.

edit on 3-7-2011 by snowen20 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Oooh OK... So what, I called him uneducated. Based upon his pretend "facts" he posted, he is indeed uneducated in the regard. So, it's not only an opinion, it's also a fact. Had he posted proper factual information, there would have been no need for me to point out that he is indeed uneducated in that which he posted about.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:49 PM
I always taught funny people trying to prove we have a creator or a god.

You CAN'T prove it, that's why it's called faith.
Stop trying so hard to find subjective "facts", if you really have faith you don't need an explanation.

I don't believe in a god/creator but I still have faith in what I believe in.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by pandapowerjamie

Explanation: God created themselves..God is self causal ... what dont you understand about miracles?

Personal Disclosure: Yep.. God is that POWERFULL or it wouldn't be God OK!

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by pandapowerjamie
This is going to be fun.

If "God" made us, then who made "god"?...

And don't reply with "God came into being" or I'll go big bang on your arse. Because we know that's a bit contradictory.


Anything man can think of is possible. If it wasn't then the thought wouldn't be there. The more people believe something the more it becomes real. Like flying in an airplane, if you told the first intelligent human that in the future man can fly, they would probably not believe you.
Why is God so impossible to believe? And why is it people are so determind to rid him from our thoughts? One reason is morals. You can hide your faults and not feel remorse if there are no repercussions. Nothing to make us feel guilty for the bad thing's we've done.

I once read an athiest say on another thread that she is a good person because she doesn't harm anyone, looks after her kids and is a kind person. How on earth does this constitute a good person? We are living with western luxuries and actually causing suffering by our way of life. The amount of food that is thrown away by westerners could probably solve poverty in most of the world. Not being a bad or evil person doesn't make you a good person.
In my book a good person is someone who helps those in need, willing to do without so someone else can have.
Sacrifice. And what are these morals - Christian. The foundations of western society were formed from Christianity, from the laws to the community. Since both of these have been changed and decreased and the Atheism has become more prominant, so has society gone downhill.
Without Chirstianty our countries would be completely different places. Christianity encourages freedom atheism takes it away, just look at where atheism started - The UK, which now has more CCTV cameras than anywhere else in the world. Has it brought the crimes statistics down? No, infact they continue to increase.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by ShadowZion

i like it! as above so below! great post SnF

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:04 PM
I think that we are in the same boat as ants. We can't comprehend what's really going on around us just like an ant can't comprehend what human beings are or what we live in. We build a home and ants can crawl into our home and build their own home inside ours. We could all be doing the same thing. Building homes and schools within a much bigger home that we don't truly understand. I think it's foolish and arrogant to think that we know and perceive the most. We could be no different than an ant in the grand scheme of things, and it wouldn't surprise me if one day we find out that we are. I like your post OP

edit on 3-7-2011 by B0Bthrob because: typo

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by snowen20

Oooh OK... So what, I called him uneducated. Based upon his pretend "facts" he posted, he is indeed uneducated in the regard. So, it's not only an opinion, it's also a fact. Had he posted proper factual information, there would have been no need for me to point out that he is indeed uneducated in that which he posted about.

No...That wasn't it either, but I find it funny you actually responded. No you are right, uneducated is correct which as obvious from several comments by the op but no that wasn't what I was referencing. Seriously who cares though?....I mean really?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by snowen20

I care. If I've made an incorrect statement, I would like to know. If you feel anything mentioned was incorrect, by all means enough with the bullcrap pussy footing around and get your balls out of your moms purse and man up and say so.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by ShadowZion
reply to post by pandapowerjamie

Trust me buddy, i have done alot of research into this subject which i will share out.

I can tell you know that my life does not revolve around sex, because i am not an animal. Neither are you.

You control everything in your life, if you believe that your instincts will dominate you, how did you ever expect to succeed.

i live life by what i know is right and what i know is wrong. Which is more than most people can say who try and convince themselves that they mean it.

Building homes isn't the only thing, we build societies.......

SO did ants they have huge colonies!!!

yes but all of their colonies are the same.

ants have jobs

yes you have your worker ants and your queen egg fertilizing ants but its the same in every colony.

architecture was a good one for me to initially base this on, as the world you see around you is a form of Architecture.

Dont bash bro


I'm sorry to break it to you but you are an animal. As all of us are.

For some reason those who speak of god feel it is an insult to be an animal. Like it is some sort of derogatory term. You are subject to the same laws of nature that every other living thing is subject to. The term animal is simply a classification in taxonomy.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: mammalia (you probably have no problem being a mammal, do you?)
Order: Primates
Family: Hominadae (you are one of the great apes)
Genus: homo
Species: sapiens

Biologically, one of the main goals of any living creature is to pass on their genes. You have a sex drive for a reason. In this sense life is about sex, at least partially. It is a biological imperative.

People really need to get over themselves and stop thinking they are above nature or somehow better than nature. You are a part of nature in the kingdom anamalia.

Our creativity contributed greatly to our survival as a species. Our ability to make tools gave us a major advantage over our environment. Once human progress began intelligence became collective and cumulative.
It has all added up to our homes, our decorations, art, architecture, etc. All the things we see in the modern world.

edit on 3-7-2011 by megabytz because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2011 by megabytz because: clarification

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by snowen20

I care. If I've made an incorrect statement, I would like to know. If you feel anything mentioned was incorrect, by all means enough with the bullcrap pussy footing around and get your balls out of your moms purse and man up and say so.

Ohhh Jeez, looks like we got ourselves another one of them internet tough guys.
I guess you showed me huh? Thanks for the laugh bro, my day was turning to crap until I read your statement. After such ridiculous comments how can I possibly take you serious?

edit on 3-7-2011 by snowen20 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Right, because it's so much better to make an empty claim.

Not one of those internet tough guys at all. Just saying that maybe you can quit pussy footing around and back up your claim that something I posted was inaccurate. You know, try and add something of substance to the discussion. Wouldn't hurt!

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by ShadowZion

Who is to say that the earth was not created by a being high on the evolutionary scale? And that being built the lakes, the grass, the plants, the humans, the sun, the moon, the stars but we built over it.

Well it would violate everything we understand of the formation of planets and the history of our world. Most lakes that exist today didn't used to exist. It would violate the evidence we have before us for the natural evolution of our solar system, Earth and life on Earth. Not saying it's absolutely impossible but I would say it's highly unlikely, as much as I'd like to one day meet Slartibartfast and congratulate him on his work on Norway.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by snowen20

Right, because it's so much better to make an empty claim.

Not one of those internet tough guys at all. Just saying that maybe you can quit pussy footing around and back up your claim that something I posted was inaccurate. You know, try and add something of substance to the discussion. Wouldn't hurt!

From Snowen20
That was a weird post. Inaccurate as an opinion, but an opinion none the less so I guess it's okay.

Okay, first lets get something clear here. You haven't stated it yet, but I get the feeling you think I am attacking you....I'm NOT. I could have been more clear in my very first post but as I mentioned I didn't think anyone would really care because I know I didn't, I just figured you would have been like "whatever dude" and gone your own way.

2nd,...When I first laughed in my former post it was at the situation... NOT YOU...

3rd.... I understand coming on to threads like this with your hand on your weapon AKA (Common sense). People in these type of threads often come at you with knives in both hands to defend logic. I'm down with that.

4th...please bare in mind the very trivial nature of your following post and how utterly unimportant it is to the reality of the discussion as a whole. Once you read it i hope you will find the humor in how we have been trading dialogue thus far.

You first stated he was uneducated......That is 100% fact, we do not disagree.

those who think they are something special are called narcissists.

I agree, that is probably true to a large extent. Again we do not disagree.

They are a plague to this planet who think it's nonrenewable resources are theirs for the taking with little regard to how it affects all life on this planet and the environment in general.

There it is,...The line that has lead us into the realm of triviality. All I meant, was that painting what appears to be everyone (in this case They) who cares enough about humanity to think we are special is a human disease living without regard to how they affect the world around them with a very wide brush is incorrect. But who cares?

That's it....I mean...Really, that is all this is about. A tiny little phrasing of semantics based on your opinion of the world. I then stated loosely that such an opinion was inaccurate though just opinion and one you are entitled to.
I still hold that to be true. Moreover I don't completely disagree with you on the issue, I was just being a semantic dick, and you ran with it. Something I didn't expect you to do, that's why I kept trying to close the issue down.

My regard was,...Can you back up that opinion with scientific fact? Can you prove humanity is a plague? Of course that is the dumbest freaking question in the world so why would I take it seriously ask it? See what I mean?

So at the end of all this, you hopefully can see why I was trying to avoid going further into a rhetorical comment.
You were expressing yourself and I was thinking out loud via text.

Don't take it the wrong way, I haven't disagreed with you so far, let me by you a drink at the ATS bar...Oh they don't have that yet, my bad.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Ah ok... yea that was pretty dick-ish to do and you're right, I honestly don't care about that particular thing. It is just an opinion. I just look around and see all the things we could be doing differently in ways that wouldn't destroy our only home. I base my opinion mostly off personal experience of those I have known (people I no longer associate myself with as a result of their actions BTW), who will literally think nothing of throwing garbage on the ground and such activities like that. Then we have big corporations tearing down mountains, rerouting rivers, damning up lakes, etc.. just changing everything around us. Just seems like a real shame ya know? We're losing so much of our natural world rather than living in harmony with it, protecting it as we should be doing. So yes, I view the activities of most humans as akin to a plague destroying our home. You wouldn't be happy with vermin living in your house would you?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by snowen20

Ah ok... yea that was pretty dick-ish to do and you're right, I honestly don't care about that particular thing. It is just an opinion. I just look around and see all the things we could be doing differently in ways that wouldn't destroy our only home. I base my opinion mostly off personal experience of those I have known (people I no longer associate myself with as a result of their actions BTW), who will literally think nothing of throwing garbage on the ground and such activities like that. Then we have big corporations tearing down mountains, rerouting rivers, damning up lakes, etc.. just changing everything around us. Just seems like a real shame ya know? We're losing so much of our natural world rather than living in harmony with it, protecting it as we should be doing. So yes, I view the activities of most humans as akin to a plague destroying our home. You wouldn't be happy with vermin living in your house would you?

Absolutely correct.
People get pissed when I say it would be better if we were all wiped out by a disaster. Though my reasons may differ only very slightly, they are more on the same page than not.
I hate seeing nice prairie land, mountains and other beautiful scenic property getting dowsed in strip malls and suburban cooky cutter homes..Ever been to Denver Colorado? Thats a good example.

I was telling some family member about building a bamboo house like the one in this video, and they just laughed at me and . I live in a tropical environment I think it would be a good idea and pleasant.

Anyway, the Op I can understand his conviction, and I also understand his point to a large degree, though I think using non facts to attempt to prove his point caused him to have a rather large fail. I have been seeing that a lot lately here on ATS.

edit on 3-7-2011 by snowen20 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by snowen20

My wife and I have been discussing the uses of bamboo, not just for housing, but it's many other uses as well. That stuff is damn versatile! Grow it, cut it, and it grows back rather quick. Surprised it's not common building material really. I would love to see a community formed around a food forest with large stands of bamboo for building material. Either that, or humanity wiped out so the Chimps have a fighting chance. Poor bastards...

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