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Planes with banners that read "God-LESS America" or "Atheism is Patriotic"

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by hxc408
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Cleary it is disrespectful because it is presumptuous and false. The fact that these people are compelled to fly a message over the country stating our nation is "God less" to spread awareness is pathetic and self contradicting. If that was true then it wouldn't need to be put in the skies because it would already be the majority consensus. The wording is meant to push buttons and is only being done in spite. Had the statement actually been worded in a fashion that matched their so called reasoning for doing it in the first place no one would care. Why would no one care if the sign said atheists can be patriotic? Because no one gives a damn in the first place. It amazes me these people try to play victim when our society is already secular so that we ALL have the right to our personal beliefs and are not enforced to believe one way or the other.
In their opinion America is god less. It is neither false nor presumptuous. Who are they spiting by doing this?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by irsuccubus

"In God We trust"..."One nation under God"...As an american with no religious affiliation I find it slightly offensive that God is hitching a ride in my pocket when I go to the store...that I must include him when I make a pledge to my country

For me here is the deal...Here is the truth..."I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America; to the republic for which it stands"...true so far, no? is where it falls apart; because it is, and always has been Bull $h!t..."one nation under god" B.S. (never was true, nor will it ever be true)....Indivisible (never; the "under god" statement already divides us)...for liberty and justice for all (not yet, and not likely).

So, as one with any analytical ability can see, the pledge promises much in the beginning, yet leaves us empty in the end...such is life...and such is the true "American way".

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 12:03 AM
I think the God-LESS America is a cute pun. But Atheism is Patriotic? That just doesn't make very much sense to me. It's like saying "Blue is Jar" or "Pants are Blasphemous".

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Hm. Being a christian, I'll admit that if I looked up in the sky and saw a banner with the caption "God-Less America", I'd frown. Yeah, I get a little sad when I hear someone say they are an atheist. It really saddened me when my once religious brother, announced he no longer believed in ANY god and is now an atheist. But that's it. I just get sad for a bit, shrug my shoulders, and drop it. I respect others freedom of choice to believe or disbelieve whatever because I ask for the same respect in return. You can not get respect without giving it. The ONLY time I'll take offence and defend my belief is when I am being personally insulted. Something like, after meeting a new neighbor who themselves is an atheist and upond learning I am a christian, scoff and say "You are an idiot for believing in an imaginary God!". I would NEVER say anything like that to them. Infact, upond learning someone is an atheist or any non-christian religion, I usually just say "Oh. Okay."

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posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 01:20 AM
The phrases "God- LESS America" and "atheism is Patriotic" are propaganda techniques.
If their true intent is to demonstrate to America that atheists are just as patriotic as citizens who hold a belief in God, then their slogan would be something else like "Athiests love America too".
I don't feel that their choice of words is by accident, and it certainly does not get their purported message across.

Add this example to the ever increasing amounts of incidents like removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance" as aired on TV, "the Jews did it", the "Christians did it", "Christians are intolerant"...etc etc etc just a few years ago it was "Islam is to blame". That seved a purpose, didn't it?

Most Americans either believe in a God or a higher power. Most of your neighbours and coworkers therefore do,
Yet they don't come thumping a Bible over your head.

But you will start seeing an increase in religious demonstrations, as they feel under attack. Most of us, including Athiests, know that something is wrong with the world. Most devout religious people now honestly believe that we are in the End of Days. Why? Because our holy books tell us how the final showdown will come about. A great military nation will rise in the West, attacks on the belief in God will occur, people will be killed for believing, famines, great floods, massive earthquakes, Israel will be attacked by the Islamic nations, a one world government, currency and religion will be implemented etc. Sound familiar?

So, for what it's worth, their banner message does not support their verbal message. It's not inclusive, it's divisive . As it's meant to be. It's no different than the Media coverage given to the Westboro Church intolerance.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. Don't let it happen.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Atheist hate Christians pushing their religion on others.
Atheist pushing their religion on Christians
Atheist are Christians
Atheist hate that they push their religion on others.
Atheist fail

edit on 2-7-2011 by Scoriada because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by hxc408
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Cleary it is disrespectful because it is presumptuous and false. The fact that these people are compelled to fly a message over the country stating our nation is "God less" to spread awareness is pathetic and self contradicting. If that was true then it wouldn't need to be put in the skies because it would already be the majority consensus. The wording is meant to push buttons and is only being done in spite. Had the statement actually been worded in a fashion that matched their so called reasoning for doing it in the first place no one would care. Why would no one care if the sign said atheists can be patriotic? Because no one gives a damn in the first place. It amazes me these people try to play victim when our society is already secular so that we ALL have the right to our personal beliefs and are not enforced to believe one way or the other.

How is it presumptious? How is it false?

You would rather see it from your point of view than from a factual basis. Christians do the same thing every single day, Why is it only an issue if atheist do it?

Would you have issue with a christian message flying over?

Is the wording any different than "one nation, under god?"

No, it isnt. so what exactly is the issue?

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Scoriada
Atheist hate Christians pushing their religion on others.
Atheist pushing their religion on Christians
Atheist are Christians
Atheist hate that they push their religion on others.
Atheist fail

edit on 2-7-2011 by Scoriada because: (no reason given)

You sure about that? What makes you think it is about hate? Seems like a self-indictment, to me. No hate is being advertised, here.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by OMsk3ptic

In your world maybe.
It's all subjective of course, but I find it disrespectful, insincere, inflammatory, stupid, and hypocritical on many levels.

Sounds like the bible and most religions to me.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 03:37 AM
He has a right to do it, but I still disagree with the action itself. Just as he has a right to do it, I have a right to decry it. Enough talking about what rights he has--that is a strawman. We are not talking about whether he's allowed to but whether he ought to, and we are allowed to speculate about motivations.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
I don't see it as offensive nor do I se ehow they are doing it to offend.

Then you're either:

A) Blind
B) Too biased

But out of futility, let me put it this way.

If an Atheist was able to get a street dedicated to Darwin in Anytown, USA much to the Atheists delight, wouldn't you be happy? Then what if Christians then decided, "Well, we'll fly huge ass Boeing's over Anytown, USA and 20 other states that says, 'GOD EXISTS' and 'REPENT!'", wouldn't you think they were doing that out of spite?

This is what it boils down to, disrespect. And I'm so tired of it. FROM.BOTH.SIDES. It's funny, I have friends with a wide religious background and lack thereof. We get along fine. My religious friends don't force feed my non-religious friends crap and vice versa. We're just us and it works. Instead of Christians trying to find a fault with Atheists, and Atheists a fault with Christians, try hanging out some time and leave your opinions about the afterlife at home.

There are towns and streets named after Charles Darwin in several countries around the world, including the US. Why? Because of his contribution to science and the way that we see ourselves and our world. It has nothing to do with atheism.

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by facelift

Well I think the more you stir SH*& the worse it stinks. Why create an argument on Independence Day(has nothing to do with Atheism)....are you trying to start one with your sarcasm? I think so. Point made!

Well it certainly has nothing to do with Christianity either, consider that the majority of the Founding Fathers weren't Christians. The only bit of theism added to our nation was during the Cold War. Our idiotic leaders wanted to make sure people knew that we weren't like those "godless commies".

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 04:29 AM
How ironic is that?

Finally we have proof that atheists are a religion after all.

They admit they believe in the fictional entities known as government.

Countries don't actually exist folks, they are lines drawn on a piece of paper and can and do change at the drop of a hat.

Look, any real atheist worth merit would quickly agree that the government is a fictional entity that does not exist, and that nations do not exist except for on paper.

Atheism is patriotic, what an oxymoron!

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
If Atheists don't care, then why is there discussion of "God-LESS America" etc.?

I didn't say atheists don't care, I said I don't care. I do not speak for atheists. Clearly some people DO care. And that is their prerogative.

Maybe because it's been the mainstream religion for so long? It's like going to Afghanistan and then griping about Islamic names on streets. It's not done to demean anyone, it's probably been voted in by the majority. Unlike these planes, which are designed for one purpose: To offend.

It's kind of cute that you think religious people advertize for noble reasons and atheists advertize to offend people.

It's not politically correct for atheists to be talking about atheism. If you want to live in a politically correct society, where people's expression of thought and self don't offend your religious sensibilities, maybe you should move to a Theocratic state somewhere, where your religion can be top dog and anyone who disagrees can be jailed. So you won't be offended by them. Sound good?

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
There's really no use for me to argue in a thread full of Atheists because no matter what I or anyone else says, it'll just be deemed "wrong".

That's not true. You are an example of a person who says they LOVE this country and it's ideals, but when it comes to the actual practice of freedom (and that means for everyone, even those with whom you disagree) then all those ideals go down the drain. You obviously don't want the people you disagree with to have the same freedoms as you do.

THAT is what's wrong here. Not that you disagree with atheists (we're used to it), but that you would prefer we didn't have the same rights as you. Unfortunately for you, we do. But, you see, we don't mind you having your freedom. Freedom is for EVERYONE. That's true patriotism, by the way. Anything else is just lip service.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by BrandrTorny
As such, it can be seen as infringement upon others rights, since the concept to abolish religion is quite clearly stated within those mere 3 words.!

What rights are being infringed upon? How is this infringing on the rights of others?

Originally posted by hxc408
Cleary it is disrespectful because it is presumptuous and false. The fact that these people are compelled to fly a message over the country stating our nation is "God less" to spread awareness is pathetic and self contradicting.

That's not what they're saying. They're saying there are patriots who are 'Godless' in this country. But so what if it's disrespectful? Is it illegal to be disrespectful now? Are you not strong enough to take a little disrespect?

The wording is meant to push buttons and is only being done in spite.

OK, So what if it is?

Let's say at the next Fred Phelps Rally, I show up with a sign that says Fred Phelps is Gay. I'm clearly doing it for spite. So what? Do I have a right? Am I infringing on Phelps' rights somehow? Would you support me carrying my sign even though it's clearly meant to push buttons and being done for spite?

Let's say I showed up at an Anti-War rally with my "God Bless the Troops" and "America is Number One" signs... You know. To make my point and push their buttons in the meantime... Would you support my right? Am I infringing on their rights?

Or is it only those with whom you agree that should be allowed to push buttons?

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

What's funny,oh noble german shepard, is that atheist belittle religious believers for "pushing" their religion on them yet they do the same thing!

Atheist=Democrats= hypocrites =FAIL

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:41 AM
How about these banners. Are they meant to be spiteful? Are they OK?



posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Scoriada
What's funny,oh noble german shepard, is that atheist belittle religious believers for "pushing" their religion on them yet they do the same thing!

Atheist=Democrats= hypocrites =FAIL

So if both religious AND non-religious belittle each other and push their beliefs on each other, why is is OK for one and not the other?

It's very simplistic to assume that all of a certain group think with one mind and behave the same. It's even more simplistic to suggest that only one group is 'wrong' for doing it.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I don't agree with religions advertising, ANY religion, that includes the atheist religion.
It's like two little kids bickering back and forth "na ah", "uh hu", "na ah", "uh hu"

Can't you see the silliness of it all?

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Scoriada
Can't you see the silliness of it all?

Of course I can. But that's what you get with freedom. People are going to do things that I think are silly or strange, nice or mean, smart and stupid... Not my business. As long as no one is getting hurt, I don't see a problem. FREEDOM is the core tenet.

Sorry if I sound like a patriot, but it's what I believe in. Freedom and equal rights. What is the problem?

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Scoriada
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

What's funny,oh noble german shepard, is that atheist belittle religious believers for "pushing" their religion on them yet they do the same thing!

Atheist=Democrats= hypocrites =FAIL

When did a atheist automatically become a democrat? Lets use your little saying once more.

Christians = Republicans = Ignorance & Intolerance = Fail

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