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Black on black campus violence! (Crazy Video!)

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Jepic

Good answer, cover your tracks.

I'm done here.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

I have done some reading over the last week, actually, on the impact of the Sudanese immigrants on Australia.....interesting.
And why apologize, if that's really the way you feel. You're free to be a racist, it's just the manor you voice your opinions in. Mouthing off the way you just did I saw no difference between you or the blacks in the ghetto and the way they would trash the "whitey". And everyone is quick to laugh at them, not take them seriously.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:23 AM


posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:39 AM
This is a perfect example of youth violence today. The youth will stand around watching and video taping a fight rather than trying to break it up. It's like they're being conditioned for fighting, being rude and using vulgar language from watching violent role models in movies, reality TV, the internet and playing violent video games.
Parenting plays a large role in this also. Kids are having babies and they're raising kids without the proper parenting, discipline and nurturing that children need.

(I still can't understand how some African Americans can call each other "nigga". With all the negative connotations and what their ancestors went through, it really adds fuel to the fire on how other cultures view them).

It really comes down to respecting one another and understanding that violence is not the way to settle our disputes. It really is taking a step back to our primitive roots. In my eyes, society is worse rather than better. We still have wars that maim and kill. The younger generation uses vulgar language like it doesn't mean anything and disregards people and children around them when they use it. They flaunt their sexuality and have no respect for their parents or themselves for that matter. They have become selfish and think of themselves instead of other people. They've become lazy and feel it's OK to use the internet to ridicule and be rude to their friends and strangers.

Instead of evolving to a higher consciousness of respect and love for our fellow human beings, we are going backwards.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

And more implying over here sir. Damn... Let if free. LET IF BE FREE!

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

what to imply here Jepic?
my responses came from your ill-thought statement of "Its just Blacks embracing their nature." if we were to look at your statement which is implyingthat it is African peoples NATURE to lean towards violence. Now keep up if you will, sir, The word IMPLY has many definitions, one of which says "To involve or indicate by inference, association or necessary consequence rather than by DIRECT statement." Your initial statement alone, implied(or infered) that, "blacks" or people of African descent are violent by nature, so you are more guilty than I, of making implications regarding the OPs original video post. Whereas i brought forth an opinion that would've coincided with your initial implication, had it been TRUE.

Now if i must be charged with making "implications", allow me to do so. Its in young peoples nature to be violent.
there, and in your words, "let it be free, LET IT BE FREE!"
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

And it is in their nature.

And there we go again. Assuming too many things.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)
And, like you have said Jepic.....IF IT WAS in their nature, my Original rebuttal to your comment would be true TODAY, and I as an African American, would not have likely been born here in American with a past that points to my own grandfather(a scant 2 generations ago) being a sharecropper, and African american people as a whole, having a nearly impossible ability to trace our history without DNA testing, past slavery.

you know what? I like you Jepic! i see you've found another word for me to play with....Assume.

now explain to me how i'm making assumptions? i have yet to assume anything, i'm merely looking at what you have said versus what i have said in rebuttal.
Now lets look at the term ASSUME.....
1. To take upon oneself: assume responsibility; assume another's debts.
2. To undertake the duties of (an office): assumed the presidency.
3. To take on; adopt: "The god assumes a human form" (John Ruskin).
4. To put on; don: The queen assumed a velvet robe.
5. To affect the appearance or possession of; feign.
6. To take for granted; suppose: assumed that prices would rise. See Synonyms at presume.
7. To take over without justification; seize: assume control.
8. To take up or receive....

no where in my conversations here, have i assumed anything. besides, i was warned by an old man to never assume anything, as assumptions will make an Arse-out of-U and i try not to assume anything.
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

And more implying over here sir. Damn... Let if free. LET IF BE FREE!

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

what to imply here Jepic?
my responses came from your ill-thought statement of "Its just Blacks embracing their nature." if we were to look at your statement which is implyingthat it is African peoples NATURE to lean towards violence. Now keep up if you will, sir, The word IMPLY has many definitions, one of which says "To involve or indicate by inference, association or necessary consequence rather than by DIRECT statement." Your initial statement alone, implied(or infered) that, "blacks" or people of African descent are violent by nature, so you are more guilty than I, of making implications regarding the OPs original video post. Whereas i brought forth an opinion that would've coincided with your initial implication, had it been TRUE.

Now if i must be charged with making "implications", allow me to do so. Its in young peoples nature to be violent.
there, and in your words, "let it be free, LET IT BE FREE!"
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

And it is in their nature.

And there we go again. Assuming too many things.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)
you know what? I like you Jepic! i see you've found another word for me to play with....Assume.

now explain to me how i'm making assumptions? i have yet to assume anything, i'm merely looking at what you have said versus what i have said in rebuttal.
Now lets look at the term ASSUME.....
1. To take upon oneself: assume responsibility; assume another's debts.
2. To undertake the duties of (an office): assumed the presidency.
3. To take on; adopt: "The god assumes a human form" (John Ruskin).
4. To put on; don: The queen assumed a velvet robe.
5. To affect the appearance or possession of; feign.
6. To take for granted; suppose: assumed that prices would rise. See Synonyms at presume.
7. To take over without justification; seize: assume control.
8. To take up or receive....

You assumed my comment was "ill-thought".

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:48 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:53 AM
As a black man, I don't condone the action of the people in this video. But for some of you to imply this is a black thing, all I can do is shake my head and hope you find peace within yourself. Jesus' "crusaders" were white, and they killed plenty of people. The Nazi's weren't black either.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:55 AM
Actually, I rather think liberals have done fine at destroying the world all by themselves.................permanent welfare state, loosened morals, undermined education, special rights for certain people, and in general an un American approach to life in general. Funny how our world sure has gone in the toilet ever since our universities have become nothing but left wing indoctrination centers.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by Jepic

reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

I hate people like you two for damn good reason.

#1 you're racist ass holes
#2 see number 1
#3 it's people like YOU that have derailed the WORLD!

No, no, no. It is not racist people you hate. It is racist people who act out their racist ideas.

A man can be racist and still respect the people.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:03 AM

and that once again is wrong.

my comment of your statement being "ill-thought", was an OPINION. and for making an opinion that you say was wrong about you, lends me to believe that you consciously made that statement because you believe it to be true. and that, could make you a racist person...and god i hate saying that word racist.
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: typo

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

and that once again is wrong.

my comment of your statement being "ill-thought", was an OPINION. and for making an opinion that you say was wrong about you, lends me to believe that you consciously made that statement because you believe it to be true. and that, could make you a racist person...and god i hate saying that word racist.
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: typo

It was an erroneous opinion.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

and that once again is wrong.

my comment of your statement being "ill-thought", was an OPINION. and for making an opinion that you say was wrong about you, lends me to believe that you consciously made that statement because you believe it to be true. and that, could make you a racist person...and god i hate saying that word racist.
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: typo

It was an erroneous opinion.

in which case, makes the second half of my quoted text true. which would be sad.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM
And not a single **** was given on that day

But seriously is that outside a university? Are these students? That must be some really crappy school lol.
Frankly there isn't that much I can say considering I don't know why it was happening but if they are students you'd think they would have some sense...

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis
My mother told me that if I had nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

But really, this is why I hope Elenin, yellowstone, a nuclear disaster or something else happens to the USA that wipes most (read between the lines) of the population out.

1 shouldnt hope for things 1 isnt prepared to face LOVINGLY (especially if inhabited) and they are not like YOU -READ BETWEEN THE LINES- LOL nuff said about that.....

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis
I guess they're just getting back to their "primitave roots", so to speak. That's what they did back in Africa, right? Solve issues with violence?

hmmmmm there are no launchable nuclear warheads IN AFRICANAZ, SMH (violence here on EA is a sapiens sapiens issue

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis
What kind of world do we live in when this kind of thing happens, almost daily, in society.

A society that has failed to lead some of its population.

On topic, from what I have observed there are MANY followers and SOME leaders in the fighting crowd and LOTS of bystanders. The followers will do what ever they see the leaders do to "fit in" (SOUNDS GLOBALLY FAMILIAR). The leaders in the crowd basically had the opportunity to calm the crowd or instigated the crowd and from whats seen the leaders instigated and the followers followed. Its basically follower and leader problem what is being witnessed here. Due to many followers being afraid to do their own thing. This is an issue with the Africanaz Americanaz the following the crowd mentality (gang mentality) but its also an issue with other race groups I wont mention -TO KEEP SOME FROM GOING ALL RACIST WITH THE THREAD-so I wouldnt say its only a Negro thing only its a follower leader issue with these sapiens sapiens in the vid. Unfortunately there is a maturity level issue present as well but again this is a sapiens sapiens issue.

Be well (STOP HATEN)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:27 AM
um, so, fights happens everyday, in all cultures, in all cities, in all country's. What is the big deal?
This thread sucks boo boo

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis

You see that? Really? Have you actually read the stats lately? Blacks are the MAIN cause of; rape, theft, murder, drug dealing, spousal abuse and the demise of Amerrica! (Not saying Bush was any good for your couuntry, but, dem blacks did vot for da boi!).

da boi! smh LAUCE and your primitive relatives are form the same region go figure. Woe

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis
Yes, I'm racist, because they make me feel like they're the ones that are bringing the human race down.

your density is the EXACT REASON WHY -Do you feel your genetic guardians/parents see you as a graduate in this life thing or what, as you seemed to of missed genetics class and racisim and hate.

LEARN TO LOVE MORE befor you ENCOUNTER something that will upset your blood till it boils with disbelief and hatred... What will racist do if they encountered another species
?just sayen- Here I will answer (they will look at the different colors of the SAME race they hated and say HEEEEELLLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME brother sapiens sapiens). yup LAUCE

Be well

edit on 7/1/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

You see that? Really? Have you actually read the stats lately? Blacks are the MAIN cause of; rape, theft, murder, drug dealing, spousal abuse and the demise of Amerrica! (Not saying Bush was any good for your couuntry, but, dem blacks did vot for da boi!).

What I see from that video is a bunch of sub-human creatures acting the way their primitave ancestors did, thousands of years ago. We barely see anyting like that in Australia, and IF we do, it's from IMMIGRANTS that have either migrated here from SUDAN or some other pathetic third world country. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but IMHO they can't act civilised. Look at the "ghettos" of America, look at the jails of America, what percentage of blacks do you think are in there? More than 65%, google it if you don't believe me.

Yes, I'm racist, because they make me feel like they're the ones that are bringing the human race down.

*note: i've seen your apology previously, but i wanted to share my opinion of this particular post*


i've looked at the stats, and unfortunately i classify as a past victim in those stats as well, as i've been a victim to robbery, car theft and the like, by my own people, but i refuse to embrace a racist opinion because i know some of what causes such issues. but instead of just looking at the stats and basing those as my opinion, you must and i did, dig deeper into the CAUSALITY of such things. that will further assist the opinions that we all share.

the percentage of people that do harm out of pure jest, is minimal compared to those that do harm for what they believe to be a need. i've actually taken interest in why people do what they do, when i was younger and used my "hood pass" (some here will know what that means) to talk to people that commit or admitted to creating crimes(drug dealing, robbery.), and things like poor education(systemic issue), poor parents(systemic), in addition to the perceived feeling of racism in job markets which lead to depression/ identity issues, were all recurrent themes for the people i talked to.

i'm currently pursuing an education in film, with the purpose of documenting and presenting the issues we face in the world...starting in my own community...and hopefully the world. it'd be nice to do so.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

and that once again is wrong.

my comment of your statement being "ill-thought", was an OPINION. and for making an opinion that you say was wrong about you, lends me to believe that you consciously made that statement because you believe it to be true. and that, could make you a racist person...and god i hate saying that word racist.
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: typo

It was an erroneous opinion.

in which case, makes the second half of my quoted text true. which would be sad.

I respect your opinion.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:50 AM

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