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Black on black campus violence! (Crazy Video!)

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:36 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

A bland title won't get everyone to watch.
The term "Black on Black" seems to intrigue people for some reason.
I know when I see it I think of something wild.
Or maybe it's the fact that some people seem to think all black people should "be one". That's what I get, anyway, when the news reporters mention "black on black" crime.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:40 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Who cares what the causes of this kind of behavior is? Lets just worry about the solutions to it and to do that, lets focus on what the solutions are not.

The solutions obviously have nothing to do with investments made in these communities. The famility stability, illiteracy rates, drug use and abuse and criminal behavior of minorities has steadily declined since the institution of Great Society, War on Poverty, welfare state nonsense. How about we try cutting all of that off for 25 years and see what happens. It will be initially painful, but the results down the road will likely be better than they are today. For certain, more "investment" is not a solution. These were college kids and this took place at a fine university. These were not destitute kids acting out in the slums.

Education is not a solution. The places where the per student spending on education is the highest have in many cases the poorest educational performance. Tossing more cash down the "education" rat hole is not a solution. Been there, done that.

Tossing folks into jail is not a solution. We have more folks locked up than any other country and more as a percentage than at any time in our history. If we actually think locking folks up is a solution, how many of the folks on this video committed crimes? You would need to exponentially increase the number of prisons.

Celebrating diversity is not a solution. Making minority entertainers and atheletes icons and embracing the minority culture has done nothing to facilitate a reduction in anti-social behavior, if anything it has increased. Surprise, when you celebrate the Hip-Hop culture that is infused with anti-social attitudes and behavior you get more antisocial attitudes and behavior. Look at the day this occured - Caribbean day. A day to celebrate diversity. Look at the website where this is not only played, but celebrated "". All our celebration of diversity has done is legitimatize depravity.

We have tried all of the proper "solutions" to stop this anti-social behavior. We have further shielded the public from direct knowledge of the truth about crime in minority communities for a variety of reasons. Crime and details regarding crime have been purposefully underreported in this country for decades.

The only real solution is a personal one and that is to avoid environments such as the one shown in that video. This took place at Howard University, one of the countrys traditional all-black colleges. Regardless of the history of Howard being an all-black college and regardless of your racial status, if your kid got a full scholarship to Howard after seeing that video, would you send him/her there? I would not.

The solution to this problem is to insulate yourself from the environments where these situations are likely to occur.

Take a hard look at the video again because its coming to a polling place near you during the next election cycle and will be common place in major urban areas should Obama lose the election and there is a large non-minority swing away from him, which there undoubtably will be.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

The UK university 'riots' as you call them were protests against a political u-turn on an election promise. It wasn't a streetfight on a university campus. Totally different things. Do some research. Get a clue.

There couldn't be a greater difference between what we see in the video of the OP and what happened in the UK.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

You see that? Really? Have you actually read the stats lately? Blacks are the MAIN cause of; rape, theft, murder, drug dealing, spousal abuse and the demise of Amerrica! (Not saying Bush was any good for your couuntry, but, dem blacks did vot for da boi!).

What I see from that video is a bunch of sub-human creatures acting the way their primitave ancestors did, thousands of years ago. We barely see anyting like that in Australia, and IF we do, it's from IMMIGRANTS that have either migrated here from SUDAN or some other pathetic third world country. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but IMHO they can't act civilised. Look at the "ghettos" of America, look at the jails of America, what percentage of blacks do you think are in there? More than 65%, google it if you don't believe me.

Yes, I'm racist, because they make me feel like they're the ones that are bringing the human race down.

It is not the fact that they are black that makes them act like this. It's the fact that in Africa children are brought up under very vulgar/brutal conditions and don't receive education.
If they had a solid and good social upbringing plus a good education they would not behave like this.

And this goes for every race. It's not race that makes you act like an animal. It's a bad upbringing and lack of education that makes you act like an animal.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:42 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

Woah woah woah.
Who's to say their ancestors were wild and primitive? You're jumping the gun here just a bit, no?
Blacks are heading the stats in rape, murder, etc because a majority of blacks in the ghetto and it's proven that poverty births violence.
Where did ghettos come from anyway? The small communities that the blacks all gathered in after slavery was abolished. Just because slavery is abolished doesn't mean everyone is invited to sip crumpets on Mr Thompson's porch and talk about what they're planning for their future.
These people had no money, no resources, no education. Being seen as less than dirt at one point, it's going to be hard to blossom from the mud. Blacks have many more opportunities these days, but a large amount in the ghetto are too busy "sticking it to the man" and crying instead of trying to find a way out.

Too bad he's screwed your country, as has most of them.

I'm Canadian. We're doing pretty darn good up here (:
edit on 1-7-2011 by jonibelle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:44 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Be not mistaken. I agree with settling things with a good fight sometimes. As long as both sides obey some rules.

And yes. Condoms would help.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:49 AM
Mob mentality is not really primitive. It's natural in human nature.

What's primitive though is lynching someone because they looked at a female of your race the wrong way.

That's basically killing someone for saying a member of your family is attractive. If that isn't primitive, you find me a better example.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by jonibelle
reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

Woah woah woah.
Who's to say their ancestors were wild and primitive? You're jumping the gun here just a bit, no?
Blacks are heading the stats in rape, murder, etc because a majority of blacks in the ghetto and it's proven that poverty births violence.
Where did ghettos come from anyway? The small communities that the blacks all gathered in after slavery was abolished. Just because slavery is abolished doesn't mean everyone is invited to sip crumpets on Mr Thompson's porch and talk about what they're planning for their future.
These people had no money, no resources, no education. Being seen as less than dirt at one point, it's going to be hard to blossom from the mud. Blacks have many more opportunities these days, but a large amount in the ghetto are too busy "sticking it to the man" and crying instead of trying to find a way out.

Too bad he's screwed your country, as has most of them.

I'm Canadian. We're doing pretty darn good up here (:
edit on 1-7-2011 by jonibelle because: (no reason given)

Well, I take that back, didn't know you were Canadian, sorry.
But really, all it takes is a positive attitude and sense of wellbeing to get out of that rut. Put your mind to whatever you want and you can achieve it. Trust me, I've been there, I've had # happen to me, but have I let it get me down? No. I've pushed through it, worked with what I've got and now I own my own business! People need to start creating their own lives, not going with what "the ghetto" tells them to.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis

Originally posted by jonibelle
reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

Woah woah woah.
Who's to say their ancestors were wild and primitive? You're jumping the gun here just a bit, no?
Blacks are heading the stats in rape, murder, etc because a majority of blacks in the ghetto and it's proven that poverty births violence.
Where did ghettos come from anyway? The small communities that the blacks all gathered in after slavery was abolished. Just because slavery is abolished doesn't mean everyone is invited to sip crumpets on Mr Thompson's porch and talk about what they're planning for their future.
These people had no money, no resources, no education. Being seen as less than dirt at one point, it's going to be hard to blossom from the mud. Blacks have many more opportunities these days, but a large amount in the ghetto are too busy "sticking it to the man" and crying instead of trying to find a way out.

Too bad he's screwed your country, as has most of them.

I'm Canadian. We're doing pretty darn good up here (:
edit on 1-7-2011 by jonibelle because: (no reason given)

Well, I take that back, didn't know you were Canadian, sorry.
But really, all it takes is a positive attitude and sense of wellbeing to get out of that rut. Put your mind to whatever you want and you can achieve it. Trust me, I've been there, I've had # happen to me, but have I let it get me down? No. I've pushed through it, worked with what I've got and now I own my own business! People need to start creating their own lives, not going with what "the ghetto" tells them to.

A star for that comment. You are spot on.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:04 AM
Ok, I want to apologise for my racist remarks. I live in Melbourne, Australia and as of late we have been inundated with immigrants from Sudan. They are not the nicest people going around and in the state wide paper, as well as the local paper, most of the headlines have been about violence regarding them towards people who have lived here their whole lives.

Last week an elderly woman, in her 80’s was bashed because she asked one of the Sudanese people if she could take their seat on a train. My Grandmother is in her 80’s and if ANYONE did that to her I’d rip them a new one with the bluntest spoon I could find.

Again, if I offended anyone, I am sorry. But, these days it just seems that a “minority” of people are causing all this conflict here. I just cannot comprehend why anyone would act so violently towards another human being.

Forgive me, ATS.

Peace from Australia.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

And more implying over here sir. Damn... Let if free. LET IF BE FREE!

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

what to imply here Jepic?

my responses came from your ill-thought statement of "Its just Blacks embracing their nature."
If we were to look at your statement, which is implying that it is African peoples NATURE to lean towards violence.
Now keep up if you will, sir, The word IMPLY has many definitions, one of which says "To involve or indicate by inference, association or necessary consequence rather than by DIRECT statement." Your initial statement alone, implied(or infered) that, "blacks" or people of African descent are violent by nature, so you are more guilty than I, of making implications regarding the OPs original video post.

Whereas i brought forth an opinion that would've coincided with your initial implication, had it been TRUE.

Now if i must be charged with making "implications", allow me to do so. Its in young peoples nature to be violent.
there, and in your words, "let it be free, LET IT BE FREE!"
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by drsamuelfrancis
Ok, I want to apologise for my racist remarks. I live in Melbourne, Australia and as of late we have been inundated with immigrants from Sudan. They are not the nicest people going around and in the state wide paper, as well as the local paper, most of the headlines have been about violence regarding them towards people who have lived here their whole lives.

Last week an elderly woman, in her 80’s was bashed because she asked one of the Sudanese people if she could take their seat on a train. My Grandmother is in her 80’s and if ANYONE did that to her I’d rip them a new one with the bluntest spoon I could find.

Again, if I offended anyone, I am sorry. But, these days it just seems that a “minority” of people are causing all this conflict here. I just cannot comprehend why anyone would act so violently towards another human being.

Forgive me, ATS.

Peace from Australia.

No need to apologise to me. I have nothing against you or anyone else being racist. Freedom and liberty is what it's all about. People who don't tolerate verbal heat won't find true liberty and freedom.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by ahmonrarh

Originally posted by Jepic
Nothing special. Just blacks embracing their nature.

if what you say is true, the African continent would've never known foreign invaders or loss of people through slavery, and would've utterly destroyed itself with no outside influence whatsoever. so lets not make things up here.

what we see, is a bunch of young energetic kids engaging in rabble rousing.

And more implying over here sir. Damn... Let if free. LET IF BE FREE!

edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

what to imply here Jepic?
my responses came from your ill-thought statement of "Its just Blacks embracing their nature." if we were to look at your statement which is implyingthat it is African peoples NATURE to lean towards violence. Now keep up if you will, sir, The word IMPLY has many definitions, one of which says "To involve or indicate by inference, association or necessary consequence rather than by DIRECT statement." Your initial statement alone, implied(or infered) that, "blacks" or people of African descent are violent by nature, so you are more guilty than I, of making implications regarding the OPs original video post. Whereas i brought forth an opinion that would've coincided with your initial implication, had it been TRUE.

Now if i must be charged with making "implications", allow me to do so. Its in young peoples nature to be violent.
there, and in your words, "let it be free, LET IT BE FREE!"
edit on 1-7-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

And it is in their nature.

And there we go again. Assuming too many things.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Jepic

What is the nature of whites. Please tell me? Because history speaks clearly of your nature..we need not observe anything in the present day. If we were to judge you by your past, you would be in a world of trouble.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by drsamuelfrancis

First of all genetically we all originate from Africa. Secondly that looks like an average Friday night down the street in Australia, most people involved are white however. I Thought black Americans were a bit more wild then that, I was expecting a gun fight. Guess thats all hype. Meh. Like I said looks like Friday night at an Ausi pub.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Q2IN2Y
reply to post by Jepic

What is the nature of whites. Please tell me? Because history speaks clearly of your nature..we need not observe anything in the present day. If we were to judge you by your past, you would be in a world of trouble.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

The nature of whites can be the same as the nature of blacks.

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