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Michele Bachmann's Husband Says Gays are 'Barbarians' That Need to be 'Disciplined'

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:00 PM
So, a homophobe and a remedial American History student walk into the White House... stop if you've heard this one.

On a serious note, i'd say this makes Michele one of the most potentially dangerous people in America today. The first lady (lady-man or whatever you would call the husband of the prez) has more power than people care to think.

With "gays are barbarians" and her "all cultures are not equal"... ugh... what happened to my free nation based on acceptance and equality?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
reply to post by neo96

well doesnt the left go around telling everyone else that they need to be "educated" and they are" barbarians" every chance they get?

the left preaches tolerance and equality for all but give none to others who dont have the same thoughts as they do.

and while i dont necessarily agree with the word choices he made he has his right to free speech as everyone else is free to agree with disagree with them.

I'm a little confused by your post - when has "the left" called anyone "barbarians" for their lifestyle choices. Straight, Gay, Somewhere in between, I've never heard liberals say you were a barbarian needing to be re-educated or disciplined for your sexual orientation.

Maybe not sexual orientation, but elitist liberal/progressives (so-called) never seem to tire of telling the rest of us how they've got it all figured out and everyone else just needs to step back and let them handle it - whatever IT is.

Sounds like a classic "straw man' tactic to me.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:58 PM
I think it's not entirely unfair to refer to someone's looks in this context, where somebody self-defines himself as an authority on "discipline". When one speaks about disciplining others, one should first have discipline in one's own life, and the body should reflect a healthy lifestyle, appropriate to disciplined eating and exercising for one's age. He's not a spring-chicken, but still, if Pat Robertson can stay fit at his age, then so should this guy.
Simply putting on a suit and tie doesn't prove you know anything about discipline, and he does not make heterosexuality look appealing (unless his looks are some kind of planned aversion therapy).
Discipline apparently comes from the word "disciple", or "to follow" the example of a great leader, and not by verbally and physically beating them into submission.

I suppose he must get down on his knees and thank his God for homosexuality every day, because he makes his living from "treating" it. If it wasn't for "confused" young people and fearful parents he'd be unemployed.

Doesn't a specific discourse around making young people with same sex attractions clinical subjects (or abnormal) encourage wanton heterosexuality and teen pregnancies (the desired normal behavior)?
Without a common call to equal celibacy this is very problematic and socially damaging language.
It's bad enough that he's pushing for the brainwashing of young people in specific therapies run along religious lines, and in that context "discipline" does bring up images of sado-masochistic physical abuse.
Essentially it's putting young people into re-education camps, outside of even normal, dominant heterosexism.
Using the words "barbarians" for people with same sex attractions is just awful, and it has all kinds of nasty colonial connotations, and reminds one of the institutions that were once used to rob native peoples of their cultures. They were also once seen as "barbarians", in need of "discipline", via some good old fashioned violence and slavery. It reveals much on what the "gay mind" has come to represent: the last frontier that must bend to missionizing and Christian colonialism.
The superiority complex in such language sends a wider message to the post-colonial world to beware of American fundamentalists. If that's what they call their own people, then they can only come here to exploit and dominate, and not to sit in brotherhood, but that's clear already to all those not under their mind control.

I still think that if Bachmann truly believes homosexuality to be a sin, then he wouldn't capitalize on that sin.
He'd get a real job and give his "therapies" for free in his spare time.

Some great satire on the Bachmanns from the website "Truth Wins Out":

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:15 PM
You can always trust certain people on this board to turn this into a partisan issue, when it isn't. It's about Michelle Bachmann's husband being a bigot and not about what the left does, hypocrisy, etc...these guys are professional troll with bad grammar. Don't feed them.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Disclaimer: I'm very "gay friendly". Just listening to this dude talk... doth he protest too much? Seriously, the dude sounds gay. It wouldn't surprise me if something comes out picturing with him and his hairdresser. Let's just see...

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:31 AM
No he is telling the truth. Homosexuality is a genetic aberration and Has nothing to do with normal human reproduction. Gays and lesbians will never have offspring.

What he doesn't understand is the normal 5% in 1000 has grown drastically due to chemicals and pesticides in our food chain. The total volume will always be smaller that functional heterosexuals.

However. Women will soon be bearing less children. Men will soon be less able to be fathers. As the human race becomes more toxified it will eventually become extinct.

What this guy doesnt understand is there is a lager portion of damaged DNA and chromosomes each year.

He is trying to do what he was taught, and say a small percentage do but the rest are walking in bad ways.

What he doesnt understand is the rest are the same. They are being born into mutated genetics rather than a natural portion of genetic aberration that always existed.

Since the libercrats wont put it to science the choose to ridicule over belief.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Funny thing, I seem to think religious politicians need to be examined closely for hypocrisy. *shrug* opinions

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:39 AM
Ok, am I the ONLY one that read that, and then heard that, who was thinking "I wonder if he spanks his wife?" Or maybe she spanks him. bleh Am I the only one that finds it really, uh, be talking about disciplining people for who they love?

Because that's what you do with bad sinful people - you spank them. I bet that man's beat on some family members before. Sounds like he might like it.

"Strike him centurion, vewwy woughly and trow him to the floor! "
I can't take these boozos seriously - would anyone want a boozo like this in the white house?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:52 AM
Well, besides his voice sounding, err, "different", gays can be violent, especially when their partner(s) stray. As far as the label "barbarians", that's the imagery I keep seeing on television --- butt cheeks through leather, chains, whips, S/M, etc. So what he said is technically correct: it's up to the educators and pals to "discipline" these potential "barbarians" from expressing themselves perversely.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by pikypiky

Gays can be violent when their partners stray?
You think that has to do with being gay?
I had a friend from childhood that was killed by her husband, who then killed himself, leaving 2 teen boys parentless.
There's been 3 guys set their women ON FIRE in my city in the last year over jealousy.

And you're saying that violence over jealousy is because people are GAY?

and are you not just totally ignoring all the heterosexual BDSM influence on fashion? HUH?
Gene Simmons wore a lot of leather too!
edit on 1-7-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:53 AM
I think we're missing the bigger picture here, kids.
It's about morality. So many have the belief that "if it feels good, do it" in our society today. There's no structure, no moral cornerstone to base a solid foundation on.

Some use gay as an example.
I use the entitlement mentality as an example.
For others, it's a sense of patriotism and pride that is lacking due to an absence of a moral foundation.

Take it for what it's worth, unless you have a moral compass to judge the progression of your life, you're going to be host to more problems then being gay.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

It is fairly apparent this man is a closet homosexual.
He has made it his mission to eradicate in others what he hates most in himself.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by pikypiky
Well, besides his voice sounding, err, "different", gays can be violent, especially when their partner(s) stray. As far as the label "barbarians", that's the imagery I keep seeing on television --- butt cheeks through leather, chains, whips, S/M, etc. So what he said is technically correct: it's up to the educators and pals to "discipline" these potential "barbarians" from expressing themselves perversely.

Thats strange, the only time I see butt cheeks through leather, chains, whips, S/M etc is on the covers of rental dvds, what channel are you watching?
I am not suprised your mood is "ashamed" and that you probably are "over the hill"

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Oh man can you imagine having this idiot flying around on Air Force One?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:19 AM
I hope this isn't what $137,000 or taxpayer money went for....

Michele Bachmann's husband accepted over $137,000 in Medicaid payments

he had better be providing another type of counseling to get this money!!!

oh well, bachmann's disqualified in my book, next!!!

both the foster system and medicaid has some serious problems (read fraud) in it, and well, taking money to "reform" gay men seems to me to be rather abusive. I have no reason believe that bachmann will do anything to change the systems to eliminate the abuse!!! seems like her family is profiting from it!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:40 AM
Exactly the kind of sentiments that lead to persecution.
Team nazi and their support for ideas, that were all the rage
With the 20th century dictators. The only reason these sentiments
Are not dangerous is because, there is not enough political power
To enact purification, punishment or reform. Can anyone distinguish this from
All other types of purity standards, which invariably lead to purity schemes?

Are the threats posed by gays in Germany or Russia 70 years ago anymore
Valid when applied to modern America?

No, the persecution mentality is always the graver threat, a threat that always seems to have
an audience. A man with mask and ironically a Roman soldier who thrived
In very gay circumstances.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
I think we're missing the bigger picture here, kids.
It's about morality. So many have the belief that "if it feels good, do it" in our society today. There's no structure, no moral cornerstone to base a solid foundation on.

Some use gay as an example.
I use the entitlement mentality as an example.
For others, it's a sense of patriotism and pride that is lacking due to an absence of a moral foundation.

Since when is morality in the sphere of government?

For fellows who claim to fear large government that is a rather
Crazy position to create.

Beezar, did someone else being gay ever make you feel gay???

Did the unknow fellows down the block, convince you and create an
Overwhelming feeling to pick up a dude and get your gay on???

Even when I was 12, the idea of gay sex did not even cross my mind,
Even when gay people were in my presence. I have always been biologically Attracted
To women, I would eat glass to be able to have a longing woman
At my side. Your "logic" makes it sound like gayness is easy to contract,
Are all of you that easily swayed???

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by beezzer
I think we're missing the bigger picture here, kids.
It's about morality. So many have the belief that "if it feels good, do it" in our society today. There's no structure, no moral cornerstone to base a solid foundation on.

Some use gay as an example.
I use the entitlement mentality as an example.
For others, it's a sense of patriotism and pride that is lacking due to an absence of a moral foundation.

Since when is morality in the sphere of government?

For fellows who claim to fear large government that is a rather
Crazy position to create.

Beezar, did someone else being gay ever make you feel gay???

Did the unknow fellows down the block, convince you and create an
Overwhelming feeling to pick up a dude and get your gay on???

Even when I was 12, the idea of gay sex did not even cross my mind,
Even when gay people were in my presence. I have always been biologically Attracted
To women, I would eat glass to be able to have a longing woman
At my side. Your "logic" makes it sound like gayness is easy to contract,
Are all of you that easily swayed???

You're missing the point, Scooter. It's not about politics but about society at large. (did you skin your knee while playing outside? You seem angry)
Morality is something you can't legislate. But through legislation you can inhibit the centers that teach morality.
Some, I said, some people use the gay issue as an illustration of that. Some see the gay issue as a weakening of our moral foundation.
I see a more generalized moral weakening.
But since you are of the enlightened sect that can see much farther than us lowly plebes, you can pontificate your moral superiority over the rest of us humbled masses.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:07 AM
Frankly... I think the Bachmans have already talked theirselves out of the White House. With quotes like can they be taken seriously. from what I have read elsewhere...there is a treasure trove of such quotes.

I am about as conservative as they come, BUT I believe what people do is there own business.... so that make me a Libertarian. That's what America is all about for all of it's citizens...Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't agree with all lifestyles...BUT the law and rights apply to ALL people without condition.

I always subscribed to the idea that we agree to disagree... as Americans we need some common ideals and common themes in our culture to give us a sense of "Americaness" but overall.... people should be free to live and let live.

Unfortunately, Mrs bachmann and family do not think so...

We have much bigger "fish to fry" than morals and social issues... it's like worrying about the dirty dishes in the sink, all the while the damned house is burning down.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Good thing he's not running for President.

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