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ATS allowed in governmental buildings while other sites aren't

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:40 AM
We so need a palmforehead icon around here!

OP, first off, I hope they find a quick fix for you. And sending you lots of healing thoughts.

I don't know if they have you on any pain meds.. if they do.. perhaps a small mini vacay from ATS might be in order. Just for the time being.. The reason why I suggest this (gently) is, I had a major surgery almost 3 years ago, and well.. with all the drugs they had pumping in my system, I was tripping out just watchign tv!

I can see the natural curiosty about what sites they allow and what sites they don't. And to be honest, I would be quite like "GET OUT! SERIOUSLY?!" upon finding out ATS was on the allowed sites.

I think SO gave a great discription as to why it was, and what a great testement to this site for using the most top notch advertising dookicies availble.

SO.. I guess some people just don't get the simple fact that, the Mods.. are truly the Gods in this universe.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:45 AM
Even if this was a "front" for the "alphabet boys",,,to what end? I mean really?

What could they do? Delete your thread? ewwwwwww

Kill your avatar? ohhhh nooooooo

I learn way more here than the MSN,,,must be reverse psychology or something!

Between the US and UK alone, there are like 370 million people. We (ATS members) run a little over 200,000 strong. Thats 0.002. What threat could we be to TPTB? Especially if we have to log on just to organize a revolution among ourselves.

Reminds me of something about a Gift Horse,,,,,,,,,,,

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:49 AM
what i thought was pretty crazy was a while back i was in vietnam which is still a communist country. they filter the internet and all that. facebook isn't allowed,, but ats and are!! just thought that was strange for a country like that...

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:00 AM
Even if ATS is not ran by the govt you should still know that the govt does watch this site. Its one of the largest conspiracy sites of the world wide web.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by webpirate

Wow, I'm not even sure where to start. Maybe you should look into the web filter they used, then look up how it handles the cases in which the filter blocks sites. You will see there is no conspiracy, and ATS is not in league with the Government. Why are people so apt to believe such outlandish claims?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 04:03 AM

No. How many times does this silly question need to be answered? And, perhaps more importantly, why can't members (especially those that have been around since 2007) realize that making that supposition is insulting to the many people who work hard to keep this site running, and running smoothly?

Quite frankly, it needs to be answered as many times as it's asked. And more importantly, this is a conspiracy site, to take offense to the notion that it could be part of a conspiracy itself is a bit silly, no? Wouldn't one.... I don't know, say, expect that people would eventually postulate that?

Yerp. Thought so. Especially with all the over aggressive modding and admins flagging apologies as Extreme T&C Violations, the fequency of out right modded and censored posts about certain specific subjects in general that do not violate the T&C... ya know... the usual...

Why, what do you expect!?

*Edit* (For clarification.)
Not that I believe this non-sense... I just don't know how you guys can't see how the idea pops up.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by consigliere
Even if this was a "front" for the "alphabet boys",,,to what end? I mean really?

What could they do? Delete your thread? ewwwwwww

Kill your avatar? ohhhh nooooooo

I learn way more here than the MSN,,,must be reverse psychology or something!

Between the US and UK alone, there are like 370 million people. We (ATS members) run a little over 200,000 strong. Thats 0.002. What threat could we be to TPTB? Especially if we have to log on just to organize a revolution among ourselves.

Reminds me of something about a Gift Horse,,,,,,,,,,,

What could they do? I dunno, infiltrate the site to propogate false information and to discredit valid theories before they snowball into extreme pop culture levels.

That's a pretty big negative if it were true. Other than that, say... frame you as a domestic terrorist and use comments you made to their board as reasons to flag you on the no fly list.

That's pretty bad too... Both options totally possible if they really were in league with ATS.

I always wonder if it is or not... I believe it's not, but... one has to wonder sometimes. Also, it's not so much that we are specifically the threat to TPTB. However, I would imagine you would infiltrate the worlds most known conspiracy hang outs.

200,000 people or not.... this place is world renowned. There is also a lot more visitors than members. You can't forget about the influence we have over the lurkers. We have the power to reach the potential of 1-3 million people with evey thread.

That's a big enough reason to care... no?
edit on 1-7-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:47 AM
A question if you please?

Some people who are active members believe this site to be in cahoots (and/or) controlled by the CIA, if this is the case and with these members vehement hate of TPTB and authority etc, why are you still here? You're so convinced this is a government site that you are merrily typing away at will, providing personal details, IP addresses etc. Really?

Those raising the questions over the site's legitimacy either:

A. Don't believe it but like having a row with the site's owner.


B. Believe it, but don’t care and will continue to post anyway.

Either way, it doesn’t make sense.

For the record, SO, you do get uber defensive which just adds fire to the flames! I’m sure you get sick of having to constantly justify your position, but doing it with a little more grace and a little less “How dare you question me” might prevent the wind up merchants from carrying on as they do.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:18 AM
You will find many places of work allow access to any sites but gaming and social media ones.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by consigliere
Even if this was a "front" for the "alphabet boys",,,to what end? I mean really?

What could they do? Delete your thread? ewwwwwww

Kill your avatar? ohhhh nooooooo

I learn way more here than the MSN,,,must be reverse psychology or something!

Between the US and UK alone, there are like 370 million people. We (ATS members) run a little over 200,000 strong. Thats 0.002. What threat could we be to TPTB? Especially if we have to log on just to organize a revolution among ourselves.

Reminds me of something about a Gift Horse,,,,,,,,,,,

Hear ya!
Yea or something!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

When invited to a neighbor's house for a party, do you concoct the most absurd insult and tell it to him in front of all other guests?

When you invite someone to your house for a party do you post advertisments on the wall to help pay the mortgage and then ask the guests to bring nachos for everyone to share?

That's what we do on ATS. WE generate the content, WE click and buy from the ads posted on ATS and WE also tell others about the site that generates extra clicks, extra money. Without user-generated content (IE: all of us) ATS would be nothing.

So all due respect, but you are not providing a free service out of the kindness of your heart and you are profiting from what we do here. We respect that you own, run and profit from the site and you should respect us if we decide to say ATS is a CIA front. It's only words and it's within our right.

So to be honest I could care less whether ATS is CIA or not, but who's insulting who here?

edit on 30-6-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

+1 , totally Agree. Power can get to the brain sometimes, that is the moral of this story.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

I would call him crazy...

But you just did the equivalent of taking the word of someone you would call crazy that your neighbor is really a sex offender (but not caught), and went to that neighbor's party and proclaimed in front of all his guests that he's a sex offender.


Did you really just take what he said about crazies ,100% out of context ? lol

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:46 AM
In my short time here I have found agents online, even been U2U by one. Don't particularly care if SO is an agent or not. I like the site and like participating in discussions, even heated ones at times. I don't often get to talk to others that share my line of thought, so to have a place to come and discuss with like minded individuals is refreshing. If you truly believe ATS is CIA or some other lettered agency, then go away! For me, I really don't care. If the gov is that interested in what I believe and hold dear, then we have WAY more issues than just some postings on a website! Personally, I think the thread should be locked. All it does is get people in a tizzy over stupid sh*t! Grow up and move along please!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:52 AM
Is ATS in league with the government.

Well, ATS's material comes from the people...
you are a people

Are YOU in league with the government?!?!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by 0010110011101
A question if you please?

Some people who are active members believe this site to be in cahoots (and/or) controlled by the CIA, if this is the case and with these members vehement hate of TPTB and authority etc, why are you still here? You're so convinced this is a government site that you are merrily typing away at will, providing personal details, IP addresses etc. Really?

For the record, SO, you do get uber defensive which just adds fire to the flames! I’m sure you get sick of having to constantly justify your position, but doing it with a little more grace and a little less “How dare you question me” might prevent the wind up merchants from carrying on as they do.

Unless the site owner is the strait shooter here and thus he may feel that someone bringing the CIA up may be just a CIA agitator trying to muddy up the waters. That would bring some wrath down. Hes not entertaining the idea for some cheap cop but comming down firm. But...that could also mean it is CIA and they want to crush any suggestion that arises. It would be paramount in both cases to attack the suggestion. As a matter of security the CIA or any other intel agency certainly would not want anyone knowing its site was in fact something other than an open public forum free from any surveillance or any other functions other than those ostensible. A strait shooter would on the other hand be defencive on protective and ethical grounds.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:09 AM
Ooohhh, I got it...the OP is an agent! Think about it...don't want to get caught so create a thread accusing others thereby redirecting suspicion from yourself ensuring you can continue with your surveillance and dis-info.

Now that I have your attention, see how this all works? It's easy to conspire and suspect and throw suspicion quite easily. Anyone can accuse anyone and since we are all pretty much at the mercy of face value, anyone of us could potentially be an agent. Hmmm....I need to do a background check on myself to be sure I am not a dual personality who leads a secret life unbeknownst to my other self!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Despite what people think, every government entity isn't on the same system. Pretty much everyone has to have their own and have their own IT people maintaining it.
That is one of the big holes that homeland security was supposed to work on, that non of the systems talk to each other, so a lot of information seeps through.

IT is not feasible right now to link systems, no one has the money, so programs that multiple agencies have to use are developed.

I can tell you right now, I can imagine the arguements going on, the main question always is: who would pay for it? So each agency on every level is huddled around their system, hugging it themselves and saying: we paid for it, get your own.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Logarock
Word on the street is that this is a CIA site.

Insult much?

When invited to a neighbor's house for a party, do you concoct the most absurd insult and tell it to him in front of all other guests?

I cant say that I know for sure anyway.

Then why say it? Oh, that's right, you enjoy insulting your hosts.

It really should not come as a shock that ATS members might think that their beloved site could be compromised by management. After all, it is a CONSPIRACY site, populated by members who are at least slightly more paranoid than the run-of-the-mill sheeple.

I find it interesting that SkepticOverlord would be insulted by the question of CIA involvement. Loosen up SO. The best way to handle these uncomfortable and inevitable questions would be with a little self deprecating humor. Something like: "Well we didn't get our monthly payoff check from the Feds, so rest assured, we no longer turn your files over to the CIA on a regular basis."


posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
I find it interesting that SkepticOverlord would be insulted by the question of CIA involvement.

I find it interesting that you find things interesting

-eyes you suspiciously-

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by romanmel
I find it interesting that SkepticOverlord would be insulted by the question of CIA involvement.

I find it interesting that you find things interesting

-eyes you suspiciously-

Now that IS interesting...

-eyes you back with eyebrow raised-

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