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Time Magazine : 1st, Hitler "Man of the Year", 2nd, One Document, Under Siege...

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Time has also made Saddam Hussein "Man of The Year".

This title is NOT bestowed on necessarily a role model, but on the most newsworthy person of that year, whether they be good or bad.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

It was the City administration ripping off people in the County. Taxation without Representation and all that. We don't get to vote for them, or for the taxes, yet somehow they are able to add their "fee" to our taxes?

In other words, you as a citizens, were caught in the midst of of the corruption.

Sounds like reason enough to begin making massive waves.

Or else it will become a pattern and it will make this robbery look like chump change.

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Anyhow, what if it came down to spending thousands of dollars on attorney fees to fight a $70 fee? What if it came down to losing the home through a tax foreclosure over a $70 fee? What if your children had grown up in that home, and learned to love it and feel safe there? Would your principles outweigh their safety and security? Like I said, I wish I could answer that question affirmatively, but truth be told, I would rather see my kids grow up in this home, with ample opportunites for success, than to let them see their father and his family destroyed while fighting the good fight.

Oh, there is more than one way to fight something like this, without going to court.

Just because I said fight did not mean I was referencing physical fighting or court fighting.

There is all sorts of other ways to make waves and fight injustice you just have to be smart to see it.

You have to use your "enemy's" weapons against them or you are not truly fighting.

Sun Tzu teaches that you use your enemy, their weapon, and their adversaries against them.

I would need more details about your particular issue to go into it and this isn't the thread for it.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:19 PM

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:33 PM
Why is it that any time Hitler is mentioned all critical thinking seems to vanish? There are plenty of reasons to villify this man, however his policies turned a very depressed Germany into one of the superpowers of the modern world as dispicable as the core policy was. Whether or not he was the real genius behind Germany's incredible turnaround or just a figurehead to rally around has never been determined just as the allies never found a single gram of gold in the nazi stronghold beneath the Reichstagg.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Time has also made Saddam Hussein "Man of The Year".

This title is NOT bestowed on necessarily a role model, but on the most newsworthy person of that year, whether they be good or bad.

Evil people are not newsworthy.

Sorry, it's that attitude, which sells more newspapers, for the whores flaunting their wares.

I realize newspapers have to make money, and people want to know the news, but this is ridiculous.

The bad news is more profitable because of the negative actions of idiots, bastards, and thieves.

Is it any wonder why our society is so rife with corruption in that we celebrate it via news.

And then our own politicians are shielded from it unless one group decides a scapegoat is needed.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Kulkulkan
Why is it that any time Hitler is mentioned all critical thinking seems to vanish? There are plenty of reasons to villify this man, however his policies turned a very depressed Germany into one of the superpowers of the modern world as dispicable as the core policy was. Whether or not he was the real genius behind Germany's incredible turnaround or just a figurehead to rally around has never been determined just as the allies never found a single gram of gold in the nazi stronghold beneath the Reichstagg.

So, you're stating that the Treaty of Versailles is the only cause, for WWII?

Who the Hell cares if Hitler made Germany into a superpower that has nothing to do with critical thinking.

Not the way he did it.

Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View


Amazon Review :

In the 1960s Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments in which human subjects were given progressively more painful electro-shocks in a careful calibrated series to determine to what extent people will obey orders even when they knew them to be painful and immoral-to determine how people will obey authority regardless of consequences.

These experiments came under heavy criticism at the time but have ultimately been vindicated by the scientific community.

This book is Milgram′s vivid and persuasive explanation of his methods.

Stanley Milgram's experiment into Obedience to Authority is a valid case in point.

If he did it without slaughtering millions of people, causing major war, and becoming a monster?

Following the orders of a monster without question makes those people monsters as well.

And following them without question makes those people less then critical thinkers it makes them fools.

IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation


Amazon Review :

Was IBM, "The Solutions Company," partly responsible for the Final Solution?

That's the question raised by Edwin Black's IBM and the Holocaust, the most controversial book on the subject since Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners. Black, a son of Holocaust survivors, is less tendentiously simplistic than Goldhagen, but his thesis is no less provocative: he argues that IBM founder Thomas Watson deserved the Merit Cross (Germany's second-highest honor) awarded him by Hitler, his second-biggest customer on earth. "IBM, primarily through its German subsidiary, made Hitler's program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the company pursued with chilling success," writes Black.

"IBM had almost single-handedly brought modern warfare into the information age [and] virtually put the 'blitz' in the krieg." The crucial technology was a precursor to the computer, the IBM Hollerith punch card machine, which Black glimpsed on exhibit at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, inspiring his five-year, top-secret book project. The Hollerith was used to tabulate and alphabetize census data. Black says the Hollerith and its punch card data ("hole 3 signified homosexual ... hole 8 designated a Jew") was indispensable in rounding up prisoners, keeping the trains fully packed and on time, tallying the deaths, and organizing the entire war effort. Hitler's regime was fantastically, suicidally chaotic; could IBM have been the cause of its sole competence: mass-murdering civilians?

Better scholars than I must sift through and appraise Black's mountainous evidence, but clearly the assessment is overdue. The moral argument turns on one question: How much did IBM New York know about IBM Germany's work, and when? Black documents a scary game of brinksmanship orchestrated by IBM chief Watson, who walked a fine line between enraging U.S. officials and infuriating Hitler.

He shamefully delayed returning the Nazi medal until forced to--and when he did return it, the Nazis almost kicked IBM and its crucial machines out of Germany. (Hitler was prone to self-defeating decisions, as demonstrated in How Hitler Could Have Won World War II.) Black has created a must-read work of history. But it's also a fascinating business book examining the colliding influences of personality, morality, and cold strategic calculation. --Tim Appelo

Sorry, none of what you've said is excusable, if the core is rotten, so is the entire apple.

Whether he was the megalomaniac controlling others or the figurehead acting as puppet it's irrelevant.

Grotesque, monstrous, and unforgivable actions were done in his name and through him.

If not for monsters like Hitler and Watson millions of lives would not have been lost due to greed.

Not to mention all of the other monsters who lent them money, helped them, and hide their secrets.

Critical thinking indeed, because you've shown not one ounce of critical thinking, defending Hitler.

The only and only time which might be excusable to defend the man is before his birth and crimes.

Would You Kill Adolph Hitler, Before He Was Born?

If you want to discuss philosophy or psychology of his actions the above thread is better suited.

And it was written in regards to ethics of an action before someone has committed heinous crimes.

Once he has committed mass murder in name of a country he is a monster and need to be eliminated.

"Valkyrie" Official Trailer [HQ]

The only honorable Germans were those who did not know and or tried to assassinate Hitler.

They only did not know due to compartmentalization through fear, hidden information, and Secret Police.

The people who tried to assassinate Hitler were men of honor and critical thinking.

Because they realized his actions would forever smear their country even if they did not know.

Let me ask you a serious question here for a moment.

If your Government approached you, in secret, fully deniability, and asked you to become a Puppet Dictator, in order to gain funding for covert operations, but you would have to slaughter millions in order to do, and on one would ever know, would you do it?

Would You Accept Illegal Power If It Was Offered To You?

I know my answer would be no and I'd do everything in my power to screw them and take them down.
edit on 6/30/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:10 PM
To half of the Nonsense I've seen just from the first few posts I'm slightly offended. My interpretation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is that they were put into place to protect our natural born freedoms. These freedoms were written down so that forevermore we could read it and know that the day we are born we have these freedoms.

These documents were made to protect us, not limit us. It's the politicians and the ignorant people who started putting limits on those freedoms. Now these freedoms are so limited because of the idiotic past generations that thought it was a good idea to amend these documents to further protect the people from each other.

Then later on, slowly but surely, our elected officials that were elected via democracy eventually limited our freedoms (which are stated in these historical documents) till we are no longer really free. I have no problems with the intentions of our forefathers when they wrote these papers. My problem is with the people who figured out that if you put an amendment here, a statute there, and get other elected officials to sign off on them, that they can effectively drive us into endentured servitude. All the while , eventually, driving us into poverty for their own gains.

The problem with this country is that politics are no longer about public servitude. It's no longer an honor that's selflessly and reluctantly taken upon for the betterment of all fellow countrymen. Now-a-days It's about money and power and the root of all evils. It's about fame and fortune. The presidential election reminds me of American Idol. It's a fad. The people running just want to make it to the big time while America is stuck at home just picking their favorite because of their attitude and what they "think" that person believes in. It's about alliances to one side or another. (That's how a bipartisan system works.) I find it funny that street sign in the OP's post. The one that says " left or right " Now if half the people are voting right and half the people are voting left then how the hell are we going to move forward? There's hardly any compromise on either side and nothing is getting done except for the mundane chipping away at our freedoms.

I absolutely hate to say it but our government has perfected propaganda to the point to where people in this country are completely blinded by what the government ACTUALLY does. By now we're so separated that even if we wanted to take back our freedoms we couldn't. The reason is easy, the bipartisan system puts us at each others throats using our own morals. No one is looking at the new laws, amendments, or statutes with the mindset that questions whether the government should have the power to dictate this part of our lives. From the looks of things a lot of this thread are the same people who just absolutely KNOW that they have it right. (sarcasm)

I feel it's too late, but the people of our country need to wake up and take back the freedoms that our forefathers fought so hard to gain. The freedoms that they worked so hard to protect for future generations just to have them stripped away slowly but surely by officials elected in good faith.

I doubt I'll be a popular favorite in this subject considering that I just reread what I wrote, but who cares? If I don't say it then who will? I may not KNOW how to fix things but until I'm proven wrong I'm pretty sure I have a good idea on the causes of our problems. It's not BUSH or OBAMA or any before them. It's all of them. It's the accumulation of all the people that "think" they "know" what's best for us as a whole. I reiterate that we need to have elected officials that view every law they sign off on, questioning whether the government should control that part of peoples lives. Whether the government should have that power.

P.S. to the OP the only actual negative thing I have to say is that if the time magazine article was written in 1938 then it's completely understandable how it ended up being published. Since the war didn't start until 1939 and up until then Hitler was playing the good little boy to move up the political ranks, America had no clue that they were praising what many believe to be the Antichrist incarnate.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Gaijin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

good sir I cant disagree with what is said on this point... only make the idea itself speak.. You refer to the reality it has fallen to in corruption... and you also refer to the exact interpretation it should...

devious but correct as always....

No the cops should be stripped of what authority they have.... completely...

Reality versus the implementation.... STATION!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:17 AM
Article is beat once I read Lady Gaga..

sorry, maybe next one will be interesting. I can't take anything someone says if they add Lady Gaga..

my heads going to explode

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Gaijin
To half of the Nonsense I've seen just from the first few posts I'm slightly offended. My interpretation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is that they were put into place to protect our natural born freedoms. These freedoms were written down so that forevermore we could read it and know that the day we are born we have these freedoms.

I can concur with you here 100%.

As our freedoms were guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

Our U.S. Constitution is something which makes our nation great and defends us against tyranny.

Even if those in power are the ones practicing tyranny itself it is up to us to understand.

Too many people know nothing of their rights and depend upon lawyers for that at a cost.

Not just the cost of a lawyers hourly fees, which are exorbitant, but at the very cost of freedom.

Through ignorance of the same said laws that guarantee us our rights.

Originally posted by Gaijin
These documents were made to protect us, not limit us. It's the politicians and the ignorant people who started putting limits on those freedoms. Now these freedoms are so limited because of the idiotic past generations that thought it was a good idea to amend these documents to further protect the people from each other.

Well said, and well represented, but I see our freedoms as only as limited as we allow them.

Meaning if you know your rights under the law you are not limited but empowered.

If someone tramples your rights it is because you allow them through ignorance.

Originally posted by Gaijin
Then later on, slowly but surely, our elected officials that were elected via democracy eventually limited our freedoms (which are stated in these historical documents) till we are no longer really free. I have no problems with the intentions of our forefathers when they wrote these papers. My problem is with the people who figured out that if you put an amendment here, a statute there, and get other elected officials to sign off on them, that they can effectively drive us into endentured servitude. All the while , eventually, driving us into poverty for their own gains.

The people are only in servitude if they allow themselves to be put into that position.

Originally posted by Gaijin
The problem with this country is that politics are no longer about public servitude. It's no longer an honor that's selflessly and reluctantly taken upon for the betterment of all fellow countrymen. Now-a-days It's about money and power and the root of all evils. It's about fame and fortune. The presidential election reminds me of American Idol. It's a fad. The people running just want to make it to the big time while America is stuck at home just picking their favorite because of their attitude and what they "think" that person believes in. It's about alliances to one side or another. (That's how a bipartisan system works.) I find it funny that street sign in the OP's post. The one that says " left or right " Now if half the people are voting right and half the people are voting left then how the hell are we going to move forward? There's hardly any compromise on either side and nothing is getting done except for the mundane chipping away at our freedoms.

Of course.

Politics has become about the career-politician and keeping that money flowing.

Into their pockets and not ours.

It is about divide and conquer, the "left or right" sign you reference, people pick one of two sides.

Never realizing often both sides are wrong, both sides are misleading, both sides are playing games.

Originally posted by Gaijin
I absolutely hate to say it but our government has perfected propaganda to the point to where people in this country are completely blinded by what the government ACTUALLY does. By now we're so separated that even if we wanted to take back our freedoms we couldn't. The reason is easy, the bipartisan system puts us at each others throats using our own morals. No one is looking at the new laws, amendments, or statutes with the mindset that questions whether the government should have the power to dictate this part of our lives. From the looks of things a lot of this thread are the same people who just absolutely KNOW that they have it right. (sarcasm)

If the people only knew 1% of what our Government truly does in our names they would balk.

Originally posted by Gaijin
I feel it's too late, but the people of our country need to wake up and take back the freedoms that our forefathers fought so hard to gain. The freedoms that they worked so hard to protect for future generations just to have them stripped away slowly but surely by officials elected in good faith.

It is never too late for this but the people have to want to lead themselves instead of relying on others.

Originally posted by Gaijin
I doubt I'll be a popular favorite in this subject considering that I just reread what I wrote, but who cares? If I don't say it then who will? I may not KNOW how to fix things but until I'm proven wrong I'm pretty sure I have a good idea on the causes of our problems. It's not BUSH or OBAMA or any before them. It's all of them. It's the accumulation of all the people that "think" they "know" what's best for us as a whole. I reiterate that we need to have elected officials that view every law they sign off on, questioning whether the government should control that part of peoples lives. Whether the government should have that power.

This is exactly where I have been driving with many aspects of this thread and others.

Many people cannot lead themselves and prefer others leading them.

Shirking their responsibility as citizens.

Originally posted by Gaijin
P.S. to the OP the only actual negative thing I have to say is that if the time magazine article was written in 1938 then it's completely understandable how it ended up being published. Since the war didn't start until 1939 and up until then Hitler was playing the good little boy to move up the political ranks, America had no clue that they were praising what many believe to be the Antichrist incarnate.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Gaijin because: (no reason given)

I cannot concur with this last part only because there was enough information about his intentions.

Europe sat on their laurels while he slowly gained power.

It makes one wonder if WWII was allowed to happened just to have a massive military build-up.

To suck the whole world out of the Great Depression through the Hegelian Dialectic.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:01 AM
The author might have valid points and the constitution might be very well outdated. The question is, who makes that decision?

Beginning with the current monetary system it is being happily ignored, thats for sure.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by ripcontrol
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

good sir I cant disagree with what is said on this point... only make the idea itself speak.. You refer to the reality it has fallen to in corruption... and you also refer to the exact interpretation it should...

Thank you.

Originally posted by ripcontrol
devious but correct as always....

Not sure how you see any of it as devious as I see as plainly honest.

Lawfully neutral in that certain powers can never be given to any authority.

Giving a valid interpretation of what I see within the confines of the law.

Originally posted by ripcontrol
No the cops should be stripped of what authority they have.... completely...

I would not go that far.

Stripped of those powers which are illegal.

Although not all of them are illegal.

The ones which are against our Constitutional Rights should be stripped immediately.

Originally posted by ripcontrol
Reality versus the implementation.... STATION!

Too many people do not look at the nuances of words when it comes to law.

Again, I am lawfully neutral, Government is merely a functionary unit, meant to provide protection.

Even if it is from the very Government itself which is why the three branches exist to begin with.

It is the people within Government that make it good or bad through interpretation.

Interpretation of the laws, actions, and guidelines we as a society live by as long as America stands.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
The author might have valid points and the constitution might be very well outdated. The question is, who makes that decision?

Beginning with the current monetary system it is being happily ignored, thats for sure.

I do not concur that the Constitution is outdated.

There is only one group of people who have the right to decide if it is though.

That is us as American citizens.

The monetary system is only as bad as it is because of not having gold backing our dollar.

Once they removed gold from backing it that money became worthless paper.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Gaijin

P.S. to the OP the only actual negative thing I have to say is that if the time magazine article was written in 1938 then it's completely understandable how it ended up being published. Since the war didn't start until 1939 and up until then Hitler was playing the good little boy to move up the political ranks, America had no clue that they were praising what many believe to be the Antichrist incarnate.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Gaijin because: (no reason given)

Great post and I concur with your opinions 100% except for the above.

As for 1938, by that time Hitler had already marched in to the Rhineland, invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia. The signing of the Munich pact was an act of appeasement on the part of Neville Chamberlain who thought that Hitler would cease his territorial aggression. Up until this time both France and England were powerful enough to have stopped Hitler but neither had the national will to fight being only 20 years since WWI has ruined so much of France. The end result of this appeasement was far more death and destruction than if they had actually kept their word by declaring war when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia which they were bound to protect by an alliance agreement.
Hitler's national expansionist program was well-known in America by this time as were the atrocities of the Franco regime in Spain which Time magazine also endorsed (and were supplied militarily by Germany).
Making him Man of the Year was a blatant attempt at propaganda to support a known ruthless regime.
Americans were less ignorant then than they are now as more Americans read newspapers then than they do now and because most newspapers at that time actually reported news stories factually without the editorial spin and bias we see today.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Asktheanimals because: corrections

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Thank you for that post with more thorough information.

There is so much more that the history books do not tell us.

Especially in regards to the spy network prior to WWII.

The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United States and Great Britain During World War II


SKL's Amazon Review :

This book was recommended by someone I respect very much.

It was definately an interesting look into the planting, hunting, and detention of the German spies before, during, and after World War II.

The Double-Cross system was also informative as well, and the games that spies on all sides played in order to make certain their side won were informative and interesting.

Some of the things that were done were quite simple and some were extremely difficult and diverse.

It was definitely worth purchasing and I only wish I had heard of the book sooner than last year.

The above book tells about the spy networks before, during, and after WWII.

Wall Street and FDR Wall Street and FDR : Digital Copy


Wall Street and F.D.R. tells of how F.D.R. was involved in the build up towards WWII.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution


Amazon Review :

This important book goes into the role of Morgan banking executives in funneling illegal Bolshevik gold into the U.S. and how the American Red Cross was co-opted by powerful forces on Wall Street.

It also tells of Wall Streeters who intervened to free Leon Trotsky, even though Trotsky's stated aim was to engineer 'the real revolution'... The Soviet coup which toppled Kerensky, and much more.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution tells about the influence over creating the Russian Bear,

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler


SKL's Amazon Review :

This book is quite literally a tell all of all the names of who financed Adolph Hitler's rise to power by financial means.

The man didn't get into power just by his lies, but by lies of other men too, the men with power, with money, and influence, and the access to Wall Street.

You would be surprised to see the names within this book that financed "the funny little man, with the funny little mustache" that almost took over the entire world.

I will not ruin the book for you by telling all the names in it, but I will tell you two men's name I know you will instantly recognize.

Henry Ford & Edsel Ford. Yes, those "Ford's", from Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford even got the highest award the Nazi's could give to a foreigner, in recognition of his assistance to Adolph Hitler, and his picture hung in Hitler's office.

Just so you know, I am not a fan of the Nazi's, nor am I a racist of any kind, nor a fan of Adolph Hitler.

I'm following a papertrail to find out all the names of who helped the man get into power to begin with, because I am someone who knows there's more to history than what they teach you in school.

It doesn't just come down to the lies a politician tells the people who put them in office, but to the power-brokers who finance the man.

Adolph Hitler was a politician, plain and simple.

He knew how to lie to the people and give them comfort through manipulative persuasion and then when the people willingly gave him the power he went for the throat of the world.

Another good book that tells the details of who assisted Hitler that you may be able to find here on Amazon is, "IBM and the Holocaust."

Yes, I am talking about that "IBM" here too.

They helped Hitler track down the Jews and other "undesirables" (Hitler's words, not Mine) through the use of the census and the Hollerith Card Sorting Machine.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler tells about the influence the fat-cats of industry had.

They assisted in creating the monster that devastated Europe waging war on innocent people.

With all of that information plus I.B.M. and the Holocaust and a few other books I have dug deep, figuring out that if people like Smedley Butler had not stepped forward, America would have had Fascist Concentration Camps dotting our countryside matching those across Europe. Not only that, the contingency plans of the Nazi's for potential defeat was the exfiltrate through the Rat Lines and infiltrate Hollywood, and key elements of our entire Government.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Forget Lady Gaga, and sexting, The one thing the framers CLEARLY had that we don't today : A sense of personal responsibility.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:30 PM

With all of that information plus I.B.M. and the Holocaust and a few other books I have dug deep, figuring out that if people like Smedley Butler had not stepped forward, America would have had Fascist Concentration Camps dotting our countryside matching those across Europe. Not only that, the contingency plans of the Nazi's for potential defeat was the exfiltrate through the Rat Lines and infiltrate Hollywood, and key elements of our entire Government.

I agree Smedley Butler was indeed a brave man for stepping forward and admitting that he had been aproached to be apart of a plot to overthrow the FDR and the american goverment. He outed some wealthy and powerful people in doing so.

Yet the part that bugs me about this statement is if he hadn't Fascist Concentration camps would be dotting the american land scape. The reason this bothers me is because the american goverment forced between 110,000 and 120,000 American-Japanese Citizens into interment camps 17 Interment assembly centers, 10 relocation centers, 8 detention centers, 3 isolation centers, 3 federal prisons where used, and 18 military bases to hold these citzens for no other reason then they where japanese. During WW2 america had consitrations camps of there own we just gave them a nicer names like relocation centers and interment camps. Sure we where probably more humane then germany was. In a 1943 report America was only suppling those in the camps the bare minium required by international standards as humane treatment.

We did not appologize for the sever violation of ones civil rights until nearly 40 years later. All I am saying is that statement bugged me a bit because no american stopped it from happening then and very few now days even know about it. We may glorify areselves as the heroes of WW2 but we two commited many attrocities it wasn't just the germans. Also early you said that any German who didn't try to fight to change things or attempt to assasinate Hitler should be held just accountable if that is case then why shouldn't of all the americans who did not stand up and say this is wrong what we are doing to the people of japanese desent not be held accountable?

Speaking of the constitution and it being violated that was probably one of the worst violations.
edit on 1-7-2011 by OWoutcast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Lono1
reply to post by getreadyalready

Forget Lady Gaga, and sexting, The one thing the framers CLEARLY had that we don't today : A sense of personal responsibility.

That is what is missing in today's society.

Personal responsibility at work, in politics, and across the fabric of society.

I've worked beside people with work ethics that pissed me off.

Most of the time I would either tell them to get out of whatever and let me do it all.

Or I would take a stance and get management involved.

Ended up training and or re-training a majority of those people or they were scheduled with other people.

I've been a trainer at all of my jobs now since 1993 due to that stances.

Taking personal responsibility is very important as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I feel that if we could fix that issue, we would be well on the way to righting this country and heading back towards prosperity.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:22 PM
The problem is not if laws are good or bad for people. The problem is who or what the laws protect. There are many laws and rights being passed today that the sole purpose of them is to protect an individual or company from loosing money.

States Move to Label Cloned Food

In that link you can read the fight that some states have had AND won to label food that is derived from cloned animals only to be vetoed by higher officials citing that it is "unworkable, costly, and unenforceable." Besides the loss of income they would receive from the sale of their product.

Playing God in the Garden NY Times

"Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job.” Phil Angell

Another good read about the fight of GMO and cloned foods.

Its interesting to note that he stated it’s the FDA’s job to protect the populace from the dangers of foods. If you look at the past campaign contribution records you can see where they “bought” their safety assurance.

Monsanto Co Contributions to Federal Candidates

These are our supposed trusted officials telling us that something is safe when its really not. Further reading can be found here.

Lies and Deception: How the FDA Does Not Protect Your Best Interests.

Well heres a nice example of the FDA passing all those little nice laws about warning labels that Phil Angell said were the FDA's job. But who is actually winning in this argument?

What's Missing on Your FDA Drug Warning Label: Corporate Influence over the Safety Process

Now before you tell me im just another person on a food and drug craze, heres a more recent and popular example- and I really hate to bring this up. How if everyone is equal, you still see differences in their court outcoms. With 2 DUI’s under her belt, on her third DUI arrest she was found with coc aine, Lindsay Lohan seemd to have gotten a 1 day prison sentence, 10 days community service and a 3 year probation. How many people have you heard that with 3 DUI’s and a felony charge with coc aine have gotten that?

The laws are there to protect people- but the laws are being abused in order to protect the more “influental” people than the common man. Yes we do need laws but we seriousy need a change in who and how they are formed an who benefits in the outcom. The common american person or the the 1%.


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