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Genocide! They Put Poison in Your Foods and The Water!

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by zorgon

population is increasing, yes.

but is it increasing in Europe, Western World?

don't think so.

and don't tell me you never heard about somebody having a cancer, it is all around us.

I am not saying they are trying to kill you right away with the food but the many E's in our food are there for a reason; maybe they are the reason why the people are becoming increasingly stupid and ignorant.

we nee to go back to nature...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by seiva7
maybe they are the reason why the people are becoming increasingly stupid and ignorant.

No the reason for that is I-pods, video games and chat rooms. No one is going out and experiencing life anymore, just hiding in their little caves without sunlight pretending to be someone important on the computer

we nee to go back to nature...

Aye... so turn off the computer and go camping for the weekend
I'm heading for the ocean for a week, no cell phone, no laptop... just nature

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:49 AM
If we don't want to have massive famine we need to start growing genetically modified grain that is much more hardier than natural grain. Meaning it can grow in a myriad of environments with limited water and limited nutrients.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by SG-17
If we don't want to have massive famine we need to start growing genetically modified grain that is much more hardier than natural grain. Meaning it can grow in a myriad of environments with limited water and limited nutrients.

this is exact kind of information they've been feeding to the world...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Did you notice in the video it said the turd burger would be 10 - 20 times more than regular meat because of research?

Also once it catches on it will be priced about the same as meat. Why not pay for MEAT than?
All this to make people pay to eat s**t? Baffles me.

I had to laugh at 1.34 minutes into the video. Look at the label on the refrigerator door.

Originally posted by zorgon

Well if your in Japan, be careful about ordering a burger

edit on 30/6/2011 by Revealation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:20 AM
You all sure they put 'poison' in our foods/water? ..Last time I recall actually being sick was over 5 years ago. I drink plenty of water per day straight from the taps, I exercise/gym and my body is actually pretty healthy.. Oh wait.. TPTB do this to us, they make us healthy, they advertise exercise programs, they build gyms for us, then they kill us off slowly..

Must be because I'm from the Southern Hemisphere.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:20 AM
There really is no excuse for not using the ABUNDANCE of information about healthy lifestyles, and putting them to use.

I've got a 3 stage water filter that removes the fluoride, chlorine, pcbs, etc..

*No microwave
*No plastic
*glass and stainless steel containers only
*Natural, and organic foods purchases only
*No Soda/HFCS/Aspartame
*Minimal fried foods
*Nutrient supplementation
*HEPA Air Filter
*Sweat nearly every day either working, or exercising

Just get to it, and stop complaining. Nothing of much will change on the macro-scale until enough of us start the change on the micro scale.

Get to it!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Yes, much can be done to adjust our lives to help us stay healthy! I've implemented many of the suggestions you have on your list. Sorry, I'm still stuck on the diet sodas...but I'm working on it.

I really think GMOs and substitution of pricier ingredients with cheaper fillers has less to do with purposeful genocide and more to do with the almighty *profit* to these corporations. If they could get away with feeding us flavored cardboard, you know they'd do it.

I read an article the other day about the meat industry using 'meat glue' to stick two thin, less valuable pieces of meat to make one thicker, more valuable steak. I recall eating a piece of meat where the muscle had the wierdest grain pattern, and I marveled that the muscle could not have operated with that configuration--now I know that it was just crazy-glued together flesh. Barf.

Don't forget, the gov't has informed us that we have no right to healthy eating, so eat your bag of Cheetos, stuff down some chicken nuggets (in which I am pretty sure they use that meat glue) and swill down that high-fructose corn syrup sugar drink, sit down and watch the boob tube for a few hours. Rot your body and your brain for a while, it'll be all right.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by BlackStar99
Coca Cola will dissolve a steel nail, bones, and other things in days.

Phosphoric acid, and benzoic acid.

Read the bottle.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Nuker
You all sure they put 'poison' in our foods/water? ..Last time I recall actually being sick was over 5 years ago. I drink plenty of water per day straight from the taps, I exercise/gym and my body is actually pretty healthy.. Oh wait.. TPTB do this to us, they make us healthy, they advertise exercise programs, they build gyms for us, then they kill us off slowly..

Must be because I'm from the Southern Hemisphere.

water is OK but water is not the beverage heavily promoted everywhere.

and while your body can be healthy, how about your mind?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by czygyny
reply to post by unityemissions

I read an article the other day about the meat industry using 'meat glue' to stick two thin, less valuable pieces of meat to make one thicker, more valuable steak. I recall eating a piece of meat where the muscle had the wierdest grain pattern, and I marveled that the muscle could not have operated with that configuration--now I know that it was just crazy-glued together flesh. Barf.

...sit down and watch the boob tube for a few hours. Rot your body and your brain for a while, it'll be all right.

well that is really disgusting.

gluing two pieces of meat together two make more profit.

well done!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:04 AM
I am a victim of these novel proteins and GM Soy.
It started out with MSG, which in the beginning only made me lethargic.
Then came the day I had one of those Oriental frozen vegetable and Soy Sauce concoctions that you just add meat to. It tasted very good; I ate the whole thing.
AND within the hour I got a thundering headache. I never had headaches.
Two days later I had anoather package of a different variety of the same product. And again within the hour got another thundering headache.

From here I developed reactions to more and more things. The symptoms were not limited to the headaches, but included flue-like aches, ear aches, blurred vision, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and a few other. Nether Benedryl nor anything else could relieve the symptoms. The doctor had nothing to offer but sympathy.
Today I have a very limited diet. Mostly Home made bread from grain that I bought a few years ago. That will be gone shortly. There are some fruits that I can eat. Last week I bought some Organic Potatoes and they are going well. I haven't had much success with growing my own veggies.

The biggest problem with the veggies is that in 2008 the FDA OKed the use of Amino Acid Fertilizers and Fungacides. Everyone uses them; even the Organic farmers. So I'm pretty much screwed for finding food that I can eat. I have to test it and chance getting sick to determine if it is safe.

Supposedly this reaction is due to the body's immune system mistaking the food elements for a harmful invader.
They tell us that when a virus gets into the body that the immune system springs into action and goes about tearing open our cells to get at the virus and destroy it. And this is why we feel bad and why many people die from such as the flu. As I see it, something is drasticly wrong with this picture. Do a search for "Cytokine Storm" Apparently the Virus does Nothing harmful. It is our own immune system that does all the damage. We have a built-in self demolition system that is triggered by various elements; "germs", strange food molecules and various chemicals.

The question remains as to why some people have this reaction while others do not. It seems that those of us with the strongest immune systems are the worst off for it.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

The change has to come from us, I agree, but as a someone who has struggled to provide for 5 boys, a water filter is not something on the list yet. In our portion of the world, many living on fixed incomes, the elderly, single parents and the working poor. And in the world in general the majority. I always like solutions that are not strictly consumer based, ie. buy this product and you might protect yourself from some of their toxins. Also I like solutions that are for everyone, especially those who are the majority.

We're very lucky here to have very good water, from deep underground wells, no additives.

With all the radiation occurring now, things are going to go beyond consumer products. Fukushima is said to be 10 X or 20 X chernobyl due to the number of reactors, the spent fuel rods, their size, and components.

Nebraska, is said to be, 20 X Fukushima. They've given a 10 mile evacuation zone there, but are keeping it hushed.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Who wants some government cheese?
Mmmm Mmmm Good!

Funny how GMO is OMG backwards, but that is another conspiracy.

edit on 30-6-2011 by siolence because: Video did not embed

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:33 AM
Forget the welfare cheese. Ever see the government commodity pork in a can?

Think the outside of the can is scary you should see what is inside. Looks like scrapple or runny spam. Yum!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Ladysophiaofsandoz
Forget the welfare cheese. Ever see the government commodity pork in a can?

Think the outside of the can is scary you should see what is inside. Looks like scrapple or runny spam. Yum!

you must admit it really looks delicious...



but what would be possible means of getting "the good food" back?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:15 AM
South Korea and Japan were protesting to stop the importation of US Beef. Why were they protesting against US Beef and would rather starve?

US Beef is now passed thru a nuclear reactor (gamma emitting radioactive source) to kill all the bacteria/viruses in it.

Some people around the world would rather STARVE than eat American food. Who'd blame them.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:17 AM
So they're poisoning our food, but it takes 72 years or so to kill us?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
So they're poisoning our food, but it takes 72 years or so to kill us?

I know many who didn't live till 72 because of the cancer.


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Ladysophiaofsandoz
Forget the welfare cheese. Ever see the government commodity pork in a can?

Think the outside of the can is scary you should see what is inside. Looks like scrapple or runny spam. Yum!

Oh yeah I remember those mystery cans. The one's I got back in the 90's looked like this...

I don't eat any pork or shellfish though, so luckily I never ingested this trash.
And even if I did eat pork, no way in hell I would taste that madness.
The evil black pig silhouette on the can just screams SATAN to me!
I did however feed it to a stray dog here and there back in the day. They loved it!
But to think of the millions of people who did/do eat this nonsense, a very sad realization.

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