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Australian Greens Leader "Bob Brown" calls publicly for a One World Government

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

Yeah... Things are a mess. The ocean is dying, trees disappearing, weather and economy becoming more unstable, wars rage on with more and more pollutants entering the biosphere. Humans do have a good capacity for destruction. But we are not dead yet and no matter how hard we try the Earth is still going to keep on spinning. There have been a few extinction events in the past if we get it that far, but the Earth recovers. Would be a shame to lose all the progress and throw away all the sacrifices that have been made since the stone age when we are so close to reaching beyond this planet. It happens...

I too believe in aliens, but see our history as quite complex and interwoven. Credit does not go to one specific race, but to a very diverse heritage with many different watchers in different ways. With all the secrecy currently covering this topic I do hold a lot of apprehension and grave fears about what the actual situation is. If the public is perceived to not be able to handle the truth, whatever it is, it is not good news. At the forefront of my concerns is covert assimilation resulting in a loss of free will, but it could be anything.

So what to do? A lot of these big problems are linked: energy, economy, 9/11 and disclosure. Like a set of dominoes, knock over one and the rest will fall. We must stop our dependence on oil, balance the global economy and introduce transparency, resolve the justification for war and accept our true place in this universe. There is the technology and capability to confront and resolve these issues, what is missing is the political will. It is risky as a lot of pain and misdeeds will have to be acknowledged and could collapse into one big mess. But our backs are getting pushed against a wall and while we may be dammed if we do, we will be dammed if we don't.

Humanity can be seen to show it's best colours during a crisis, it is what gives me hope that these problems can be fixed without destroying us. If humanity cannot overcome this, then perhaps the universe is better off without a warfaring, self centred species wreaking havoc in its path. Take 2.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by guessing
Every day there is more an more
It is shaping into a farce and there will come a time where Australians will stand up and revolt.

If they keep pushing like they are...

...Absolutely hilarious...sorry mate but the days of the Eureka stockade & the ballsy aussie have long gone. We are a nation of pampered delusional ignorant sloths now. We wouldn't recognise reality if it jambed itself up our a**e's. Most who get a wiff of the real story are only too eager to return to the comfy soft lounge of self delusion & the mainstrean "conditioned" state of mind.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

If you have any ideas on how to improve the system of global governance I would like to hear it.

I have asked this very question also. It seems that many of the loudest critics of globalization offer no real alternatives. It's like they would prefer to just aviod the question entirely and rely on the magic hand of a free market to regulate everything. This is as much a dream as anything some accuse you of dreaming.

My mother was excited when the League of Nations was established. She was excited when the UN came along to take it's place, and I was raised up with this idea of the people of the world governing themselves as one race.

I still hold to this dream. We must govern ourselves. Fear and loathing of government rules out this avenue.
This has been said over and over but I suppose we need to keep repeating it. Government is not our enemy when WE are the government. It is the enemy when it is run by those who do not want us to govern ourselves.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by crikeyoioioi

I can say our own prime minister of the country of australia is nothing more than a local member of parlimant for the city/state of australia in the larger scale of things. I'd say alot of countries are in the same boat already but in denial

Australia started as a British Colony. What's new?
I think that our regional neighbours will never allow any kind of NWO - especially Japan who would never accept any kind of outside influences.

The people on ATS are mostly westernised people not from Australia. They'll think that we are a player but it's not like that. For a start America's role in the NWO is rapidly moving towards Asia. Predictions run hot as TBTB are corrupt as hell, along with those in the know poised to take advantage of some plans.

Of course Australia wants a NWO. We'd like a capable world court. Won't happen. Rudd was all for implementing an Asian union. That didn't go well. 3rd world countries start making demands and try to pull you into their way of thinking.

If anything Australia's version of the NWO is to trust the West, but the corporate structure is well, I dunno... looks like we are being mismanaged - maybe riding some waves... The people are being increasingly ignored manly because of bad politics. People are loosing interest. We all hate both sides of politics and there are no good leaders on the horizon (except Tony Windsor)

Give us a president, I say.

The worst thing Australia could do is be the central point for the NWO. I say this because we have a two tired economy and there is far too much incentive to increase the bureaucracy and use the windfall to enable more control. I feel like that has already happened. It's because gov't jobs are safer than ever - all the while manufacture is dying and retail along with it.

I'm not seeing a conspiracy - just incompetence. I fear that our policies are compromised by multinational and nationalist (Chinese) corporations. I think that the situation can be controlled as it is and that we very vulnerable to outside interests, which may not always be friendly.

Greens are idealists. They can have some good goals but implementing them is another thing. Bob Brown is a nutter.

Their membership is worse. I believe they attract the kind of people who go on anti-racism campaigns by pointing vehement racially charged accusations against white people; justifying the racism because they are also white. They tend to react to everything with fear, so they justify their reaction with moral charges...

Rant over

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

Well said. I have to agree. And I have the same feelings about the reasons the USG is holding back the truth. After all, like you said, if they don't think the public can handle it, it isn't going to be good. On another note, are the propaganda films and TV series flowing out of Hollywood lately or what? I have never seen so many invasion related movies and shows and stories about humanity fighting back the colonizers. I bring this up in relation to the discussion because there is the CT's about Blue Beam being used to get the world to respond as one and support the Military Industrial Complex and the Weaponization of Space. The thing is, I am stuck wondering if the agenda for a OWG is pushing this or if the reason the governments of the world have been digging into the Earth like Badgers on Crack, storing food, etc. on a much larger scale than was ever done for the Cold War when we were on the brink of Nuclear Annihilation is an external threat. I would think if it was the Blue Beam issue, they wouldn’t have sucked all the money out of the economy and spent the time building these bunkers, because they would know it was a scam. It doesn’t bode well for the citizens of the world that are left divided and in wars and economic disasters, etc. It may be intentional to keep us divided and distracted so we won’t be as busy finding out what they are up to. If that is the case, and there is no proof one way or the other, then joining together in a One Global Organization would be the only way to prepare ourselves to defend as one race. It goes to the old adage, United We Stand or Divided We Fall.

And right now, the world is as divided as it gets. And the government is carrying on having us fight between right and left, this color and that, rich and poor, communist and free, and on and on ad-nauseum. I was never an advocate of a one world government for many reasons. But with the way things are developing, it may be the only way to finally put an end to wars and put the focus on the betterment of mankind and resolving the problems that we can’t seem to fix as a divided world. I have always been against giving up any sovereignty to any concentrated regime of power. But, I can see the problems of being unable to truly solve the global problems with the status quo. A mess of a situation indeed, and I see no easy way to bring about the change. The EU to me is like a test case for an OWG, and they are all Western Nations. They are having a difficult time getting along and getting things done from what I can tell from across the pond.

Can you imagine throwing a China, North Korea, and Burma…er, Myanmar into the mix? And the thing is I don’t necessarily think that we have a long time to work this out before it will be too late. WWIII seems to be ramping up already. Will the Islamic Nations subject themselves to an OWG? There is another issue, the religious leanings of various nations. I know that the NOW, or OWG is wanting to have a new single religion, but you’re not going to convince any devout believers to abandon their particular religious faith without a fight. I wonder what the numbers really show on believers and those with a strong religious belief compared to those agnostic or atheists? WWIII IMHO is going to be a war of religions. The US can say all they want about this not being a war with religious implications, but anyone with half a brain can see what countries we are continuously bombing.

So, basically what I am saying is there are some serious problems confronting the formation of a One World Government, or NWO. However, it is the human races best chance of not destroying our planet through thermonuclear war, pollution leading to catastrophic species loss or extinction, etc. It is something that the people must seriously consider for the future of our planet. It may prove to be an impossible task to bring about an OWG, but what are the implications if we don’t?

edit on 29/6/11 by spirit_horse because: Spelling/Typos

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

The think the propaganda from Hollywood is feel good guilt-riddance stuff and the guilt is also sensationalised emotive stuff designed for bored people. The actual propaganda is buried under our noses.

I forgot what else I was going to say.

I don't buy into any conclusive notions of TBTB. I think that's superstitious nonsense for the most part.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by CarpenterMatt

If I could star you more than once, I would.

It is true though, us Australians have become a nation of 'delusional ignorant sloths' like you said, and even if the New World Order/World Government was mentioned right in front of our very own eyes, we would still not understand, and will think that it is a good thing to be apart of. In my view, most Australians are not aware of what's going on in this country, and the world
I don't see a 'revolution/revolt' in this country any time soon.
edit on 29-6-2011 by Nuker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by squandered

Originally posted by crikeyoioioi

I think that our regional neighbours will never allow any kind of NWO - especially Japan who would never accept any kind of outside influences.

Ever heard of the Trilateral Commission?
edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: Add Question

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

there is the CT's about Blue Beam being used to get the world to respond as one and support the Military Industrial Complex

There has been a lot of discussion about Blue Beam around for a while, generally characterized as the next big false flag and the grand conspiracy of everything. It sounds like there has been a lot of infighting and changing of plans amongst this criminal cable as to the how and when to launch such a project. After perpetrating 9/11 they are backed in a corner with only one way to go, that is to continue the lies, distractions and conflict. With so many unanswered questions remaining about 9/11 it has made it difficult for them to coordinate and launch such an attack again. Unless there is a conceded effort to expose the Military Industrial Complex it is only a matter of time until it gets it act together.

And right now, the world is as divided as it gets.

In the heat of WW2 it was pretty bad, but beyond that competition is a vital component of who we are. Competition performs a vital function in how DNA evolves and has part of us since the first mating took place between a male and female. It is quite an amazing search algorithm when you get into it with its simplicity and expansive search capability through limitless combinations. There are also many other benefits from competition including motivation and achievement to name a couple. The main problem we are currently having as a species and society is with the role of conflict as its the more extreme version of competition. The levels of unnecessary pain, destruction and loss of productivity is grossly disturbing and goes against the principle of humanity. While there are people there will be problems, it is what people do. The challenge is to address these problems before they address us.

The global economy is a complex one. I have not given up on it yet, but just a step at a time. No nation wants to see a complete global economic meltdown but there are many difficult and complex issues and challenges ahead. As for religion, the only way to unite the worlds religion is to present the facts of god, whatever they are. Science has been making good progress in understanding how this world operates, but still has some work to go. On a more cultural level there has been some blending of the core philosophical components of many of the main religions.

So, basically what I am saying is there are some serious problems confronting the formation of a One World Government, or NWO

Absolutely, but this is what the UN does. Despite its patchy history it is still standing with a good size population while continuing to get stronger and more capable.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by GregDean

What are trying to say?
There is no way an Asian Union will ever get off the ground.
If anything Australia's immediate neighbours could become closer but that's not an NWO

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

It's time GiLIAR announces an early elections....and she knows Labor won't be leading the nation next time around...oh hang on, she's not even now because some gay Greens leader is.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by squandered

There is no way an Asian Union will ever get off the ground.

There are a lot of different organisations around like APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). It is only a matter of time until a more formal body forms to aid with Asia's regional issues like the European Union, Arab League of States or the African Union. As for its charter and when it happens it is only a matter of time, unless some extinction level event sweeps through the area.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Wow...I'm astonished by how many people actually think World Governance might be a good idea. Ever heard "absolute power corrupts absolutely"? Yes governments let us down and we can't tell the difference between one party and the next but is World Governance the solution?? Surely not! To give one person or one group of people that sort of power unopposed is suicide. Let's consider that Hitler started out with great intentions, to strengthen his nation, provide jobs, heck he even built amazing freeways and look what that led to. Have we learnt nothing from tyrannical leaders in the past? Every nation that has had one leader be it a King or a dictator has ended up killing their own people. To have an unopposed leadership is to never question. The world is a place full of cultural diversity. It is naive to think that a One World Government will not have expectations of its people that may not fall into line with what we believe or feel is fair. Let's not get caught up in all the fuzzy feelings of "we can all get along, we'll have no war, we'll have no poverty". That's not the way the real world works. Someone will always want to oppress someone else. Someone will always want more than someone else has. Unfortunately for us human nature has an ugly side. Power and greed will always win out over humanitarianism. Chances are we will see a One World Government because foolish people with lofty ideals will always leap before they think but before you get caught up in the emotion think of the consequences when it goes bad because it surely will. On a side note isn't it interesting that the West overthrows every form of leadership that is not democratic yet they are quietly working towards an undemocratic world.... the mind boggles.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by squandered

I am trying to say the Trilateral Comission is a WORLD organistion (Not an Asian Union.) comprising of very high profile Japanese people who are looking towards a one world government.

What are you trying to say?

That you havent heard about them? It's okay, have a search, you might learn something.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by GregDean
reply to post by squandered

I am trying to say the Trilateral Comission is a WORLD organistion (Not an Asian Union.) comprising of very high profile Japanese people who are looking towards a one world government.

What are you trying to say?

That you havent heard about them? It's okay, have a search, you might learn something.

Why would I search when you have descended onto the threads with the real deal?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by squandered

There is no way an Asian Union will ever get off the ground.

There are a lot of different organisations around like APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). It is only a matter of time until a more formal body forms to aid with Asia's regional issues like the European Union, Arab League of States or the African Union. As for its charter and when it happens it is only a matter of time, unless some extinction level event sweeps through the area.

G20 springs to mind

A charter for APEC, hmmm...

I think they've been ironing out the specifics for a while now. Australia is a fat cow.
Our media has been playing along.

It's probably naive of me to think the trilateral arrangement is dead.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:38 PM

edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: Didn't want to quote

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by squandered

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by squandered

I think they've been ironing out the specifics for a while now. Australia is a fat cow.
Our media has been playing along.

We are probably the biggest, easiest cash cow on the planet.

It’s just the politics, then logistics that need to be worked out.

The media is one of the biggest tools that these organisations have to trick the masses.

EDIT: The logistcs would have been well planned out by now....

edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: Add post.

edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: Logistics

edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: control?/trick!

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by squandered

Australia is still a colony it hasn't changed that's why we don't have a new flag and everything that represents us also represents the UK.
Look at the constitution we are still recognised as a colony.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by vkturbo

Do you know much about this?

Does that mean at anytime they can claim us back? I mean full control of government and land with no questions asked?
edit on 29/6/11 by GregDean because: Really need to stop posting so fast.

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