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Australian Greens Leader "Bob Brown" calls publicly for a One World Government

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Misoir

You raise some very valid points about the dangers of centralism, but your, mine and pretty much every other nation is based on it through the many levels of government, industry and society. Lets take this climate change as one example.

With a global push to localism some parts of the world will look after and have a good as could be expected local environment. Other parts will let industry go wild and release pollution at unprecedented, accelerating levels, eventually impacting everyone and the globe. With no standard global regulation it becomes an anarchistic free for all. I do admit that with this global centralised power there is a risk that the energy sector will hijack the regulation and set inappropriate guidelines that also results in a mess.

With the current workings of national governments I hold your fears of such a model being placed on the global level. The media and courts are corrupt and without oversight of decent checks and balances we end up with absolute corruption.

Internationally we do need some standards and guidelines for communication, interaction, trade and progress in a humane way. The one thing that does provide a glimmer of hope is that with the oversight of a couple hundred nations it is hard for things to slip through the cracks. I know the current system does not always work like this, but the thought of going back to the stone / dark ages does have a lot of concerns, as the future does as well.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

I know ur reply was not addressed to me but i want to add this;

The current structure or system is going to fail eventually. Maybe not tomorrow but it will eventually and i am worried becuase i fear it will be in my lifetime.

There are better solutions out there but what we need are peple in the right place that can actually think ahead and that realise what is wrong with the current systems.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Havick007

Death is a part of life, just a matter of when. As a planet we got through the tension of the cold war and averted a nuclear winter. It is still a possibility with many other extinction scenarios around. A covert alien invasion with plans for cybernetic assimilation is the main one that worries me at the moment, there are others.

But then there is still that childhood dream of travelling to the stars, amazing techno colour cities, abundant free energy and pristine environmental heritage. A life free from slavery as technology covers the basic needs with a freedom to explore and express life. There is just that small problem of reality that we need to deal with to get there.

Global cohesion is required and it could all break on the way. Currently there is just too many lies, deception and waste around. I know humanity can be ugly, but it also contains many other things. It might even have a small chance of getting there. We do need some hope, idea or dream to become a possibility.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Mankind has spread itself to the four corners of the earth and filled it up. In most places we have reached we have set down roots and expanded and developed regional traits, attitudes, loyalties and belief systems. As we expanded the differing needs of differing tribes came into conflict. We have been killing off ourselves and each other for thousands of years and yet still, we have filled the earth.

No one planned the origins of globalization. It has been coming about for most of our history. In the past we knew it as conquest. The alliance of Greek city states was a move towards centralization. The Roman Empire was in the larger picture, an example of all those ancient hunter gatherer tribes changing and expanding into one world society. Name most any civilization of the past and the same holds true.

At our core seems to be this prime directive of expansion. Look at the economic system of capitalism, this highly revered system of exchange. It has a fundamental tenant of profit and expansion.

So for all the hunter/gatherers who hold out against globalization, you are bucking up against the entire flow of human history.

The big question isn't, globalization or no globalization. The only question now is how it will come about.
Will it be totalitarian? Ot will it be democratic as Brown is suggesting. Will we the people fight like hunter/gatherers against all of these right wing and left wing tyrants or will we grow up and globalize for ourselves.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:41 AM
I don't see how globalization has anything to do with a OWG.

Can someone explain that to me?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Misoir


That is where the problem arises with the entire Left agenda they assume that people truly evolve. While I believe in evolution I also believe that people are inherintely evil and must be restrained, give man an inch and he will take a mile.

While I agree that the "left agenda" as you put it misses the mark in it's understanding of the human condition, I also think that the belief " that people are inherently evil and must be restrained " is a very common element of elitist and totalitarian thought. ( insert a zillion references and examples here) I can only suppose that you suggest that these inherently evil people be restrained in the " right " way. And who is to decide the " right " way. Those who are less evil? Or just those on top of the pile of evil.

Be careful of who you follow and what you say, read up on the early 20th century, your attitude may change if you read the right sources

As opposed to the wrong sources? Once again, who is to be the arbiter of right and wrong here? Me or you? Us or them? This religion or that religion.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

It has been those 'on the top of the pile of evil' calling the shots for quite some time. There is one card that trumps this and that is a free and independent press. The power of public opinion is one that can knock any individual down, without support even the greatest warlord is relegated back down to trailer trash. The game of power knows this and the media has become a tightly regulated and well oiled machine over the years.

The internet is changing this as the grip of regulated perception is slipping. But as the printing press quickly came with government approval as the power of shame was felt, censorship is not completely dead. The UN does offer a lot of information online, but a lot of important decisions are still held in the back rooms.

It will be the role of a global government to take on the hardest, most complex and toughest of governance issues. There does need to be a lot of transparency, collaboration and review for the best solutions to be found. Sometimes it may still come down to the most evil of all to call the shots, but when this is done under a spotlight the decision does change.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
I don't see how globalization has anything to do with a OWG.

Can someone explain that to me?

Thank you, I star you more then once if I could

It doesn't, but they will push for it like it does

I would like to know the logic behind giving all the responsibility/power to fewer people, will make the world better

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:24 PM
absolute power corrupts absolutly
how can democracy work on a global level when it struggles to represent populations on a national level
do you think a european leader will give two hoots about our wishes downunder(not that julia gillard cares
about the majorities will)true democracy doesnt exist on this world

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by all answers exist

reply to post by Rockdisjoint

It took me a bit to recognise what OWG was, One World Government. So how does this relate to globalisation?

It is industry that has developed and promoted globalisation. Currently there are very few standard laws and regulations that dictate how business is conducted across the globe. The legal system managing this is based on many different local, national and cultural jurisdictions and processes. It is very messy. It is also full of loop holes, inconsistencies, contradictions and failings across the Planet.

Places like the Cayman Islands and others are tax and banking havens that hide and launder large amounts of wealth. Third world nations are exploited with their cheep labour and lack of environmental regulation. The international money markets is open to manipulation and effective profit without production due to these international inconsistencies that have emerged as part of the globalisation process.

The UN deceleration of human rights is one of the better documents produced by the UN, however it's implementation still has some way to go. A OWG will not be focused on minor local and cultural issues, but instead focus on how large organisations such as industry and government deal with these challenges.

So how OWG relates to globalisation is similar to how a city relates to its council, or how a country relates to its government, but just on a larger level dealing with larger issues.
edit on 29-6-2011 by kwakakev because: added reply to Rockdisjoint

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Travlla
there ya go

There are two single words,that both fittingly describe this man and his party.TRAITOR and for his party WATER MELONS green on the outside and communist red on the inside.Hang them all for conspiracy to subvert Australian Soveriegnty.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:33 PM
The problem I see is that this seems to be a Western idea. I haven't heard Russia or China on this issue. Some countries will not submit to a world government, unless they are in control of it. Even if there was a way to get every country on board, how long before the OWG makes a determination what level of lifestyle your country will be relegated to until they say get lost. Countries like China, whose governing communist party are in total control won't be easily convinced to let their country be taken over.
edit on 29/6/11 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

So what are you, a mushroom? Kept in the dark and feed nothing but BS.

There are global governance centres all over the world, New York, Geneva, Singapore. No one site will provide all the global needs, as for how far Australia goes only time will tell. At least he is trying to think ahead and work on some of the bigger problems going around. The global economy is a bloody mess, this Planet has already had millions of years of living in the jungle. Is an actual form of respectable civilisation actually possible?

If you thinks his ideas for a future are rubbish, what are yours?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:37 PM
This well written blog describes the current government quite well.
Fabian-socialist-communism disguised as democracy is all explained here,easy to understand but long read. ic-push-the-coalition-and-world-government/

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

Countries like China, whose governing communist party are in total control won't be easily convinced to let their country be taken over.

Excellent point. China is the only main nation not to sign up to the START treaty which unites the main military forces of the world. With so much turbulence, corruption and instability I can see their point. The issue of this representative government, how it is formed, what powers it does have and what checks and balances are in place will take a lot of discussion and negotiation to resolve. With the rise of the internet I would like to see the opportunity for a lot more public participation, discussion and oversight enter the governance process and improve on this flawed democratic process.

At the moment resolutions and treaties are made between nations and groups of nations. It will be a slow and gradually process as power is transferred from a national to an international process. Nations will still have a purpose and place for a very long time. The UN is a body that has been gradually growing and improving for some time. As long as this world does not fall apart it still has a very long way to go.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

So what are you, a mushroom? Kept in the dark and feed nothing but BS.

There are global governance centres all over the world, New York, Geneva, Singapore. No one site will provide all the global needs, as for how far Australia goes only time will tell. At least he is trying to think ahead and work on some of the bigger problems going around. The global economy is a bloody mess, this Planet has already had millions of years of living in the jungle. Is an actual form of respectable civilisation actually possible?

If you thinks his ideas for a future are rubbish, what are yours?

My future does not include the likes of you.Matter of fact the ideology of all those you have cited don't include you either.Stop dreaming of going to the stars(your words) and come back to earth,dreamer.Matter of fact I feel your type of dreams maybe anothers nightmare,so stay where you are.Rather a living mushroom than a plastic pawn !
edit on 29-6-2011 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by kwakake
The UN is a body that has been gradually growing and improving for some time. As long as this world does not fall apart it still has a very long way to go.

Ah yes, the UN. This isn't exactly on the topic, but it does contribute to the discussion. Today, the UN put North Korea in charge of the Nuclear Disarmamnet Group!

I am not sure how the UN comes to these decisions as I haven't studied their structure for these kinds of decision making, but people look at the UN as a World Governing Body on some level. I would hope that the Global Government, if it ever comes about before we ruin the planet through war, can arrive at better decisions. There is plenty of history of International Treaties to show how much we all agree on things. However, if we are to represent Earth and the Human race in an effort to colonize planets and travel between the stars someday, we will absolutely have to do it on a Global level. I know there are a lot of opinions on Aliens, but I happen to believe they have been around keeping an eye on humanities development. The problem we will have if they ever decide to engage the Earth is our many different countries and civilizations. Like president Reagan once said in a speech at the UN, that how quickly our differences would be set aside if we ever faced an external threat from an alien race. I am afraid it will be something like that before mankind can realize we are all brothers and sisters of the human race and our differences are petty and ridiculous. How quickly could we feed the hungry, have housing, and medical care for everyone if we didn't spend trillions every year on war and weapons. It would happen pretty quick I would imagine and I think that is the real driver behind getting the world to unite for the Global Common Concern for the human race. We are all on this spaceship together (Earth) and we don't have another option in the forseeable future. People may not think on the level that this is indeed a biosphere traveling through space, but that is exactly what it is. We as a human race have to come together to resolve the real problems we face. And I don't see it happening in the current divided world we have now.

edit on 29/6/11 by spirit_horse because: Spelling/Typos

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

We need to get rid of our bad traits and traditions first before this will work.

But who wants to do that? almost no country unless they have nothing left to lose....

One world gov is where humanity eventually NEEDS to be for us to venture out and explore space and for our neighbors in space to trust us.

But right now, the real reason is still the reason for everything happening on earth in these modern times.

GREED.....o and control...but mostly greed and fear.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

So you want a future without me, personally I cannot wait to leave this god forsaken rock so I can deal with it. But what about the future of your kids (if you have any) or other family and friends. If you have any ideas on how to improve the system of global governance I would like to hear it.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:47 PM
Although I admit I cannot at this present point in time find any links to my following comments to substantiate them I will continue to try and locate them.

I remember several years ago, just before the economic meltdown I read on the net somewhere, might have even been ATS Im not sure, but there was written a "supposed" UN Agenda where the UN would payout nations debts in return for those nations signing up to a One World Government and currency.

Looking back at the last few years it seems more and more to make sense.

It even looks like a concerted effort but all western governments to get their nations into extreme debt, make their people suffer to the point where the people of the countries impoverished in high debt will support their nations moves to sign up to the NWO and get their debts written off at the expense of their national sovereignty.

As each day passes this seems to be more true.

Damn I wish I could the link to that report

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