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9/11 Truthers - You are part of the plan!

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Thanks for posting MAC269

A One World Government could be a Dream or a Nightmare depending on who is running it. One thing for sure is that we would not want the Bankers/Elite in control of it, so that rules the UN out. We also would want a form of democracy, so that again rules the UN out. The form of democracy would need to be one that wasn't so easy to corrupt as the democracies in the Western Countries. i.e. Companies donating to the parties to get their wicked way

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by jameshawkings

Dear jameshawkings

As my old boss used to say good thinking and very nicely put.

However it all has to come. We desperately need a one world government.

Ok apart from the people of the US that is.

It is fine for them they get to vote for there president.

The rest of the world do not.

However we all suffer your vote.

Like it or not that is a fact.

edit on 29-6-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Thanks for contributing tom1701,

Actually it's just a conspiracy inside a conspiracy. The truth can be stranger than fiction

Originally posted by tom1701
You know, you live long enough and you think you've seen it let me get this straight, there's a conspiracy inside a conspiracy, inside a conspiracy.....

This is so RE-DICK-YOU-LOUS.....i'm lamao.........

Thank god I was sitting guys need a new hobby..

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by tom1701

Dear tom1701

I think this is how the CIA recruit, this is exactly what they need.

They might find useful ideas at ATS, but I'm sure they wouldn't want to recruit people who speak out against the system

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Dear jameshawkings

Yes all agreed.

The very first thing we have to do is get rid of money.

That will solve most of the problems, anyway there really is no money.

First there was gold, then they coned us in to paper, now we are stupid enough to except 1, & 0,s the whole thing is really quite absurd.

Democracy in this world today doesn’t exist. Especially in the US. You have effectively two parties’ who put forward one person each.

All are bought and paid for; it is totally irrelevant to the puppet masters who wins.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by jameshawkings

Dear jameshawkings

Yes all agreed.

The very first thing we have to do is get rid of money.

That will solve most of the problems, anyway there really is no money.

First there was gold, then they coned us in to paper, now we are stupid enough to except 1, & 0,s the whole thing is really quite absurd.

Democracy in this world today doesn’t exist. Especially in the US. You have effectively two parties’ who put forward one person each.

All are bought and paid for; it is totally irrelevant to the puppet masters who wins.

All agreed, in particular the current money system is what enables so much of the other corruption to take place. Other money systems can be a lot better, but if we can find a way to be without money then maybe that can be even better

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I believe the UN front will succeed, though we do have to remember that the UN is in reality the Bankers/Elite

The best description I have heard about how the UN works is as a Libertarian form of governance. This was from Misoir on these boards. 100's of nations are thrown in a room and do what they want. Alliances and conflicts are made, change and resolved as different issues are raised and addressed. When push comes to shove it is the military that has the final say, not the bankers. With the START treaty there is a commitment for the worlds military to unite against a threat to the UN. There may be some conflicts of interests, but not enough to face such a force.

if we are being set up as a corporation and we do not comply, they would want to simply erase us and start again

With this corporation scenario I am expecting cybernetic slavery to force complicity and extinguish self determination. If we are to be erased then it will be upon us. There are many possibilities with an extinction event with things like eugenics programs, blue beam, elein, complexity overload, market crash, ... Life is full of risks.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I just posted this in another thread, in case you missed my opinion.

Originally posted by CodexSinaiticus

Originally posted by MasterAndrew
I can't wait for the truth to come out. It won't be long now. People are learning for themselves. And all the believers of the official story are going to look so stupid. I can't believe how deluded people are to think that planes actually bring down buildings. It defies physics if any of you were smart you would see this for your own eyes. And yes building 7 was demolished.

Do you know how long it takes to rig a building that big to implode? Somewhere around 2 weeks to set up.
Now if you watch the top of building 7 before it implodes, you clearly see the core give way and the top of the building sags in. definite explosion.

I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would believe the official story when you can see it for your own eyes.

Dumb much? Brainwashed much? Influenced by MSM much?

I just saw another thread, and I have to tell you all the OP of:

seems to have a unique perspective. This guy is a genius, I don't want to hijack this thread but I have to tell you his logic is sound.

real quick the idea is: 911 happens....> truth'rs grow over time....> economic collapse or other breakdown....> truth regarding false flag is exposed...> momentum built for NWO due to evil elements within our government.....> order established.

Interesting stuff and a little scary.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I've thought about such a scenario just as I have thought that there are many other things that the government, wall street, et al. have done since the turn of the century with the purpose of having Americans turn on their government. I mean ... It makes sense doesn't it? Sure any type of corruption is real but the real question is is it being allowed?

I think it is and it is being allowed to basically do away with the States and bring about the NWO. The US, being the military force that it is and having such a patriotic populace, is most definitely one of the big obstacles to overcome before the NWO can come to fruition.

Keep an eye on States allowing the carry of concealed firearms without a license and then an even closer eye on anything that may be construed as an incitement of hatred that could cause civilians to turn on one another. The current state of the economy is a great start. This could become a snowball effect and can easily be incited by outside influence and if necessary be incited by inside influence or 'agents' within groups.

I envisioned this years ago and the problem is is that many ideas and actions that could be used to literally create the fall of the USA is taking place and for myself it's becoming increasingly obvious.

On another interesting note I must say one other thing that many here may not like (and I'm sure I'm not the first to think this). I believe we may be feeding knowledge of how to accomplish a NWO by our intricate ideas of how they are controlling us. Just look at the many posts here on ATS that postulate what COULD be happening and then imagine the PTB implementing the many upon many of ideas.


edit on 29-6-2011 by AeonStorm because: sp + snf

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:58 PM

You're participating in a false flag opperation - 9/11 Truthers - You're carrying out the agenda

I made that thread on 8/21/2009

Sooner or later... if you investigate 9/11 the right way.... it's the only thing that makes sense.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

You're participating in a false flag opperation - 9/11 Truthers - You're carrying out the agenda

I made that thread on 8/21/2009

Sooner or later... if you investigate 9/11 the right way.... it's the only thing that makes sense.

You were not alone in your thinking Doomsday, as I posted above. I too thought of this years ago and I applaud your thread.

If you cannot follow the money, follow the power. I have a feeling the new power will be known to all soon. I think that new power will be located in Dubai where, after the previous tallest towers in the world fell, the newest and tallest tower Burj Khalifa was constructed.

Have a star

BTW: Have you thought about the idea I present in the last paragraph in my post above?


edit on 29-6-2011 by AeonStorm because: added

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Perhaps you exposing their plan about how they are using the people exposing 9/11 is ALSO part of the plan!!!! Did I just blow your mind?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
reply to post by jameshawkings

Perhaps you exposing their plan about how they are using the people exposing 9/11 is ALSO part of the plan!!!! Did I just blow your mind?

Thanks for the sarcasm bhimbuckle
I always appreciate humor in more serious topics
.... You WERE being sarcastic weren't you?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:48 AM

I believe that when the Bankers want to corrupt the UN, they just use money. Like what happened with the WHO (Health Arm of the UN) during the Swine Flu false flag. The majority of people in the WHO had a financial incentive to get as many people jabbed as possible. The agenda wasn't money (it was mainly about fertility reduction), but money was used to oil the machine. And it's similar with Climate Change, the people put in charge of Climate Change by the UN are generally ones who stand to make money from it. This seems to be the way the UN works.

The one thing that I was initially impressed with (my mistake) from the WHO, was when they said that mobile phones will cause Cancer. Initially I thought they were fighting big business. I thought about it some more and realised that they have no financial interest in the mobile sector, then I thought about it more still and concluded that they are using this to justify Cancer funding. So now it's not so good. Now back to Swine Flu, the WHO didn't seem to concerned that the Swine Flu Vaccine (as it says on the insert) could potentially cause cancer; the people in the WHO make money from the Cancer industry! They don't care about selling mobile phones, but they love Cancer, it's their $trillion industry. This explains their interest in connecting the two.

I do sometimes wonder if everything that's being set up by the Bankers/Elite could somehow be taken out of their hands and used for good. Perhaps the United Nations can one day be a force for good. At the moment it's like a Big Mac; nothing like the picture we're shown and it kills, depopulating around the globe, just like McDonalds food. (look into McDonalds links with UNICEF the vaccine sterilizers)

I believe you're right with this "slavery to force complicity and extinguish self determination". As soon as they get us all microchipped it will be very difficult to fight the system. If we do, they can switch our chip off so as we cannot buy or sell, it will be incredibly difficult to function in society. They've been stepping up the "Madeline McCann" microchip propaganda over the last few years. This means it's not long until they want all newborns to be microchiped (for there own safety)

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by jameshawkings

I believe the UN front will succeed, though we do have to remember that the UN is in reality the Bankers/Elite

The best description I have heard about how the UN works is as a Libertarian form of governance. This was from Misoir on these boards. 100's of nations are thrown in a room and do what they want. Alliances and conflicts are made, change and resolved as different issues are raised and addressed. When push comes to shove it is the military that has the final say, not the bankers. With the START treaty there is a commitment for the worlds military to unite against a threat to the UN. There may be some conflicts of interests, but not enough to face such a force.

if we are being set up as a corporation and we do not comply, they would want to simply erase us and start again

With this corporation scenario I am expecting cybernetic slavery to force complicity and extinguish self determination. If we are to be erased then it will be upon us. There are many possibilities with an extinction event with things like eugenics programs, blue beam, elein, complexity overload, market crash, ... Life is full of risks.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:51 AM
Thanks CodexSinaiticus
Thank you for helping spread this

Do you have a link to the thread?

Originally posted by CodexSinaiticus
reply to post by jameshawkings

I just posted this in another thread, in case you missed my opinion.

Originally posted by CodexSinaiticus

Originally posted by MasterAndrew
I can't wait for the truth to come out. It won't be long now. People are learning for themselves. And all the believers of the official story are going to look so stupid. I can't believe how deluded people are to think that planes actually bring down buildings. It defies physics if any of you were smart you would see this for your own eyes. And yes building 7 was demolished.

Do you know how long it takes to rig a building that big to implode? Somewhere around 2 weeks to set up.
Now if you watch the top of building 7 before it implodes, you clearly see the core give way and the top of the building sags in. definite explosion.

I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would believe the official story when you can see it for your own eyes.

Dumb much? Brainwashed much? Influenced by MSM much?

I just saw another thread, and I have to tell you all the OP of:

seems to have a unique perspective. This guy is a genius, I don't want to hijack this thread but I have to tell you his logic is sound.

real quick the idea is: 911 happens....> truth'rs grow over time....> economic collapse or other breakdown....> truth regarding false flag is exposed...> momentum built for NWO due to evil elements within our government.....> order established.

Interesting stuff and a little scary.

edit on 30-6-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:55 AM
Great contriubtion AeonStorm

I agree with everything you've said, it's good to hear that others have considered this possibility too

Originally posted by AeonStorm
reply to post by jameshawkings

I've thought about such a scenario just as I have thought that there are many other things that the government, wall street, et al. have done since the turn of the century with the purpose of having Americans turn on their government. I mean ... It makes sense doesn't it? Sure any type of corruption is real but the real question is is it being allowed?

I think it is and it is being allowed to basically do away with the States and bring about the NWO. The US, being the military force that it is and having such a patriotic populace, is most definitely one of the big obstacles to overcome before the NWO can come to fruition.

Keep an eye on States allowing the carry of concealed firearms without a license and then an even closer eye on anything that may be construed as an incitement of hatred that could cause civilians to turn on one another. The current state of the economy is a great start. This could become a snowball effect and can easily be incited by outside influence and if necessary be incited by inside influence or 'agents' within groups.

I envisioned this years ago and the problem is is that many ideas and actions that could be used to literally create the fall of the USA is taking place and for myself it's becoming increasingly obvious.

On another interesting note I must say one other thing that many here may not like (and I'm sure I'm not the first to think this). I believe we may be feeding knowledge of how to accomplish a NWO by our intricate ideas of how they are controlling us. Just look at the many posts here on ATS that postulate what COULD be happening and then imagine the PTB implementing the many upon many of ideas.


edit on 29-6-2011 by AeonStorm because: sp + snf

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:33 AM
Fantastic thread Doomsday 2029!

After reading your thread and the article you linked to, it leaves me in no doubt. Especially with crazy things like the BBC being set up to announce Building 7 had come down before it had done, the alleged hijackers being found alive and duplicate planted passports being found for some of the alledged hijackers.

The guys behind this are pros, they wouldn't have made schoolboy errors like this. The schoolboy errors are deliberate errors for us to discover and entice us into a game of Murder Mystery

They will try to hold the Truthers back until the time is right

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

You're participating in a false flag opperation - 9/11 Truthers - You're carrying out the agenda

I made that thread on 8/21/2009

Sooner or later... if you investigate 9/11 the right way.... it's the only thing that makes sense.

edit on 30-6-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Please let us know more about why you feel the new power will be in Dubai

Originally posted by AeonStorm

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

You're participating in a false flag opperation - 9/11 Truthers - You're carrying out the agenda

I made that thread on 8/21/2009

Sooner or later... if you investigate 9/11 the right way.... it's the only thing that makes sense.

You were not alone in your thinking Doomsday, as I posted above. I too thought of this years ago and I applaud your thread.

If you cannot follow the money, follow the power. I have a feeling the new power will be known to all soon. I think that new power will be located in Dubai where, after the previous tallest towers in the world fell, the newest and tallest tower Burj Khalifa was constructed.

Have a star

BTW: Have you thought about the idea I present in the last paragraph in my post above?


edit on 29-6-2011 by AeonStorm because: added

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
reply to post by jameshawkings

Perhaps you exposing their plan about how they are using the people exposing 9/11 is ALSO part of the plan!!!! Did I just blow your mind?

It's like a game of chess where traps are set for us to fall into. For so long we thought we were playing a bunch of Amateurs with the 9/11 False Flag operation, but now we are starting to realise that a trap has been set and we've fallen right into it. The Truth Movement will be used to take America down from within

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by CodexSinaiticus

You sir, lack the natural ability to think. You have taken half truths and opinions and made this little fantasy. You say people that believe the OS are going to look "so stupid".... I'll wait for that, in the mean time, you can have that spot light. And you seem to be doing a stellar job at it. Keep up the good work.

To be a truther, one must, throw common sense to the wayside, have an over active imagination (or paranoia) and be able to twist facts, and manipulate physics.

Again, keep up the good fight.... You make the rest of us look smarter, every time to speak.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:01 AM
ShaunHatfield, you appear to have replied to MasterAndrew, he has been quoted by CodexSinaiticus from another thread

Originally posted by ShaunHatfield
reply to post by CodexSinaiticus

You sir, lack the natural ability to think. You have taken half truths and opinions and made this little fantasy. You say people that believe the OS are going to look "so stupid".... I'll wait for that, in the mean time, you can have that spot light. And you seem to be doing a stellar job at it. Keep up the good work.

To be a truther, one must, throw common sense to the wayside, have an over active imagination (or paranoia) and be able to twist facts, and manipulate physics.

Again, keep up the good fight.... You make the rest of us look smarter, every time to speak.

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