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ATS: Debris of Space object found in Siberian Tunguska Site

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posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:52 PM
Submission by: AceofBase Article by: Valhall
Members of an expedition from the Siberian Public State Foundation �Tunguska Space Phenomenon� have completed the first expedition into the famous area since 2000. Scientists of this expedition claim they have found "an extraterrestrial technical device" from the 1908 event. They also have delivered a "deer stone" to Krasnoyarsk to be researched.

Expedition Claims to have found Extraterrestrial Technological Device in Tunguska

Members of a special expedition researching the site of the famous Tunguska meteorite fall have claimed they had discovered parts of an extraterrestrial device.

The head of the expedition Yuri Lavbin told MosNews on Tuesday that the researchers had traced the possible trajectory of the space object, but this time they counted that it ran from West to East, unlike the members previous missions who thought that the object had flown East to West. The new approach allowed the expedition members to find a buried object covered with trees.

The object appeared to be a large block made with metal. The researchers chipped a piece of the object and will now test its composition.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

The "object" that caused the Tuguska event is estimated by Yuri Lavbin, head of the expedition, to have been almost 1 billion tons in mass and could have destroyed humanity had it impacted. Instead the object is estimated to have exploded an altitude of approximately 10 km.

Original Submission

I don't know if this has been posted before as I don't follow the UFO threads.
I do however find the Tunguska event interesting.

I just saw a new story about it that looks promising but I don't know how much faith to put in it.

The Mosko News:
The scientists claim that they found remains of an extraterrestrial technical device that allegedly had an accident in Siberia in 1908. They also say that they found the so called �deer stone� - an artifact repeatedly mentioned in the reports of the eyewitnesses of the Tunguska phenomenon. A part of the �deer stone� has been delivered to Krasnoyarsk for research.

The head of the expedition Yuri Lavbin told MosNews on Tuesday that the researchers had traced the possible trajectory of the space object, but this time they counted that it ran from West to East, unlike the members previous missions who thought that the object had flown East to West. The new approach allowed the expedition members to find a buried object covered with trees.

The object appeared to be a large block made with metal. The researchers chipped a piece of the object and will now test its composition.

[edit on 8-10-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:10 PM
I dunno. I know Nikola Tesla was testing his death ray that same day around the North Pole, maybe that caused it. Jury still out on what caused this, but this whole incident is indeed extremely interesting.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I dunno. I know Nikola Tesla was testing his death ray that same day around the North Pole, maybe that caused it. Jury still out on what caused this, but this whole incident is indeed extremely interesting.

I've heard that theory of it but the eyewitness reports don't seem to support it.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:12 PM
Sorry, but the Maoskow news is about par with the magazines that you see at the checkout proclaiming this like (recent headline) "Mars Rover Discovers Eskimos Living on Mars!"
As for their claim of tracking of the object that is very hard to believe since the object fell in 1908 and the first USEFULL RADAR were in the 1940's
The scientists were only researching the use of sound waves at the time of the impact.
Please reference the following URL:

RADAR D a y s
Sorry, I do believe that we may have been visited but not in this case.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I tought it was a meteor that disintegrated in the atmosphere

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:13 PM

from the link:
The head of the expedition Yuri Lavbin

If you do a google on Yuri Lavbin you'll find he only pops up twice and both are related to this article I believe.

I doubt he's real, I doubt the story is real.


Does anyone know anything about MosNews? Is it a tabloid?

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:17 PM
Here's also a story about so called installations at Tunguska that have been found according to a Valery Uvarov.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Kenshiro
Sorry, but the Maoskow news is about par with the magazines that you see at the checkout proclaiming this like (recent headline) "Mars Rover Discovers Eskimos Living on Mars!"

I think that's Pravda, not MosNews

As for their claim of tracking of the object that is very hard to believe since the object fell in 1908 and the first USEFULL RADAR were in the 1940's

I don't think they were suggesting they had tracked it at that time but they have been trying to track where they think it came from after the fact.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:19 PM
I can't wait to hear the results from the metal they are testing.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:32 PM
This link describes the place this was taken to.

"The Krasnoyarsk Research Centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KRC RAS SB) includes:
Institute of Biophysics
Sukachev Institute of Forestry
United Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology involving:
Institute of Chemistry of Natural Organic Materials
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy Processes
Kirensky Institute of Physics
Krasnoyarsk Computing Centre
Department of High-Disperse Materials Physics"


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:55 PM
If any of you took time to read the interview with Uvarov, I'm sure you were just impresed as I was with crock of crap about planet X hiding beyond the Sun.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 06:27 PM
if you go to the main page, it seems like a legit newspaper versus tabloid. they had like actual real news stories. it might be a real story. course, the guy in the story does seem to jump to some pretty big conclusions pretty rapidly.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 02:16 AM
it actually seems pretty credible to me, however i never knew siberians were testing out missle technology that was capable of hitting objects which travelled at high speeds. much less with such accuracy? especially at the year it happened?

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by topsecretombomb
it actually seems pretty credible to me, however i never knew siberians were testing out missle technology that was capable of hitting objects which travelled at high speeds. much less with such accuracy? especially at the year it happened?

what?it happened in 1908,the meteor blew up in the atmosphere


posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 02:44 AM
An interesting event, to be sure.

Insofar as claiming to have found "an alien device" which was responsible, that seems to be quite a stretch. I would require some heavy-duty proof of this (not just a debatably taboid-ish article).

I do wonder about N. Tesla's experiments near this time. He was way, way ahead of his era.

Did Tesla stumble upon something so staggeringly destructive that he destroyed it, and all knowledge of, so that it could not be loosed on humanity? I would consider this the only option if such a thing did happen-otherwise, the Russian government would've taken it for their own purposes and most certainly would have hit Germany with it in WW2.

I'd subscribe more to the "cometary near-impact" theory, personally. It's much more plausible.

It would seem to beg the question of where it all went, though. Even if something that hugacious went "boom" in the atmosphere, I would think that pieces of it would have been scattered all around and about ground zero.

Finding the point of impact would require no great skill, a simple map of the direction that trees fell from the blast would suffice for a general point of explosion (or whatever...).

Of course, there's the argument that comets are mostly ice, and therefore would've melted/vaporized, leaving no trace. However, recent discoveries have called into question this notion of cometary composition, so that's no guarantee either.

Maybe not a bigass "alien device", but there should be something there to find, even after all this time.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Aelita
If any of you took time to read the interview with Uvarov, I'm sure you were just impresed as I was with crock of crap about planet X hiding beyond the Sun.

I also don't know what to think of him. In Februari I got some tickets to go to a Nexxus event and Valery Uvarov was one of the speakers there. He told pretty much the same and he's claiming to work for the Russian goverment, directly under Poetin. Unfortunatly there's only this story to find on internet and im trying now for month's to find more from him or searching for other stories to confirm what he says, but I wasn't lucky.

What he's saying is pretty much big, but I have my doubts. You should him hearing, he's really convinced about everything.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 03:08 AM
Obvously, a great topic, and a estremly interesting theme for debate!, please give us further news or updates on this , in the case you find more .

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:29 AM
I have found these:

and some other sites with the same information, and a site that said that the metal found is from the mines of that region.

Probably more data can be found about Yuri Lavbin if you can search his name in Russian, but then you need to know how to read Russian.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 10:44 PM
drop back a step in the link above and you'll find a load of interesting abstracts

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 01:08 PM
I thought I'd post this story:

It appears as though there may be something here, who knows? The scientists mention finding an "extraterretial device".

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