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Like the Car Industry, RFID Has Matured

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
reply to post by burntheships

I agree... Never in a million years would I accept one of these... They'd have to kill me first..

Of course having to except it or the sentence is death makes this become something else entirely...

The Mark..

Thank God for the "Rapture".

Oh wait a second.

That never happened.

Not to worry I'm sure it will happen sooner or later.

Whether it happens or not I'm not accepting the R.F.I.D. chip through any means.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
have you got your self a flu shot seen a doc been in the Mil work fro a gov agency or company that works with the gov answer to no to all then you are RFID safe if not well then you are most likely tagged stamped and tracked.

I never get flu shots.

And I was in the military long before they ever began chipping people unwillingly.

Air-needles do not implant these devices.

Originally posted by bekod
just read some RFID and the gov/ medical programs and you will know have an security ID for say HP IBM your tagged traced. Have a pass port?; tagged.

I rarely go to the doctor and it has to be major.

I have a pre-R.F.I.D. passport and I'm not renewing it when it expires.

If I want to leave I will not be leaving America any standard routes.

Originally posted by bekod
Have a new DL/ID; tagged (issued 2010 in some states look for the bar code on the back can be read up to 20 feet away). Do you leave the little bar strip in a package on the package when you take it home; tagged they know were it goes, how many live by a cell tower, did you know it the bar strip has 5 mile cell tower tracking, you think i have my tin foil hat on to tight?

Which little bar strip in a package?

You mean the demagnetized ones in DVD's?

I peel them out and toss them in the trash.

Originally posted by bekod
No do not have nor use one, just know the tech that is out there, not all over the place yet, give it time when 5 g hits the market then it might be all they have to do is receive the signal not send one. think your credit card is safe go to the mall look around how many are texting are they texting or are they getting your card number yes you can by scanners that read then with out getting you to scan them just need to be in a 20 foot range then you card number is no longer yours is up for sale and then used say in Argentina, Peru, or Paris France. just nice to live in today's world is it not. any of the above can be found on the web/net some are on ATS.

I might be worried if I had a cell phone or credit cards

Thanks to Bush and Obama I have no job.

And cannot afford such useless things.

Makes a nice paperweight and eventually will make a nice skipping stone.

One benefit of being unemployed is you do not have these idiotic tracing elements anymore.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
then you are safe just like me oh and yes the RFID can be injected with a flu shot, have they done this , i do not know. i will see if i can find the link. here it is id=50 from the link

“The patents, held by VeriChip partner Receptors LLC, relate to biosensors that can detect the H1N1 and other viruses, and biological threats such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, VeriChip said in a statement.

“The technology will combine with VeriChip’s implantable radio frequency identification devices to develop virus triage detection systems.
nano tech at it's finest

edit on 27-6-2011 by bekod because: added link

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
then you are safe just like me oh and yes the RFID can be injected with a flu shot, have they done this , i do not know. i will see if i can find the link.

I have never gotten flu shots.

I see no reason to get them either.

Guess my immune system is strong.

I get sick about every 5 years with a cold or flu and use Nyquil or Ther-A-Flu.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Wow way to be rude to people for no apparent reason...

By the way... according to most denominations of Christianity (including mine) the rapture doesn't exist and is based on loosely translated text FYI... Also anyone who thinks they can predict the end of the world is a complete moron..

The Mark of the Beast is described by this definition: A mark received on the forehead or right hand that equal six hundred and sixty six. You are unable to buy or sell anything without it and if you refuse it you are killed...

by that definition my reply was spot on.... Deny Ignorance... especially as a top member.. Set an example plx
edit on 27-6-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Wow way to be rude to people for no apparent reason...

I wasn't being rude to anyone except those who pandered the Rapture a few weeks ago.

Considering I ignored every single thread and post about it?

It was directed at no one in particular but a broad spectrum.

I grew up through several of those scares over my years on planet Earth.

People who decry the Rapture is going to happen on a certain date are attention seekers.

That's it.

Originally posted by DaMod
By the way... according to most denominations of Christianity (including mine) the rapture doesn't exist and is based on loosely translated text FYI... Also anyone who thinks they can predict the end of the world is a complete moron..

I will wholeheartedly disagree with you there.

Every religion I've been through, and I've been through quite alot, agree there will be a Rapture.

This however does not mean I agree it will happen.

Nor that it will necessarily happen the way the Bible states it will considering it was written by men.

Religion has just as much use for propaganda, as Government, Military, or Law Enforcement.

So does education.

Most people flat out miss within the Bible that Israel was under Roman occupation.

During the lifetime of Jesus he was seeing through the lies of the Pharisees as a Puppet Government.

According to this, and massive other research, the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.

Take my meaning there that they have selectively re-written the Bible for their agenda.

And far too many people went along with it.

Originally posted by DaMod
The Mark of the Beast is described by this definition: A mark received on the forehead or right hand that equal six hundred and sixty six. You are unable to buy or sell anything without it and if you refuse it you are killed...

I know but this is not a religious debate now is it?

Every single thread I've written, and I've written many, on R.F.I.D. I talk about that.

Without going into specifics about religion I stick to the science and technology.

Also speaking of it in conjunction with information databases and Wal-Mart.


Those white devices on the right in the picture above which have been around for decades are part of it.


It is through the Wi-Fi system in tandem with various other programs that it works.


There is an entire eco-system for R.F.I.D. most religious people are oblivious to.

Right in front of their eyes, right now, and has been there for decades or they use obliviously.

I get irritated that they take the Bible so literally and that they see only two options.

Accept the chip or die a needless death.

There is always, and I mean always, a third and fourth option, if you're a thinking individual.


That item above is the device which Law Enforcement of all branches will eventually have.

To scan people's hand or forehead.

So there is more research bearing in mind about this then just the Bible.

The Bible is one book and if you bury your nose in it you're wearing blinders.

My Greek teacher, who also taught Hebrew, told me it would take a library the size of the Pentagon, to translate the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek languages it was written it, that there are many more ways to comprehend the way the Bible is written if you do your research, which I have done, thoroughly, there is much, much more about those stories.

As well bearing that the Roman Catholic Church had the most to gain and lose in canonization, the fact that far too many areas are unquestioned, left out, and or kept hidden like Pentagon secrets, the Bible is not a forgone conclusion for me when it comes to information about the R.F.I.D. chip program, it was if anything more of a guide of where to start looking.

At least as far as I'm concerned.

Religious people irritate me because they live within the Bible while in church.

And every other day they do not.

Or they only live within the Bible and exclude all other information.

Originally posted by DaMod
by that definition my reply was spot on.... Deny Ignorance... especially as a top member.. Set an example plx
edit on 27-6-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

I was denying ignorance from my stance and nothing was directed at you or anyone else directly.
edit on 6/27/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
here is the latest on the RFID thought it should go here here is one link all should read from the link

Consider the human body as well. Applied Digital Solutions has designed an RFID tag - called the VeriChip - for people. Only 11 mm long, it is designed to go under the skin, where it can be read from four feet away. They sell it as a great way to keep track of children, Alzheimer's patients in danger of wandering, and anyone else with a medical disability, but it gives me the creeps. The possibilities are scary. In May, delegates to the Chinese Communist Party Congress were required to wear an RFID-equipped badge at all times so their movements could be tracked and recorded. Is there any doubt that, in a few years, those badges will be replaced by VeriChip-like devices?
just so you know i was in little non profit think tank back in 84 , the 8 of us had seen this coming, to bad no one listened.
you aint seen nothing yet.
Hints to the ^^^ or 666, are pin numbers, log in pass word's, your last for digits of your phone, or your SSC number. just so you know this is to get you desensitized to having to know/ remember key numbers , phrases pin numbers are the most common; pass words second. if you know any thing about the bar code, first 2 lines 6 middle 2 lines6 2 end lines 6 thus is your 666 or^^^.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by bekod

Thank you for the information.

I have actually owned stock in both Verichip and Digital Angel.

This is after thorough external research for decades on the entire process.

The only real thing I gained by ownership was after selling and making a small profit.

The information in their prospectus (for each company) told me quite a lot.

Not to mention I researched them extensively on the Security and Exchange Commission website.

Everything you're referencing is easily seen when doing thorough research.

I keep saying ATS need to form a non-profit and a policy think-tank.

That will never happen as too many people want a violent revolt like idiots.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:26 AM
Ahh... this looks like a new 'improvement'...from "Earth Science News - Weather tech". Start with a little tattoo on the outside to get used to your new mark: "computers-embedded-in-our-skin-like-a-tattoo"

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