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Like the Car Industry, RFID Has Matured

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Like the Car Industry, RFID Has Matured

June 27, 2010—This month, my company, Orbiter, began installing an RFID asset-tracking system at the LeMay Family Collection Foundation, located in Tacoma, Wash., and home to the nation's largest automobile collection.

A volunteer at the foundation, Bruce Fields, talked with me about the history of the major developments and improvements in the auto industry, from the beginning of the 20th century until the late 1960s.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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edit on 6/27/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:05 AM
It seems that the R.F.I.D. Journal is not going to deny an active existence of advancing technology of the bio-chip program.

This would seem to show that it is widely accepted enough within the vernacular of society that they no longer feel a need to hide certain details.

Talk about an inundated society with tracking devices, GPS, and various other intelligence collected on citizens unknowing allowing their 4th Amendment Right's to be violated by ignorant acquiescence.

This should infuriate many people if they only knew that this device is straight from Area 51 technology, from "alien abductions", and "cattle mutilations", covert operations and covert funding.

It would seem this is a part and parcel of the "raising of awareness" of society through no longer denying information once secured in the darkest recesses of Government projects.

Because they are slowly telling all but the populace en masse is oblivious as to the real meaning, quite simply those within the citizenry cannot comprehend, let alone see the writing on the wall.

So many people so easily fooled by those hiding it in plain sight.

IBM RFID Commercial - The Future Market

So few people will see the clear and present danger staring them in the face.

Quote from : R.F.I.D. Journal : Like the Car Industry, RFID Has Matured

It took until the late 1960s to complete most of the major technology advancements—more than 60 years of development.

This brought to mind the development of radio frequency identification over the years.

In my 16-year history with RFID, changes in the technology have been substantial.

I recall the early years, when software tools, processing power and integrated circuits were all rudimentary.

Over the past two years, improvements in hardware and software have finally made dreamed solutions a reality.

The LeMay collection is a good example of this, as it would have been impossible five years ago to perform the integration easily.

This is because the solution requires a robust handheld RFID reader from Motorola Solutions, and UPM RFID's new long-range DogBone tag.

For the first time, a person standing at ground level can read passive RFID tags attached to the farthest vehicles, stacked three high.

So it seems that transparency in Government is happening.

Just not the way citizens were promised and or lead to believe.

Transparency indeed.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 6/27/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

RFID technology is making big inroads into everyday life, advancements in nano sized MEMS
incorportated with RFID has now made this an Orwellian reality.

And soon its going to be in and on everything from milk cartons to socks...
in the meds we swallow.


And they will spray it and squirt it too.


posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by burntheships

It would seem these bastards plan on putting R.F.I.D. chips in everything.

Yet not a single American citizen, ATS or otherwise, is doing a damn thing about it.

How come we have so many lazy, apathetic, worthless citizens?

Citizens around the world should be outraged instead they applaud the demise of liberty.

None of these people can call themselves citizens anymore instead they are slaves.

I am so glad to be a free-thinking individual even if it makes me the last one on the planet.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas


I think that by and large, the population has been "conditioned" to accept the norm,
via Hollywood, Media, The Education System, The Banking System, etc.

And the disinformation that has been widely spread concerning RFID was also useful
in that when people found out some wide spread stories were not true, they stopped
paying attention.

I personally see that in the end, there will be invisible ink chipless RFID tattoos, as developed
by Somark Innovations, used right now on cattle and lab animals.

They may not have the invisible ink thing down pat, but they are working on it.

Anyone who can read this next paragrapgh and just go on as if everything is going to
be ok...well they most likely are going to find their name added someday in the near future.

St. Louis: Somark Innovations has announced the successful testing of biocompatible chipless
RFID1 Ink in cattle and laboratory rats. The company says test proved the efficacy of injecting and reading a Biocompatible Chipless RFID Ink “tattoo” within the skin of animals.

The technology will be initially leveraged to the livestock industry to help identify/track cattle and thus mitigate export trade loss from BSE2 (Mad Cow Disease) scares.

Secondary target markets include laboratory animals, dogs & cats, prime cuts of meat and military personnel.$779

Get that? Prime Cuts of Meat and Military Personnel.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by burntheships

I've known about epidermal implant tattoos with G.P.S. tracking capabilities for decades.

It like all new technologies is test platformed in science fiction and I've warned people.

The science fiction genre is where the electronic eye and flip phone were introduced.

Yes, conditioned, or indoctrinated, pick your word, they may be but that is an excuse.

Even a trained animal can break conditioning when its life is threatened.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Hopefully more and more folks will wake up before its too late.

I guess today is my lucky day, I finally found a working link to the original article
in Information Week about the invisible tatoos.

And guess what, its from back in 2007!

So, imagine what they have cooked up in the last 4 years.

Its fairly safe to say that if they plan to put this "ink" in prime cuts of meat,
it must even be safe for human consumption.

It seems they figured that its best to mark us with harmless passive tattoos,
and track us that way.

Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Cattle And People, Company Says
The process developed by Somark involves a geometric array of micro-needles and an ink capsule, which is used to 'tattoo' an animal. The ink can be detected from 4 feet away.

By K.C. Jones InformationWeek
January 10, 2007 04:49 PM
A startup company developing chipless RFID ink has tested its product on cattle and laboratory rats.

Somark Innovations announced this week that it successfully tested biocompatible RFID ink, which can be read through animal hairs. The passive RFID technology could be used to identify and track cows to reduce financial losses from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease) scares. Somark, which formed in 2005, is located at the Center for Emerging Technologies in St. Louis. The company is raising Series A equity financing and plans to license the technology to secondary markets, which could include laboratory animals, dogs, cats, prime cuts of meat, and military personnel.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Glad you linked that although like I referenced I've known about it for decades.

Once I read on something, whether fiction or non-fiction, I exam it in depth and research.

I span the spectrum of genre's and use all resources available to figure out all angles.

Why can't other people be that diligent and vigilant in society about what Government does?

Because they would rather complain, whine, and bitch about it and have others do something.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I can go out on a limb and guess that if ultimatley this RFID "chip" tracking is limited to
cars, and computers, goods and such most people wont care.

If its just an invisible tattoo, thats harmless, and can prevent identity theft, safegaurd your
reputation and your money, prevent kidnapping, abductions and so on and so forth,
its going to be a hard push to come up with a logical excuse to reject it huh?

Yeah, and throw in internet hacking while your at it. The web is closing in, drawing up tight.

I just looked up a few threads here on ATS, and I can see that from the response, folks
just dont care.

1 flags,
1 flag,
17 flags at the most I found.

Even the Research Project here has little response.

edit on 27-6-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:39 PM
You buy leather coats
They scan the items
They innocently ask for your zip code
Suddenly, your email and snail mail is innundated with flyers for leather coats.

Do I have it right?


posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I can go out on a limb and guess that if ultimatley this RFID "chip" tracking is limited to
cars, and computers, goods and such most people wont care.

If its just an invisible tattoo, thats harmless, and can prevent identity theft, safegaurd your
reputation and your money, prevent kidnapping, abductions and so on and so forth,
its going to be a hard push to come up with a logical excuse to reject it huh?

Yeah, and throw in internet hacking while your at it. The web is closing in, drawing up tight.

I just looked up a few threads here on ATS, and I can see that from the response, folks
just dont care.

1 flags,
1 flag,
17 flags at the most I found.

Even the Research Project here has little response.

edit on 27-6-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

And when has Government or corporations ever accepted limitations?

First we have animal experimentation, then next is human experimentation.

R.F.I.D. chips through "cattle mutilations", then R.F.I.D. chips through "alien abductions".

First we test products in military and Law Enforcement vehicles, then next in civilians vehicles.

Lo-Jack was introduced in military and Law Enforcement vehicles, now it is OnStar in civilian vehicles.

I do not care if it is an R.F.I.D. bio-chip implant or a R.F.I.D. tattoo implant I'm not accepting it.

I have policies, procedures, and protocols in place that safeguard me from identity theft.

I do not need or want Government or corporate involvement unless it is something I cannot resolve.

And I rarely, if ever, need anyone else to assist me in resolving issues of identity theft.

Prevent kidnapping?

I have policies, procedures, and protocols in place that safeguard me from kidnapping.

My real father tried to kidnap me from age 6 to my mid-teens.

I out-think stalkers because of him and others.

So why would I need anyone to assist me to keep from being kidnapped?

The answer is simple in that I do not need it.

Safeguard our money?

When it so easily and obviously being manipulated by jackasses now in power?

I gave up long ago on anyone on ATS giving a damn even the Administration.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
You buy leather coats
They scan the items
They innocently ask for your zip code
Suddenly, your email and snail mail is innundated with flyers for leather coats.

Do I have it right?


I do not buy leather anything.

And who says anyone has to give them a phone number or Zip Code?

Tell them no.

If they demand it leave the items on their register and walk out.

I've done it many times.

People ask me for information like that all the time and I tell them no.

And I tell exactly why too.

So I'm not put into an information database and I spell it out in detail too.

I have had people with their jaw open, everyone in line, after I got done talking.

Freaked out a few people who tore up their keychain card while there in line due to my commentary.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Safeguard our money?

When it so easily and obviously being manipulated by jackasses now in power?

Yup, for reals man. You know my little list is just the reasons they will give for this being
the better option.

Just imagine, they might even be able to do away with the scanners and patdowns if everyone
has an invisible chipless RFID.


I mean, they could even do away with terrorism.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Leather was just an example. But the point I was trying to make is that they use social engineering in addition to RFID to data-base you.

Just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by burntheships

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Safeguard our money?

When it so easily and obviously being manipulated by jackasses now in power?

Yup, for reals man. You know my little list is just the reasons they will give for this being
the better option.

Just imagine, they might even be able to do away with the scanners and patdowns if everyone
has an invisible chipless RFID.


I mean, they could even do away with terrorism.


And we will ever find out who killed J.F.K. from the Government.

Yes, I know those will be the excuses they will give, I will still deny following the crowd.

I could care less about those scanners anymore as I will never go through one.

Nor will I ever receive one of those pedophilia type pat-down's.

Then again I never plan on flying again.

I am on full boycott of anything and everything that has to do with these processes.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas


They can RFID chip my cold dead body.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Leather was just an example. But the point I was trying to make is that they use social engineering in addition to RFID to data-base you.

Just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.

I understood you only used leather as an example I was only answering back.

Yes, social engineering, along with indoctrination and ignorant acquiescence.

Deny the databases any power by knowing how to avoid them in every way possible.
edit on 6/27/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by burntheships

I agree... Never in a million years would I accept one of these... They'd have to kill me first..

Of course having to except it or the sentence is death makes this become something else entirely...

The Mark..

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by burntheships

It will be my cold and dead body before I will ever allow that to happen to me.

In no way whatsoever will I ever accept the R.F.I.D. chip into my body in any way.

It is pure and simple self-defense as it violates everything I stand for in every single way.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
have you got your self a flu shot seen a doc been in the Mil work for a gov agency or company that works with the gov?
Answer no to all then you are RFID safe, if not well then you are most likely tagged ,stamped and tracked.
Just read some RFID and the gov/ medical programs and you will know. Have an security ID for say HP, IBM your tagged traced.
Have a pass port?; tagged.
Have a new DL/ID; tagged (issued 2010 in some states look for the bar code on the back can be read up to 20 feet away).
Do you leave the little bar strip in a package on the package when you take it home; tagged they know were it goes.
How many live by a cell tower, did you know it, the bar strip, has 5 mile cell tower tracking, do you think i have my tin foil hat on to tight?
No do not have nor use one, just know the tech that is out there, not all over the place yet, give it time when 5 g hits the market then it might be all they have to do is receive the signal not send one. think your credit card is safe go to the mall look around how many are texting are they texting or are they getting your card number yes you can by scanners that read then with out getting you to scan them just need to be in a 20 foot range then you card number is no longer yours is up for sale and then used say in Argentina, Peru, or Paris France. just nice to live in today's world is it not. any of the above can be found on the web/net some are on ATS. yes i am a non person no credit cards cash only, no cell phone no need for one. yes i have had them, can live just fine with out one. no bank account just a savings when i need one.

edit on 27-6-2011 by bekod because: editting

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