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What happened to Disclosure and Steven Greer?

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Wasn't the Disclosure Project about the witnesses??

Peoples views of Greer are blinding them of this fact? No?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Blindly accepting something from the likes of Greer just because it fits your belief system does not make it truth. Greer an co. have done nothing to further the cause of disclosure or free energy... he is merely riding the wave and collecting the cash

Of course, yes, don't just blindly believe, always test and check.

You wonder why I would defend Greer, it's because I tried a guided meditation myself, and saw an Orb with my own eyes.

See it doesn't occur to most people that Greer's premise for making contact might actually be sound, in spite of all the Mothra and other stupidity.

I know nobody will take my word for it, but if you want to test, get together with a bunch of other UFO enthusiasts and meditate together on Contact. Then take a whole bunch of photos of the sky. Don't be surprised if you get some interesting UFOs or other manifestations....

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:10 PM
Please dont mention David Wilcock in your next thread, thank you and come again

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:21 PM
Judging by the comments, there seems to still be a few Greer believers. Although I have my suspicions about him & his motifs, I'm still not sure what he's actually up to...

However, I made a thread about this documentary I saw, called 'The "Deception" Project.

Enjoy. (Well, parts 1-10 are at least relevant to Greer & his "Disclosure" Project:

After parts 8-10 (it's a 54-part series I think), it starts going into a lot of other conspiracies & "connections", so make of it what you will..& let me know you thoughts people.
edit on 27-6-2011 by SmoKeyHaZe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by spoor

Please check your facts... he pulled funding in 1904 and bad mouthed Tesla.

You can try to prove whatever it is that you are trying to prove but you are making yourself look silly but arguing with every point some one brings up. Please read up on the issues.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
So if everybody on ATS is calling someone a hoaxer, I think it's safe to say that indeed they are a hoaxer, contrary to your claim.

Yes, that's right, just follow the group-think and believe what everyone tells you to believe, and don't ask too many questions!

This answer is just so wrong. Do you think everyone here saying that Greer is a fraud says it because everyone else says it?? Really???

This is so insulting !!! I spent day after day after day reading on this guy. Looked at every link I could get my hands on. Hey, I was a Greer supporter ! I defended him right here on ATS ! I came to my own conclusion that he's a money grabbing egomaniac hoaxer !!!

Don't ask too many questions??? Quite the opposite. ASK questions ! Get informed ! Find the truth for yourself !! And don't assume everyone's a sheep...

This Forum is based on denying ignorance, not promoting it !!

It doesn't matter that not a single one of us have ever actually been out there with Greer on those expeditions, so we're all arguing from a position of complete non-experience. Just believe what we tell you!

Would you go ? Did you ever go? Do you know anyone that went?

I wouldn't. Why would I want to get ripped off??

Do you know that anyone attending these ambassador excursions has to sign papers that ties your tongue? Do you know that once you sign them you're obligated to keep whatever you saw or heard secret ?? Why? The good doctor doesn't want to end up in court...that's why. The good doctor doesn't want bad advertising...that's why. The good doctor doesn't want to give you your money back when you realize you've been scammed...that's why.

How do I know this?

I read, and asked questions. I recommend you do the same.


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by UKWO1Phot
Peoples views of Greer are blinding them of this fact? No?

No.. but where are those witnesses now? Where is their testimony? They don't need Greer to tell us what they know. So where are they?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
You wonder why I would defend Greer, it's because I tried a guided meditation myself, and saw an Orb with my own eyes.

Well calling an orb to appear is not that hard
The 'Critters' are curious and aware of us. But they are not aliens they are local

ATS sent a team out to Gilliland Ranch... don't recall ever seeing the outcome of that trip though.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
Greer gathered a lot of names that stood up and said they know something and would testify in congress.

Well that was years ago and no testimony, nothing disclosed.

I too once believed this was it... but we still have nothing. If all these people have something to testify, then do so. What are they waiting for?

You cannot blame those people for that, because is it not so then that the only thing they are still waiting for is an invitation from the congress?

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by crayzeed
The initial thought of thread was what about diclosure but it's turned into knock Steven Greer thread.

Actually the question of the OP WAS about Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project

But just stop and take a breath for a moment and think what are people seeing in the skies. Very very large crafts ( do not even come with the official line that they are overly large airships) these are structured craft that exhibit no discernable noise, can hover, travel at low speeds and in an instant excelerate to fantastic speeds.

How do you know they are structured crafts? Have you seen one? Been inside one? What if they are actually CRITTERS... Plasma life forms that are native to Earth and near space? They feed on energy... and are made of energy so can do all those fantastic maneuvers at ease. Won't find any hard evidence because they are energy so leave no trace. Can't take a clear photo because they are simply made of energy so nothing to focus on.

You also know that there are many people who have seen structured crafts.
One very good example of that is are those sightings which occurred in a more than two-year "wave" over Belgium, beginning in late 1989.

"Hundreds of people saw a majestic triangular craft with a span of approximately a hundred and twenty feet and powerful beaming spotlights, moving very slowly without making any significant noise but, in several cases, accelerating to very high speeds,"
De Brouwer stated publicly a few years ago, describing only the first night of the wave. Numerous police officers were among the initial group of witnesses, reporting from different locations as the multiple flying craft hovered and glided and lit up fields along their routes—the same officers who had joked dismissively when first receiving radio calls about the sightings.
And the strange objects kept returning, for some unfathomable reason, to display themselves over the otherwise quiet territory of Belgium.

Excerpt from the book from Leslie Kean, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.

I cannot imagine myself that you would believe that those crafts were probably nothing more than the "CRITTERS" you so strongly believe in and so often speak off.

Originally posted by zorgon
My calculations lead me to believe that 80%ish are such critters, especially the ones seen aimlessly flitting about the skies. 15%ish are our black ops and 5%ish are the true visitors.

May I ask you what you see then as "hard evidence" that those 5%ish are the true visitors?

Originally posted by zorgon
Well seeking proof is what I do here
like this one

What exactly proofs this picture then to you may I ask?

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by UKWO1Phot
Peoples views of Greer are blinding them of this fact? No?

No.. but where are those witnesses now? Where is their testimony? They don't need Greer to tell us what they know. So where are they?

Some of them are still speaking out publicly and without Steven Greer, such as for instance Prof. Robert Jacobs en Capt. Robert Salas on the Larry King show.

Geüpload door UFOBevy op 20 jul 2008 Larry King UFOs Over U.S. Military Sites

For those interested in this whole Larry King show.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Or as former Div. Chief John Callahan has done in Leslie Kean’s book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.

edit on 28/6/11 by spacevisitor because: made a correction

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 06:12 AM
Its a little bit to much like that episode of the simpsons
When homer join the elite members cult..
Once you join you get all the perks,Free parking ect ect..
One Mr Greer joined thats it..
You follow the party you are in it 4 life..
Yes he knows more than a lot of folk..
They just sat him down and explained you are now one
of us and to do as you are told or else..
He is now free to make a living off of the gullable public..
I have more time for Mr Wilcox but he could well be in the
same boat..
Regards and respect to all

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by mfc1PLAZMUH

I think you are close to the truth.
It was probably also a nice catch for TPTB, an excellent list of whistle blowers.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by imnotanother

A simple search on ATS alone would have yielded an incredible response to every question you have posed in this thread. Greer, at one time, was an entertaining source in the Ufology department. In the previous few years, he has proven himself and his information as unreliable. This Thead would be a great start, however, nothing will change your mind if you've already come to your own conclusions. Many people have provided you with links in attempt to answer you questions, but you don't seem very willing to accept the fact that he is bogus. If you're willing to believe one man's extraordinary claims, I highly suggest you try to find a way to believe the thousands that can disprove them.


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:37 AM
I use my own terminology for people like Greer; I call them "Shepherds of Destruction"
I don't know how many others have noticed the same method of operation but it is quite common in the conspiracy/alternative community.
People like Greer arrive on the scene and very quickly achieve prominence in whatever subject community they choose and after a period of success they then start leading the community into subject areas that discredit the original subject matter.
Finally the "shepherd" grandly disgraces himself or the subject causing a massive fracture of an established community whether it be UFO's, 9/11, big pharma the protest/investigative/whistleblowing organisation collapses like an undercooked souffle.
It happens time after time. Alex Jones once described it as "leaving a turd in the punchbowl".
A good example is David Icke - this isn't an argument about whether he is genuine or not - but a good 75% of his information and presentation is, clearly, genuine material. However, he drops a turd in his own punchbowl with his remaining. unprovable, so-called facts about reptiles and inter dimensional aliens.
In a way he seems to be discrediting himself and his real information by association with his whacky unprovable stuff.
Is that his intention? Is his mission to discredit real conspiracy by association with the bizarre?
Who knows but I can understand why Alex Jones wouldn't have anything to do with him for years. He does have Icke on his show now but you will notice that Jones keeps a tight reign on things and as soon as Icke drifts towards the ludicrous - Jones will talk over or re-steer the topic.

There are many, many examples of "Shepherding Destruction" the latest being the Avalon/Camelot community with the Charles material. Utterly destroyed and discredited now.
edit on 28/6/2011 by Nazirite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:58 AM
For me it came down to this.

Greer says disclosure, advanced tech, enlightenment is for everyone and wants the truth out...

But then won't disclose his sources...

and makes you pay for his message.

Like many classic hoaxers he has realized the real money is in selling "beliefs".

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

A moth??
That was hilarious, had never heard of him before... So the guy basically took People for Complete idiots? Though I would like to know what are your opinions about two well known guys which I believe are legit. They would be David Adair and Bob Lazar. Thanks in Advance,

White Kestrel

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Nazirite
I use my own terminology for people like Greer; I call them "Shepherds of Destruction"
I don't know how many others have noticed the same method of operation but it is quite common in the conspiracy/alternative community.

Please understand I am replying to your entire quote, not just the part above.

Herre is a scenario: You are out late at night and experience a revelation in both the physical and spiritual. You find truths so harsh, so deep and so extreme that it takes your soul to the edge. Whilst sat at the edge you start to notice that others who have gone to the edge and spoken out die very early and very mysterious deaths. So you sit and ponder a while.

Then you notice - a few of your fellow edge travellers are still alive and well and speaking about what they know. How is this? because they live by the rule of 75.

75% truth or below mixed with a massive dose of horse crap and the powers that be obey the rules and leave you alone and your readers are free to try disseminate the truth from false hood. Go over the 75 and you are fair game for a short sharp drop off a bridge.

Do I believe the 75% rule? hell yes I do. You can see it day in day out around this subject matter. Dr Greer obviously to me took the raw absolute truth and threw it onto the tabel and is in my opinion back peddling like a mo'fo to get under the radar once more and hit the magic numbers.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Astr0

Originally posted by Nazirite
I use my own terminology for people like Greer; I call them "Shepherds of Destruction"
I don't know how many others have noticed the same method of operation but it is quite common in the conspiracy/alternative community.

Please understand I am replying to your entire quote, not just the part above.

Herre is a scenario: You are out late at night and experience a revelation in both the physical and spiritual. You find truths so harsh, so deep and so extreme that it takes your soul to the edge. Whilst sat at the edge you start to notice that others who have gone to the edge and spoken out die very early and very mysterious deaths. So you sit and ponder a while.

Then you notice - a few of your fellow edge travellers are still alive and well and speaking about what they know. How is this? because they live by the rule of 75.

75% truth or below mixed with a massive dose of horse crap and the powers that be obey the rules and leave you alone and your readers are free to try disseminate the truth from false hood. Go over the 75 and you are fair game for a short sharp drop off a bridge.

Do I believe the 75% rule? hell yes I do. You can see it day in day out around this subject matter. Dr Greer obviously to me took the raw absolute truth and threw it onto the tabel and is in my opinion back peddling like a mo'fo to get under the radar once more and hit the magic numbers.

Good scenario you have presented.

This is pretty much the same as ones I have pondered over the years.

But for me; I always consider "motive" as one of the prime factors in the alt. community and it's guru's. That prime motive, for many, is usually money. And, in this case, that is what I believe is the key player.

Other cases do not, for me, have that same clarity. So, your scenario, above, does still have validity even though it may be a little more complex in some examples.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:31 AM
Shortly after the 2001 disclosure, 9/11 happened, and the reporters lost interest.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by imnotanother
I know that a lot of people on this website have a hatred towards Steven Greer but my question is, "What happened to the disclosure movement that Steven Greer started?

A lot of people accuse Dr. Greer and just another guy out there scamming the world for money but I am not sure where these people get off. I do not know of anyone else in America, besides Ron Paul, that puts their reputation on the line day after day to try to get the truth out to the masses.

When Dr. Greer holds his week long E.T. Contact expeditions, he has to charge money for the lectures, materials, rental of the motel, etc so it only makes sense that he charges a fee. Plus, in his interviews, CDs, books, videos, etc, he explains how to do the CE5 protocol for free. I believe that he is a genuine person that is trying to wake people up to what is really happening.

I would like to see people actually get behind the disclosure of E.T. information and suppressed technologies that could benefit our world because obviously that is the one thing that could solve all our problems.

I am interested in seeing what others' opinions are about Dr. Greer, ET. Contact and the agenda behind suppressing technologies.

I don't know who Greer is, and I'm not even familiar with the E.T. Contact expeditions - but if you seriously think that disclosure of aliens and/or suppressed technologies is the "one thing that could solve all our problems"...

You've got another thing coming. That's an incredibly naive statement in the least and dangerously idealistic in the worst.

But anyway, I digress....

Suffice it to say that pinning your hopes for a better life on the hopeful exposure of state secrets is probably not going to turn out well for you in the end.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
This is so insulting !!! I spent day after day after day reading on this guy. Looked at every link I could get my hands on. Hey, I was a Greer supporter ! I defended him right here on ATS ! I came to my own conclusion that he's a money grabbing egomaniac hoaxer !!!

Don't ask too many questions??? Quite the opposite. ASK questions ! Get informed ! Find the truth for yourself !! And don't assume everyone's a sheep...

Holy cow, don't you recognize sarcasm? Relax!

I agree with you, ask questions, and find the truth for yourself!!!

I did the same, but came to different conclusions than you.

I experiment with the guided meditations myself, and have had some limited success. Saw something I couldn't explain.

I think that his premise for making contact could be sound, and they have had some successes out there.

But in their zeal they also sometimes do stupid things and shoot themselves in the foot, like the infamous Mothra incident.

You know it's funny, in my UFO group we had a guy who did the exact same thing! He got a UFO photo and after photo enhancement it was pretty obviously a bird, but he wanted to believe that it was a craft so much that he even started describing it to me as a rectangular craft!

Anyway, yes, ask questions, and seek the truth for yourself. You don't have to pay $1000 and go out to the desert with Greer to do it.

Just get together with other UFO enthusiasts in your area and meditate together on Contact, then see what happens.

Would you go ? Did you ever go?

No, I haven't.

I think I would rather keep experimenting on my own first, and if I have more successes with that, then I might go try the CSETI training.

Do you know that anyone attending these ambassador excursions has to sign papers that ties your tongue? Do you know that once you sign them you're obligated to keep whatever you saw or heard secret ??

Yes, I know all that.

Although, if you read the agreement more carefully, it actually says that you're allowed to share data from the retreat, but you have to get permission from them in writing.

See it's a private retreat, so they have to protect the identities of the other participants. They wouldn't want you doing things like going there and filming everybody's faces and posting it on Youtube.

But just filming or taking photos of the sky should be okay. Ask the Moth Queen Debbie herself if you don't believe me.


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