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Why Obama is a bad president!

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by TheNewKid

Basically what I just posted a couple up.

Glad to know someone out there can still think rationally on the subject

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by kro32
Obama also promised to run the most openly transparant administration every yet anyone watching the health care debacle will obviously know this is far from the truth.

Out right lie.

Is it a lie? His claim is he would be more transparent than any other administration, and I'm pretty sure he has been.
I totally agree that there ae serious problems with this admin's transpareny, but they are leaps and bounds ahead of anything preceding them, which was the origional claim.

Absolutely false. The early Presidents were far more transparant then Obama and up to the time of FDR you could still walk up to the white house and knock on the door and ask to see the President. Now you may change your argument to only include recent Presidents but that would still prove Obama's statement as a lie.

And don't gloss over his unemployment statements either. There are plenty more to add to the list if you wish to keep going but I think the point has been made.
edit on 25-6-2011 by kro32 because: added more

What?? Please, provide citations for all these examples of transparency fro previous administrations?

Knock in the door of the white house? And, what, gain access to top secret policy decisions? ROFL.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Of course they never gained access to the President and that wasn't the point. Think a little before you post. Early administrations were far more transparant as they had far less things to worry about. There was no need to do alot in secret or any inclination to do so. Whatever the reasons the fact is that there wasn't much that people didn't know what was going on. You may use FDR as an example since i'm sure your familiar with him and his policy's.

There wasn't alot of guesswork or wondering what he was going to do. He laid out plans and talked about them freely with the people especially when Congress wouldn't go along. He did not try to hide things like the Obama administration and say health care. You knew what you were getting with FDR.

When he didn't like how the supreme court ruled he publicly stated that we should increase the numbers of the justices so he could appoint more and get his policy's passed. Obama would never admit to something like that.

For anyone to honestly claim that Obama is the most transparent adimistraion ever is something even msnbc won't claim.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by kro32
Early administrations were far more transparant as they had far less things to worry about. There was no need to do alot in secret or any inclination to do so.

I see. So there were no state secrets in this fantastical past of yours? I'm thinking maybe you are under the impression leave it to beaver was a documentary?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:02 PM
To everyone who is saying he's a bad POTUS :

What would you like to see him do that will benefit the nation as a whole and We The People?
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

I never said that and that isn't the point of this discussion. The question we are talking about is this "Is the Obama administration the most transparant in U.S. history?"

The answer is no it is not. Which means he lied on his campaign pledge which goes to the heart of this debate. If you choose to think that his is the most transparant than you are in the vast minority but that is your choice to believe what you want.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by kro32
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

I never said that and that isn't the point of this discussion. The question we are talking about is this "Is the Obama administration the most transparant in U.S. history?"

The answer is no it is not. Which means he lied on his campaign pledge which goes to the heart of this debate. If you choose to think that his is the most transparant than you are in the vast minority but that is your choice to believe what you want.

But, again, what I asked was to defend your claim by showing it isnt "the most transparent in history", which you still havent done.I'm open to being shown there were previous administrations with more transparency, but you have to actually do something more than say it.

You did claim that government didnt used to have any secrets, which I'm still laughing about , though.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:09 PM
My list would be shorter if the question was why obama is a good President.

1. Sadly, I can't think of one single thing

the end

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

You obviously are trolling and very badly I might add. I stated they did not to alot in secret or had the inclination to do so. That is far different than saying they never had secrets. I will add to your specific question before I sign off as you are just making stuff up though.

Some of his signs of not being transparant. The whole health care bill and not letting people know what was going to specifically be in it and negotiating with Senators behind closed doors.

His policy regarding wars is another one alot of people have issue with. Argue those away if you like but the fact that it isn't transparant to the general public at large is a sign that his is not the most transparant administration ever.

Also you still are ignoring his pledge to drop unemployment below 8% by focusing on this subject. Very obvious.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Cheque out the following site :

This is how transparency in Government is working. Obviously they will not reveal state secrets.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Although me and neo 96 rarely agree on things, since he is a conservative and I am a progressive, here I agree that there isn’t enough space to single out all of Obamas lies and bad actions as president.

On this OP I was refereeing to Obamas character flaw of weakness and lack of courage to fight for what he is supposed to believe in. On other aspects of his presidency, such as human rights e.g. the patriot act and Guantanamo, and other policy issues he also is deficient.

Also, in terms of vision, he needs to take on the long term issues that will reinvigorate the economy (something he won’t due because the globalist wont let him) such as a change the trade policies and the outsourcing issues. To say that the republicans stopped a bill in congress to fight outsourcing, so Obama is blameless, isn’t a good excuse for Obama, for he should go out and use the bully-pulpit of the presidency and lobby and educate the public on these issues, as a real leader would do.

The fact is Obama is likely a Wall Street and globalist puppet, who really is only in the presidency to enjoy the perks of the office, and to be a do-nothing president, similar to what George W. Bush was doing,

As it stands now, the only reason why I would still support Obama is because of the power of the president to appoint Supreme Court judges, and that the Republicans are so bad that even Obama again would be better than them.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
What is his vision supposed to be?

Continually let the rich do whatever the flip it wants? Continue the wars over energy? Have the US involved with every Arabic nation? Allow banks to do whatever the flip it wants to unchequed? Deregulate everything and anything? Or is it that there is a black man in The White House and the racists hate that?

To deny him a success means you deny The United States a sucess and to continually play into the "Left-v-Right" paradigm immediately disqualifies you from being involved in political discourse as you clearly are not proficient nor competent enough to firmly grasp what is going on!
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Good job. You just killed any credibility you had by bringing race into a debate about Obama. That argument is old, tired, and has been beaten to death with its own left leg. His race means zero. His policies are everything. A black man isn't on the throne, a self aggrandizing godling is. Later.


The premise of the entire Birther debate is predicated upon race so you and your band of half brained rejects clearly will believe anything the right spews. If they told you the sky was black you'd believe it was black without even questioning it. If you dared to question it or this you'd be outcasted by the GOP and be labled as either Anti American or a terrorist!

I've already debunked and disproved at least 25 or so of your threads yet you keep on coming back. Your inability to hit on facts has already been proven.
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

If you had ever read a single post of mine, you would know I'm not a birther. I believe he is a U.S. citizen. My post history proves it. But true history, or truth in general, has never been something the left has ever been hung up on.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Originally posted by kro32
He specifically campaigned on his ability to pass bills that would lower unemployment below 8%. We are now at 9.1.

That is a specific lie as he had no idea if his policy's would work or not.

The way TPTB, the banks and the corporations want to lower the rate is to end taxes for them and to allow them to do whatever they want by deregulating every aspect of Gov't that keeps a hawkish watchful eye over every little thing they do.

And here it is, folks. The ubiquitous "TPTB" reference! Bush was responsible for everything in his administration. Obama is a puppet of some shadowy cadre of powerful elites. Poor fella. Can't think for himself because he's being mind controlled by...what is it this week? reptilians?


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
To everyone who is saying he's a bad POTUS :

What would you like to see him do that will benefit the nation as a whole and We The People?
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Finally, a worthy question.

Obey the supreme law of the land, the Constitution.
Stop killing the citizens of sovereign nations that haven't attacked the U.S.
Stop attempting to assassinate U.S. citizens.
Rip up and flush the Patriot Act.
Kill Obamacare.
Stop spending so much of our money.
Quit killing small businesses by taxing them out of existence.
Abolish the Federal Reserve.
Abolish the IRS.
Abolish all of the Federally funded programs that obviously aren't working.
Enforce immigrations laws.
Let banks fail that need to.
Let businesses fail that need to.

Let people be in charge of their own failure or success and get the hell out of our lives.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by The Old American

He accomplished the main change he wanted, and what all the Progressives want, that is healthcare. Hillary would have done the same, but I bet she's mad Obama beat her to it! Remember her Christmas present to us when she was a candidate? Made me want to vomit. This is the Marxist agenda, no two ways about it. With 70 members of Congress also DSA, it's no wonder this came about. But thank goodness they didn't get their cap and tax but I bet its in the cooker as some piece of legislation flying under the radar. They know the American people don't want more tax burdens. They know that business doesn't want more regulation which will put them out of business, so they have to do it as sneaky as possible. They think they know what's good for us. And that is the ultimate Statism.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by inforeal

This Liberal couldn't agree more. He doesn't get that a President is a leader, not a CEO. Those who think putting a business man in the Presidency are utterly ignorant.

Obama doesn't get that we don't mind if he doesn't always get the result we want. What we mind is that he never fights. And the fact that ANYONE thinks he is a Socialist just proves how so many ignorants are so easily lead by their masters.

Obama is the worst President in our history because he had the mandate, and momentum, to make a real change away from the NWO. And he has done nothing but move us faster along that track.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
Ron Paul will probably be Americas only hope for REAL CHANGE before everything goes down the drain.

All of the other KNUCKLEHEADS candidates for the next election will just continue this downward spiral into hell. It will be politics as USUAL folks if we continue this madness.

We need a new breed of politician in the White House. One who finally has Americas BEST INTERESTS in mind.

I've had it with BUMS in that office already!!!!

that's pretty much what it comes down to. I hope he can pull it off. I donno though, alot of people need to wake up in about a years time.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:44 PM
A well thought out criticism of Obama. Not just complaining about disagreeing with his policies.
S+F from me.

I definitely agree with you. Obama needs to have a weekly address to the nation or something.
Shills, report back to your master!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:50 PM

when the republicans had their guy in the white house, but the democrats had the congress, they whined how poor georgie was handcuffed, and all the blame lay with pelosi

now with a democratic president and republican congress, he's a do nothing president and nobody mentions boehner

I remember the last election the republicans, every single one of them, campaigned on JOBS

the republicans have introduced ZERO jobs bills, but did manage to try to pass legislation delaying regulations on those fancy derivatives that screwed the entire planet

give me a break with this one

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

yeah, he should do a weekly radio adress or something. that would be cool

oooh, ooh oooh ! do it as a blog ! that would be sweet !!!!

click here please

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