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Why Obama is a bad president!

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by The Old American

Hmmmm... Im starting to think you might be trying to avoid my very simple and straight-forward line of questioning.

But you bring up a great point, nonetheless. He campaigned on sending more troops into Afghanistan, and yet one of the criticisms republicans-in-hiding enjoy leveling at him is that he 'lied' about 'ending war'. Just one more example of the baseless, substance-less critiques from the hyper partisan former Bush supporting Republicans-in-hiding who now pretend to be Ron Paul supporting Libertarians.
edit on 25-6-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

I know, right?! I can't stand those Libertarian wannabes, either. You and I should form a group, or a club or something, with a secret handshake and everything!

It's name could be...hmm...OBAMA: Oh, Bush Am (i) Mad At (you). It needs work, I know. But it's a start!

Now, as to your baseless and totally inappropriate comment that I'm engaging in "topic avoidance", I am pointing out, albeit obliquely, that I fell for it. I was politically naive a scant 4 years ago. "All politicians lie to get into office", I thought. Surely Obama was making promises like the above mentioned one just to get the vote of the dupes like me that normally voted Republican, but were more centrist in our views (I voted for Bush in 2000, as he had been a fantastic governor of my state, but not 2004 due to 9/11 and his other fascist leanings).

So I voted for Obama hoping that some of his promises wouldn't be kept, and his Progressive leanings wouldn't come to pass.

Silly me. I picked the one guy that told the truth.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by The Old American

I merely asked you to list some of the lies you are referring to, but you seem unable to do so. You've taken several tens of minutes, and several posts, and yet still havent come up with even one, much less the many and several you keep alluding to.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by The Old American

I merely asked you to list some of the lies you are referring to, but you seem unable to do so.

I would encourage you to cease and desist making yourself appear less than intelligent. People are beginning to talk. Go back and read all 4 of my posts in this topic and quote where I said he lied about anything.

Wait a minute. What lies? Do you have some inside information on lies that he's told? Are you able to post them, or are they secret lies? Awaiting this breaking news.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by The Old American

Do you really feel it effective to continue with this clearly transparent deflection from such a simple request on my part?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by The Old American

Do you really feel it effective to continue with this clearly transparent deflection from such a simple request on my part?

Your request is for me to prove his lies. I never said anything about lies. I did prove that he kept a promise, but that wasn't good enough for you. Didn't you like the promise he kept? It's a check mark for him, isn't it? Shouldn't a President keep his promises? I just don't know what you want from me.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by The Old American

No, my initial request was to list what he claimed to 'change', which he hasn't. Youve had more than ample opportunity to answer such a simple request, and there are several sites like which could likely do this for you, but I'm beginning to suspect you havent clue of where to even start.

Please, prove me wrong in such myopic disdain and cynicism.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:51 PM
here are some lies

obama is a bad president this thread isnt long enough to list every single reason he is.

from class warfare to the wholesale murder of foreign nationals to the extension of the patriot act powers to stimulus that did nothing but to line union pockets and continuation of bad policies that are destroying this country.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:52 PM
What is his vision supposed to be?

Continually let the rich do whatever the flip it wants? Continue the wars over energy? Have the US involved with every Arabic nation? Allow banks to do whatever the flip it wants to unchequed? Deregulate everything and anything? Or is it that there is a black man in The White House and the racists hate that?

To deny him a success means you deny The United States a sucess and to continually play into the "Left-v-Right" paradigm immediately disqualifies you from being involved in political discourse as you clearly are not proficient nor competent enough to firmly grasp what is going on!

Or is this supposed to be what he is supposed to do :

The entire GOP plan in a nutshell :

1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy.
2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they get a bug up their tail.
3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates.
4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going.
5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves!
6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us.
7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation.
8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections)
9. Kill off any non white people!
10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone.
11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew!
12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real "Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage.
13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws,
14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any claim.
15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights, properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08!

This is when "The Party of HELL NO!" dictates policy all the while protecting their wealthy donors. This has everything to do with the entire GOP, cutting social programs and eliminating them has been on the dockett since the 1970's so don't tell me this has nothing to do with the GOP.


The entire GOP's mantra is to make Obama a "1 Term President" and will destroy anything in this nation to achieve that goal even go as far as putting 150 Million out of work and forcing anyone who is not a rich, white, Neo Con to get cut all while striping the people and the nation of it's rights and freedoms.

The GOP will protect with life and limb the following industries :
Energy, Big Pharm, Banks, Anyone with an account worth more then $10 Million.

For y'all that want smaller Govt do not dare complain when that new tool you got to fix your house burns your skin right off because the safety regulations were abolished and do not dare complain when that new skin cream makes your skin so raw it causes an infection that costs you your limb.

Say goodbye to ABS, airbags, seatbelts, aircon, brake override systems in cars if they get their way.

Say goodbye to every single safety protection that exists if you want smaller Govt as Big Govt keeps these firms up at night living in fear.

Look at 43 and how he acted too like Hitler and let us not also forget that his granddaddy Prescott was helping fund and finance the entire Nazi movement under the guise of Thyssien, Corp during WWII so to make the Nazi GOP connection more then fits.

The GOP wants to eliminate the 14th Amendment.

Thank the Conservative dictaitorship for that for completely dismantiling every single protection out there that worked beautifully for nearly 50 yrs. It only became a problem when the individual worker had more power then the corporate bigwigs and they couldn't stand it!
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by The Old American

No, my initial request was to list what he claimed to 'change', which he hasn't. Youve had more than ample opportunity to answer such a simple request, and there are several sites like which could likely do this for you, but I'm beginning to suspect you havent clue of where to even start.

Please, prove me wrong in such myopic disdain and cynicism.

Shills are incapable of proving anyone wrong as the entire basis for any of thier claims is based solely and exclusively in highly slanted propaganda which devoids them from forming an original opinion.,

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
What is his vision supposed to be?

Continually let the rich do whatever the flip it wants? Continue the wars over energy? Have the US involved with every Arabic nation? Allow banks to do whatever the flip it wants to unchequed? Deregulate everything and anything? Or is it that there is a black man in The White House and the racists hate that?

To deny him a success means you deny The United States a sucess and to continually play into the "Left-v-Right" paradigm immediately disqualifies you from being involved in political discourse as you clearly are not proficient nor competent enough to firmly grasp what is going on!
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Good job. You just killed any credibility you had by bringing race into a debate about Obama. That argument is old, tired, and has been beaten to death with its own left leg. His race means zero. His policies are everything. A black man isn't on the throne, a self aggrandizing godling is. Later.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
What is his vision supposed to be?

Continually let the rich do whatever the flip it wants? Continue the wars over energy? Have the US involved with every Arabic nation? Allow banks to do whatever the flip it wants to unchequed? Deregulate everything and anything? Or is it that there is a black man in The White House and the racists hate that?

To deny him a success means you deny The United States a sucess and to continually play into the "Left-v-Right" paradigm immediately disqualifies you from being involved in political discourse as you clearly are not proficient nor competent enough to firmly grasp what is going on!
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

Good job. You just killed any credibility you had by bringing race into a debate about Obama. That argument is old, tired, and has been beaten to death with its own left leg. His race means zero. His policies are everything. A black man isn't on the throne, a self aggrandizing godling is. Later.


The premise of the entire Birther debate is predicated upon race so you and your band of half brained rejects clearly will believe anything the right spews. If they told you the sky was black you'd believe it was black without even questioning it. If you dared to question it or this you'd be outcasted by the GOP and be labled as either Anti American or a terrorist!

I've already debunked and disproved at least 25 or so of your threads yet you keep on coming back. Your inability to hit on facts has already been proven.
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:03 PM
He specifically campaigned on his ability to pass bills that would lower unemployment below 8%. We are now at 9.1.

That is a specific lie as he had no idea if his policy's would work or not.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by kro32
He specifically campaigned on his ability to pass bills that would lower unemployment below 8%. We are now at 9.1.

That is a specific lie as he had no idea if his policy's would work or not.

The way TPTB, the banks and the corporations want to lower the rate is to end taxes for them and to allow them to do whatever they want by deregulating every aspect of Gov't that keeps a hawkish watchful eye over every little thing they do.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:25 PM
Obama also promised to run the most openly transparant administration every yet anyone watching the health care debacle will obviously know this is far from the truth.

Out right lie.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by kro32
Obama also promised to run the most openly transparant administration every yet anyone watching the health care debacle will obviously know this is far from the truth.

Out right lie.

Is it a lie? His claim is he would be more transparent than any other administration, and I'm pretty sure he has been.
I totally agree that there ae serious problems with this admin's transpareny, but they are leaps and bounds ahead of anything preceding them, which was the origional claim.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:36 PM
For me, it's his sense of humor, or lack thereof, that is the window to who he truly is.

Someone who pokes fun at serious issues that he should be dealing with demonstrates that he is a complete cad and devoid of any shred of empathy. Either that, or his handlers are. Then again, birds of a feather flock together.

People like this should never be given leadership positions. If a person in power finds humor in his responsibilities and issues of concern, s/he isn't concerned at all.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:39 PM
People always fail to understand that nothing can please everyone unanimously. No matter who is elected President, there will always be at least one person somewhere making some thread about why he/she is a bad president.

You just can't please them all. Go ahead and state you who feel has been the best President. I'm sure someone will respond, telling you that you are wrong and pointing out their flaws.

Yeah, it could be better. But we all know it could be worse as well.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Øbama.... is not good because......

he's indoctrinated... i bet he kept (or still keeps) a 'Little Red book' under his pillow...

what am i talking about...... ?


Quotations from Mao Tse Tung - Marxists Internet Archive
The 'little red book' that explained to the people of China the ideology of the Chinese ...
Quotations from Mao Tse Tung

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:42 PM
I have read through this thread and noticed that there are both good and bad points, but like people have said there has been worse moments

I have made an animation about obama with the goanimate medium for your enjoyment.

enjoy :]
edit on 25-6-2011 by TheNewKid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by kro32
Obama also promised to run the most openly transparant administration every yet anyone watching the health care debacle will obviously know this is far from the truth.

Out right lie.

Is it a lie? His claim is he would be more transparent than any other administration, and I'm pretty sure he has been.
I totally agree that there ae serious problems with this admin's transpareny, but they are leaps and bounds ahead of anything preceding them, which was the origional claim.

Absolutely false. The early Presidents were far more transparant then Obama and up to the time of FDR you could still walk up to the white house and knock on the door and ask to see the President. Now you may change your argument to only include recent Presidents but that would still prove Obama's statement as a lie.

And don't gloss over his unemployment statements either. There are plenty more to add to the list if you wish to keep going but I think the point has been made.
edit on 25-6-2011 by kro32 because: added more

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