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Why Palestinians want this video removed

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posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

About families not sitting together in synagogues. I dont know, I want to respect the Rabbis here (that is, Shuchan Aruch, code of jewish law), yet i also understand the feelings of those people who want to sit with their families.

Their teachings are exactly the same as the Orthodox

From what i understand of Conservative Judaism, and the original teachings of zecarias frankel, was that the Torah was not given to man from G-d. That the Torah is just a book of metaphor just as any other book.

Hence why Orthodox Rabbis tend to disparage and excoriate conservative Judaism.

To me, the only right Judaism is Orthodox Judaism. Now, Orthodox can be more "modern" like (and the term ultra ultra is just a misnomer. Orthodox Judaism is traditional Judaism. Ultra Orthodox are those who expect all Jews to dress the same - in the black garb, and follow accepted ways of conduct....but even this is a slightly pejorative name.. "Ultra" implies extreme, and wrong and radical. I am not about to call the black coats ultra, and i use the term only to distinguish them from the more mainstream orthodox Jews) or it can be incredibly conservative. But i still think this is Judaism. If one wants a balanced idea of Judaism, reconciled with modern ways of living, read Samson Raphael Hirsch, father of the Modern Orthodox movement.

That being said.. My personal Rabbi, Rabbi Greenbaum (a breslover rabbi) teaches that all Jews should be treated the same (along with all people). To denigrate or look down upon a conservative Jew, only adds to the feelings of divisiveness between Jews. So, its best to just stress what brings all Jews together, as opposed to ideological differences.

Yet, many Orthodox don't.

Ive never met an orthodox Jew who doesnt follow Kashruth. Defeats the whole purpose of being an orthodox Jew, doesnt it??

In my life, i follow basic laws of Kashruth.. I dont eat pork. It is a disgusting, parasite infested meat anyways. And on a spiritual level, one imbibes the spiritual essence of the creature that they eat; pigs are reknown for their impurity. The pig cannot look upwards (towards the heavens), and thus one who eats it will be inclined towards physical, emotional things. It rolls around in the mud (another indicator; a basic principle of kabbalah is that all creatures are a symbol and projection of its inner spiritual nature) etc... Theres good, practical reason why a person devoted to spiritual development doesnt eat pig.

And even then, i only eat organic meats; poultry, beef and lamb, and once in awhile ill have venison. I do my prayers before my meals and i really do try to focus on the spiritual spark within the animal (after all, the only purpose of eating an animal - an act easily thought of as immoral - is to raise its vital energy, its holy spark, to the level of the human dimension. One therefore has to eat the animal in a holy state of consciousness. With humilty before G-d, with thanks for this meat, and a desire for the vitality recieved from this meat to strengthen my divine soul)....

Other then that, i dont do much more, since being a non Jew im not required (although some Rabbis suggest it wouldnt be a bad thing) to separate meat from would be hard to not eat Tacos
. I really love Tacos, cheddar cheese, meat, lettuce, guacamole, salsa

edit on 26-6-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Zionists are not Jews, they are babylonian satanists who plan to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque in order to revive their Solomon temple which is the core of all evil.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Zionists are probably some of the most racists people in the world.

They promoted mass immigration into West yet hen it comes to race mixing in Israel it turns into a BIG NO NO.

Damn they even arrest and kill Palestinian men who dare have relationships with Israeli women.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by forklift
Zionists are not Jews, they are babylonian satanists who plan to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque in order to revive their Solomon temple which is the core of all evil.

Come on, are you for real? I almost fell over laughing. Zionists are not Jews huh?

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by discharged77

Zionists are not Jews, they are babylonian satanists who plan to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque in order to revive their Solomon temple which is the core of all evil.

Come on, are you for real? I almost fell over laughing. Zionists are not Jews huh?

That wasn't the bad part.

Originally posted by forklift
They promoted mass immigration into West yet hen it comes to race mixing in Israel it turns into a BIG NO NO.

That, right there, is outright anti-Semitic propaganda.

edit on 26-6-2011 by AverageJoe1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by dontreally

The beauty about Torah is it's open to interpretation and can be studied on all levels regardless of which synagogue or temple you belong to.

Yes each has their own ideological differences no different to the Christians or Muslims. But nothing comes even close to Judaism.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by greenCo

i'll reply to you as the OP thinks if he ignores me i'll go away,
or that my posts/arguments will somehow be invalidated.

modern hebrew is different from the ancient.

What is the oldest language that is still in use today? | Answerbag

Tamil is still in use with little change,unlike greek, hebrew and mandarin, there is a growing consensus that this is the language spoken by the peoples of pre aryan-india the dravidians, it is definatley older than sanskrit

there is some speculation that lithuanian and basque may be older.

even older are the languages of the aboriginals of australia and the Khoisan languages, the "click" languages of Southern Africa.

i recall reading as a child that there is [allegedly] a special language dating from the neolithic, used only by elephant herders in India,it is the only one elephants will respond to [yes i know]

One of the World’s Oldest Languages is Now Dead

one of the world’s oldest languages is now extinct, after the last remaining member of a 65,000-year-old tribe has died.

There are roughly 6,000 languages spoken in the world, and about half of them are in danger of going the way of the Dodo, and now we can add the spoken words of the Bo language to that list, after an 85-year old woman named Boa Sr has passed away. Boa was the only one left from the Great Andamanese, a group of tribes that was one of the earliest descendants of human beings.

writer of article gets a bit snippy about the deceased not doing enough reproductivewise to preserve language, oh well

there's a audio sample on the page so click the link it sounds very much like
the truly oldest human language still in use

one the OP is ignoring in his "studies"[or whatever it is he thinks he is doing IMO]:

the original Tongue of Fire and Dreams,

spoken by all human children until they learn their mother-tongue and "forget"

the greek name [and best known] for this language is Glossolalia.

for any late comers and page skippers i'll just point out that i am a multi-ethnic human that proudly counts Sephardim among his ancestors, Judaic-heretic at 8, atheist at 12,currently at 44 an agnostic-Kabalistic-Pantheistic Shamanist, or whatever i'm calling myself this week.

i consider zionism to be no different from nazism, they are both part of the same poisonous tree: Ethnic Nationalism

some thought's for the religionists:

"Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of
hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys
pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must
see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The
proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it
awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you've
always known."
We are daily confronted
by the terrifying instability of all things human, yet we permit our religions
to grow more rigid and controlled, more conforming and oppressive. What is this
shadow across the highway of Divine Command? It is a warning that institutions
endure, that symbols endure when their meaning is lost, that there is no summa
of all attainable knowledge."
"Religion must remain an outlet for people who say to
themselves, 'I am not the kind of person I want to be.' It must never sink into
an assemblage of the self-satisfied."

Bomoko's Legacy
from Frank Herbert's Dune
edit on 27-6-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by dontreally


this is why i say you are a fool,

you are only reading into your studies that which confirms your own prejudices/biases
not to mention you are still at the level of the outer teachings.

There is the Vast Countenance/Arik Anpin/Macrosopos and there is the Lesser
Countenance/Zoar Anpin/Microsopos/Adam Kadmon [the microcosm you are referring to, the Gnostics called it the Demiurge]. The Vast Countenance does nothing [though it is the source of all],and merely observes the Lesser Countenance. The Lesser Countenance dreams this Universe/Reality/Entelechy into existence. or as Dion Fortune put it, this Physical Plane World is a thought-form projection,being projected by some divine being.

i won't go into the more abstruse details, but it can be shown that, at least to some extent,
that the Micro-Cosmic Temple you are referring to

is none other than the human Body/Mind/Spirit.

but then again The Tradition requires a flexibility denied to dogmatists.

say, why don't you post these interpretations of yours in philosophy and metaphysics?

yeah thought so.

edit on 27-6-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Nice post, very informative.

But those you aim it at have a political agenda, they care not for facts. They use their religion to trick their masses and they will try to use their religion to tie the American Christians into it all. That's the whole reason these people are on this site in the first place. They need to trick American Christians into fighting their battles for them.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by gravitational

I'll give you a star for that comment: Yes, it appears that I spend more time being critical of Israel than I do of say- Hamas. The chance to critisize Hamas just dosen't appear to often, but do not for a second think that I agree with them. Infact I have gone on the record many times stating how terrible Hamas is.

Do my comments resemble a racist anti-Semetic Israeli witch hunt? No. I believe Israel has a right to co-exist amongst the Arabs with the pre June-1967 borders. Are my beliefs racist or unfair for this?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by dontreally

The Temple is a Mircocosm of the universe. It symbolizes everything within the universe; the 4 kabbalistic worlds, down the point of the physical.


You and your ilk have long been leading the people astray with symbols.

The temple as has always been taught is built on a point where Heaven and Earth meet; or where the abstract spiritual realm fuses and interpenetrates the physical.

You got more tricks you want to pull out of that hat of yours?

The four walls of the Temple, North, East, South and West each have their own kabbalistic significance. The Shekinah - the sphere of Malkuth, corresponds to the west. Amazingly, the only part the Romans decided to leave intact when they destroyed the 2nd temple was the western wall; symbolizing the Shekinah (G-ds indwelling; just as the sun "settles" in the west, so to is this world, the physical, the spot where his presence is meant to settle). Thus, when Jews pray towards the western wall, the deeper significance is the meaning behind this symbol. They lament the loss of his presence in the world. They lament their continued degradation and exile amidst the nations. The western wall is a spot of supplication. The fact that it still stands indicates that despite the loss of G-ds revealed influence (the 3 other walls) , he also is in exile with man; ready to burst forth in glory at the end of days.

And here I was wondering why you people were nuts.

So in a war, three out of four walls are destroyed so that must be proof that god is in the fourth wall. I like how you type G-D. I know why you do it. But what if "-" was O? What if O was actually a dash like "-"? Doesn't really matter if you type God, god or G-D or G-d or g-D, you're typing/saying the same. The only thing it shows is how fanatic you are. Some might say extreme.

To a profane, surface level thinker like yourself, yes, im sure it does seem confusing.

No, no, not confusing. I perfectly understand that the majority of grown ups are sad depressed people who are lost in their own little fantasy worlds. What you don't seem to understand is the difference between ridiculous and confusing. Ain't nothing confusing about people praying to a wall but the confused people doing the praying. By the way, what is the justification for praying to a wall(object) while not wanting to type out the word God because the name must not be used in vain. But you're praying to a wall/building/cross/statue/pope etc.

How confusing is it when the profane surface level thinker is ripping you apart and showing readers what a religious extremist and supremacist you(plural, don't try to pretend you're here alone) really are?

I think it has to be confusing for you. How's that voice inside your head doing by the way? I hope it's not telling you to kill people or I hope it's not justifying the killings of people.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:15 AM
Thankfully for me, I am not blinded by either religion.

Instead I find it quite silly they fight over what I'd consider a wasteland.

Now if the temple mount was on a tropical island....

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by LulzCode6

yup it seems like another nission acomplished by zionists
all the jew haters are on board now, never mind that many jew's hate and loath zionism

ever notice how the zionists are like Palpatine making themselves out as victims all while carrying out their evil schemes.
the jedi are the Prophets, and anaken represents the dupes,fellow travelers,shills and in general the pro-"israel" crowd of homo americanus ignoramus

like the classical psychopath, palpatine saw the jedi as an obstacle to his becoming emperor, therefore they were "evil" and "treasonous", and had to be destroyed,whether by hook or by crook

the zionists perpetrate in your face atrocities and by claiming jewish supremacy generate hatred for the true children of israel.

they are the consumate practicioners of the philosophy of the proto-nazi Louis Veuillot :

“When I am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom, because that is my principle”

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

you are only reading into your studies that which confirms your own prejudices/biases not to mention you are still at the level of the outer teachings.

umm.. im not reading into anything. This is the tradition of the sages of Israel. If you understand kabbalistic cosmology (as youre trying to come off) theres nothing to argue about. The shekinah is the west; and the western wall is a symbol for the fallen state of the Shekinah in this world

There is the Vast Countenance/Arik Anpin/Macrosopos and there is the Lesser Countenance/Zoar Anpin/Microsopos/Adam Kadmon [the microcosm you are referring to, the Gnostics called it the Demiurge]. The Vast Countenance does nothing [though it is the source of all],and merely observes the Lesser Countenance. The Lesser Countenance dreams this Universe/Reality/Entelechy into existence. or as Dion Fortune put it, this Physical Plane World is a thought-form projection,being projected by some divine being.

Oh save me the qabbalistic crap....Dion Fortune, alesiter crowley, samael aun weor...ive read all that stuff. I probably have a bigger collection of those hermetic/gnostic books then you do. I dont agree with it. And its also clear that you dont understand it either.

As the Jews say; the gnostics/pagans relate to the universal man; this being the universal man. Jews on the other hand try to get man to relate to the infinite (BTW - this is an old old story. The entir debacle between Judaism and paganism is around this one subject; the jesus cult/christianity was all about that, and likewise the heresy of sabbatei sevi, who likewise imagined that the G-d of Israel was a "lesser" G-d) as the universal man - Adam Kadmon (this is what the Talmud means when it calls non-Jews "not Adam". Non Jews havent taken it upon themselves to relate to the creator as the Jews have. They are also not one cohesive organism, as the Jews are)..Thus, gnostics choose to live in a world created by the influence of Elohim; ie; nature, and limitation. And they refuse to acknowledge that the creator of reality has clothed himself in a higher name, YHVH, and the purpose of this enclothment is to establish a relationship with man akin to the relationship a father has with his son, or a master with his servant.

Pagans dont like G-d; atleast not the G-d the Jews are trying to awaken people to. A good, caring, loving, long mercifiul, but also vengeful G-d. As Bluemirage said earlier, the world will see what will come of their rebellion.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Zamini

SYMBOLIZES. You and your ilk have long been leading the people astray with symbols.

Its what the symbols represent that matters. A symbol is a physical sign. The sign refers to an abstract reality. The mind is a Real thing. This is where you and i differ.

So in a war, three out of four walls are destroyed so that must be proof that god is in the fourth wall. I like how you type G-D. I know why you do it. But what if "-" was O? What if O was actually a dash like "-"? Doesn't really matter if you type God, god or G-D or G-d or g-D, you're typing/saying the same. The only thing it shows is how fanatic you are. Some might say extreme.

Well, first, get in touch with kabbalistic ideas. There are 4 worlds; these worlds are, in order, emanation, creation, formation and action. This is the basic dynamic that occurs all around us. In the experiential reality of a human being, the aspect of emanation is the unconscious, and the flash of intuition, or the power to conceptualize. It is in other words, non-differentiated thought. "Creation", is the differentiation of thought; so it is the power of thought, it is also the power to understand, deduce, reason.... Below this, is "formation", where the understanding "descends" and affects ones emotions. This is the "formation" of what exists above, down below. Then there is the aspect of action. The physical vitality and the physical movement or speech itself.

4 distinct phases, or "worlds", which exist apart; yes. They are abstract. They are different from the tangible, material world around us. Just because we have been taught that it is "just the mind", does not mean it is so.

The 4 worlds are reflected in the 4 cardinal directions, the 4 seasons of the year, the 4 kingdoms of nature( inanimate, vegetable, animal, and man..4 distinct, entirely different levels of physical reality) 4 classical elements etc... 4 is a number of completion.

The temple by itself is a symbolic structure. Its 4 walls, corresponding to the 4 worlds. And all the other details, corresponds to other metaphysical details....

And as for your point... I have no response for that nonsense. Clearly you have no appreciation for the power to make distinctions. Id like to see how you relate to people in real life. Do we not make distinctions? If someone is quiet, do we not take that into regard? is it not a sign of respect, and consideration? Is that not symbolic? All around us we act according to some moral decision. If i understand the meaning and significance of vowels vs. consonants (and this is also a metaphysical/kabbalistic idea. The consonant being a "building block" of speech; ie it refracts the sounds and limits it. This is akin to the process of creation. Hence, the ancient Jewish belief that Hebrew was the language G-d created the universe with. The soul, ie; the simple breath of speech, is the vowel.Because G-d cannot be understood, i write it without it. Its again, symbolic. Its "Crazy" i know, to the philosophically obtuse. Or those who have disdain for transcendental meaning), why not make the effort to write G-d a certain way? Ive though over your argument before, and i cant bring myself to not write G-d as others do. Theres a certain emotionalism, and capitulation to social pressure, and i dont like it. i will continue writing G-d as i believe it is respectful to write it, and youre going to have to deal with it (or ignore me. Either response is fine by me)

By the way, what is the justification for praying to a wall(object) while not wanting to type out the word God because the name must not be used in vain. But you're praying to a wall/building/cross/statue/pope etc.

Clearly youre not very good with understanding abstract things. The wall is a "body". Nobody worships the wall. The wall is simply a symbol; it is that transcendental notion the wall symbolizes, which the wall exudes, that is connected with. It is G-d himself.

Again. You have to appreciate a very deep cosmogony to understand that. You have to realize (although youre "not confused" just idiotically skeptical) that the physcal world is the reflection of a higher, abstract world. They are connected. You could benefit from reading the works of CG Jung; particularly his books on synchronicity, and his colloboration with Wolfgang paulie "the interpretation of nature and psyche".

The reason you disagree with me isnt a logical one; but an emotional one. And it is obvious. You like feelings "strong", and looking down on those who arent strong, and so in your mind, delude themselves into fantasies etc. Thats a nice myth. But it isnt true, nor logical.

How confusing is it when the profane surface level thinker is ripping you apart and showing readers what a religious extremist and supremacist you(plural, don't try to pretend you're here alone) really are?

ripping me apart? If you need that self encouragement, go right ahead.

I think it has to be confusing for you. How's that voice inside your head doing by the way? I hope it's not telling you to kill people or I hope it's not justifying the killings of people.

Thanks for showing how mature you are. You clearly got an anger problem. It comes off in each of your posts.
edit on 27-6-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
reply to post by greenCo

i'll reply to you as the OP thinks if he ignores me i'll go away,
or that my posts/arguments will somehow be invalidated.

modern hebrew is different from the ancient.

What is the oldest language that is still in use today? | Answerbag

Tamil is still in use with little change,unlike greek, hebrew and mandarin, there is a growing consensus that this is the language spoken by the peoples of pre aryan-india the dravidians, it is definatley older than sanskrit

there is some speculation that lithuanian and basque may be older.

even older are the languages of the aboriginals of australia and the Khoisan languages, the "click" languages of Southern Africa.

i recall reading as a child that there is [allegedly] a special language dating from the neolithic, used only by elephant herders in India,it is the only one elephants will respond to [yes i know]

One of the World’s Oldest Languages is Now Dead

one of the world’s oldest languages is now extinct, after the last remaining member of a 65,000-year-old tribe has died.

There are roughly 6,000 languages spoken in the world, and about half of them are in danger of going the way of the Dodo, and now we can add the spoken words of the Bo language to that list, after an 85-year old woman named Boa Sr has passed away. Boa was the only one left from the Great Andamanese, a group of tribes that was one of the earliest descendants of human beings.

writer of article gets a bit snippy about the deceased not doing enough reproductivewise to preserve language, oh well

there's a audio sample on the page so click the link it sounds very much like
the truly oldest human language still in use

one the OP is ignoring in his "studies"[or whatever it is he thinks he is doing IMO]:

the original Tongue of Fire and Dreams,

spoken by all human children until they learn their mother-tongue and "forget"

the greek name [and best known] for this language is Glossolalia.

for any late comers and page skippers i'll just point out that i am a multi-ethnic human that proudly counts Sephardim among his ancestors, Judaic-heretic at 8, atheist at 12,currently at 44 an agnostic-Kabalistic-Pantheistic Shamanist, or whatever i'm calling myself this week.

i consider zionism to be no different from nazism, they are both part of the same poisonous tree: Ethnic Nationalism

some thought's for the religionists:

"Much that was called religion has carried an unconscious attitude of
hostility toward life. True religion must teach that life is filled with joys
pleasing to the eye of God, that knowledge without action is empty. All men must
see that the teaching of religion by rules and rote is largely a hoax. The
proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it
awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you've
always known."
We are daily confronted
by the terrifying instability of all things human, yet we permit our religions
to grow more rigid and controlled, more conforming and oppressive. What is this
shadow across the highway of Divine Command? It is a warning that institutions
endure, that symbols endure when their meaning is lost, that there is no summa
of all attainable knowledge."
"Religion must remain an outlet for people who say to
themselves, 'I am not the kind of person I want to be.' It must never sink into
an assemblage of the self-satisfied."

Bomoko's Legacy
from Frank Herbert's Dune
edit on 27-6-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

Ok... you win. Im not a linguist. And i add to your position. Nothing justify War in these days, nor religion. Anything that tells me that im apart from others human beings i´ll take as a lie. As for me, ALL earth is holy land and EVERY human being is divine. Seeking guide in very old books is like trying to do some computer programming with tools from 20 - 30 years ago. Simply insane and plain dumb.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Actually, it got a flood of hits, over 60 flags and was featured on the front page.

Funny how the truth tends to float to the top!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Seeing as you may have some problems with your cognitive processes:

The human belief is very strong, so you can turn a religion into a fact inside of your own head. Which you have done. BUT, it does not relate to the world. It works like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Let this be the last time you post religious bullcrap to me because I am the LAST person to believe you, if ever. I know what you've been up to as religions, more people are finding this out for themselves and as a direct result of that you are simply dying out, which is a great thing because people are really tired of having political leaders that act because of voices in their heads, similar to how you act because of voices in your head that are not yours(To me, this is simply a psychological state of mind where you have given up a piece of your own mind to religion - go ahead, try go right around it - you can't).

You pray to a wall, no amount of half-assed religious story can make up for the fact, you know, you are PRAYING TO A WALL AND KISSING IT. Simple as that. Or are you having cognitive issues again? And wasn't it in the bible, that one isn't allowed to pray to false gods or images and symbols? Then why are you praying to symbols? Isn't that contradicting your own belief? Or does your backward culture permit you breaking these rules because your backward culture is superior to the backward religion?

Step out of that little fantasy world for a second and join me in the real world.


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Who cares how sacred Jerusalem is to either religion?

This is not about religion, it is about land seizure by the Zionists of Palestinian land, simple.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by dontreally

So. It is these questions people bicker over. To just say "get over it" is bound to put you on one side of this argument; and i already know what side that is.

I'm on the side of a rational human being, sick to death of seeing people kill themselves and others over trivial nonsense. If there is an omnipotent God (which I do believe in), there is NO significance in a piece of crumbling stone in the middle of a crumbling city. The temple is gone, destroyed thousands of years ago. The rebuilt temple almost two thousand years ago.

Now the fact that Jews are excluded from some of these religous sites because of politics is a shame and I wish it wasn't so, but it's equally sad (in fact more so) that there are millions of Palestinian refugees as a result of the same relatively recent geo-political conflicts. I take no sides because no side is right. As long as either of the 'sides' in this conflict has a willingness to kill over cold stone and dust, I won't place my sympathies with either political arguement, merely attempt to address the suffering of those who are inherently involved with as much sympathy as I can.
edit on 28-6-2011 by lifeissacred because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2011 by lifeissacred because: (no reason given)

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