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New York state just passed same sex marriage bill

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by CobraCommander

I, for one, am glad to see this. It is rather silly. It eliminates any discrimination issue and it also removes a "talking point" that could be leveraged against more conservative pols.

I do enjoy your analogy about calling green and red, green. So they call "red", "green". If it makes them happy, then they can call "red" any color of the rainbow (pun). YOU know what color it is, I know what color it is, but if they want to call it green then by golly, let 'em.

You raise valid points
but in the end, personal freedoms should take precidence over personal opinions.

My 2 cents.

Thanks for your sensible reply. Star for that.

But as to my analogy of red and green, let's take it a step further. You are trying to teach your kid how to drive. All of the driving manuals no longer differentiate between red and green lights, and your child has not been taught in school that there is a difference between red and green and they can be used interchangeably. No your child gets out on the highway just learning how to drive, unable to differentiate between a red light and a green light. And now we see where the problems begin to arise.
edit on 25-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:11 AM
If they are happy, I am happy. Just hope these people are faithful with each other and stay true to their vows. Hate to see them kill each other when a partner strays...

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:11 AM

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Thwax

I'm with you!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Thwax

It irks me that I live with people like you. When will everyone stop being a moron?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Thanks for your sensible reply. Star for that.

But as to my analogy of red and green, let's take it a step further. You are trying to teach your kid how to drive. All of the driving manuals no longer differentiate between red and green lights, and your child has not been taught in school that there is a difference between red and green and they can be used interchangeably. No your child gets out on the highway just learning how to drive, unable to differentiate between a red light and a green light. And now we see where the problems begin to arise.
edit on 25-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

Interesting that you bring this up. I have two sons. My eldest is gay, my youngest is not. My eldest belongs to a Baptist church, while my wife, son, and I go to a more conservative Episcopal church.
Being gay is not "biologically normal". It kinda shoots the whole procreation thing in it's foot. But it is a biological preference. A drive. So we accept it. We don't teach red light vs. green light in our house. We teach that there are differences. And that all differences should be understood. Tolerated. Accepted.

Personal freedom comes with a responsibility. THAT'S what we teach.
Are we right? Dunno. But until something better comes along, it's the best we can do.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by SFA437

I'm with you. Let them be miserable like the rest of us! haha

Seriously, I see no reason to stop them from being married. They are already living together for extended periods of time, loving each other, and adopting kids together. Why not let them make it official?

I understand the argument that marriage is defined as a man making a lifelong commitment to a woman, but, would it really be the first time we redefined something to fit current events?

Take the swastika as an example. It was originally a symbol to represent the Hindu sun god Surya. It has also been used to represent love and faith.

Now, this symbol 卐 has a dire stigma about it.

But wait, there's more!

Artificial originally meant "full of artistic skill"

Nice originally meant "lack of knowledge" or "ignorance"

There's plenty more, but, I feel it's not necessary. Words' meanings change all the time. It's not a big deal.

If we change the meaning of marriage from "man and woman" to "any two individuals" is that really worse than the meaning of bravery going from a word that signified cowardice to its current form?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by dmac359
reply to post by Thwax

It irks me that I live with people like you. When will everyone stop being a moron?

So you are a moron for not agreeing with someone? Good to see freedom of thought reigns free in 2011.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:34 AM
homophobia race card!!!

i call it!!

get over it straight guy for the gay eyes.

give them the same legal bennies we all have.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by fooks
reply to post by CobraCommander

true but hard to prosecute if you are legally married.


right? u married?

Hard to prosecute is irrelevant. But if you want to follow that logic through, basically we are talking about gay marriage being a vow of celibacy. And imagine how complicated that could get with criminal charges of sodomy and accusations of rape in gay divorce court.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Thanks for your sensible reply. Star for that.

But as to my analogy of red and green, let's take it a step further. You are trying to teach your kid how to drive. All of the driving manuals no longer differentiate between red and green lights, and your child has not been taught in school that there is a difference between red and green and they can be used interchangeably. No your child gets out on the highway just learning how to drive, unable to differentiate between a red light and a green light. And now we see where the problems begin to arise.
edit on 25-6-2011 by CobraCommander because: (no reason given)

Interesting that you bring this up. I have two sons. My eldest is gay, my youngest is not. My eldest belongs to a Baptist church, while my wife, son, and I go to a more conservative Episcopal church.
Being gay is not "biologically normal". It kinda shoots the whole procreation thing in it's foot. But it is a biological preference. A drive. So we accept it. We don't teach red light vs. green light in our house. We teach that there are differences. And that all differences should be understood. Tolerated. Accepted.

Personal freedom comes with a responsibility. THAT'S what we teach.
Are we right? Dunno. But until something better comes along, it's the best we can do.

You do teach red light green light. You acknowledge that there are differences. Neither red nor green is "better" but you must acknowledge too that you can't go blowing red lights without consequences, not slamming on the brakes at a green light.

I refrain from classifying sexual preference one way or the other as "biologically normal." I believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal in the larger scheme of things. A natural inhibitor of overpopulation for one thing. What is not normal is demanding sameness. We can have equality in society without sameness. (Which also means we should not be messing with invitro for lesbians, surrogates, stuff like that for gays.) Black will never be white, women will never be men, and gays will never be a hetero married couple, and its time we embrace those differences and see the "rainbow" for what it is in all of it's glory, instead of just trying to make society gray.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

Hmmph. I guess you're right. I can't really disagree with anything that you said.

At the end of the day, if everyone is happy enough with their lot in life, then that should be good enough.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by CobraCommander

Hmmph. I guess you're right. I can't really disagree with anything that you said.

At the end of the day, if everyone is happy enough with their lot in life, then that should be good enough.

Lol, cheers.

But let me just add this. As a heterosexual man, I feel that my rights are being infringed upon declaring a same-sex union to be the same as my marriage to a woman who would bear me children by natural biological design. I take it as as much of an insult as a man walking around wearing military decorations that he was not awarded, or the uniform of a service for which he did not belong. Those things are against the law, and with good reason. And just because you may have served in the Navy, gives you no right to wear the uniform of a Marine, and so forth.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Originally posted by fooks
reply to post by CobraCommander

true but hard to prosecute if you are legally married.


right? u married?

Hard to prosecute is irrelevant. But if you want to follow that logic through, basically we are talking about gay marriage being a vow of celibacy. And imagine how complicated that could get with criminal charges of sodomy and accusations of rape in gay divorce court.

not really, can you give us an example?

your wife won't boink someone because she is straight?
and some gay partner will?

don't go there.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by fooks

not really, can you give us an example?

your wife won't boink someone because she is straight?
and some gay partner will?

don't go there.


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Thwax

If your argument make no sense, then yes, you're a moron.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

You can try this military analogy. We're all in the "military". Some are Navy, some are Army. Some are Air Force, and others Marines. Different, but the same.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by CobraCommander

You can try this military analogy. We're all in the "military". Some are Navy, some are Army. Some are Air Force, and others Marines. Different, but the same.

Yup, but not all Privates are the same, lol. And a Soldier is not a Sailor, a Sailor is not a Marine, and a Marine is not an Airman.That is not to say that they should not get equal pay and benefits passed down to them from the Pentagon, but the distinctions are real and with good reason. And like I said, just because you really really want to wear a Silver Star, does not mean that you are allowed to.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by CobraCommander

I know SOME marriages where the CMH should have been awarded!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by krill

The approval rating in Australia is the same as newyork, advocates like myself are hoping australia is next, the Queensland state labor party is supporting it, lets hope it becomes possable to have same sex marriage, i personally would marry in a church who dis approves same sex marriage anyway, it breaks my heart for all us gays and lesbians who are discriminated against and want what everyone else has, but mostly it breaks my heart knowing i cant make my fiance's dream come true and marry her knowing how much she realy wants to bewed me
religion is just there to destroy lives and control people, its time people realises this.

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