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Legalize Prostitution

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:42 AM
Indeed, legalize it, why it is illegal in the first place is beyond me. As for STDs, I am sure customers would rather go to legal prostitute that is tested for STDs regularly, so I believe it would actually lower the STD incidence.
edit on 21/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Prostitution in the UK is legal. It's just illegal if you solicit in a public place, curb crawl, own or run a brothel or

The problems with STDs and such are rife in younger people who bed hop as they like. I would have thought a prostitute would have 'insured' her 'wares' with various forms of protection, unlike many young people in the UK today.
edit on 21-6-2011 by Lulzaroonie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:59 AM
When I was younger and in the military, I knew a guy who provided "services" to wealthy women. They were singers, actresses, etc. Of course everyone knows they could get whoever they wanted. However, they did not want their sex life to be open to the press, and they did not want any strings attached. When they needed a companion they would call him. I had the chance to do it as well, but was in the military and really did not want to face the possibility of going to Leavenworth if I got caught, so I never did it. He never told me who his clients were, save one as she was the one asking if he knew of others. I wonder if a prostitute has ever tried to use the constitution as her defense. She could argue it was her freedom of expression.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by haarvik

I know, very strange. the largest proportion of my family live in the US (Cherokee Grandfather) and sometimes we butt heads over these things, they are very puritan and I really do have to walk on egg shells around them sometimes on some topics.. like them freaking that my son had drinkies from a young age and that it is legal (age 5 and up) to let your kids drink at home *shrugs* and I really do not understand why you can serve your country but not get a beer.. seems a bit backward to me.. but that I guess is one of those cultural differences.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:05 AM
I'm curious, for all you men who want prostitution to be legal, how would you feel if your Mom, wife, or sister decided to be a prostitute?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Fine with me. I used to date a stripper and had no issues with her. It's a job like any other. If they enjoy it, then what's the fuss?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Sex is the one thing that it is legal to give away for free, yet illegal to charge for.

IF it were legalized, there would be no problem with REGULATING the industry. Every other industry is regulated to some extent. This would be just another one. Massage parlors and tattoo shops are regulated. Medical marijuana is regulated. Prescription drugs and sky diving are regulated. You need a license to operate. Plain and simple. You need to have your ID card updated every month or bi-weekly or weekly (depending on volume and geographical-based risk assessments).

IF it were legalized, pimps would probably lose most, if not all, of their control over prostitutes. Further, we already have licensed and regulated "sex therapists" who "service" clients who need help in that area. Short of some minor medical training, there's little difference. Even further, there are escorts out there who apparently are paid to go on dates and then afterwards whatever happens is between the two consenting adults. Loophole. The point is that prostitution has/is/will be around. Why not legalize it an make it safer for everyone?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
I'm curious, for all you men who want prostitution to be legal, how would you feel if your Mom, wife, or sister decided to be a prostitute?

It's a matter of choice. To some degree, a close comparison is having a girlfriend or wife or mom who is a stripper, or nude exotic dancer. There are considerations with every kind of job, be it firefighter or cop or military member. In those jobs, you can get burned alive, asphixiated, killed by strangers and blown-up. How do people deal with spouses who may never come home again?

If I don't want my wife to be a prostitute, then she won't be one, or we're through. I imagine that most prostitutes (women) would be unmarried/single (whether or not they are moms). If a woman decides the best way she can support her children is to charge for sex, then so be it. Once a man comes along and she falls in love, etc., then it's time to stop prostituting IMHO. For me, again IMHO, it might not be good for any serious relationship if the woman or man is selling themselves for sex. Do it BEFORE marriage, or AFTER marriage. Not while married. That is part of what makes marriage special, ---being exclusive to each other. Yeah, there are exceptions and people who feel differently. But, in every instance anyone I've known (who is married) who has decided to have an "open" relationship while married (dating other people), that relationship has ended.

So yeah, if you wanna prostitute, do it outside (before/after) marriage.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
I'm curious, for all you men who want prostitution to be legal, how would you feel if your Mom, wife, or sister decided to be a prostitute?

I dont know how would I feel, it would mostly depend on how does the relative feel about it. But I know one thing - I would want her to be a legal prostitute, not an illegal one.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Night Star

The rule of thumb is that voluntary contract between two consenting adults which is not harming or potentially harming any third person should never be illegal. All these laws like criminalization of light drugs, criminalization of below minimum wage jobs and criminalization of prostitution are completely pointless, and only harm society.
(I dont agree with hard drugs decriminalisation only because taking them is not voluntary - they are physically addictive. So they dont fall into above category).

And on the other hand, you have things like procreation, which in many cases when done irresponsibly harms third persons which did not agree with the bad conditions in advance (the children) going completely unregulated.
This creates absurd situation when you cannot have sex for money, but you can freely procreate for money with as many children as you want, and the state pays you benefits for them.

edit on 21/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:44 AM
S & F

I have never saw the problem in 'prostitution'......

Even if you disagree with it morally, it shouldn't be illegal. The ONLY reason it is illegal is because the gov't wants to be your pimp...

"Sure, go ahead, have sex with random men for pay....but gimme my cut"

They may as well and legalize it; the taxes could generate more money for the economy.
edit on 21-6-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
Indeed, legalize it, why it is illegal in the first place is beyond me. As for STDs, I am sure customers would rather go to legal prostitute that is tested for STDs regularly, so I believe it would actually lower the STD incidence.
edit on 21/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Star again!!

We have like minds indeed

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by haarvik

can not agree with you more. i went into the navy two months after high school. i was then legally able to die for my country. also at that age, i could get married, sign contracts, be put to death if i had committed a crime, legally have a bay with a woman of the same age if we wanted too, etc.... but, you can not have a beer or a glass of wine or a shot! you are too young!

as to the post. this has been around ever since man's beginning. you are never, ever, going to stop it. even in the moslem countries, there is prostitution. legalize and tax it. or to quote the lat great rodney dangerfield " prostitution. what a great a job! you sell it, and afterwards, you still got it!"

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by snowbeast
I like your view in the topic, but unfortunately in a world we live in today disease will spread like wildfire. It would take a long tome to implement something like this as each prostitute would have to take the unnecessary tests and be educated on safety. Plus i highly doubt TPTB will ever agree to legalizing something they cant control outright.

You need to brush up on your disinfo skills. This is exactly the tool propagandists and thought police use to keep it illegal, but you forgot to include "it's immoral and will ruin families".


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Stingray77

I guess the worst that could happen is that when filming the prostitution you would get fined for not having the appropriate business license.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I figure you have just as much chance of getting the herp from some chick at a college party as you do from Suzy streetwalker and I am all for the legalization. There are those who work within the business who already seek to unionize, and promote healthy and responsible practices. Personally I see the the biggest benefit of legalization is the elimination of the pimp. If ever there were a sub species of human that needed to be wiped from the earth its them.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by haarvik

In the UK prostitution isn't a crime

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I have to disagree, although there are many different reasons for getting into this trade it seems to me that most prostitutes are vulnerable people using the one resource they have to survive, its easy to throw the "expensive hookers to the stars" into the equation or the man stud that's just a companion on holidays but the reality is that most hookers are young people who give it up to older men with money, for drugs usually.
I mean yes there exceptions to every rule but every documentary I've ever seen shows the prostitute with a long history of being abused before choosing that lifestyle, too many people have the "Pretty woman " film in mind when referencing the lifestyle, people don't usually meet the man of their dreams while blowing 25 guys a day and guys are really not seeking someone who is the same age as them, the emphasis is on young conquests, usually runaways. In my opinion,( and that's all this is ), no well adjusted, normal person chooses a lifestyle like prostitution, its a means to an end , and probably the lowest a person can go in regards to their self worth

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
I'm curious, for all you men who want prostitution to be legal, how would you feel if your Mom, wife, or sister decided to be a prostitute?

It's their choice. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world.
edit on 21-6-2011 by blackrain17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Just for reference:

In the United Kingdom, prostitution itself (the exchange of sexual services for money) is not a crime,[2] but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning a brothel, pimping and pandering, are crimes.


It's not illegal to sell sex in the UK, so in that respect prostitution is legal. Kerb crawling, running brothels, beating girls for sex etc is not...

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