I warned my son against marrying his first wife, ohhhhhhhhhhhh but she was 5'1" tall, 110 pounds (if she was wearing a soaking wet towel), billowing
blonde hair, perfect skin, cute small nose and big brown eyes............in other words a very very pretty girl on the outside.
Well, inside she's as rotten as the most foul stuff you can think of.
Mean to the core.
Loves to fight.
Doesn't know the word compromise or how to love anyone but herself and that includes her only child, my beautiful grand daughter who can't even stand
When my son first brought her home his comment was, "Wow mom, what do you think is she beautiful or what!"
I warned him, "She's a cold hearted *itch and will make you sorry you ever met her.
Arrogant, selfish, use to having everyone bow to her because she is so physically beautiful. A psycopath with a spoiled princess complex.
I'm not saying all beautiful people are this way, but in our case and with our experience - read my other blogs, I'm emotionally tired of the nasty
divorce that now only allows me to see my beloved grand daughter a few times a year................even my grand daughter, who like wise is very
pretty can't stand her mother.
Once my grand daughter asked me why I married grandpa (38 years this June 22) and I replied, "He was kind, smart and honest............those are the
most important qualities in a person".
She replied, "What about his blue eyes Grandma?"
I chuckled and replied, "Yes his blue eyes attracted me too."
Our society is partly to blame, hollywood stresses and only mostly shows "beautiful" looking people, we worship them, idolize them, throw huge sums of
money at them...............many people are very superficial.
My son learned the hard way, he is now being messed over BIG TIME and the court system is allowing his ex to screw with him royally, even to the point
of stalking and harrassing his new fiance and ignoring "joint custody rulings".
While my husband is very handsome, he just celebratedhis 67th birthday, he, to me has grown more handsome with every year because he is so kind, so
patient and such a good person.
Looks fade with time...............you can also always visit a plastic surgeon, so don't over look someone because they're not gorgeous.
I have always found people that didn't have the world handed to them on a platter way more interesting, deep and intellectual on many levels.
And, in my youth, I was really considered pretty.
Aging is a &itch, most of us as we age lose our looks.................but I wouldn't go back to being 20 again if offered if I also had to include my
arrogance, air headed, clueless attitude.
It took years for me to grow up and aging helped.
One last thing about being older and not quite as "hot".............people leave you alone more, they don't walk up out of the blue and want to "get
to know you". I like being left alone or approached by kind, intellegent deep thinking people vs the one night stand or people out to use you.
edit on 20-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar