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"Controlled Demolition at WTC 100% Impossible" Article by Jonathan Moseley

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by WeirdOldDude
Oh yeah, one more thing. Someone asked What could have ignited the termite or termate? What about a laser?

At a cost of $3.5 billion and more than a decade of work, the 192 laser beams are billed as the most powerful in the world. Scientists working at the National Ignition Facility of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, have built the most powerful laser in the world, capable of simulating the energy force of a hydrogen bomb and the sun itself.

read the article

Cheerz !

From your link

NIF’s 192 laser beams, housed in a ten-story building the size of three football fields,

Wasn't around in 2001 and if it that size NOW exactly how could they have used it at 9/11

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:50 PM
As an Architect I could say that this look highly improbably that whole WTC 7 had collapsed evenly comparing to what we saw in fact. And thous who say that this building was damaged and collapsing was inevitable, probably also are right. But it doesn't change the fact that this building doesn't fall because of damages and fire. Only one side was demolished and especially lower stories. It means that this building should not fall down but toppled in the direction of WTC1 and 2. Most of engines would probably agree in this point. We saw something different however.

I thing I could have explanation and now this would be important what I would say This was government building with many precious documents. It was build during Cold War when America was afraid of Russian invasion. Such building would be the first targets for red army during invasion because they contains names and addresses of all personnel, locations of secret facilities and other precious information for enemy. In the worst scenario such buildings if cannot be evacuated should be destroyed to not let them fall in hands of enemy. Many of such buildings are probably mined already. I thing this building was mined long before 9/11. In fact probably immediately after it was constructed.

Maybe after someone who was in charge during 9/11 saw that WTC 7 become collapsing he decided that this secret mines should be detonated to minimize impact on the surrounding. Toppling of that building could be devastating. Controlled detonation was only rational decision they could made. Off course government with the CIA and FBI would never admit that they had mined their buildings. People would panic and go mad and this would put new fire for conspiracy theories. But this is why not all things looks like they had told this.

I thing this is quite good explanation.
edit on 20-6-2011 by odyseusz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:53 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:54 PM

But it doesn't change the fact that this building doesn't fall because of damages and fire.

Well considering it DID....doesn't that prove you wrong right there? Lol

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by Darth_Prime

Originally posted by SkepticAndBeliever

But why don't you trust all the countless eye witness accounts of fire fighters, police and people saying over and over again "its going to come down any minute I just know it"? It's not JUST that video... it's a known fact that the general consensus that day was the buildings were going to fall. If it was so obvious why need demolition? This is a circle, no matter how many times logic and hard photographic evidence is presented conspiracy theorists ignore it haha This is amusing I really can't believe some of you.
edit on 20-6-2011 by SkepticAndBeliever because: (no reason given)

How about those Fire Fighters who claimed the heard explosions and bombs not only from the Basement but the building likewise?

or those fire fighters who said they saw each floor 'Pop Out' with an explosion before the floor fell,

also about the 'Detonator Cords', you do remember they cleared away tons of 'Evidence' before the 'Official Report' commenced

Well when large parts of a structure FAIL guess what they make a noise lets see between 700-800 tons of concrete on each floor if a floor or part of a floor failed guess what NOISE!!!

Not all noises are created equal. Explosions are different than when a structure crumbles down. Resonance from an explosion is far greater than concrete being stacked and you can virtually feel it...

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:57 PM


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:59 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:01 PM
I feel fortunate in a weird way because I know people that were in the building (north tower) when the jets hit, and I have first hand eye witness acounts to go by, so this has never even been a debate for me. I have a very clear mind and very strong belief that the obvious is true, jets hit the building, started a fire, and the buildings collapsed under their own weight

I really don't understand the need to find a fringe idea like CD. I don't get the fixation. If you have a psychological need to shift the blame, the obvious way to go is with the pearl harbor theory

that I could actually see happening

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:03 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:03 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I feel fortunate in a weird way because I know people that were in the building (north tower) when the jets hit, and I have first hand eye witness acounts to go by, so this has never even been a debate for me. I have a very clear mind and very strong belief that the obvious is true, jets hit the building, started a fire, and the buildings collapsed under their own weight

I really don't understand the need to find a fringe idea like CD. I don't get the fixation. If you have a psychological need to shift the blame, the obvious way to go is with the pearl harbor theory

that I could actually see happening

Just because you know someone or lost someone in the building doesn't make you an expert. What's wrong with people wanting to find out what really happened? I should automatically believe what you have to say because you know someone that was in the building? Give me a break.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

I never stated that they used THAT particular laser. This was just an example how hot a laser could get. My point was that there have been lasers around for a long time that could easily create temperatures high enough to ignite termate, termite or whatever name you want to give to it. I hadn't read any answer to the question how the termite, termate, if it was rigged with it, could have reached a temperature hot enough to ignite it.

That's all I meant, nothing more, nothing less. It might have been Lucifer itself who ignited it, for all I know.


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:11 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by SkepticAndBeliever

Originally posted by joeym1991
Not a good thread. I wonder who wrote all that? can you provide who it was? He probably dosen't know all the facts.

And that's based on what? Explain how a controlled demolition is possible when the only way to control is demo is by using detonator cords (how else would you?). There would have been SOOO much evidence of detonation cords if there was anything remotely CLOSE to a CD that happened, and they would have stretched out for BLOCKS. controlled demo not possible.

I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with your ultimate hypothesis but have you not heard of remote control?????

Insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan can detonate IED's with a mobile phone from distance, if a cabal of conspirators from the most militarily advanced nation on Earth were to try to pull off 9/11 do you really think they would leave such obvious evidence lying around such as det cords?????

You're not helping your case here.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:21 PM


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:22 PM


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:26 PM
This entire article/blog reads like a post from Herkimer56 from the old bury brigade, aka someone insulting people while trying to sound smart at the same time.

Seriously, if someone made this as a post on this website instead of an article, it would have been deleted ASAP for T&C violations.

With the constant name-calling and the "i'm gonna prove them wrong" flavor all throughout it, it fails to be an intelligently written piece of discussion and succeeds in being a piece of garbage written by someone who just wants to get their very dumb opinion across.

Regardless of your stance on the subject (i'm not going to debate anything in it because i don't have hours to write this reply) you have got to admit that any opening to intelligent discussion starts in the middle of the issue and not immediately on one side, which is where this author starts and begins flinging the crap from.

I'm gonna say one thing though, if the government is so innocent and this wasn't a controlled demo, then how would molten metal become that way by a bunch of metal and concrete slamming down onto the basements? and if you even try to say "there was no molten metal, that was a lie" then you prove yourself completely ignorant to most of the details about that day.

Like in my sig, when you open your mind to the "impossible", sometimes you find truth.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
I do not believe the OS in it's entirety because i believe they shot down 93 but there is NO evidence that there was a demo in 9/11 at the WTC site.

Out of interest, on what evidence do you base your belief that FL93 was shot down?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:32 PM
I would like to add something different which is historic but it will help you understand about 911 and current climate

The shadows - CIA exposed

edit on 20-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Lynexon

Agree, also, when you really truly want to debate about an issue, you need to have an open mind, instead of just flinging crap as you put it.

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