posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:05 AM
Oh for crying out loud, let's put this to bed right now...
This is a photo of the island, the bridge furthest away is the one they are on in the video, you an clealy see the island in the middle of the video,
the bridge running through it (also in the video, you can see 3 or 4 lights either side of the island on the sides of the bridge), also the trees to
the left which are always there that you can see flooded, and here is a closeup picture of the apartment block (with the distinctive large archway in
one of the buildings, taken from a different perspective) from Google Earth:-
Time to find this was less than 5 minutes, I thought better that than sit pondering all day this is something like 'Project Bluebeam', a 'parallel
dimension' or the like!! (and yes, I am totally open minded and believe 100% in UFO's and black budget operations / NASA conspiricies which is why I
signed up to these forums
Of course, the absolute greatest debunk of them all is the very simple fact despite these 'amazing apparitions' being the most incredible
'illusion' known to man, for the last 10 days no-one has bothered jumping in a boat to check them out a bit closer and document what they've