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Internet Trolls Get Analyzed By A New Study - Though They Will Probably Say It's Wrong

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by testtubebaby

Another good example of trolling...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:49 AM
Wow, this thread has brought up the troll in a lot of us.... Being funny or not...

I will admit, I do troll on occasion. Not on ATS( I love this site too much). Other sites though... I think that if everyone is honest, you will see that mots people have trolled at least once before....

Why have I trolled before? Well, honestly because I was looking to give myself a laugh... But I have always had limits... Some things can just cross that troll border, into straight on bullying, and that is just mean... I try to keep it fun and funny for all involved... Usually I succeed as well...

So, just for what that is worth.

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