Yes, I am afraid that in the end, they will use a situation like this one and the current Lulzsec/Anon operations as one of their excuses to bring
about a totalitarian control of the Internet, anytime now.
But IMHO, I can at least understand the reason to why foreign interests, would have the interest, to interfere and bring havoc to the US military &
government systems, and the cause of this is perhaps a very simple reason:
Full-spectrum dominance.
When the PNAC documents was released, and certain foreign policy plans were known to certain countries (see: Russia & China) They were probably very
worried about the US intention and the Bush administration's plans for World domination - the whole globe under the control of the US military - A US
New World Order.
"You're either with us, or against us"
And suddenly we also had all these new radar/missile installations, which were about to be installed in European countries - in former Soviet states,
and in countries in the minor Asia surrounding Russia, which perhaps also could affect China.
Well, as you know there is also much more about the 'Full-spectrum dominance' plans, now out there in the public domains - even here on ATS there has
been some brilliant threads by our member:
IgnoranceIsntBlisss with links - which is important to read, to get a grasp and to understand parts
of this US 'Full-spectrum dominance' plan:
This is a short video with official texts explaining
one small part of these plans of the bigger picture.
DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid: ‘The Official Version'
(see more links in the thread)
Naturally, some countries & powerful economic interests and certain people on the world stage, were probably very worried about the megalomania, and
the US/Neocon's megalomaniac plans for the world, which they perhaps thought was very dangerous delusions of grandeur?
One of my personal theories is that all we're seeing right now, is the
counter-offensive of the Information Guerrilla warfare going on, in
full swing against these US plans of world domination and global control.
And that would include small parts of Anon, Chinese hackers, Wikileaks and a plethora of other groups working against these plans - all of them in
their own way, but with one common & specific goal, which they all have in common - to stop what they think is: delusion of grandeur.
I actually think what we're seeing right now is the WW3 in the form of Information Warfare - and that could mean that parts of the whole world, and
certain groups from: Intelligence services+hackers+individuals has united under one banner and with one goal, to stop these plans.
And this could actually be the initial phase of
The Information Guerrilla Warfare?
Well, that's my two €uro-cents of "one" theory worth!
edit on 17-6-2011 by Chevalerous because: (no reason given)