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Childhood diseases return as parents refuse vaccines

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
I just think - bottom line - that we must surely hate each other b/c it seems the majority thinks that the govt. can 'call the shots' (pun intended) better than parents.
Meaning, of course, that the govt always knows better and cares more than any particular set of parents.

And I just disagree with that basic premise.
I thought we were comparing medical doctors with a roughly decade of education and training, to parents, with no medical training. The medical doctors don't recommend vaccination for everyone. Some children are too sickly to have the strain of vaccination put on their system, and can be exempted by the doctor for that reason.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by mb2591
You have more of a chance to get sick and/or die from a vaccine then you have if you get no vaccine at all
I urge every one to stay away from vaccines
edit on 16-6-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

Please point me to the research that proves this. I do not want a link to yet another regurgitated conspiracy site.

Please don't give me the excuse like "the official research has been covered up!".

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Elliot
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

I agree with you completely. WE are continually told that we are living longer and longer. I don't see it personally and figures can be made to lie.

My husbands relatives have a history of longevity living well into their hundredth year and beyond but this has started to decline and they are only living into their late eighties now. I see it with my own relatives with similar genes and in our community. I do NOT see people living longer.

Average figures are a means of deception. We should be looking at the Median figures and NOT the average.

In the UK we have a thing called a state pension which people receive when they reach 65. The gross pension paid out by the government is known statistic, the number of pensioners is a known statistic. The two compared year to year let you see whether people are living longer........guess what they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old people require care ie care homes, we need more now than we ever did, why? Becasue they are living longer DUH!

We also have census data.

Finally I love your opening salvo "figures can be made to lie". which means that if figures are produced that prove you wrong then you will say that the figures are wrong rather than you......welcome to the world of cognitive dissonance.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:50 AM
All my children had their childhood shots even amid the MMR / autism controversy and suffered no ill effects. I would feel I'd failed them had they not. The only shots I'm dubious about are the swine flu shots they tried to guilt trip people into having. My older children were given the choice and refused, but there was no way I was giving this new vaccine to my 18 month old son & will continue not to unless I'm satisfied it's safe.

I was though concerned greatly when I found out the TB shot I was given as a teenager is no longer given unless travelling. Low and behold even that's back on the rise, yet no vaccine routinely offered.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by malcr

With great respect malcr, we have a high proportion of elderly people in care homes in the UK because they are no longer cared for by family since most family are out at work OR choose not to care for their elderly.

We have a much higher proportion of people claiming a pension because we have a MASSIVE immigration problem in which people have been moving to the UK simply because it provides a huge safety net, unemployment, free health care PENSIONS etc. An immigrant, (I know because of family( can bring their parents and relatives over her and within a few year they also claim a pension. Hence a huge rise in the strain of pensioners and certainly not all born and bred in the UK. It is no longer possible to compare like with like or today with yesterday. We have an elderly population and more pensioners because wouldn't you move your elderly relatives to a country that pays out these benefits and mean that you don't have to look after them?

We don't necessarily have more living longer but we certainly have more elderly people that is for certain. But where did they all come from?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Griffo

as a parent of 3 young children, i've had many concerns about vaccinations, but have had them all vaccinated regardless, because the pros certainly outweigh the cons, obviously, but I do not get them flu shots. they've all had the flu before, and they all survive.
I know that a large number of parents have a belief that the MMR vaccine is causing autism in small children, and I can tell you it's crap science. my 3 year old was diagnosed with autism a year ago because we noticed the changes in him, but we knew it wasn't from the shots. we had sneaking suspicions since he was younger, and as we looked back at videos and pictures, we saw the same behavior patterns in small doses. I researched it after reading all of the articles I could find about the pseudo studies being done, and determined for myself it had no facts to back up the claim, though im starting to believe a lot of parents are skipping the MMR because of this.
the only one I had my doubt about was the hepatitis B shot that is shoved down your throat the instant your child is born, like, " here's the information page. we need your answer on this very very soon. please don't hesitate"
I would say this one is a little disturbing in the way its pushed, like the flu shot, and if I were going to blame a vaccine without logic or research, it would be that one, since it wasn't around when the first one was born, and I declined it for my youngest (and they all acted like she wasn't going to make it
). right out of the womb seems a tad drastic and stupid, and the only one to receive it, is on the spectrum.
MMR is necessary, in my opinion, if you want your child to live without these diseases, and sickens me when I think of the idiot parents who avoid THIS shot, because a crackpot doctor claimed it was giving kids developmental problems. he should be dragged through the streets by goats and stoned.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by toltecnightmare

It would appear that the doctor who found the link between MMR and autism is slowly but surely being vindicated. I will, later on try to find the studies that are now casting doubt on those who claimed this man was making it all up. The debate is not yet over and the jury is still out on the mmr jab, I'm afraid.

I believe the study showed that if children caught Measles, Mumps or Rubella naturally and had these illnesses within a year of eachother they had a higher risk of mental retardation. This is why they believe that giving these three illnesses together in one vaccine might well be the cause of sky rocketing autism in children, because that is what the risk is if you actually catch the illnesses closely together not from vaccines.

This would imply that this is an ill conceived and hence very dangerous vaccine that really might well be the cause of autism in so many suffering children.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by here4awhile
sorry but I have my doubts that they are only putting just the vaccine into these shots...I'll stay away from them because it is my opinion that these people are testing eugenics out on the population with these vaccines...

1: Look up what 'eugenics' means.

2: Stop listening to infowars(Alex Jones) propaganda.

3: Wear a condom, because if you have kids they'll probably suffer.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:54 AM
An interesting study which I will also try to find is that actually catching mumps as a child meant that in later life a person was unlikely or less likely to develop ovarian or testicular cancer.
That is an interesting study and one that should make us all think.

Perhaps there is truth in that adage, 'what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!'

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:59 AM
What is sad is that people use ad hominem attacks on others who don't agree with their opinion.

A person is assumed to be stupid if they CHOOSE not to vaccinate themselves or their children.

Personally, I would NEVER stop or discourage a person from vaccination, it is after all their own free choice.

BUT, I don't like to be considered stupid because I hold another opinion.

The same person who claims stupidity of those who refuse vaccines might well be stood in a supermarket carefully reading the contents label of some food packet which they wish to feed their child.

But why bother when you don't sit and read the contents of something which you inject your child with.

Do have vaccines if you want them, it is your right and you SHOULD but do not attempt to force those who choose not to to do the same.

Such a person is no more or less stupid than those who choose TO vaccinate.

Each to his own is the way it should always be.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by malcr

Originally posted by Elliot
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

I agree with you completely. WE are continually told that we are living longer and longer. I don't see it personally and figures can be made to lie.

My husbands relatives have a history of longevity living well into their hundredth year and beyond but this has started to decline and they are only living into their late eighties now. I see it with my own relatives with similar genes and in our community. I do NOT see people living longer.

Average figures are a means of deception. We should be looking at the Median figures and NOT the average.

In the UK we have a thing called a state pension which people receive when they reach 65. The gross pension paid out by the government is known statistic, the number of pensioners is a known statistic. The two compared year to year let you see whether people are living longer........guess what they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Old people require care ie care homes, we need more now than we ever did, why? Becasue they are living longer DUH!

We also have census data.

Finally I love your opening salvo "figures can be made to lie". which means that if figures are produced that prove you wrong then you will say that the figures are wrong rather than you......welcome to the world of cognitive dissonance.

I think you'll probably find that the reason we need more care homes isn't so much that people are living longer, rather that after WWI and WWII there was a population explosion, and its simply those children born then are now old. Its not that people are necessarily living longer...yes granted there is probably a slight increase in the past 30 years but i'd say that its probably by a few years.

You really need to look at it balanced, there are far more cases of heart attacks and cancers and other autoimmune diseases than there ever was, you need to ask your self why! You need to ask yourself why is the body beginning to attack itself in more and more people?

The main problem with statistics is that no one has bothered to follow up on those that have been vaccinated to find out whether or not there is a link! So this thread should be closed as it can never be proven either way!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:02 AM
It was a homeless child who was most likely malnourished, it is only the malnourished who have trouble with measles, but the malnourished also get damaged by vaccines, so it still wouldn't justify their use

Measles makes us stronger, no one wants a couch potato immune system. If you want your kids to be strong don't vaccinate. Measles makes us grow taller and improves our artistic ability. Yes, we've been lied to!
edit on 17-6-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:16 AM
For those who still feel they need to vaccinate, please keep to the following rules:-

- NEVER have more than one vaccine at a time

- NEVER vaccinate a malnourished child (or adult)

- NEVER vaccinate someone who is sick or showing symptoms of illness

If you stick to those rules your chances are far better than if you don't, but there's still a possibility of coming down with an auto immune disease e.g. MS. It's a game of Russian Roulette

Obviously stay well clear of the Swine Flu vaccine and HPV (Cervical Cancer) as those are actually not normal vaccines; they are actually fertility reduction programs. They are using Polysorbate 80 to damage developing ovaries (Swine Flu Vaccine)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:20 AM
As a father I think it's very important that you judiciously vaccinate your child. More important than vaccination against these contagious diseases is risk removal. In the case of whooping cough (pertussis), nearly all of the cases of children dying are < 1 year old. They're infants. Infants in California.

What do I mean by the above? In case you're living under a rock, Nearly all of California, and certainly the southern half, is a giant third world cesspool with immigrants from very deep in Mexico and Asia. Not that mexicans and asians are bad folks, quite the opposite. It's just that when your wife finishes off her 3 month maternity leave and you put your 90 day old child into a daycare where there are kids from Mexico City throwing feces at each other it creates a health risk.

DTaP is the vaccine for whooping cough, diptheria, and tetanus. It's available individually. Noone in my house has pertussis or diptheria, and as my kids stay home the only one I'm worried about is tetanus. The risk of tetanus exists at my house, ergot, they are vaccinated against tetanus.

Check out

And you'll see where vaccine manufacturers are not liable for injury due to malfeasance.

I strongly urge you to be judicious with the use of vaccines in children less than 5 years old. When my kids have to go to school, they will receive vaccines applicable at that time. Just try not to hit your kid with 70 plus doses of mercury before their brain is halfway developed. Especially your boys.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

What if your kids get sick from other kids that HAVE BEEN vaccinated. Then what? What if any or all the kids that have been vaccinated get sick? What will you do then. Life and death happens. Guns only kill people when you pull the trigger. We did our research and consulted health EXPERTS and chose not to vaccinate our son. He is STILL bright smart and highly intelligent. WE GAVE him chicken pox when we had the chance and he has never suffered any other illnesses all while going to a public school system surrounded by vaccinated and NON vaccinated kids from all over the world.
Research and choice are two fundamentals we can enjoy as an EVOLVED humanity. When YOU make your personal decision to waive those options you hand your life over to others who may not care as much about you and see you as an experimental statistic.
Do you remember when they used to discuss how AIDS came from "Green Monkeys" ? The media and the health sector allowed the idea that this disease came from Africa and was due to desperate African men having sex with monkeys. In fact the polio serum was developed from Green Monkey blood and the RED CROSS decided to inoculate Africans with this new and untested vaccine hence AIDS IN AFRICA.
DO NOT FORSAKE THIS RIGHT FOR SOME MASS GOVERNMENT CASH GRAB OR EXPERIMENT. Ask anyone and do you research on the effects of vaccines proven and new.
Lets find out how many presidents and other high ranking world leaders have allowed their families to be vaccinated
Do not be the lamb led to slaughter.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:27 AM
Don't take this as me being rude. I agree with you on HPV, simply because of how hard they pushed it for my fiance. She came to me and said her insurance company was practically mandating that she have the vaccination, they mentioned that its such a concern that they're giving it to young girls around 12 years of age in order to stop it. So she took the shot, got sick and started having headaches right away. Since then she gets headache spells for days, she blames it on her eyes, but I have other suspicions some of the time. Her optometrist says its not her eyes. Anyway, my point is that if we're going to tell people to stay away from it dont pretend that its an "obvious" culprit, they're offering it to our children and there is a plethora of parents who just want to prevent and save insurance bills later who have NO idea what this is getting them into.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by mb2591
reply to post by SirMike

I assume your implying that I go to a doctor that isn't qualified?

Thats exactly what hes implying. Except, it is because your doctor is nameless and unrepresented, he remains unqualified for use in a scripted debate. In a court of law, your statements from your doctor would be considered "hear-say" and more or less unallowable as evidence.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Griffo

Have you seen the ingredients of these supposed vaccines formaldahyde is one what does that need to be in there for? Then Aluminium and mercury yeah these sound like they do alot. Not

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by hadriana
I just think - bottom line - that we must surely hate each other b/c it seems the majority thinks that the govt. can 'call the shots' (pun intended) better than parents.
Meaning, of course, that the govt always knows better and cares more than any particular set of parents.

And I just disagree with that basic premise.
I thought we were comparing medical doctors with a roughly decade of education and training, to parents, with no medical training. The medical doctors don't recommend vaccination for everyone. Some children are too sickly to have the strain of vaccination put on their system, and can be exempted by the doctor for that reason.

A decade of education means nothing when the education system is owned and influenced by anyone with enough money or power to push an agenda. If I tell you for 10 years that the sky is red and you've never been told otherwise in your entire life you would naturally believe the sky is red even though visually you can see it to be blue. So when you go through 10 years of education telling you to push vaccines and all the wonders and great goods of modern medicine of course you're going to push vaccines. Links to autism, big pharma being above the law, or anything negative about the industry is hardly discussed. This is the very reason dentists today push Fluoride so hard. They truly do not know any better even though many other dentists have come out and spoken against the use of it.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by PanhEaD8675

Do you know if she is allergic to formaldahyde? could be a reason for what she is experiencing

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