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Need a job? Georgia Farmers have 11,000 jobs unfilled.

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by agentofchaos

Is it possible to even make rent off of minimum wage there? I hope it's better than it was in NY....

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by BirdOfillOmen

You dont have relocate -- this is migrant labor you follow the crops as they ripen -- don't really live anywhere.

Georgia's farmers are in a world of hurt over this.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Interesting to see some of the views on this topic. If I was out of work and couldn't find anything that I went to school for, I would work on a farm because that is a valuable skill to have especially in the near future.

For those of you seeking jobs, I wish you luck and I'm searching hard to see if there are any jobs out there on the web or more information about those jobs. Funny how they mention all of these jobs, but do not mention a way to reach out to the farmers that need work.

Here's what I found thus far: - Find farm/ranch jobs in Georgia or any other state, but I only see people posting their services no farmers looking as of yet.

Georgia Department of Labor - I think someone posted this one already, but if you search within all of the counties, part time and full time jobs, farming, fishing, and forestry occupations there are 38 listings and 49 positions ranging from harvesters,bee keepers, and assistant farm managers. - organic farming jobs across the US didn't see any in Georgia, but I didn't look too much into it. - Five pages worth of farming jobs in Georgia and other states.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by majesticgent

16 an hour? I would apply if I was there.

16/hr LOL the min wage for farm work is about 5.75 per hour. Good luck finding 16.oo

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

Yeah its very possible to make rent off of minimum wages in some most places in Georgia. It would be better to have a roommate if possible in the Metro Atlanta area.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by majesticgent

I'm afraid what this shows is that our unemployed youth are too spoiled and special to do real work and would rather sit around whining than build up a work history that leads to better jobs. How sad that people consider the work that feeds us to only be fit for people they consider to be beneath them.

On the other hand the american consumer wont pay for produce picked at any kind of living wage. Always has been always will be.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by majesticgent

Oh goody, we can all go down to Georgia and pick cotton for minimum wage.

Well it's better than having no job at all is it not? It could be something temporary until something better comes along, it will teach valuable skills that will be needed in the foreseeable future, and who knows they may like the work and who knows what it could lead to.

Some people complain about the job markets, and then jobs open up then they complain about those jobs too? There's no pleasing some people...

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Here is a co-op, The Salacoa Co-Op CSA, where you work part-time on a farm and keep a share of what's harvested. It is located in Jasper, GA for anyone that may be interested.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by majesticgent

I've worked a dairy, chicken, sheep farm for about eight years.

At 11, I could drive a tractor, clean out a barn, feed, water and milk the cows, mend fences, assist with the planting and harvesting of various crops, gather eggs and help bale hay..................very hard work.

Don't live near Georgia and farming now is mostly factory farming.

We had a real farm, one where our animals were allowed to roam a huge beautiful pasture with a nice barn.

Couldn't bare to see the way animals now days are treated.

I won't even get into unjust wage differential between the people that do the real work and people that "manage" or run corporations because the average person here on ATS either hasn't a clue or simply doesn't care.

I've been a farm hand, baby sitter, house cleaner, paper pusher, nurse, cook and painter (both walls, buildings and canvas.

Can shoot a AK-47 and learned self defense (beginner).

Not bragging, but I've had a life similar to Oliver Twist being orphaned at 9 so I've had to learn to survive.

I'm not princess.

A good book to read is Hostile Takeover by David Sirota,

Do you ever wonder if there’s a connection between the corruption scandals in the news and the steady decline in the quality of life for millions of Americans?

Do you ever wonder what corporations get for the millions of dollars they pour into the American political system?

Do you ever think the government has been hijacked by forces hostile to average Americans?

Do you ever want to fight back?

Millions of Americans lack health care and millions more struggle to afford it. Politicians claim they care, then pass legislation that just sends more cash to the HMOs. Wages have been stagnant for thirty years, even as corporate profits skyrocket. Politicians say they want to fix the problem and then pass bills written by lobbyists that drive wages even lower and punish those crushed by debt. Jobs are being shipped overseas, pensions are being cut, and energy is becoming unaffordable. And our government, more concerned about maintaining its corporate sponsorship than protecting its citizens, does nothing about it.

In Hostile Takeover, David Sirota, a major new voice in American politics, seeks to open the eyes of ordinary Americans to the fact that corporate interests have undermined democracy, aided and abetted by their lackeys in our allegedly representative government. At a time when more and more of America’s major political leaders are being indicted or investigated for corruption, Sirota takes readers on a journey that shows how all of this nefarious behavior happened right under our noses—and how the high-profile scandals are merely one product of a political system and debate wholly owned by Big Money interests. Sirota considers major public issues that feel intractable—like spiraling health care costs, the outsourcing of jobs, the inequities of the tax code, and out-of-control energy prices—and shows how in each case workable solutions are buried under the lies of lobbyists, the influence of campaign cash, and the ubiquitous spin machine financed by Big Business.

Most of you don't see that the enemy isn't over there as much as here in Washington.........we need jobs that pay fair and just wages, wages that people don't have to work two jobs in order to just get the necessities of life while an elite handful make so much money, they can afford $100,000 worth of coc aine per "High On Arrival" by McKenzie Phillips.

But, the majority of you sheeple simply accept your servitude and don't even see how the middle class is systematically being destroyed.

Now, what do these jobs pay and what are the requirements?

Minimum wage for back breaking dawn to dusk labor?

One thing common folk such as us enjoy doing is seeing how much money our TV, movie, music and other such icons make. You know, what is so-and-so's net worth?

Well, thankfully, the Oracle of All Knowledge has a site just for that:

The site is interesting, amusing, informative and easy to use. Not only will you get the annual wages of numerous stars (and, of course, their net worth), but you also can find the most expensive cities, average salaries for certain jobs and a quick listing of recently added celebrities.

A search bar allows you to type in a name. After the name pops up, others are offered for comparison. For example, Miley Cyrus has a net worth of $50 million while her dad Billy Ray is worth (seriously?) $150 million.

A search for Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White ($150 million) leads us to actress Dana Delaney ($5 million ... We almost feel for her).

Jeremy Piven and Adrian Greiner - both of "Entourage" fame — are worth $15 million. Hmmm, that's the same as ESPN's Stuart Scott. Are. You. Kidding. Me?

When looking for reality star and skateboarding stud Rob Dyrdek ($15 million), we find that Tony Hawk is worth $180 million.

Rachel Ray has a nice talk show that puts her at $60 million in net worth. But stack her up to Oprah ($315 million a year and $2.3 billion net worth) and, well, it's no comparison.

Who wins this race: Lance Armstrong or Dale Earnhardt Jr.? Lance settles in nicely at $125 million. Junior, though, more than doubles him at $300 million.

Justin Bieber? Yeah, he's $25.5 million. Lady Gaga? That's $40 million.

And MJ vs. MJ? The alive Michael Jordan ($500 million) loses out to the dead Michael Jackson ($600 million) by $100 million.

Some of these figures are almost laughable. Comedic even. You know, like Jerry Seinfeld, who, by the way, has a net worth of $350 million. Source:

You see we are a country were our priorities suck big time.

We will pay someone like Michael Jordan millions to throw a friggin basket ball and begrudge our teachers a pay raise, or pay the people who take care of your children while you go to your mindless job minimum other words America and now the world is getting exactly what humanity deserves.........screwed.

Look into the medical and retirement package our Senate and Congress you? Do you even care?

You all are getting messed over and don't even see it or demand better.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

Well look at it from the other point of view for a second... Me, I worked my way up the chain from apprentice making under minimum wage, to master of the trade. It is kind of a slap in the face for all my hard work to go from making great wages, back down to unlivable wages. I was able to deal with unlivable wages then, because I lived with my parents for a small rent.

Also you say you learn meaningful skills picking produce? Like what?

Minimum wage probably isn't worth it to a lot of people, unless it comes with free board. If you are paying 20 a day in gas and have to drive there and back a long way, and end up busting your ass for like 20 bucks a day.... I can see why some people wouldn't jump at that.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I understand where you are coming from, but for right now it is what it is. Eventually when grocery stores can't get any produce on their shelves, food service giants can't pump out any more processed foods, and people start to go hungry because they do not know how to grow, cultivate, and harvest their own crops; What do you think will happen? Those skills that you have learned will come in handy. Eventually, the absurd salaries will balance themselves out. It's not a question of if, but when? This year, next year, 10 years, 50 years, a century from now, who knows, but the system in which you speak can't support itself much longer unless some drastic changes happen.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by majesticgent

Also you say you learn meaningful skills picking produce? Like what?

Learn meaningful skills such as farming off of the land. If one can find a job with an organic farmer, or a farmer that has not become too industrialized.

I guess one could harvest all day and not gain anything but a little wage, but I would be in the farmers ear asking questions that matter:

What type of crop should I grow when? When are the growing seasons for this area? What type of pest do I have to worry about? How do I rotate my crop to avoid soil erosion and depletion? What''s the best way to irrigate my crops from natural water sources? How do I care for livestock? How do I protect my garden/farm from intruders, competitors, and pests etc.

That type of knowledge would definitely be needed if things were to go as some predict.
edit on 16-6-2011 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

You realllllly need to visit a migrant camp. Trust me it is not all about sending out resumes looking for something better or discussing the subtleties of seasonal rotation and organic fertilizers. Migrant work is not a jumping of place for something better.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

Ok I see your point there, I suppose I overlooked it because I am a country boy, and already know a lot of that stuff. Assuming it is a nice farmer, that won't tell you to stop flapping your gums and get back to work, that might be a good option

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

You're right about that. Most farmers probably would tell you to stop talking and get back to work, but a bit of optimism isn't bad.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

I am from GA, and my area is one of the most impacted by the new immigrations laws as the migrant illegal workers with not work visas are the favorite pick for farmers as they can pay under minimum wages under the table, the farmers are not happy because this means having to used legal workers and forced to pay legal wages.

The whole issue about not workers is that my area been a high poverty county with mostly welfare recipients are so used to the hand me down that they will not sweat a drop under any circumstances working in hot fields when is a welfare check they can wait for at home, paid by hard working American with real jobs.

Sad but truth, and as for the convicts this are not your regular felons but just small crooks that have to pay their Dues to the city and society, but with plenty of out of luck children to feed that are mostly fed by the state and tax payer, this group do not work, hangs out on malls and do stupid things like stealing from empty houses that has been on foreclosure as we have plenty in the area

The problem is that as soon they feel the heat of the sun they give up work.
edit on 16-6-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Good reply.

And as far as my experience............I started at the bottom worked my way up in a snake pit of an office with abusive bosses that would make Henry VIII look like a boy scout and finally after 16 years of service, really becoming very good at my job making 42,000-52,000 (with OT) my job of 16 years with all "exceeds expectations reviews" was outsourced to India.

Our American Government (sic) is not looking out for the American Citizen.

BTW: It took "Team India over a year to learn my job functions.

Our government is ruled and run by the corporations (read my location) and for the people and by the people is a frickin illusion.

Literally, there are those in hollywood and entertainment, politics, heads of corporations and people who are suppose to represent us making so much they have so much money, they don't know what to do with it all and than the rest of us that live hand to mouth every muckin week for 40-50 years now that we have to work until we are 70.

The entire system we have at present is corrupt and one sided................and most people refuse to wake up and realize they are being taken advantage of.

Slap in the face, you bettcha...............I work at a food distribution center two days a month and folks, we use to get only crazies, ex vets, druggies, homeless and what "refined" people call the scum, or bottom of the barrel.

Well folks, got news for you, this "situation" namely of not even being able to make enough to feed yourself and your children has hit the "middle class". I'm now talking to many people, with children, that went through college, got degrees, had jobs, worked, had a home, obeyed all the "social rules" and still got screwed.

Yet our corporate run government (not the government we have no real government anymore folks), it's corporate run by the $$$$$ in campaign "contributions" and lobbyists (bribes) in DC.

Again, I cannot stress, read David Sirota's Hostile Takeover.

Oh joy, in another twenty years most of you will be grateful to have a loaf of bread and a grass hut.

Sorry, I don't believe someone, anyone should be making tens of millions of dollars unless they are a reknown surgeon or scientist.

Wage Differential is another complete thread but also connects with this one and ours is warped big time.

No, I don't believe Stephen Speilberg, Angelina Jolie, Michael Jackson, Madonna or Tom Cruise should be worth tens / hundreds of millions of dollars for making movies, music or play acting..................they simply entertain us.

As far as politicians, look at, really research the medical and retirement package our Congress and Senate get.........I did a thread on that and got a few stars but mostly nobody cared or thought that was okay.

Well who in sam hell is working for who?

Most of you deserve exactly what is coming to you. I don't have too much longer on this rock so once my tour of duty is done it's hasta la vista baby and may the force be with you because you're gonna need it.

Don't demand justice in pay and stand up for your brother and sister's rights and your rights will soon be trashed as well and this includes people that do the real work getting paid liveable wages.

Stand by and quietly watch someone get messed over and given enough time the psychopaths that are now running our planet will get you next. And people just don't realize this or don't care.

edit on 16-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sad but truth, and as for the convicts this are not your regular felons but just small crooks that have to pay their Dues to the city and society, but with plenty of out of luck children to feed that are mostly fed by the state and tax payer, this group do not work, hangs out on malls and do stupid things like stealing from empty houses that has been on foreclosure as we have plenty in the area

The problem is that as soon they feel the heat of the sun they give up work.

My point exactly. They do not want to be out there working. I'd rather the jobs go to people who want, and are willing to work. Which brings up the problem you mentioned earlier.

If the farmers have to dole out higher wages, then guess what? The price of produce will rise at the grocery store (well at least for Georgians.)

For example: those of you that like Vidalia onions, if this keeps up, they'll be unaffordable by most.
edit on 16-6-2011 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Yeah, the middle class is getting screwed bigtime. I did everything that was supposed to guarantee me the american dream, and I got shafted for all my hard work. The only debt we took on was an investment in a house. We renovated on our time off, it was about 3/4 paid off when it got forclosed..... So for 1/4 of a house worth of debt, the bank gets the whole house. And of course they made more than 3/4 off of us when you factor in all the interest we paid over the years. How fair is that crap? We should have rented a dozer and leveled the house before it was foreclosed.

edit on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:10:25 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by majesticgent

That is why we in US are losing the working class the bread and butter that used to support the economy because in order to get cheap prices people look for cheap labor.

Are we doing any better? no we will become a third world country the way we are heading right now.

Is this the US we really want for our children?

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