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ANONYMOUS: "The Plan" is now live. Phase 1: Initiated. War against the System

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:08 AM
They are asking you to become an asset. They will know your IP, scan your for vulnerabilities, find a way in and make your computer their robot. The more robots they have the more powerful they are.

Just visiting the site is a dangerous move. As an IT person i strongly suggest you stay away from Anon. Who knows what kind of trouble they will get you in.

They are doing something illegal, no new laws need creating for this unlawful act. I am all for revolution for the right reasons, but not violently, or unlawfully.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:08 AM
You can anonymize you IP address so that they don't know where you are coming from. People use servers in other countries for their cover so they can't be traced. I'm not surprised at the Libyan IP address.

As for the rest, I am all for the revolution, can't happen fast enough. Let's band together and become a force to reckon with! It's time for the people to exercise their power! Power To The People! Power Of The People! Power From The People!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:09 AM
RIP OFF Hey the clown(s) that made this clip could at LEAST acknowledge what they are RIPPING off; namely "The Matrix" movie at the start, and then MASSIVE quotes from "V for Vendetta". Please give credit to the Wachowski brothers or the movies they made...

If you take out all the concepts that these annonymous clowns have ripped off, you are left with::: "Go greener, educate yourself, start using real currency (precious metal). There have been some comments on the "computer voice". I agree is sounds craap. It is completely inferior to Hugo Weaving's voice in V for Vendetta when he gives his speech to London. I highly recommend people watch this film

.............. Remember remember the 5th of november, the gunpowder and treason and plot. I see of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot...< V for Vendetta>

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:09 AM
United we stand--divided we fall.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.

Stand strong.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:12 AM
Ok guys I will start by saying personally I support anon BUT in this instance im for the first time a bit wary of them. The reason is that they have pretty much setup a web-site in which they say you register for and be part of forums to help out and such. Well this is a double edged sword irdear........ They could be setting up possibly revealing every IP address that visited the site and possible future resistance members, to any government agency that either A) Raids and steals the info... B) Hacks the info.... C) Moles the info out (AKA a rat).

Im for securing the future and I think compromising the people in this world that have the balls to really stand up and fight is a bad idea. Also before I head out I would like to point out that im very aware how "good" they are at what they do networking wise but as the old saying goes.... Theres always going to be someone whos better.....

Im just waiting and seeing where this goes before my piece becomes part of the board.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by rutters1983
is it possible there is a message within a message??

I found this image very odd

Its says SLAYERS on the left (anyone in particular or just all Governments)

Why is there a picture of a alien, not once was it mentioned.

or was this just a poor choice of image used? If i was going to send a message out i would make sure it all added up

Yo this is just an image from the movie Gamers

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by morder1

Always had a feeling WW3 would be fought in digital space much for the good old days. Start downloading a lifetime supply of PR0N now! As much as I hate people starting fights on my behalf, at least they are going after the right people.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:28 AM
Do Not expect others to fight for your Freedom to exist Truely freely. If you want to be truly free in the universe. It means being able to evolve and exist to live to the expectations of your plan to become what you feel that you want to be eventually and Not to the devine plan that is controlling and manipulating your universal destiny.
The war to free All beings,all lifeforms,all lifeforces has started in the true and original universe. The combined vibrations,energies and powers of all beings are being merged together into a single absolute infinite force to remove those who have been ruling and controlling the destiny of all beings through fear and oppressive ways and sufferings. There shall be NO more Gods to dictate over All beings in the future and all who are not worthy of existing peacefully and caring for each other shall have their essence of life terminated
ALL who wants to be able to exist Truely Freely are invited to prepare to join the Neutral Infinite Force when their time comes.What is happenong in the invisible original Universe is reflecting upon and materialising in the material dimension and the stirring is awakening more and more humans.
We are now fighting on All Levels.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:32 AM
So why are the videos still up on Youtube? Perhaps a portion of this movement is actually from the inside itsself? It would not be the first time insiders went rogue.

Also could someone please post the power points on this video as I am having horrible glitches on youtube and forget getting to watch it here, which was directed to the Youtube page when I clicked on the Op vid which I found odd

I really want to watch the video or at least know what it has to say!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Why would a collection of nameless, faceless, anonymous people want to set up a web site where people register and become part of a known community? Seems... contradictory.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by JBA2848
Befor I could trust Anon they would have to explain why they push for people to use Libyan web addresses. Libyan web addresses are in the bullseye of militaries around the world including the US and UK. So why set people up to be monitored by the military? And then again why tell people on there IRC channels when using Ion Cannons don't hide your IP address? I can't say it is all Anon. But now you have the Lulz Boat and they don't seem to want you to expose yourself to the DOD cyber divisions. So there is still hope for hackers.

You can't hide your IP with it because then it won't work. Which is exactly why you are hearing about more and more of them getting arrested here lately. For the LOIC to work correctly, it needs to come directly from your connection.

What someone else posted is also true. If the government wanted them badly, they could find them in a heartbeat. Their tech is much more advanced than anything Anon has.

If Anon really were this passionate about "revolution" they wouldn't hide behind masks and computer screens. People need to think about that. They aren't doing anything good here. They're just giving TPTB all they need to put an end to the internet as we know it.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by 0001391

Perhaps to hide behind the masses? I dont know but it just seems to easy, too controlled within its own system, yes system.

Something needs to happen, maybe this is the start of that revolution.

Or maybe it is a way of dividing the people, to discover who we are, who represents the old system verses who is willing to see things as they are now and to begin asserting that information to the people at large, to bombard the ordinary person who lives in a dreamworld of illusion therefore allowing the perpetrators to continue on the course set for humanity and the entire planet.

The only objective I have to phase one is that if all artists and musicians, bloggers and the like begin to write and sing, paint nothing but bloodshed, and of the atrocities happening globally, it could work in the opposite direction than what anon wants it to, what we would all like for it to do which is wake people up.

Change cannot happen through fear, that was the old way. And yet, without the knowledge of truth change cannot begin either.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:23 AM
How do we know what is real anymore? I don't know what/who to trust, because I think this Anon stuff could be used by controlling forces to manipulate us. I do hope there will remain groups that are fighting for the peeps, but I feel that every vehicle for hope may get shanghaied, because of their appeal and broad reaching range.
At the same time, we need a global voice too, so I am torn....


posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:29 AM
It appears to me that people are looking for a structured group to belong to. One that is dedicated to overthrowing the status quot and bringing the power back to the people. One that supports the true power of democracy and NOT the elitist mentality that has ruled our society since monetary systems came into play. People want change, but don't know where to focus their energy. Correct me if I am wrong. Anonymous may/may not be that group, and could very well be a covert group to spy/catch those who are dedicated to change. Who's to say? I have to believe that there is a way to group like minded individuals who can and will create the movement to force change. It has to happen or we are all doomed to be enslaved by our own inability to stand up for ourselves.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:40 AM
What is this website I didn't see it in the video

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:40 AM
Double post
edit on 15-6-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:45 AM
great video, to bad the PTB are going to use physical violence on us though. The cyber attack should only be part of it. We need people to rise up and physically remove these elites from office. The problem is finding enough people with guts to put together a substantial force to be reckoned with. My vote is we have a million person march to throw these people out. We need to go stomp some mud holes in some elites. This would give us non computer savvy people something to do while the hackers crash the systems technology.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
How do we know what is real anymore? I don't know what/who to trust, because I think this Anon stuff could be used by controlling forces to manipulate us. I do hope there will remain groups that are fighting for the peeps, but I feel that every vehicle for hope may get shanghaied, because of their appeal and broad reaching range.
At the same time, we need a global voice too, so I am torn....


Exactly my thoughts too but i´m also sick and tired listening to all the bullsh*t fed to us. I think there are easier ways to get the people on their side. Just expose some lies that the government told us and spread it worldwide. A nice picture of a UFO hidden inside AREA 51 would also help. The point is. We all know that they lie to us but we still don´t do nothing about it. Why is that? Is it because we are afraid that the government will gun us down like it happened in other countries? I don´t know if the military in the USA would shoot at their own people but i´m certain the german Bundeswehr would refuse to shoot at their own people. How the private military on the other hand would react is unpredictable.

It´s time to choose a side and i know which side i´m on but i guess we have to see who spills the first blood.

Am I the only one getting a WW3 vibe from all what is currently happening?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:51 AM
Well, I for one would never sign up to anything on line that promotes breaking current laws.

How many sting operations become public? Not all of them do.

If it's a successful sting,Gov. keeps doing it.

If you think they can't track John Q Publics history for ANYWHERE you've been on the internet, ask Weiner how that's going for him?

If your willing to go to jail by guilty of association..go for it.

I'm not sure this is the right approach to show frustration at the Government.

Nobel..perhaps..but...I'd be wery wery careful. Our Gov Bites Back Hard.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by niceguybob
Well, I for one would never sign up to anything on line that promotes breaking current laws.

How many sting operations become public? Not all of them do.

If it's a successful sting,Gov. keeps doing it.

If you think they can't track John Q Publics history for ANYWHERE you've been on the internet, ask Weiner how that's going for him?

If your willing to go to jail by guilty of association..go for it.

I'm not sure this is the right approach to show frustration at the Government.

Nobel..perhaps..but...I'd be wery wery careful. Our Gov Bites Back Hard.

Sure they could throw a small group in jail but what about 10.000 or 100.000 or even a million. Fact is any government could be overrun from their sheeples at any time. Just march with 1 million people to the white house and look how they respond.

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