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ANONYMOUS: Bernanke is next

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posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by sapien82

To be honest, I don't care that much about my internet.
40% of the world's people - more than 2 billion human beings - have no access to clean water.
The internet is not what I'm concerned about.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:34 AM
How are the flag day protests going? I would search for myself, but I only can visit MSM sites and you know they aren't going to cover it. Have to be careful about which sites I view here.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Aliensun
More and more the anonymous outfit is showing itself to be a terrorists group, domestic or otherwise. Are they really that reckless and self-centered in their activities just because they can...?
I wonder how long is it going to be before the feds go after them in a big way and we also get caught in the crossfire such that the use of the internet for free discourse is taken away from us. Is opening a few cans of worms worth the wrath of Big Brother coming down with justifiable reason In their book?

Actually, I foresee the day that IF you say (type or forward) the wrong material out to others, you will receive either a ticket (such as a speeding or minor drug possession) ticket on your screen or a summons to appear will flash at you to come to such and such court at their convenience.

So what drives anonymous anyway, patriotism, sport, egos or the worldwide distruction of what we have today with the internet? Then, looking deeper as with Wikileaks, is there some alterior motives at play such as false flag agendas?

I certainly don't claim to have any knowledge at all about these shennigans, but they seem counter productive in the long run to me.

Maybe what drives anon is all the problems in the world. They have the right idea and it is the only way the world can be set free. We as a people have lost our voice in our government do you really think you have any say in what goes on?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 09:08 AM
At least someone is doing SOMETHING. 99% of American's are too busy watching American Idol or giving a crap about what Lindsey Lohan did last night. Meanwhile their worlds are crumbling around them.

Ignorance is definitely NOT bliss. People need to wake up. Every time I say things to my friends or family about what is really going on, they always look at me like I have a screw loose. But when I show them proof, they start to listen. If EVERYONE would just start to listen, maybe we could actually see some "hope & change" that we were promised 3 1/2 years ago.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 09:19 AM
If we all combine our energy with Anonymous, by taking down, one by one every accomplice of TPTB, we would really have a chance to overthrown the Empire that architected our world since Romulus!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by angelchanneller
My darling Anons, they will merely put to post another Fed chairman. Instead...

Demand the GOLD STANDARD be re-instated.

There is no currency sovereignty truly available today except by backing it with a commodity. If we (Americans) do this...we will no longer kneel to the global markets or to our debtors. Insist that as a part of raising the debt ceiling, money be allotted to put us back on the gold standard.

Open Fort Knox rebels!

If the following link does not scare the begeesus out of you, I do not know what will.

China's Gold Purchases

Sorry mate but I dont think the Gold standard is going to get us out of this sh!t storm that we are in.
The way out is to stick the finger to the FED
Government starts printing its own bank notes
Abolish fractional reserve lending for private banks


posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Aliensun
More and more the anonymous outfit is showing itself to be a terrorists group, domestic or otherwise. Are they really that reckless and self-centered in their activities just because they can...?
I wonder how long is it going to be before the feds go after them in a big way and we also get caught in the crossfire such that the use of the internet for free discourse is taken away from us. Is opening a few cans of worms worth the wrath of Big Brother coming down with justifiable reason In their book?

Actually, I foresee the day that IF you say (type or forward) the wrong material out to others, you will receive either a ticket (such as a speeding or minor drug possession) ticket on your screen or a summons to appear will flash at you to come to such and such court at their convenience.

So what drives anonymous anyway, patriotism, sport, egos or the worldwide distruction of what we have today with the internet? Then, looking deeper as with Wikileaks, is there some alterior motives at play such as false flag agendas?

I certainly don't claim to have any knowledge at all about these shennigans, but they seem counter productive in the long run to me.

Tbh lately Anonymous is starting to look more and more like some false flag op designed for future internet control with their "out in the open" hacker attacks and such, or they are indeed just self centered and attention seeking. I just can't shake the feeling that this has something to do with kinda everything else going on at the moment. Is it just me or is it simply becoming too much, too fast, and becoming faster every day?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:14 AM
What annonymous is doing is highly credible (and i love it) but a little pointless (please bare with me), the powers that be have contingency plans for these situations i.e. the many headed hydra problem, cutting the head off is no longer a solution!!!! We have to go for the heart (money and power).
Ever thought of going back to the old ways were people bartered for goods and services? and im not talking back to the 'dark ages', i like my creature comforts as much as the next person and we should'nt have to live like dogs but........... SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!
We want all the things society can give yet when the arm that feeds us is also wealding a butchers knife we scream 'blue murder', so of course they are going to get away with it. We cant have it both ways.
IF WE WANT REAL FREEDOM WE HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. With a bouycot on 'their' monatery system.
I genuinley see paper money as the chains that hold us in slavery, what is it worth? Any hoo i dont want to ramble as this is my first post but any reply is always noted.


posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by messr999

Boycotting the official monetary system definitely seems to be the way to go. Seems to me that what toppled the USSR wasn't only the U.S. "winning" the arms race. It was all the Soviet citizens moving economic activity off the official market -- buying goods and services through the the black market. It totally destabilized the tightly controlled State economy.

One of the best things I've read in a long while, that really opened my eyes to 'counter economics' as a peaceful weapon, is 'An Agorist Primer' (available for free via

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:27 AM
It's time. The rest of this world seems to be willing to stand up to this wicked cabal, that we can all see is in existence and looking to coral us all. If we fail to get behind Anon on this ? For the simple reason that they are doing what needs to be done ? If we are not willing to take the reins of freedom in the face of death. Then we are spineless and death will come anyway to more than those who would die now. I would gladly be one who would die taking back those reins. I care about the way I die and it would be honorable. I only have one death to give
I damn sure don't want to waste it.

Heavenly Father forgive me
For I know what Christ would do
I can however promise
I will leave revenge for you


edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
What kind of group identifies a target and then warns that target that they are in fact, a target?

For example... and this in only an example...

Let us say that I think Boondock-Saint is purposely misleading people and I set out to prove it. Do I first warn Boondock of my intentions? Or instead do I keep my mouth shut, allow Boondock to continue as he always has, compile my evidence, present it, and take him by surprise?

Again this is only an example, Boon thanks for participating

The more I see from Anon the more I am convinced that they are really nothing more than controlled opposition.

Exactly, TPTB must control BOTH sides. They "steer" the opposition by using this tactic of presenting a group allegedly to promote revolution, i.e. the "Tea Party", they promote it in a place and at such time so TPTB can oversee it and control it. They will arrest those who know too much or who speak out of line. They then take the collective data and go back and alter the next movement. It is how these Elitists have done it for centuries. If you know what is going on, then you act individually and without letting on what YOU know to too many people. It is the only way we are going to stop this insanity, little by little, meeting each other here or there and discussing what we have done and deciding what to do next that is not too obvious as to spark attention.

As for a "new" currency, we reject everything except actual tangible hardware. Gold, silver and real copper coins. Not the aluminum pennies we have been given since 1985!! Copper coated aluminum, how nice. Pennies before 1985 are worth 3 times as much or more now. So keep those older pennies, they are worth more than you think!!

Go Boondock-saint!!!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Google Map:

Addresses and phone numbers of Federal Reserve Banks (Maybe there's one in your area? Or maybe you'd like to make a *polite and peaceful* phonecall to articulate your grievances?)

Social Network:

More info:

"Prepare for Revolution":

A little background on #OpESR

Analysis of the Global Insurrection Against Neo-Liberal Economic Domination and the Coming American Rebellion: an-rebellion-we-are-egypt-revolution-roundup-3/#empire
edit on 14-6-2011 by mother1138 because: Linkage issue

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Well I can find nothing about people in america protesting. I did find this however. Interesting that they would capture 32 people from Anon so easily. I would guess that these people are victims of accusation more so than real culprits. Who know though?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:39 AM
What difference does it make whether he is at helm or some other goon? I don't understand the point of it really. That's like forcing a president to resign, when you know very well that whoever becomes president afterwards will do exactly the same thing because the underlining problems are still there (corruption, cronyism, and bribery).

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
What difference does it make whether he is at helm or some other goon? I don't understand the point of it really. That's like forcing a president to resign, when you know very well that whoever becomes president afterwards will do exactly the same thing because the underlining problems are still there (corruption, cronyism, and bribery).

Agreed, but do you really believe a peaceful demonstration of our will would end up being peaceful ? There must bea catalyst. There must be martyrs and there must be outrage in the streets. Or we welcome it into our homes.
We have every reason that can be imagined, to fear what may happen, if we continue to cower.
edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

FDR said," The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". That was great for it's time.
edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Why is "Lulzsec" targeting gaming? I don't understand how this is a good idea. I would say that "lulzsec" is more controlled by TPTB. What batter way to sell security than to attack American civilians as opposed to just governmental and corporate targets.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by FTD Brat
reply to post by grey580

Be careful saying that. Now the FBI is on to you!

Fear = false evidence appearing real.

With the help of anonymous, I might not have to keep wishing for some benevolent beings of some non-human density/dimension/geode/etc... to come and "torture" the sociopaths with hours of carebear cartoons, barney sing-a-longs, and lots of kindness. Pisc on the M.I.C., shadow g, the "royal" C, the d.o.c., the whole-e C, the bankster bs, and the toilet bowl of dirty alphabet soup that does their bidding.

Then the reasoning pours on... Maybe they're just "trying to raise civilly dead children". Wait a second, beings that were decided as civilly dead before even having a proper introduction? Abused and filled with poison at birth, enslaved to a body of limited sense, a vessel SSn of perpetual debt (not really, but believe it anyway and don't tell them about the BC Bond or CUSIP number), a straw-man for statutes to stick to, because we need them to stand-under all charges, and never realize the extent of the game as commerce, rather then "law". YES, this is how children should be "raised" and protected!! (sarcasm).

The rulers have set up weebles against one another to fabricate wars for a long time now. They've had opposition in the past, but this time it isn't JFK out in the open. The opposing faction is anonymous (or at least it would seem so). Interesting how it hasn't even gotten bloody for the rulers yet, and they're already starting to hang themselves EXample. Reminds me of 18-0 patriots being trumped by Giants at SB. What is still cloudy for me is who will be the leaders once the rulers have all been removed. Telepathy is an obvious replacement for language, but it's kind of hard to imagine what will replace money as a means of universal/non-manipulative currency for exchanging energy. What an exciting time to be alive. It seems that an intelligent species could set up a system that is does not know the division of freedom and slavery. No bills, no financial pressures, and no money required to trade, no need for one conscious sentient being to control another. Would it make humans more lazy, or less fearful? Maybe both? Maybe neither? Maybe it would all be conditional and a blanket expectation would just impose another pitiful belief system.

Aside from seeing if the human species could sort itself out and become free from (or consciously purified by and fused with) the manipulation of the subconscious mind matrix, is the interesting possibility of witnessing the arrival of the next root-race. Now that is fascinating! They could already be walking among us. I wonder how they would cope with the lack of consciousness on part of the humans. I suspect that they will probably just carry on indifferently as if the zombie humans are not even there, and eventually the rulers will become the followers and students. It would seem that the elders would have more to learn from the youth then they would have to teach in some circumstances. It's time to stop repeating HISstory and start creating/generating. Conservatism, traditionalism, sentimentalism... all anti-creative in nature.

De-add Rub=Y is no friend of the status-quo. Reads like a counter-CULTure novella, doesn't it?
Damn the empire! Save the man, man.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:20 AM
I find this entire thread sort of sad. A great many of you speak as if you are actually doing something yourselves, which we all know your not. You keep screaming at the masses to wake up, but what good is being awake when you don't DO anything?

I am going to finis this post, and then continue with my daily life.
Your going to respond, either in rage or agreement, and then continue on with your daily life.
We are NOT any better than the "Ignorant" until we do something about what we know.

"You can sleep with a gun, but when are you going to wake up and fight?"

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by randyvs

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
What difference does it make whether he is at helm or some other goon? I don't understand the point of it really. That's like forcing a president to resign, when you know very well that whoever becomes president afterwards will do exactly the same thing because the underlining problems are still there (corruption, cronyism, and bribery).

Agreed, but do you really believe a peaceful demonstration of our will would end up being peaceful ? There must bea catalyst. There must be martyrs and there must be outrage in the streets. Or we welcome it into our homes.
We have every reason that can be imagined, to fear what may happen, if we continue to cower.
edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

FDR said," The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". That was great for it's time.
edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-6-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Yes but it takes plenty to get people organized and pointed towards an agreed direction, why not have it done for something that will have meaningful change? Protesting will not work and if in the far chance that it does, the person that resigns will be filled with someone else posed to take his place; business as usual. I'm all for outrage, and I'm all for change but this is like complaning to a waiter of a fly in your poo soup.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:29 AM
I think the only people that may be taken down are the people claiming to be home grown terrorists in this thread.
Which is very ironic, and funny at the same time.

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