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The Tarot - Your Card Of The Day by Woodwytch

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by woodwytch
o_o The card you picked has been what I've been doing lately. But honestly with what happened to me last night ((A shadow appearing in my house and according to the small downward scratch marks that have healed and what I told my friend he said it was trying to drag me o_O )) I was expecting something more along the lines of take a step back protect yourself and don't die X_X But I'm glad to see that trusting in myself and using my positive will power training that I'm trusting in and using will actually do me well. Thanks very much for the card though ^_^ It still leaves me with my own belief that I had before I even saw the card. With my problems truthfully only I can figure them out. So thanks very much again. I'm going to star your post for my card ^_^

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Thank you so much for taking the time and doing this. You are amazingly spot on. As you can see my name is Controldiction and yes I need to take a step back and relax on such matters. This card says it all!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Hello again ... bit of good news for those of you in the list ... my friend has said that I can hang-on to her laptop until tomorrow ... then hopefully (fingers crossed) her partner will be able to remove the virus on my PC and we'll be back in action proper.

Before I get back to the request list I'd just like to say thank-you to all of you who have received your card and taken the time to give some feedback ... including the really lovely U2U's that some of you have sent me (very much appreciated) ... and I'm really pleased that you are all happy with the card translations I have given you


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

I would appreciate a reading... I've never done it before so im interested...

please and thanks

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:27 PM
Please pick a card for me, this will be my very first.
Thank you.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
What the heck, I'll have a reading. The Occult is one of my favorite topics to research, and I know a little about Tarot (primarily the Major Arcana), but I've never had a reading done.

Hey there Xcalibur254 thank-you for taking part and being patient,

The Card Drawn For You Is - 2 of SWORDS


Well, some of you may have noticed that this card has already been drawn for someone else in the thread ... however a card will always have a slight difference in definition for each person (usually) ... even though the basic meaning of the card is the same. And this is just something that you learn to determine with time / practice / experience.

So, in this case the card still speaks of a difficult / important decision to be made and this decision may have been surrounded by a degree of conflict ... but there is a need for diplomacy.

The difference in your case is that whilst you may also feel torn in two ... you will have the advantage of something previously unknown coming to light which will make your final choice slightly easier to make. And any initial difficulty or hurt that you felt will heal quicker than you imagined.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Scully20
reply to post by woodwytch

Hey Woody. I would be so pleased if you would draw a card for me.

Thanks so much.

Hey there Scully20 ... time to draw your card,

The Card Drawn For You Is - 7 of SWORDS


Always be cautious because there is always the potential for dishonesty and deception in some areas of life. However, if you use your intellect / wit / charm you could gain an advantage that will allow you to present new ideas that could challenge old assumptions. Strategic planning and if / where necessary research will help you to succeed.

This could lead to achievements and the realization of a dream.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
Hey there again Woody, I'm in. Let's see what the oracle has to say for me.

~ Scribe

Scribe ... how the heck are you and where on earth have you been hiding ... I haven't seen you on the boards for ages

And I seriously can't believe that one of the most Occult savvy intellects I have ever met in both virtual and real worlds has asked me to draw a card for him ... I'm honoured

The Card Drawn For You Is - ACE of CUPS


Well what I get from this card is (as anyone can see from the illustration) 'your Cup overfloweth' ... however, I think the truth is more likely to be that at this moment in time your creativity may be eluding you and you might also be feeling a little drained of energy (physical and psychic) and the reason for this is either because you are trying to be too many things to too many people ... or ... you are retaining so much information that your brain is on overload.

Now, I know you can't completely forget things already learned ... but maybe you should learn to delegate your thoughts and deeds ... concentrate your efforts instead of trying to spread your mind and body to thinly ... if you dilute yourself too much you become weak ... and that is the last thing you should be doing.

Once you harness of the necessary energies and release the unnecessary deadwood ... then the Ace of Cups becomes your personal Grail (great card).


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Interesting. If you are kind enough to draw for me, I'd appreciate that.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Hey Wood can you draw one for me if you get a chance? Thanks

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Thanks for the compliments, and for drawing me a card, Woody. Much appreciated.

I've been scouring the boards, but haven't been participating too often on threads. Just keeping a keen eye on the patterns, adding to the "reef" and waiting to see where ATS consciousness is headed to. With the advent of Summer Solstice just around the corner, and energy on the rise I imagine that I will be more and more active on the boards until Autumnal Equinox sets in.

Spot on interpretation of the traditional meaning for the Ace of Cups. And, obviously, also pertinent to myself right now. Excluding the overload of information I'm taking in night-to-night by scouring the ATS boards, I have been stretching myself a bit thin when it comes to understanding "the big picture" lately.

Seeing as I have this weekend off from my job, and now taking your card into account, I think I will cast aside my spiritual obligations, and focus on relaxing and unwinding for a bit. Let the waters settle. That might be just the thing I need to set myself back on track.


Inspired by your thread here, I thought I would dust off my old deck too. Since you gave me a reading, I thought I might return the favor by giving you a reading as well. Hope you don't mind

I don't have visual images of my deck on my computer anywhere, but, being an experienced cartomancer yourself, I'm sure you'll know the cards with, or without a visual aid. For you I drew The Seven of Wands which is the Lord of Valour.

I draw my interpretations from the Theosophic Qabala, so, my apologies if that's not where your training comes from. In the Qabalist scheme the 7 of Wands refers to the powers of the sphere Netzach enabled by the spiritual plane Atziluth.

Netzach is the sphere of natural stimulation: it brings about happiness, joy, enthusiasm, and stronger, deeper connections with the people in our lives whom we value and keep in high regards. So, on one front keep an eye out for opportunities to spend time with friends, family, and loved ones. Make new friends, inspire people to advance in their own lives, and be a light to guide them through hard times. This energy will then be folded back into you (through the sphere of Hod) as wisdom, understanding, and new insights.

Atziluth is the plane of emanations, divine sparks, and subtle archetypal forms/forces. Netzach, being the realm of natural beauty, represents the gods of old: natural beings who operate through metaphorical actions (storm gods, crop deities, solar gods, etc). So, pay close attention to dreams, day-dreams, and impulses you experience in the coming few days. You may be in the process of uncovering what long-mysterious symbols in your life mean.

It's also a good time to prepare those Litha feasts... perchance the Pan and Cernunnos of our Great Forests will be joining you this mid-summer's eve.

Thanks again for the reading!

~ Scribe

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

If your still up for it I would like you to draw a card for me as I have never had this done before. I have to say your rather large thread on the troubles you and your friends were having with an 'entity' was the very thread that got me interested in ATS, so I am vaugely familiar with where your interests and knowledge lie.

Thanks in advance

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

here 2?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Please draw a card for me.
Thank you.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Hello again,

Very pleased that you have taken the advise of the card that came out for you ... and that you have decided to have a relaxing weekend ... you know as well as I do that sometimes we make our greatest spiritual breakthroughs when we are not actually looking for them ... so it may still turn out to be an eventful weekend

And thank-you so, so much for reading a card for me in return.

It is relevent to me and what's happening at the moment in general terms ... but I'm particularly interested in the latter part of the reading as there are a couple of signs from way back that I am still waiting to understand ... and because of other events / realizations that have occured recently there is a very big sense of 'being on the brink' of a vital understanding ... both on a personal level and relative to my view of the 'bigger picture'.

So that was an unexpected revelation for me ... very exciting

Maybe 'Litha' (Midsummer Solstice) is the key ?


edit on 18-6-2011 by woodwytch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Seeker7
Hi Woodwytch. S&F! . Thanks for the generous offer. Happiness to you. I have a great respect for and interest in the Tarot. Draw one for me also please, if you would. I'll let you know how it relates if it happens. Thank you so.

Hey there Seeker7,

The Card Drawn For You Is - STRENGTH


The strength card has also been drawn for someone else in the thread but in your case it speaks of having the strength to make important changes in your life that revolve around some kind of conflict ... and the conflict arises because of jealousy and mainipulation to the biggest degree.

What I'm not too sure about is whether you are the one who shows these traits and therefore needs to make changes within yourself because such character flaws will damage your relationships with others ... and obviously we need to acknowledge our faults before we can make things better ... so that would require Strength to do that.


Whether it is someone close to you who has these issues in which case you need Strength to make a tough decision to do something about it. Either way this card is saying that you do have the strength to take you that extra mile when necessary.


posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Hi Woodwytch. Thank you so much for drawing a card for me. STRENGTH: yes this does indeed relate to me. Unfortunately, there is a very powerful negitive, manipulating force in my life that MUST go. I have taken all steps possible to make this so and am now just waiting for my efforts to come to something. STRENGTH, and your interpretation of it confirms to me what I already reminds me of the situation I'm in and the need to maintain my stength to do what is right, when the time comes. I will; I know I will; I just need an opportunity to leave this situation.

I was hoping, really praying, that ANY card drawn for me would hold a promise that it was now nearly over; that the opportunity to do something about things is finally at hand...that the never-ending waiting and hoping is over: but it appears that I must wait some more; grin and bear; keep my chin up, just keep praying to Jesus etc. It's O.K. I'm strong enough...I've come this far, I'll wait for my time: which please, please God will be soon; but not my will but Yours be done.

Woodwytch- Here's to you friend. A very generous offer.
Thank you again for all your efforts.

God bless.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Seeker7
reply to post by woodwytch

Hi Woodwytch. Thank you so much for drawing a card for me. STRENGTH: yes this does indeed relate to me. Unfortunately, there is a very powerful negitive, manipulating force in my life that MUST go. I have taken all steps possible to make this so and am now just waiting for my efforts to come to something. STRENGTH, and your interpretation of it confirms to me what I already reminds me of the situation I'm in and the need to maintain my stength to do what is right, when the time comes. I will; I know I will; I just need an opportunity to leave this situation.

I was hoping, really praying, that ANY card drawn for me would hold a promise that it was now nearly over; that the opportunity to do something about things is finally at hand...that the never-ending waiting and hoping is over: but it appears that I must wait some more; grin and bear; keep my chin up, just keep praying to Jesus etc. It's O.K. I'm strong enough...I've come this far, I'll wait for my time: which please, please God will be soon; but not my will but Yours be done.

Woodwytch- Here's to you friend. A very generous offer.
Thank you again for all your efforts.

God bless.

I think I understand the area you are having difficulty with but I don't want to be presumptuous and I don't want to discus your personal life on a public board

Please feel free to contact me privately because if it's what I think then I have been there ... done that ... and come out the other end ... I might be able to give you some pointers or at least supportive words.


posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:42 AM
>>>Note To All

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:53 AM
Good Morning Woodwytch

I dont know if you missed my request for a reading, but I would sure like tohave one when you get the time. Im glad to see your computer virus is healed. Thank you in advance.

reply to post by woodwytch

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