posted on Dec, 18 2002 @ 01:54 PM
They attempt to blame Israel for all of thier woes. When in fact it was their own stupidity that cost them their country in the first place. Had
Palestine not aligned themselves with the Axis during WW2 we would not be having this conversation now.
Their side lost, as did many others during WW2, many other countries were disolved, borders changed, and entire nations obliterated. The same issues
that fuel this conflict are the fuel in Chechnya, the Slavic states and other eatern Euro countries that were changed after WW2.
The changes have been made and it is time to get over it already, its been 57 years folks since these changes were made. Thats longer than Palestine
was actually a country of its own. MOVE ON!!!
Its now Israel, just as it was in Antiquity and as it should be. The Palestinians are no more just as their country has been for 57 years. Find a
new place to live, become members of your new community and GET THE F**K OVER IT ALREADY!!!!!!