posted on Jul, 30 2002 @ 06:13 AM
There is only 1 democratia in this area. And it's Israel. All country arround Israel aren't democratic.
Those country do not care with the Palestinians peoples, TC has right.
They are pro-palestinians only for their own purposes.
That's why the former Jordania King fired almost all the Palestinians from his Kingdom. Don't tell me it's not true, I had a palestinian friend in
my former job, and he was coming from Jordania. I can't remember how many times he asked me why we were supporting Arafat. He knows that Arafat is an
Evil man who don't want peace. He knows that Palestinians & Jews will have peace ONLY when Arafat will be dead, or fired.
Israel gaves to palestinian authority all what they wanted to the Oslo Agreement.
But Arafat refused. he didn't accept coz he knew it was over for him.
Arafat isn't a democrat. This guy is the guy who did many terrorist attacks in 1970/1990.
If a peace agreement ( a real one ) is done with the Israelians, he will loose his power. But he want to keep it, at any prices. He don't care about
his own population. Arafat is a WarLord. And Warlords don't like peace. WarLords want the power !
The best things for the both side, it's firing Arafat. Palestinians needs a real democratic government.
In 1967, just after the " six days war ", Israel gaves back the Temple Mount to the Mosleems Authority. It was nice from them. They didn't have to
do it, but they did it.
Since 1948, Israel, this " little country with just 5 millions peoples " had to suffer many wars & attacks. Israel is the defender, do not forget
it. And before Israel, palestine was just an dry desert. Who did everything ? The Israelians...
Who can think that a 5 millions country want to do many wars with his numerous neighbors ? It's sound stupid, because it's stupid!
Until the middle-east nations will not be democratics, we will not have peace. It's not possible. Dictatorships & democratia don't do a good mix
It's not Israel who attacked them.Looks what's happened before. Egypt, Jordania, Syria did a coalition, and started a war against Israel when it was
Yom Kippour. For them, YK is Holly, like Ramadan for the Muslims. What will happened if Israel start a war against his neighbors when it's Ramadan ?
You can be sure, we will heard all the nations shouting against Israel. Israel is alone and fight for staying alive, is it so hard to understand ?
They are really lucky to have the A-bomb. They can protect themselves from their crazy neighbors.
And for your tax dollars, some of you are upset, coz your dollars have to go to Israel. Me, I'm upset because my Euros Tax have to go in Palestine,
to support their " Holly War ", their fuc=*] Djihad !!! Their terrorists acts against civililans.