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High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Observor

Originally posted by tooo many pills
It is one thing to use a false flag in the country you want to attack, but it’s a whole other story when you're power trppin’ so hard that your eyes turn red and devil horns poke out of your skull while you step up a fake attack to kill some innocent citizens from your own country just so you can go to war with another country. Killing your citizens on purpose then blaming it on another nation just so you can have a reason to drop thousands of bombs on them is just plain insanity. Who are these people?

I am not sure where the distinction comes from. I understand Westerners consider it acceptable to murder and plunder "others", but not "one's own", why do you think they consider everyone in the country "their own"? Why should they? They treat everyone that isn't one of them the same way as Westerners treat the rest of the world: that it is OK to lie to, cheat, murder or plunder for the benefit of the privileged.

you just make yourself look like a fool when you paint 300 million people with the same brush


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Umm, no they don't....they look like they are making perfect sense, and it shows.

You CAN paint with the same brush since the undercoat has already been applied...and dried up and hardened along time ago.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:27 PM
ashleyD I recently found this called the secert team by l. flethcer prouty an excia man it goes into great detail about the shadow government it came out in the seveties and the cia bought up all the copies and has been rewritten if you remove communist from and enbed terriosts you will see the same techniques it is a good resource i have read other post of yours just thought this would give you somemore info peace and love hawk the hippie man

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by binomialtheorem

Very insightful testimony from the marines.
As if the situation they are in isn’t bad enough they are then forced with huge moral dilemmas from their own side.
I am glad I don’t have to take them kinds of decisions, it must be morale and heart breaking to do so.


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
you just make yourself look like a fool when you paint 300 million people with the same brush


Actually the number is way more than 300 million, if you consider that I referred to Westerners and not just Americans and also not just those alive today.

But when banditry has been a habit for some "cultures" across generations for a few centuries, we would be fools not to notice it. Are all Westerners individually bandits? I don't know and I don't care. Are Western collectives called nations, bandits? The answer is a resounding, yes!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:38 PM

go america

good find op...

I cant wait... I guess I need to start exercising,,,,

Time to start studying and have some sort of degree... They will be recruiting former military to lead...

And you want to know why the majority will take being rehired...

1) the government will pay- it will be the only game in town

2) several have clearly stated that if they got the chance several of the leaders in the area would hate them

3)this is the most important point... They all said if the s hit the fan and I was in charge they would follow me... (not that I asked point blank or anything

(to tptb...

one former marine core sniper-
One army sniper- 82 era
one s and d- vietnam vet-
us coast gaurd- vietnam
one tank driver- iraq
one coreman- Afghanistan
one marine core paper pusher- war on terror)

not to mention Ill be recruiting pappy Boyington style (all have said yes... something about supporting the o-man)

this is just where I am at.... what about the rest of the country...

(Of note the new rulers have to have texas in the bag otherwise.... issues... over one third are from here...)

Those who read this just let your brain think over what I have said.... The secret to such a false flag result in a dictatorship is this...

they have to deploy forces and they will prep just before they do it... look over some of what I said....

For this to work you have to have the support not of the people but of eleven superstates with a few extra...

note governors not important other organizations may be substituted...

I have tried to keep this in the tone of the thread.... I see it being able to work... with Americans cheering...

the main thing is that it will not be the first false flag I feel like some else posted... it will be a flase flag first with mexico.... the terrorist (if not a combo)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by ObservorI understand Westerners consider it acceptable to murder and plunder "others", but not "one's own"
I get that feeling sometimes too. Drop weapons are a good example.

The newscasters seem mostly concerned about American lives lost in international incidents.

Right after the earthquake in Japan, I overheard a coworker who was watching the news say, "Who cares about Japan? What's going to happen to California?"

However, the US government has committed atrocities against American citizens. Yes, we think it's unacceptable. It's also out of our hands. These are the reasons the American public would rather not know about it. Really, if the people put 2 and 2 together, they get mad and go back to their regularly scheduled programming.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:55 PM
That's all well and good for those that need some piece of paper as proof.

But if one looks at the history of many of our wars, it's clearly apparent that we've been utilizing False Flag for some time now to incite wars for natural resources and profit.

The USS Maine in Havana Harbor - Spanish American war which granted the sugar cane and fruit industry to Dole.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident which was used to launch our official entry into the Vietnam war....where the CIA reaped profits from opium grown in the Golden Triangle countries of Vietnam,Cambodia & Laos.
Remember Air America ?

And the biggest false flag which occurred on 911 allowing us to occupy Afghanistan....which possesses some of the highest concentration of undeveloped natural Gas and OIL resources as well as Lithium.

As in Lithium Ion batteries, used in your laptop and in the new Chevy Volt.
Or as in Lithium used in drinking water to quell violent tendencies in our population ?

Oh, and need we forget the "Stan", as the world's leading producer of Opium Poppies in the world ...

As well as to why worldwide Heroin addiction is currently at an all time high and has been since we've occupied the "Stan".

And also as to why TPTB keep the economy in the dumps and unemployment at Great Depression levels to force the Nation's Poor into enlisting because there are no jobs to be had ?

Wait until the US Defaults on it's Debt and the Dollar becomes worthless.
We'll be lining up to enlist for those will be the only jobs in which to be had...

The Pentagon is already discussing allowing "Seniors" aged 55 and older into the military !

edit on 12-6-2011 by nh_ee because: Additions .....

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Hahah, wow. That tickles my fancy. We had a tow truck dragging it's crane on the road, tearing up the road making spark lanes 20ft long, a OFF DUTY police officer called it in from his car, but didn't care to follow the tow truck. Even the police chief on duty at the time said "No one cares anymore, about anything". So yeah you reminded me of that, and the fact that you said no one cares, well.. No one cares.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Observor

I am not sure where the distinction comes from. I understand Westerners consider it acceptable to murder and plunder "others", but not "one's own", why do you think they consider everyone in the country "their own"? Why should they? They treat everyone that isn't one of them the same way as Westerners treat the rest of the world: that it is OK to lie to, cheat, murder or plunder for the benefit of the privileged.

Sorry, I wasn't really trying to say either was okay because really stepping up a false flag in, let's say, Germany just so the U.S. and NATO can pin something on Iran isn't legit either. That is wrong too. I was just trying to point out that when we sacrifice our own to have a reason to kill on the other side of the world is just bloody insane.

It's like they are all saying, "What's a 1000 Americans when we could take the entire country of Iran and improve the future lives of all 300 million Americans and their oil needs?" Yeah, but you killed the people you are supposed to be protecting so you could kill more people...

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:36 PM
The myth of America is that we are somehow different than the rest...Maybe the hope was that finally "the people" had got control of the power and we decided specifically to drop out of the Empire game. Peace through strength...

But as seems to be the case throughout history the "organizing principle" of humankind is war, fear, and suffering. False Flags are old as dirt! The thing about them is that nobody likes being manipulated. To me it feels as though we are a nation of idiot mercenaries. For Sale the American Soldier. I pray there is a special place in hell for the masters of war.

The latest...No weapons of mass destruction. Iraq DID NOT attack the US on 9/11. Funny I heard on the news there will be an accelerated exit from Afghanistan. Got Bin Laden the boogie man cya!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Hey can you tell me how create a link to a song? I want that too!

edit on 12-6-2011 by dadgad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Rememberingthefallen
I cannot wait for the time when everyone in the world knows the truth that 9/11 was caused by our own damn government, and the people controlling the government.

I can't wait either.

My EX-wife told
me that what I was telling her and the kids
was an absolute lie and she didn't want
no part of it. She claimed there was no
way anybody in our gov could be that evil
to kill 3,000 innocent people.

when it is proved I was right.
I am gonna smear that chit right
in her face and inform her that she
should have listened to me.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Observor

Really? This is going to cause turmoil?

Really my Englisg isn't that bad. Now read what I wrote once more... You will see I do not say it will cause turmoil.
You got a star even lol.

reply to post by SelfSustainedLoner

I care... why wouldn't others. people used to fight for their ideals and freedoms... Yet when they now learn their government is king its own people they don't care ? What happened ?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by MaxNormal

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by MaxNormal

For the greater of whose good? Protect the world from insane people? How can you get more insane than the people planning this crap? All of this show what a bunch of loones have managed to get in control of the US government. Maybe you think its ok to lie, steal, murder, torture, do terrible experiments on american people for instance the MK Ultra scandal. Or radiate childrens brains the list goes on and on. It might be to your good but it definitely isn't good for the average American people.

No it is not good for the average american person, that is what I mean wehn I say think outside of the usa. There is a whole world out there. If a few of use have to suffer for the mass of the world to be better then so be it. You do not even stop to think about the rest of the world, the majority of the people on earth. If our gov is sooooo bad then imagine how bad the people they are trying to get rid of. The bad guys are a millino times worse and you do not want to be in a coutry they controll. Get out of your close minded idea that the usa is the world and what happens here is the only thing that matters. Ther are alot worse things out there, we started our stuff off of there results. They were doing horrible things to innocents way before any kind of us gov or even the usa existed. Again yeah it is for the greater good, the world thats the greater good. And yeah I would still feel the same if it was my family they used. Do you even know how many people are starving to death right now because of there bad guys in power? But you do not need to worry about that huh? You got a roof, power, food, and internet. So you can whine about the small slight things here and ignore the rest of the worlds plight. USA best place in the world at the best time. Love it or leave it. If we do not help the world who will? But you go ahead and jsut worry about what our gov does, and ignore the horrible people in other countries doing worse.

You are very very naive. You need to brush up on your history and calm down with the, bad guys are going to kill everyone, America will save the day routine.

America has done more harm to the world than any just about any other nation, when you consider some of the atrocites commited throughout history that is no mean feat.

America has starved hundreds of thousands of children to death, carpet bombed civilian city's, instigated innumerable regime changes, started illegal wars and the list goes on and on.

To suggest that the goverment is justified in harming it's own citizens, makes you a complete imbecile of the highest order.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by LestatG

I do not believe a soldier should have the luxury of pity for their moral dilemma. Nuremburg taught us, with a precedent, that "just following orders" is no excuse. All policies in the US are written to include the "open door policy", and "whistleblower" laws are in place.

If a soldier begins to believe that they are being given immoral or illegal orders, it is their duty to act. To not do so is cowardice. To take an order to do something you know is wrong, because you lacked the courage to say no (and live with the consequences) is cowardice.

"Rights" are endowed to each and every person. Natural law dictates and wills us certain rights. They can be taken away, though. It is up to us, as a civilization, to retain our rights.

We have historically done a piss poor job. After all these thousands of years we are no better off. Sure, we may not more sophisticated information, but we cannot think and we have only traded off information about nature for information about technology.

Like V said, we have not done a very good job for "the company". We are lazy, apathetic, and prone to mischief. Amaterasu has faith in humanity. I can't quite say that I do. Not that we are not 'good" by nature. But there are enough weak people to allow the stronger (and often more sociopathic) people to victimize them.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
If this doesn't cause turmoil you guys should quit making this site and accept that people just don't care IMO

:O from me.

This is the moment or there will never happen anything to make trhis world a better place.

well said. ABC reported on Operation Northwoods some weeks ago. Not that them reporting on it all of a sudden made it legitimate for me, but I saw it as a good opportunity to email the article to family and friends who need 'mainstream verification'. I'm always fascinated which informative emails of mine they respond to and which they don't. On smaller issues like North Dakota wanting to enact a state-run bank or a die-off of turtles, I get responses. But on something as ENORMOUS as a mainstream outlet reporting on our government's willingness to perform terrorist attacks on its own people, I get nothing. No response. Idiots. It really does come down to the simple fact that people don't want to change how they see things.

Here's the link to the ABC article, in case anybody wants to try the same experiment on their sheep friends/family...

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba

and here's a great quote from Michael Rivero of perfectly summing up why people don't rise up and often don't even care when hearing of information like this:

Most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by gentledissident

Originally posted by ObservorI understand Westerners consider it acceptable to murder and plunder "others", but not "one's own"
I get that feeling sometimes too. Drop weapons are a good example.

The newscasters seem mostly concerned about American lives lost in international incidents.

Right after the earthquake in Japan, I overheard a coworker who was watching the news say, "Who cares about Japan? What's going to happen to California?"

It is universal to be concerned first about one's own in actions not of one's doing. Life would be impossible if one were expected to show the same degree of empathy over eveyone that dies in an accident or natural distaster anywhere in the world, because at any given moment someone, somewhere is dying in an accident or natural disaster.

But it is an altogether different issue when harm happens to others directly because of one's actions. Westerners' believe that such harm is acceptable if the victim is the "other", but not "one's own". So a million dead Iraqis is "acceptable", but perhaps not a few thousand Americans.

However, the US government has committed atrocities against American citizens. Yes, we think it's unacceptable. It's also out of our hands. These are the reasons the American public would rather not know about it. Really, if the people put 2 and 2 together, they get mad and go back to their regularly scheduled programming.

Was there any other way it could have turned out? Why should those in power consider every American "one's own"? If they don't consider ordinary citizens "their own", what would the difference to them be between dead Iraqis and dead Americans who are not "their own"?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:43 PM
america has been using flag terror for a very long time probably since the beginning of WW2 (pearl harbor)..has anyone seen the documentary Hidden in Plain Sight..its about 911 but it references Chaney talking about how the only way to get America into a war is to have an attack on home soil just like pearl harbor? coincidence?

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
reply to post by Observor

I am not sure where the distinction comes from. I understand Westerners consider it acceptable to murder and plunder "others", but not "one's own", why do you think they consider everyone in the country "their own"? Why should they? They treat everyone that isn't one of them the same way as Westerners treat the rest of the world: that it is OK to lie to, cheat, murder or plunder for the benefit of the privileged.

Sorry, I wasn't really trying to say either was okay because really stepping up a false flag in, let's say, Germany just so the U.S. and NATO can pin something on Iran isn't legit either. That is wrong too. I was just trying to point out that when we sacrifice our own to have a reason to kill on the other side of the world is just bloody insane.

It might be, if they considered the dead their own. What if they don't? You don't care about the dead Iranians since they are not your own and they don't care about the dead Americans/Westerners that are not their own. Where is the insanity?

It's like they are all saying, "What's a 1000 Americans when we could take the entire country of Iran and improve the future lives of all 300 million Americans and their oil needs?" Yeah, but you killed the people you are supposed to be protecting so you could kill more people...

Why do you suppose they are there to protect the regular citizens?

Anyway, if they launched an invasion against Iran without any false flag operation against any Western targets pointing to Iran as they did in the case of Iraq, would you be OK with it, because it brings Iranian oil under US/Western control?

If yes, what about the US soldiers who are likely to die in the invasion? Aren't they your own? Why would you think it is OK for soldiers to die to grab oil, but not civilians?

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