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Old man disrespects Young guy and calls him a typical black punk

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posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:18 AM
The old man was way out of line. You don't start swearing at someone and then lay hands on him. He should have known better. Even if the kid was being a punk, he's older and should have handled that entirely differently. From the video, I'm thinking the old man is a retired Jar-head so thats to be expected. lol

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:19 AM

are you all serious

where in the vid does it say the dog crapped on his lawn?????

His problem isnt the crap its the fact there walking through, are people in America so greedy, selfish, possesive and small minded that they cant let people walk through their unfenced on a lake backyard??

Damn if this was in Oz or most places in the world people would wave at you and say hi.

Its more this sort of stuff than your politics that make most this world thank god were not an American.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

He is not a "blatant racist", give me break with that nonsense. Just because you have an issue with someone of a different race does not make you a racist.

No this video does not show the dog taking a crap in the old man's yard... but if you actually watch the video, that is what the old man is complaining about and the black guy admits his dog did it and that he will "walk his dog there" the next day. That is not racism, get over yourself and stop playing the race card. It makes no difference if you are black, white, billy goat or dog. Respect is respect and if your dog is on my property and takes a dump, clean up behind your dog or walk him in YOUR yard.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff

are you all serious

where in the vid does it say the dog crapped on his lawn?????

His problem isnt the crap its the fact there walking through, are people in America so greedy, selfish, possesive and small minded that they cant let people walk through their unfenced on a lake backyard??

Damn if this was in Oz or most places in the world people would wave at you and say hi.

Its more this sort of stuff than your politics that make most this world thank god were not an American.

It is not about being selfish, it is about having respect. You can walk through my yard if you want, but do not leave dog crap or trash in my yard while you do it. Leave my property the same way you found it.

I can not help but wonder if you would have the same opinion if I got drunk one night and took a dump in your yard. Would you then be happy to clean up my crap or would you tell me to not take a crap in your yard?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

OK I must have missed something

Ive watched the vid twice now and both times missed the part about where the dog craps on his lawn.
can someone please deny my ignorance and point that out coz if its true its a whole new kettle of fish.

I did not hear the old guy mention crap once.
From what I could gather he was upset about a kid walking his dog through his unfenced yard not crap being left there

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I'm just returning to the U.S., after being gone for more than 15 years. I've learned in the short time that I've been back that the person walking through my yard could be looking to steal my stuff or vandalize my property. Unfortunately, most people are not, but they are denied access because of it. By the time a person reaches my house from any direction, they have walked through a few acres of no trespassing signs.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

He is not a "blatant racist", give me break with that nonsense. Just because you have an issue with someone of a different race does not make you a racist.

I agree totally but when you insult someone and make a racial slur I and most people would consider that racist.
Why didnt he just stop at young disrespectful punk? because to him calling someone black is insulting.

Trust me dude I hate political correctness in all forms and misplaced calls of racism or sexism make my blood boil but in this instance I think its pretty obvious the guys a racist.

Im still waiting to hear where the dog crap part is, would you be so kind as to point it out coz if its true then yes the kids a punk

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:33 AM
LOL that was crazy...... well my 2 cent is both were on the wrong but more towards the older guy because the black kid walked on his property from what we witness in the video but we dont know the whole story, we dont know if this kid does that all the time, we dont know nothing at all expect what we see in the video so all you people who assuming are just a$$holes, but I clearly see what the black kid was doing with him, he was just messing with the old guy, How many of us done something like that to someone? hell, I do it to people who come at me wrong, to lighten up the mood for myself.

Some of you may think the kid was the one who was starting things up and some of you dont but at the end of the video, the old guy went over the line when he told him to get away from his face,area,etc,etc when they wasnt even on his property, Who is he to tell someone get fk out? when clearly he has no right at all. If he didnt want the kid being around him, Why dont he just move? some of you say they were there first or whatever the case may be but that doesnt matter at all, if they there first,2nd or last. you move yourself away from whatever you dont like when its not on your rightful private property, its simple as that.

Also, he pushed it even more when he laid his hands on the kid, thats very rude and disrespectful, of course the kid is going to act like that, Wouldnt you? I know I would have if I was touched/pushed, thats the last thing you should do to a person, esp. to a male. The kid had every right to snap on him at the end. You touch someone the wrong way, you will pay the price, its that simple......... everything was fine until that happened. So remember little kids, If you lay your hands on someone, You might get your ass beaten..

Add: the guy isnt racist, he just prejudice and he should have thought about it before even saying it... "punk black" ? its "black punk". As soon as he mentioned race, He showed his colors. In an "serious" argument you dont just come out mentioning you white a$$hole,spanish prick, or whatever slurs it is, That may only mean thats who you really are.
edit on 11-6-2011 by MilzGatez because: to add

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

When you are "walking your dog" you are not walking your dog for exercise. You "walk your dog" cause he needs to go outside and do his business. That is what "walking your dog" means in the US and that is what starts this video.

The oild man does not say a word to the young man. The young man starts the conversation by asking, "Are you the guy who flipped me off?" and the old man says yes he did and that the young guy has no business walking his dog on other people's property...and the old man is RIGHT.

You, as an individual, have no business being on anyone else's property that is not your own. As a land owner, that his right. He does not have to allow people onto his property. It makes no difference why he feels that way, it is his property and that his choice. I wouldn't walk on your property without being invited, so why should I allow you to be on my property without being invited?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by tamusan

Sorry if I gave the impression they should be noisy or rude.
I was actually implying the opposite, they should be very polite and respectful and do it during the day on the weekend finishing before dark with no booze or loud music.
Just making sure they stay between the old dudes property and the lake just never getting further than 10ft from the shore

In other words do nothing that a sane well balanced person could complain about

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:38 AM
This site is full of racist.

You guys talk about respect yet the old white man was cursing in front of a child.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:40 AM
I walk my dogs because they enjoy it and its a good way for them to release energy. Not so they can take a #.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by MrWendal

He is not a "blatant racist", give me break with that nonsense. Just because you have an issue with someone of a different race does not make you a racist.

I agree totally but when you insult someone and make a racial slur I and most people would consider that racist.
Why didnt he just stop at young disrespectful punk? because to him calling someone black is insulting.

Trust me dude I hate political correctness in all forms and misplaced calls of racism or sexism make my blood boil but in this instance I think its pretty obvious the guys a racist.

Im still waiting to hear where the dog crap part is, would you be so kind as to point it out coz if its true then yes the kids a punk

Just because he added the word "black" still does not make him a racist.

There is a certain attitude that comes from young black men in this country. The honestly believe that everyone who disagrees with them is automatically a racist, because they are always right. It is called playing the race card and I see it on a daily basis.

The young man is being a "typical black punk". He is standing there flaunting his sense of entitlement, like the whole world owes him something and he can do whatever he wants regardless of how others feel about it. Sorry, but the way I see it... that makes him the same "typical black punk" that I see from the gangster wannabe's who walk around my neighborhood and get mad at people who do not drive their car into oncoming traffic just because they would rather walk in the street instead of on the sidewalk where they should be. If that makes me a "racist" I will wear that badge proudly and with honor.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:44 AM
This site is definitely full of white nationalist.

You consider giving a guy a middle finger, who is from out of town[so doesn't know the proper] polite?
He flips off a guy, basically calls him the n word[when the guy is obviously mixed], curses him out in front of a child and then gets in his face?

No offense, I respect my elders but if someone did that to me I would punch them dead in the nose.

The guy obviously isn't from there you idiots so he doesn't know the boundaries.
Why would he call him a "typical black punk".
He must think most black males are punks, which in itself is racist.

Most people will try to rationalize any form of racism against blacks as if it's not a big deal.
edit on 11-6-2011 by DuceizBack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
This site is full of racist.

You guys talk about respect yet the old white man was cursing in front of a child.

HAHAHA that is far from a child...get real.

A Child is 8,9, 10 years old. The young man in the video is anywhere between 16-19..unless he is one HUGE 10 year old. Sorry but that is a far cry from a "child"

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
This site is definitely full of white nationalist.

You consider giving a guy a middle finger, who is from out of town[so doesn't know the proper] polite?
He flips off a guy, basically calls him the n word[when the guy is obviously mixed], curses him out in front of a child and then gets in his face?

No offense, I respect my elders but if someone did that to me I would punch them dead in the nose.

The guy obviously isn't from there you idiots so he doesn't know the boundaries.
Why would he call him a "typical black punk".
He must think most black males are punks, which in itself is racist.

Most people will try to rationalize any form of racism against blacks as if it's not a big deal.
edit on 11-6-2011 by DuceizBack because: (no reason given)

BS!! The guy admits he lives down the street, he is from there

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

Dude just rewatched it A 3RD TIME and no where does it mention the dog crapping, Im pretty certain from the way the olddude carried on he would have mentioned the crap.

I can understand if someone jumps over a fence to get in your property but this guy was just walking his dog around a lake for heavens sake!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously in any other country Ive ever been to or lived in that sort of thing (walking your dog around a lake) even if the lake touches on your property people would be friendly not confrontational.

Once again thank god Im not an American

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by DuceizBack

And the black thug was really teaching the child a lesson in manners and decorum???? Typical enabler, givce it a rest.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by DuceizBack
This site is full of racist.

You guys talk about respect yet the old white man was cursing in front of a child.

HAHAHA that is far from a child...get real.

A Child is 8,9, 10 years old. The young man in the video is anywhere between 16-19..unless he is one HUGE 10 year old. Sorry but that is a far cry from a "child"

Hmm guy...... There was a young black female child , she just wasnt in the video as much but you could see her for a few second in that video....... come on again......

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:47 AM

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