reply to post by SLAYER69
Nice work, Slayer. S+F
This story goes on and on throughout history;
The dumbing down of humanity through monopolizing knowledge.
Those in power take what they want and destroy the rest.
...and still we wonder how they could make such an advanced machine as the
Antikythera astronomical
clock 2000 years ago?
I recently saw a french documentary on norwegian television about how the Polynesians conquered the entire Pacific with their ocean going ships.
Translated from the french page...
Documentary Olivier Comte and Helena Constanty (France, 2009). 55 min. Unpublished. The Polynesians have long been victims of a denial of history.
These primitive men, assured the European missionaries of the eighteenth century could not have a civilization based on purpose on several islands
separated by thousands of miles. The hypothesis to hold, they say, was that of poor fishermen lost drifting at random winds, from island to island.
Symbol of impotence: the canoes used by the people of Hawaii or Easter Island. These boats - too fragile, in the West, to tackle the high seas - were
burned to suffocate the pride that could sense the natives for their maritime past.
The documentary describes how the first to discover the Polynesian islands described their different kinds of canoes, from the small ones to the large
seagoing double canoes, by which they were able to travel everywhere in and around the Pacific. Their large double canoes was their freedom and the
early missionarys in the 1800's felt their freedom as a threat to their religious teachings and therefore destroyed all the sea going vessels
everywhere and on every island throughout the Pacific. Now the Polynesians couldn't go anywhere and were totally under the colonists/missionarys
power. This was perfectly fitted to the western view of the Polynesians as dumb and that they only had reached the Polynesian islands by accident,
drifting at random by wind and current. The true history, that they navigated everywhere throughout the Pacific at will was destroyed by destroying
their ships and the knowledge that was inherited from generation to generation.
The canoe, however, is central to the history of Polynesia. Some anthropologists and European sailors of the twentieth century, less puffy
certainty that their ancestors, have recreated the canoes of the past to prove that it was possible to cross without map or compass, the largest of
the oceans. Illuminated by the sun of the Pacific, the movie built around archival footage of meetings with scientists and eyewitnesses, can trace
this epic maritime, scientific and, above all, human.
Luckily, there has been some people that have worked to rediscover their art of ship building and navigation to prove their true history and
I haven't found the documentary narrated in english, but most of the interviewed speeks in english and french. The french page holds only the text
about the
French television page
Here is the documentary in
norwegian narrative (but with interviews in english and french).
Here is an interesting site
Yes, this is repeated again and again throughout history;
You conquer a people by removing their knowledge and history. Sad but it's still going on around the world. Send in the missionaries, give the people
modern items and medicine so they forget how to make their own.
Regarding this, some years ago I saw another documentary about a norwegian family that moved to (I believe it was either Mali or Niger). They was
determined to learn the old traditions of growing the local plants in the desert and to re-teach the locals how to use and live from their own plants.
They was very successful and the whole area where they lived went from desert to green and the people had the food they needed just by growing their
own native plants. This went on until a western aid organisation visited that area and made a film from the area. They filmed kids, sick from malaria
on a hospital and told the people that saw the movie that they was starving and there was a great famine in the area. To undermine their famine
perception they included an image of a dead cow near a village and told that there was a big drought that was the cause of this catastophe. Nothing of
this was true, but the film was sent in all major news channels and the organisation received enormous sums of money. In return they shipped large
amounts of grain everywhere to this area. What happened was that everyone received bags of wheat to last a couple of years, and noone bothered to
harvest seeds from their native plants to sow for the next year. The result was that all the work that they had invested into farming and maintaining
a good food production was destroyed by the food aid. And when the wheat was eaten they had no farmed plants left and they had a severe famine for
The norwegian family was angry about how the aid industry could ruin and destroy old inherited knowledge and traditions by firstly producing a story
about a famine that wasn't real and second by destroying local farming by shipping large quanities of wheat to the farmers and population. I have
never thought of this in this way before, but I have learned much from it. This is how we have destroyed many cultures by just being helpful in our
own ways.
Remove a people from their history, traditions and knowledge and they are conquered and ready to be formed in our image. It's just the same technique
that is used to train special forces. Break them down and remove all their previous traces of self and then you can build them up in your image. This
method has been used with success all throughout history and it never fails. ORDO AB CHAO sounds familiar???