posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:14 AM
Originally posted by stirling
Dont know if its been mentioned but there could be robotic explorers who do the actual wandering while the builders perhaps more frail stay home...
There are reports of machine like beings One guy was stck all night in a tree while alien robots tried to get him.
Also there was those strange looking beings that Kentucky family shot to hell one night....
Corso says the greys are biological constructs who are virtusl robots with autonomy for exploration.
If true it may explain this rumoured big deal about souls....
Here's another hypothetical reasoning.
Any extraterrestrial civilization advanced enough has learned to master genetic engineering.
I'm basing this thought on that life - as we know it - consist of some type of DNA structure, and DNA is nothing but a software that can be
We've been dabbling with genetic engineering for about half a century, and we can already do some amazing things.
Imagine a civilization 10,000 or 20,000 years ahead of us in genetic engineering. Could we even imagine what they're capable of? I'd say not. But
giving it a try, I'd say they could develop just about any type of DNA based organism, they could probably improve on the software, create new types
of DNA and thereby develop new types of 'life'. If they need more intelligence in order to invest new domains of understanding, they could increase
their intelligence. If they need scales to adapt to climatic conditions, they could grow scales.
What I'm driving at here is that with this type of controlled evolution at your disposal, the whole idea of race becomes futile and outmoded.
Our idea of species and identity is basically tribal, being human is a simply a matter of physical aspects. We would never dream of holding on to an
outdated computer operating system if we can replace it with a more performant one, and in that sense we will one day have to give up on our humanity
for our ambitions in the evolutionary quest.
In that sense, there is no 'us and them'. No Reptilians and Nordics, just different stages in evolutionary processes.
edit on 5-7-2011 by
Heliocentric because: through the fingerprints on my window- cloudless blue sky.